USC ECG Learning Center/ ECG Glossary

news/2024/10/21 19:35:40/
ECG Glossary                    -----------------ECG 术语

Click to jump directly to one of the following categories:     ----------------点击链接直接跳至某一类型:      

Features of Normal ECGs                ----------------正常ECG特征
Atrial Rhythms                         ------------------房性节律
Ventricular Rhythms           --------------------室性节律
P Wave Abnormalities            ----------------P 波异常
AV Conduction Abnormalities        -------------房-室传导异常
Intraventricular Conduction Defects     --------心室内传导缺陷
Abnormalities of QRS Voltage  -----------QRS电压异常
Abnormalities of QRS Axis    ---------------QRS电轴异常
Ventricular Hypertrophy     -------------心室肥大
Myocardial Infarction (MI)    ------------心肌梗死
QT Interval Abnormalities     -----------QT间期异常
Clinical Disorders               ---------------临床上的紊乱(失调)

Features of Normal ECGs       ---------正常ECG特征
P wave
  • Duration: 80-110ms
  • Morphology: Upright in I, II; upright or inverted in aVF; inverted or biphasic in III, aVL, V1, V2.
  • Amplitude: <2.5mm
  • In lead V1, positive deflection <1.5mm and negative deflection <1mm

--------P波时限80——110ms,形态 I,II 导联直立,aVF直立或倒置;III,aVL,V1,V2倒置或双相。幅度小于2.5mm,在V1导正向偏差小于1.5mm,负向偏差小于1mm。


PR interval    --------PR间期 120——200ms
  • Duration 120-200ms
QRS complex  ------------QRS复合波 时限60——100 ms,电轴-30——+90 deg,正常Q波,波形小,在大多数导联时限小于40ms,高度小于2mm。
  • Duration 60-100ms
  • Axis: -30&deg to +90&deg
  • Normal Q waves: small (<40ms in duration and <2mm in height, in most leads)
ST segment    --------------ST段 通常等电位(水平),但是可能会有大约1mm向上或向下的变异。
  • Usually isoelectric (flat) but may vary by approximately 1mm above or below.
T wave  --------------T波 形态 I,II,V3——V6直立。aVR和V1倒置,其他导联可能直立,水平或双相。幅度 肢体导联通常小于6mm,胸导联小于10mm。
  • Morphology: Upright in I, II, V3-V6. Inverted in aVR and V1. Maybe be upright, flat, or biphasic in other leads.
  • Amplitude: Usually <6mm (limb leads) or <10mm (precordial leads)
QT interval -----------QT间期,校正的QT间期(QTc)时限300——460 ms,计算QTc的Bazett 公式。
  • Corrected QT interval (QTc) duration: 300-460ms
  • To calculate QTc: QTc = QT/sqrt(RR interval)

Atrial Rhythms  --------------房性节律
Sinus rhythm    -----------------窦性节律
  • Normal P wave morphology and axis              -----------P波形态和P波电轴正常
  • Every P wave is followed by a QRS complex, and vice-versa     ----------每个P波后跟一个QRS波,反之亦然
  • Atrial rate is 60-100 bpm and regular        --------------------房率60——100 bpm 且规整
Sinus arrythmia    -------------窦性心律不齐
  • Normal P wave morphology and axis    ---------P波形态和P波电轴正常
  • Gradual change in PP interval         ---------------PP间期缓慢变化
  • Longest and shortest PP intervals vary by >160ms or 10%   -----------最长和最短PP间期差别大于160ms 或 10%
Sinus bradycardia   -----------窦性心动过缓,P波正常,心率小于60bpm
  • Normal P wave 
  • Rate <60 bpm
Sinus tachycardia   -------窦性心动过速, P波正常,心率大于100bpm
  • Normal P wave
  • Rate >100 bpm
Atrial premature complexes (APC)   ----------房性早搏
  • Conducted: Abnormal P wave that is premature relative to normal PP interval, and QRS complex is similar in morphology to QRS complex present during sinus rhythm.   -------下传:异常P波相对于正常PP间期提早发生,并且QRS形态与窦性节律QRS形态相似。
  • Non-conducted: Premature and abnormal P wave that is not followed by a QRS complex.


  • With aberrant intraventricular conduction: Premature P wave followed by a QRS with abnormal morphology.
Atrial tachycardia  ----------房性心动过速
  • P wave axis or morphology different from sinus node  ----------P波电轴或形态与激动起源于窦房结的P波不同
  • Three or more beats in succession at a rate of 100-180 bpm (up to 240)  -------三个以上(含三个)连续心拍速率100——180bpm(最高可达240bpm)
  • Regular rhythm ------节律规整
  • Normal QRS follows each P wave ------每个P波后跟正常QRS波


Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) -------------室上性心动过速 
  • Regular rhythm, rate >100 bpm 
  • P wave not easily identified        -------------节律规整,心率大于100bpm,P波不容易识别


Atrial flutter     ---------房扑
  • Rapid regular atrial undulations at 240-340 per minute  -----------快速规则的心房波动,速率每分钟240——340次
  • Typical atrial flutter morphology usually present in the inferior leads II, III, and aVF (”sawtooth” appearance)  -------典型的心房扑动形态常常在下壁导联II,III,aVF出现。(“锯齿形”)
  • QRS complex may be normal or aberrant    -------------QRS波群可正常或异常


Atrial fibrillation    --------------房颤 
  • P waves absent         ---------P波消失
  • Atrial activity is totally irregular, causing random oscillation of the baseline. ------------心房活动完全不规则,导致基线的随机振动
  • Ventricular rhythm is irregular.   --------心室节律不规整


Ventricular Rhythms  ----------------室性节律
Ventricular premature complexes (PVC)    -----------室早
  • Uniform: A wide QRS complex that is premature relative to the normal RR interval and not preceded by a P wave; morphology of VPC’s is the same.


  • Multiform: VPC’s with >1 morphology    -------多形:室早心拍的形态大于一种


Ventricular tachycardia  ----------室性心动过速
  • Succession of 3 or more premature ventricular beats at a rate of >100 per minute.  -------连续三个以上(含三个)室性早搏拍,速率大于100 /min
  • RR interval is usually regular but may be slightly irregular at its initiation.  -----------RR间期通常规则,但是在室速发生一开始轻微的不规整


Ventricular fibrillation  -------室颤:快速,不规则,混沌的心室节律,基线波动,没有明显的QRS波
  • Rapid, irregular, and chaotic ventricular rhythm with undulating baseline and no distinct QRS complexes.


P wave abnormalities ------------------------P波异常
Left atrial enlargement         ------------------左心房扩大
  • In lead V1, biphasic P wave with a large and wide terminal portion (1 box wide and 1 box deep).
  • In lead II, a humped P wave with >40ms between the first and second atrial components (humps).

--------在V1导联,P波双相,终末部分大且宽(一个方格宽 和 一个方格深)

--------在II导联,P波呈驼峰状,心房构成的第一部分和第二部分之间相距大于40 ms( 前半部分代表右心房,后半部分代表左心房)


Right atrial enlargement  ---------------------右心房扩大
  • Biphasic P wave in lead V1, with the first (positive) component larger than the second (negative), or


  • P wave height larger than 2.5mm in any limb lead        ------------P波高度在任何一个肢体导联大于 2.5 mm,(I,II,III,aVR,aVL,aVF)


AV Conduction Abnormalities       ----------------------------房室传导异常
AV block, 1st degree (1&deg)        -----------------------房室阻滞,一度
  • PR interval >200ms (may be as long as 800ms)   ------PR间期 大于200ms ( 可能长达800 ms)
  • Each P wave followed by a QRS complex.  ------------每个P波后跟一个QRS波


AV block, 2nd degree (2°) - Mobitz type I (Wenckebach)      ----------房室阻滞,2 度——Mobitz  I 型(Wenckebach)
  • Progressive prolongation of the PR interval and shortening of the RR interval until a P wave is blocked (i.e. not followed by a QRS complex)       ---------------PR间期递增性的延长,RR间期缩短直到一个P波阻滞(即后面未跟一个QRS波)


AV block, 2nd degree (2°)- Mobitz type II
  • Regular sinus or atrial rhythm with intermittent nonconducted P waves    -----规则的窦性或房性节律伴随间歇性的未下传P波
  • PR intervals in the conducted beats are constant.      --------下传心拍的PR间期不变


AV block, 2:1         -----------房室阻滞,2比1
  • Regular sinus or atrial rhythm with two P waves for each QRS complex (i.e. every otehr P wave is nonconducted)
  • Note: Can be Mobitz type I or II 2nd degree AV block.

---------规则的窦性或房性节律,每个QRS波前有两个P波(即 每隔一个P波出现一个未下传P波)

---------注意:可以是Mobitz I 型 或是 Mobitz II 型 2 度房室阻滞


AV block, 3rd degree (3&deg)  -----------房室阻滞, 三度
  • Atrial and ventricular rhythms are independent of each other.  ----------心房和心室节律彼此独立
  • Atrial rate is usually faster than the ventricular rate.      -------------房率一般比室率快


Intraventricular conduction defects          --------心室内传导缺陷
Left bundle branch block (LBBB)            ------------------左束支阻滞
  • Prolonged QRS duration (>120 ms)     ----------------QRS 时限延长( 大于120 ms)
  • Broad R waves in leads V5 and V6 that are usually notched or    ----------V5 和V6导联R波宽,常有切迹,或者
  • Dominant S wave (either rS or QS) in V1 and/or V2      -------------V1 和/或V2 S波为主( rS型或QS型)
  • Note:     --------注意:
    • LBBB interferes with determination of QRS axis and ECG diagnoses of ventricular hypertrophy and acute MI. 

 ------------左束支阻滞 会干扰 QRS电轴的确定 和 心室肥大和急性心梗的诊断。


Right bundle branch block (RBBB)           -------------右束支阻滞
  • Prolonged QRS duration (>120 ms)      -------------QRS时限延长 ( 大于120 ms )
  • Secondary R wave (R’) in leads V1 and V2, with R’ usually taller than the initial R wave.  -------V1和V2导有R' 波,R' 波常高于起始R波 
  • Wide S wave in lead 1   -----------------------导联1  有 宽S 波    ( 到底是那个导联??)
  • Note:  -----------注意:
  • RBBB does not interfere with the ECG diagnosis of ventricular hypertrophy of acute MI.  --------右束支阻滞不影响心室肥大和急性心梗的诊断
  • In RBBB, mean QRS axis is determined by the initial unblocked 60-80ms of the QRS, and it should be normal unless left fascicular blocks are present.      ----------右束支阻滞心电图,平均QRS电轴通过起始无阻滞的60—80ms的QRS波确定,QRS电轴应该是正常的,除非存在左侧分支阻滞。


Abnormalities of QRS voltage ---------------QRS电压异常
Low voltage         --------------低电压
  • Limb leads only: Amplitude of the entire QRS complex (R+S) <5mm in all limb leads. ---------仅肢体导联:在全部肢体导联整个QRS波幅度(R波+S波)小于 5mm。
  • Limb and precordial leads: Amplitude of the entire QRS complex (R+S)<5mm in all limb leads and <10mm in all precordial leads.

    ---------肢体导联和胸前导联:所有肢体导联QRS幅度小于 5 mm 并且 所有胸前导联小于 10 mm。

  • Possible causes include: chronic lung disease, pericardial effusion, obesity, pleural effusion, restrictive cardiomyopathies, etc.

 ---------可能的原因包括: 慢性肺疾病,心包积液,肥胖,胸腔积液,限制性心肌病等。


Abnormalities of QRS axis     ------------QRS电轴异常
Left axis deviation              ------------心电轴左偏
  • Mean QRS axis is >-30° ------------平均QRS电轴 大于 -30 度 (-------小于-30度为左偏)
  • Possible causes include: LBBB, LVH, inferior wall MI, etc.  --------可能的原因包括:左束支阻滞,左心室肥厚,下壁心肌梗死等。


Right axis deviation   -------------心电轴右偏
  • Mean QRS axis is >90°  -----------平均QRS电轴 大于90 度
  • Possible causes include: RVH, dextrocardia, lead reversal, etc.  ------可能的原因包括:右心室肥厚,右位心,导联接反,等。


Ventricular hypertrophy              --------------心室肥厚
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), by voltage criteria  ---------左室肥厚,通过电压的判断标准: 
  • Cornell criteria: R wave in aVL + S wave in V3      --------Cornell 准则:aVL导联的R波 + V3导联的S波,男性大于24mm,女性大于20mm。 (----------Cornell准则 男性电压界限值其他地方定义为28mm, 参见网址 也可以参考《心电图学》郭继鸿主编)
    • >24mm in males
    • >20mm in females.
  • Precordial leads: R V5 or V6 + S V1 > 35mm   ----------心前导联:RV5+SV1  或者 RV6+SV1 大于 35mm
  • R aVL       ------- aVL导联R波,男性大于11mm,女性大于9mm 
    • > 11mm in males
    • > 9mm in females
Repolarization abnormalities in LVH    -----------左心室肥厚中的复极异常
  • T wave abnormalities (flipped/inverted), usually seen in leads I, aVL, V5, and V6  ----T波异常(翻转/倒置),常见于I,aVL,V5 和V6导联。


Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH)   ----------------右心室肥厚
  • Right axis deviation (mean QRS axis >90&deg) or        --------心电轴右偏(平均QRS电轴大于90度) 或 
  • R wave > S wave in lead V1 or                                -------------V1导联 R波大于S波  或
  • R wave > 7mm in lead V1                    ---------------------V1导联R波大于7mm
Repolarization abnormalities in RVH            --------------右心室肥厚中的复极异常
  • T wave abnormalities (flipped/inverted) in V1-V3          ---------在V1至V3导联T波异常(翻转/倒置)


Myocardial infarction (MI)             -------------心肌梗死    
MI — General considerations          ------------心梗 — 总的来讲
  • Abnormal Q waves        ------------Q波异常
  • Duration >30ms for most leads (>40ms in leads III, aVL, aVF, and V1)     --------大多数导联Q波时限大于30ms(III,aVL,aVF和V1导联大于40ms)
  • Indicates necrosis      ------------意味出现坏死


  • ST segment elevation (acute myocardial injury)     -------ST段抬高(急性心肌损伤)
    • >1-2mm elevation in two more more contiguous leads  -----在两个以上相邻导联 ST抬高大于1—2 mm
    • Usually upwardly convex       -----------通常上凸       
    • Can last 48 hours to 4 weeks after MI  --------可在心梗发生后持续48 小时到4周
  • T wave inversions         ------------T波倒置
    • Indicates ischemia       -----------意味着缺血
    • May persist indefinitely    ---------可能会一直持续下去
  • Determining age of infarct from ECG:    -----------从心电图确定梗死的时期:
    • Acute MI: Abnormal Q waves, ST elevation. ------急性心梗:异常Q波,ST抬高 
    • Recent MI: Abnormal Q waves, isoelectric ST segments, inverted T waves.  ------近期心梗:异常Q波,等电位的ST段,T波倒置
    • Old MI: Abnormal Q waves, isoelectric ST segments, normal T waves.  ------陈旧心梗:异常Q波,等电位的ST段,正常T波
  • Myocardial infarction vs. ischemia     ----------心梗和缺血的对比
    • Infarction: Abnormal Q waves; ST segment elevation or depression; T waves inverted, normal, or upright.
    • Ischemia: ST segment depression; T wave inversion; Q waves absent.

    -----梗死:异常Q波;ST段抬高或压低;T波倒置,正常或直立   --------缺血:ST段压低;T波倒置;无Q波


  • Anterolateral infarction, recent or acute   ---------前侧壁心梗,近期或急性
    • ST segment elevation in leads V1-V6           --------------V1—V6导联ST段抬高
    • Abnormal Q waves (occur approximately 1 hour after onset)   -----异常Q波(心梗之后约一小时出现异常Q波)
    Anterior infarction, recent or acute  ------------前壁心梗,近期或急性
    • ST segment elevation in leads V1-V4        ---------V1—V4导联ST段抬高(   -----V1—V4 是前壁导联)
    • Abnormal Q waves (occur approximately 1 hour after onset)     -----异常Q波(心梗之后约一小时出现异常Q波)
    Anteroseptal infarction, recent or acute  ------------- 前间壁心肌梗塞,近期或急性
    • ST segment elevation in leads V1-V3    ---------V1—V3导联ST段抬高
    • Abnormal Q waves (occur approximately 1 hour after onset)    -----异常Q波(心梗之后约一小时出现异常Q波)
    Lateral infarction, recent or acute   -------侧壁心梗, 近期或急性
    • ST segment elevation in leads I and aVL   ---------I 和aVL导联ST段抬高
    • Abnormal Q waves (occur approximately 1 hour after onset)   -----异常Q波(心梗之后约一小时出现异常Q波)
    Inferior infarction, recent or acute   ---------下壁心梗, 近期或急性
    • ST segment elevation in at least two of leads II, III, aVF.   -------II, III, aVF 中至少有两个导联 ST段抬高  (-----II,III,aVF 是下壁导联)
    • Abnormal Q waves (occur approximately 1 hour after onset)    -----异常Q波(心梗之后约一小时出现异常Q波)
    Posterior infarction, recent or acute   --------后壁心梗, 近期或急性   ( 参考下面网址中的心电图 )
    • R wave in V1 and V2 (Q waves from the opposite side)     ---------V1 和V2导联有R波( 来自反方向的Q波)
    • R wave > S wave             ---------R波高于S波
    • ST segment depression in V1 and V2        --------V1和V2 ST段压低


    Anterolateral infarction, age undetermined or old           -------------------前侧壁心梗,时期不确定 或 陈旧型
    • Same as recent/acute, but no ST segment elevation.        --------与近期/急性 相同,但是没有ST段太高
    Anterior infarction, age undetermined or old     --------前壁心梗,时期不确定 或 陈旧型
    • Same as recent/acute, but no ST segment elevation.  --------与近期/急性 相同,但是没有ST段太高
    Anteroseptal infarction, age undetermined or old  --------前间壁心梗,时期不确定 或 陈旧型
    • Same as recent/acute, but no ST segment elevation.   --------与近期/急性 相同,但是没有ST段太高
    Lateral infarction, age undetermined or old --------侧壁心梗,时期不确定 或 陈旧型
    • Same as recent/acute, but no ST segment elevation.   --------与近期/急性 相同,但是没有ST段太高
    Inferior infarction, age undetermined or old  --------下壁心梗,时期不确定 或 陈旧型
    • Same as recent/acute, but no ST segment elevation.    --------与近期/急性 相同,但是没有ST段太高
    Posterior infarction, age undetermined or old  --------后壁心梗,时期不确定 或 陈旧型
    • Same as recent/acute, but no ST segment elevation is characteristic of acute posterior injury.   ----与近期/急性 相同,但是没有ST段太高是急性后壁损伤的特征。


    QT interval abnormalities            --------QT 间期异常
    Long QT interval    ----------长QT间期
    • Corrected QT interval (QTc) >420-460ms.    -------QTc 大于420—460ms
    • (QTc = QT divided by the square root of the preceding RR interval)
    Long QT syndrome  --------长QT间期综合症
    • QT interval more than half of the cardiac cycle.   --------QT间期超过心脏周期的一半长

    Clinical disorders         --------临床疾患
    Digitalis effect    ------------洋地黄 效果
    • Sagging ST segment depression with upward concavity (”scooped out” ST)   ----下垂型ST段压低,有向上凹形(“像挖掘出来的”)   (---参见
    Digitalis toxicity    ---------洋地黄中毒
    • Can cause almost any type of cardiac arrhythmia, except bundle branch blocks.  ------除了束支阻滞外,能引起几乎任何类型的心律失常
    • Typical abnormalities include: atrial and junctional premature beats, atrial fibrillation with complete heart block, 2nd or 3rd degree AV block, supraventricular tachycardia, etc.   -------典型的异常包括:房性和交界性早搏,房颤伴完全心脏传导阻滞,2度或3度房室阻滞,室上性心动过速,等。
    Hyperkalemia  ----------高钾血症
    • Moderate (K+ = 5.5-7.5 mEq/L):  ----------中度(钾离子毫克当量浓度 = 5.5—7.5 mEq/L) :
    • Tall, peaked T waves     -----------高大,尖峰型T波
    • Wide, flattened P waves  ----------宽大,扁平的P波
    • QRS widening -----QRS增宽
  • Extreme (K+ > 7.5 mEq/L):        ----------重度(钾离子毫克当量浓度 大于 7.5 mEq/L):
    • Disappearance of P waves   ---------P波消失
    • Markedly widened QRS      -----------显著的QRS增宽
    Hypokalemia ------------低钾血症
    • Prominent U waves      ---------U波突出
    • Flattened T waves    ---------扁平 T波
    • ST segment depression  ---------ST段压低
    Hypercalcemia  ---------高钙血症
    • QT shortening     -----------QT 间期缩短
    Hypocalcemia  ---------------- 低钙血症
    • Prolonged QT segment    ---------QT段延长
    Sick sinus syndrome (SSS)    ----------病态窦房结综合症
    • Can include one or more of the following:       ----------可以包含下面一个或多个特征:
    • Marked sinus bradycardia                   -------------显著窦性心动过缓
    • Bradycardia alternating with tachycardia     -----------心动过缓与心动过速交替出现
    • Atrial fibrillation  -------------房颤
    • Others…          --------其他特征



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数据与预处理 数据库介绍 正如我们前面所提到的&#xff0c;我们用到的数据库是来自2018年中国生理信号挑战赛&#xff08;China Physiological Signal Challenge 2018&#xff09;的数据。该数据库是由11家医院中收集而来&#xff0c;官方公开的训练集中包含了6877条记录&am…

S7-PLCSIM Advance ,解决 Error Code: -30,LicenseNotFound问题解决和期限21天限制的问题,对版本V1.0 V2.0 V3.0有效

S7-PLCSIM Advance , Error Code: -30,LicenseNotFound问题解决和期限21天限制的问题,对版本V1.0 V2.0 V3.0有效 如图可以正常设置 ip安装过程如下图所示

Chapter 22 Target Trial Emulation

文章目录 22.1 The target trial22.2 Causal effects in randomized trails22.3 Causal effects in observational analyses that emulate a target trial22.4 Time zero22.5 A unified analysis for causal inferenceFine PointGrace periods Technical PointControlled direc…

笔记:Interpretable Convolutional Neural Networks

作者&#xff1a;Quanshi Zhang, Ying Nian Wu, and Song-Chun Zhu University of California, Los Angeles 原文&#xff1a; 摘要 本文提出了一种将传统的卷积神经网络(CNNs)修改为可解释的CNNs的方法&#xff0c;以阐述在高卷积层CNNs中的知识表示…


医学图像分析&#xff0c;多任务学习&#xff0c;图像分类&#xff0c;图像分割&#xff0c;U-Net&#xff0c;后处理 该论文是18年发布的&#xff0c;提出了一种基于Deep U-Net的多任务学习框架&#xff0c;用于GE-MRI左心房分割&#xff0c;该框架同时执行心房分割和消融前后…

[codeforces 1351A] A+B (Trial Problem) 加法运算

Testing Round #16 (Unrated) 测试人数4695 [codeforces 1351A] AB (Trial Problem) 加法运算 总目录详见 在线测评地址 ProblemLangVerdictTimeMemoryA - AB…