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IDE:集成开发环境/集成驱动电子 (IDE: Integrated Development Environment/ Integrated Drive Electronics)

1)IDE:集成开发环境 (1) IDE: Integrated Development Environment)

IDE is an abbreviation of the Integrated Development Environment. It is an environment of programming that comprises many tools in a single collection such as code editor, compiler, debugger and what you see is what you get (WYCIWYG). It is as a point of fact an application of the software that makes available for using inclusive services for software development to computer programmers. All the fundamental tools that developers are required to write or test software is incorporated by IDE. This kind of environment enables an application developer to write code during compiling, debugging and implementing it in the same region. The IDE can be a standalone application or a segment of one or more than one reconcilable applications.

IDE是Integrated Development Environment的缩写 。 它是一种编程环境,在一个集合中包含许多工具,例如代码编辑器,编译器,调试器,以及所见即所得(WYCIWYG)。 实际上,这是该软件的应用程序,可供计算机程序员使用包容性服务进行软件开发。 IDE集成了开发人员编写或测试软件所需的所有基本工具。 这种环境使应用程序开发人员可以在同一区域内的编译,调试和实现过程中编写代码。 IDE可以是独立的应用程序,也可以是一个或多个可协调应用程序的一部分。

For example,


To develop .NET applications, the IDE which is used is Microsoft Visual Studio and to develop Java Application, the IDEs which are used are Eclipse, NetBeans, MyEclipse, BlueJ, JDeveloper, RSA, etc.

要开发.NET应用程序,使用的IDE是Microsoft Visual Studio,而要开发Java应用程序,使用的IDE是Eclipse,NetBeans,MyEclipse,BlueJ,JDeveloper,RSA等。

IDE full form

使用IDE的好处 (Benefits of using IDE)

  1. Less time and effort:


    The tools and features of IDE are given to a user to manage resources, prevent mistakes, and provide shortcuts, which makes development faster and simpler.


  2. Enforce project or company standards:


    A programmers will stick to a standard way of doing things or the standards can be additionally enforced if the IDE eludes predefined templates and many other services.


  3. Project management:


    Firstly through documentation tools either automate the entry of developer comments or secondly simply by having a visual presentation of resources; it should be a lot easier to know how an application is set out.

    首先,通过文档工具可以自动输入开发人员的评论,其次可以通过直观地显示资源来实现。 知道如何设置应用程序应该容易得多。

2)IDE:集成驱动电子 (2) IDE: Integrated Drive Electronics)

IDE is also an abbreviation of Integrated Drive Electronics. It is a quality interface used for linking the connectivity of motherboard to storage devices like Hard Discs, CD-ROM/ DVD Drives, HDD, etc. IDE enables drivers to directly link the connection to the controller or motherboard as its controllers are found on each drive and that is the reason it is distinct from SCSI and ESDI. In the beginning, the first IDE had a 16-bit interface that links the connection to a single ribbon cable of two devices.

IDE也是Integrated Drive Electronics的缩写 。 这是一个高质量的接口,用于将母板与存储设备(如硬盘,CD-ROM / DVD驱动器,HDD等)的连接链接起来。IDE使驱动程序可以将连接直接链接到控制器或母板,因为每个控制器上都有其控制器。驱动器,这就是它不同于SCSI和ESDI的原因。 最初,第一个IDE具有16位接口,该接口将连接链接到两个设备的一条带状电缆。

IDE was chosen to acquire as a level of quality by ANSI and called it as Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA).


In 1994, the first IDE standard was launched, which could keep up data transfer rates of 8.3 Mbps. In 1996, Extended IDE was caused to conform to a standard that could keep up data transfer rates of 16.7 Mbps.

1994年,第一个IDE标准发布,该标准可以使数据传输速率保持8.3 Mbps。 在1996年,扩展IDE被要求符合可以保持16.7 Mbps数据传输速率的标准。





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