
news/2025/3/20 21:54:31/


摘 要


关键词 电子万年历;单片机;温度传感器;时钟;数码显示


Electronic perpetual calendar which is an application of the single-chip processor system, is utilized by combining hardware and software. And Hardware is composed of five modules: Main control unit, clock circuit, temperature test circuit, display circuit, keyboard interface. Main control board adopts AT89S52, clock circuit adopts the DS1302 clock chip, display module adopts the LED digital tube, and temperature test adopts the DS18B20 temperature sensor, keyboard interface circuit is completed by connecting ordinary button with pull-up resistor. Software takes advantage of C to program, so as to realize the programmed control of single-chip processor. Single-chip processor gets the time data through using the DS1302 clock chip. The DS18B20 gathers temperature signals and transmits them to single-chip processor. Then, single-chip processor transmits the time data and the temperature data to the 74LS154 decoder. Lastly, the LED displays solar calendar year, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, alarm clock, week and temperature with being enlarged and driven by the C9015 triode.

Keywords: Electronic perpetual calendar; single-chip processor; temperature sensor; clock; digital display




本设计是51单片机的电子钟万年历LCD1602显示(proteus仿真程序报告器件清单) 仿真图proteus 7.8 程序编译器:keil 4/keil 5 编程语言:C语言 编号C0002 资料文件下载链接: //https://docs.qq.com/doc/DS1NveWlLc0VXbGlI…

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