如何离线播放Windows 10 Store游戏

news/2024/10/23 9:25:35/

Until recently, Windows 10 store games could only be played when connected to the internet. Microsoft has thankfully changed this, but as usual, they had to make things complicated: You can only have one “designated offline device” at a time.

直到最近,Windows 10商店游戏只能在连接到互联网后才能玩。 幸运的是,微软已经改变了这一点,但与往常一样,它们不得不使事情变得复杂:您一次只能拥有一个“指定的脱机设备”。

如何设置指定的脱机设备 (How to Set Your Designated Offline Device)

If you have multiple Windows 10 devices, you’ll need to mark a single one as your “designated offline device” while online before you can play games.

如果您有多个Windows 10设备,则在在线游戏之前,需要将一个设备标记为“指定的脱机设备”。

Warning: You can only change your designated offline device three times a year. For comparison, Steam doesn’t restrict you to a single offline device at all, and there’s certainly no yearly limit to your gaming PCs. This is yet another good reason to avoid buying games on the Windows Store if possible.

警告:您一年只能更改三次您指定的离线设备。 为了进行比较,Steam完全没有限制您使用单个脱机设备,并且您的游戏PC当然没有年度限制。 如果可能的话,这是避免在Windows Store上购买游戏的另一个很好的理由。

To change your designated offline device, open the Store app, click your profile picture icon, and select “Settings”.


Scroll down to the “Offline Permissions” section and ensure the “Make this PC the one I use to run some games or apps that have limited licenses, even when I’m offline” slider is set to “On”.


Change the setting once and you’ll be informed that you can only change the setting 2 more times in the next 365 days.


设置游戏 (Set Up Your Games)

You’ll now want to set up your games so they’ll perform offline. Not every game supports offline play, but most games in the Store do. Any network multiplayer features won’t be functional and score leaderboards won’t be available, but any in-game achievements you earn will be granted to you the next time you connect to Xbox Live on that device. The achievement popups won’t actually appear until you connect to the Internet once again.

现在,您需要设置游戏,使其离线运行。 并非每个游戏都支持离线游戏,但商店中的大多数游戏都支持。 任何网络多人游戏功能都将无法使用,并且得分排行榜将不可用,但是您下次获得的游戏内成就将在您下次在该设备上连接Xbox Live时授予您。 直到您再次连接到Internet,成就弹出窗口才会真正出现。

To ensure a game will run offline, install that game and then launch it while connected to the Internet. The game will set itself up, acquire any necessary license information, and download any data it needs to function.

为确保游戏可以脱机运行,请安装该游戏,然后在连接到Internet时启动它。 游戏将自行设置,获取任何必要的许可信息,并下载其运行所需的任何数据。

To confirm a game will actually function when you’re offline, you can temporarily disable your Internet connection. Close the game and head to Settings >  Network & Internet > Airplane Mode. Either enable “Airplane Mode” or disable the “Wi-Fi” slider to disable your wireless Internet connection.

为确认游戏在离线状态下是否能正常运行,您可以暂时禁用Internet连接。 关闭游戏,然后转到“设置”>“网络和Internet”>“飞行模式”。 启用“飞行模式”或禁用“ Wi-Fi”滑块以禁用无线Internet连接。

Attempt to launch the game while you’re offline and see if it functions. If it does, you’re good to go. You can take your computer somewhere without an Internet connection and continue playing games normally.

离线时尝试启动游戏,然后查看其是否正常运行。 如果是这样,那您就很好。 您可以将计算机放在没有Internet连接的地方,然后继续正常玩游戏。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/280448/how-to-play-windows-10-store-games-offline/




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