KingbaseES R6 集群“双主”故障解决案例

news/2024/10/22 18:40:16/

实际工作中,可能会碰到集群脑裂的情况,在脑裂时,会出现双 primary情况。这时,需要用户介入,人工判断哪个节点的数据最新,减少数据丢失。


[kingbase@node1 bin]$ cat /etc/centos-release
CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
[kingbase@node1 bin]$ ./ksql -U system test
ksql (V8.0)
Type "help" for help.
test=# select version();version                                                    
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------KingbaseES V008R006C003B0010 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46), 64-bit
(1 row)



[kingbase@node1 bin]$ ./ restart
2021-03-01 13:30:03 Ready to stop all DB ...
Service process "node_export" was killed at process 8253
Service process "postgres_ex" was killed at process 8254
Service process "node_export" was killed at process 8131
Service process "postgres_ex" was killed at process 8132
2021-03-01 13:30:09 begin to stop repmgrd on "[]".
2021-03-01 13:30:10 repmgrd on "[]" stop success.
2021-03-01 13:30:10 begin to stop repmgrd on "[]".
2021-03-01 13:30:11 repmgrd on "[]" stop success.
2021-03-01 13:30:11 begin to stop DB on "[]".
waiting for server to shut down..... done
server stopped
2021-03-01 13:30:13 DB on "[]" stop success.
2021-03-01 13:30:13 begin to stop DB on "[]".
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
2021-03-01 13:30:14 DB on "[]" stop success.
2021-03-01 13:30:14 Done.
2021-03-01 13:30:14 Ready to start all DB ...
2021-03-01 13:30:14 begin to start DB on "[]".
waiting for server to start.... done
server started
2021-03-01 13:30:16 execute to start DB on "[]" success, connect to check it.
2021-03-01 13:30:17 DB on "[]" start success.
2021-03-01 13:30:17 Try to ping trusted_servers on host ...
2021-03-01 13:30:19 Try to ping trusted_servers on host ...
2021-03-01 13:30:22 begin to start DB on "[]".
waiting for server to start.... done
server started
2021-03-01 13:30:23 execute to start DB on "[]" success, connect to check it.
2021-03-01 13:30:24 DB on "[]" start success.ID | Name    | Role    | Status    | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string                                                                                                                                
----+---------+---------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+-------1  | node248 | primary | * running |          | default  | 100      | 5        | host= user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=32  | node249 | primary | ! running |          | default  | 100      | 4        | host= user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=3
WARNING: following issues were detected- node "node249" (ID: 2) is running but the repmgr node record is inactive
2021-03-01 13:30:24 There are more than one primary DBs([2] DBs are running), will do nothing and exit​


node2 (原主库):

[kingbase@node2 bin]$ ./repmgr cluster showID | Name    | Role    | Status               | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string                                                                                                                                
----+---------+---------+----------------------+----------+----------+----------+--------1  | node248 | standby | ! running as primary |          | default  | 100      | 5        | host= user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=32  | node249 | primary | * running            |          | default  | 100      | 4        | host= user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=3
WARNING: following issues were detected- node "node248" (ID: 1) is running as primary but the repmgr node record is inactive




[kingbase@node1 bin]$ ./sys_controldata -D ../data
sys_control version number:            1201
Catalog version number:               201909212
Database system identifier:           6950158917747347623
Database cluster state:               in production
sys_control last modified:             Mon 01 Mar 2021 01:35:16 PM CST
Latest checkpoint location:           1/F2008980
Latest checkpoint's REDO location:    1/F2008948
Latest checkpoint's REDO WAL file:    0000000500000001000000F2
Latest checkpoint's TimeLineID:       5
Latest checkpoint's PrevTimeLineID:   5
Latest checkpoint's full_page_writes: on
Latest checkpoint's NextXID:          0:8813
Latest checkpoint's NextOID:          32951
Latest checkpoint's NextMultiXactId:  1
Latest checkpoint's NextMultiOffset:  0
Latest checkpoint's oldestXID:        839
Latest checkpoint's oldestXID's DB:   1
Latest checkpoint's oldestActiveXID:  8813
Latest checkpoint's oldestMultiXid:   1
Latest checkpoint's oldestMulti's DB: 1
Latest checkpoint's oldestCommitTsXid:0
Latest checkpoint's newestCommitTsXid:0
Time of latest checkpoint:            Mon 01 Mar 2021 01:35:16 PM CST


[kingbase@node2 bin]$ ./sys_controldata -D ../data
sys_control version number:            1201
Catalog version number:               201909212
Database system identifier:           6950158917747347623
Database cluster state:               in production
sys_control last modified:             Mon 01 Mar 2021 01:34:45 PM CST
Latest checkpoint location:           1/F2002AC0
Latest checkpoint's REDO location:    1/F2002A88
Latest checkpoint's REDO WAL file:    0000000400000001000000F2
Latest checkpoint's TimeLineID:       4
Latest checkpoint's PrevTimeLineID:   4
Latest checkpoint's full_page_writes: on
Latest checkpoint's NextXID:          0:8810
Latest checkpoint's NextOID:          32951
Latest checkpoint's NextMultiXactId:  1
Latest checkpoint's NextMultiOffset:  0
Latest checkpoint's oldestXID:        839
Latest checkpoint's oldestXID's DB:   1
Latest checkpoint's oldestActiveXID:  8810
Latest checkpoint's oldestMultiXid:   1
Latest checkpoint's oldestMulti's DB: 1
Latest checkpoint's oldestCommitTsXid:0
Latest checkpoint's newestCommitTsXid:0
Time of latest checkpoint:            Mon 01 Mar 2021 01:34:45 PM CST




node2 rejoin 到集群:

[kingbase@node2 bin]$ ./sys_ctl stop -D ../data
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
[kingbase@node2 bin]$ ./repmgr node rejoin -h -U esrep -d esrep
ERROR: this node cannot attach to rejoin target node 1
DETAIL: rejoin target server's timeline 5 forked off current database system timeline 4 before current recovery point 1/F2002B70
HINT: use --force-rewind to execute sys_rewind
[kingbase@node2 bin]$ ./repmgr node rejoin -h -U esrep -d esrep --force-rewind
NOTICE: sys_rewind execution required for this node to attach to rejoin target node 1
DETAIL: rejoin target server's timeline 5 forked off current database system timeline 4 before current recovery point 1/F2002B70
NOTICE: executing sys_rewind
DETAIL: sys_rewind command is "/home/kingbase/cluster/R6HA/KHA/kingbase/bin/sys_rewind -D '/home/kingbase/cluster/R6HA/KHA/kingbase/data' --source-server='host= user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=3'"
sys_rewind: servers diverged at WAL location 1/F20000D8 on timeline 4
sys_rewind: rewinding from last common checkpoint at 1/F2000060 on timeline 4
sys_rewind: find last common checkpoint start time from 2021-03-01 14:06:28.539405 CST to 2021-03-01 14:06:28.577794 CST, in "0.038389" seconds.
sys_rewind: update the control file: minRecoveryPoint is '1/F2031590', minRecoveryPointTLI is '5', and database state is 'in archive recovery'
sys_rewind: we will remove the dir '/home/kingbase/cluster/R6HA/KHA/kingbase/data/sys_replslot/repmgr_slot_1.rewind' and all the file/dir in it.
sys_rewind: we will remove the dir '/home/kingbase/cluster/R6HA/KHA/kingbase/data/base/syssql_tmp.rewind' and all the file/dir in it.
sys_rewind: rewind start wal location 1/F2000060 (file 0000000400000001000000F2), end wal location 1/F2031590 (file 0000000500000001000000F2). time from 2021-03-01 14:06:28.539405 CST to 2021-03-01 14:06:44.221603 CST, in "15.682198" seconds.
sys_rewind: Done!
NOTICE: 0 files copied to /home/kingbase/cluster/R6HA/KHA/kingbase/data
NOTICE: setting node 2's upstream to node 1
WARNING: unable to ping "host= user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=3"
NOTICE: begin to start server at 2021-03-01 14:06:44.800564
NOTICE: starting server using "/home/kingbase/cluster/R6HA/KHA/kingbase/bin/sys_ctl  -w -t 90 -D '/home/kingbase/cluster/R6HA/KHA/kingbase/data' -l /home/kingbase/cluster/R6HA/KHA/kingbase/bin/logfile start"
NOTICE: start server finish at 2021-03-01 14:06:46.217825
DETAIL: node 2 is now attached to node 1


[kingbase@node2 bin]$ ./repmgr cluster showID | Name    | Role    | Status    | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string                                                                                                                                
----+---------+---------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+--------1  | node248 | primary | * running |          | default  | 100      | 5        | host= user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=32  | node249 | standby |   running | node248  | default  | 100      | 4        | host= user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=3


[kingbase@node1 bin]$ ./ksql -U system test
ksql (V8.0)
Type "help" for help.
test=# select * from sys_stat_replication;pid  | usesysid | usename | application_name |  client_addr  | client_hostname | client_port |         backend_s
tart         | backend_xmin |   state   |  sent_lsn  | write_lsn  | flush_lsn  | replay_lsn | write_lag | flush_la
g | replay_lag | sync_priority | sync_state |          reply_time           
-------+----------+---------+------------------+---------------+-----------------+-------22853 |    16384 | esrep   | node249          | |                 |       38638 | 2021-03-01 14:07:
24.293687+08 |              | streaming | 1/F20357A8 | 1/F20357A8 | 1/F20357A8 | 1/F20357A8 |           |         |            |             0 | async      | 2021-03-01 14:07:57.851500+08
(1 row)


[kingbase@node1 bin]$ ./ restart
2021-03-01 14:09:05 Ready to stop all DB ...
There is no service "node_export" running currently.
There is no service "postgres_ex" running currently.
There is no service "node_export" running currently.
There is no service "postgres_ex" running currently.
2021-03-01 14:09:10 begin to stop repmgrd on "[]".
2021-03-01 14:09:11 repmgrd on "[]" already stopped.
2021-03-01 14:09:11 begin to stop repmgrd on "[]".
2021-03-01 14:09:11 repmgrd on "[]" already stopped.
2021-03-01 14:09:11 begin to stop DB on "[]".
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
2021-03-01 14:09:13 DB on "[]" stop success.
2021-03-01 14:09:13 begin to stop DB on "[]".
waiting for server to shut down...... done
server stopped
2021-03-01 14:09:16 DB on "[]" stop success.
2021-03-01 14:09:16 Done.
2021-03-01 14:09:16 Ready to start all DB ...
2021-03-01 14:09:16 begin to start DB on "[]".
waiting for server to start.... done
server started
2021-03-01 14:09:17 execute to start DB on "[]" success, connect to check it.
2021-03-01 14:09:19 DB on "[]" start success.
2021-03-01 14:09:19 Try to ping trusted_servers on host ...
2021-03-01 14:09:21 Try to ping trusted_servers on host ...
2021-03-01 14:09:24 begin to start DB on "[]".
waiting for server to start.... done
server started
2021-03-01 14:09:25 execute to start DB on "[]" success, connect to check it.
2021-03-01 14:09:26 DB on "[]" start success.ID | Name    | Role    | Status    | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string                                                                                                                                
----+---------+---------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+-------1  | node248 | primary | * running |          | default  | 100      | 5        | host= user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=32  | node249 | standby |   running | node248  | default  | 100      | 5        | host= user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=3
2021-03-01 14:09:26 The primary DB is started.
2021-03-01 14:09:31 Success to load virtual ip [] on primary host [].
2021-03-01 14:09:31 Try to ping vip on host ...
2021-03-01 14:09:33 Try to ping vip on host ...
2021-03-01 14:09:36 begin to start repmgrd on "[]".
[2021-03-01 14:09:37] [NOTICE] using provided configuration file "/home/kingbase/cluster/R6HA/KHA/kingbase/bin/../etc/repmgr.conf"
[2021-03-01 14:09:37] [NOTICE] redirecting logging output to "/home/kingbase/cluster/R6HA/KHA/kingbase/hamgr.log"
2021-03-01 14:09:37 repmgrd on "[]" start success.
2021-03-01 14:09:37 begin to start repmgrd on "[]".
[2021-03-01 14:09:00] [NOTICE] using provided configuration file "/home/kingbase/cluster/R6HA/KHA/kingbase/bin/../etc/repmgr.conf"
[2021-03-01 14:09:00] [NOTICE] redirecting logging output to "/home/kingbase/cluster/R6HA/KHA/kingbase/hamgr.log"
2021-03-01 14:09:38 repmgrd on "[]" start success.ID | Name    | Role    | Status    | Upstream | repmgrd | PID   | Paused? | Upstream last seen
----+---------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+-------+---------+--------------------1  | node248 | primary | * running |          | running | 24725 | no      | n/a                2  | node249 | standby |   running | node248  | running | 23587 | no      | n/a                
2021-03-01 14:09:46 Done.


[kingbase@node1 bin]$ ./repmgr cluster showID | Name    | Role    | Status    | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string                                                                                                                                
----+---------+---------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+--------1  | node248 | primary | * running |          | default  | 100      | 5        | host= user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=32  | node249 | standby |   running | node248  | default  | 100      | 5        | host= user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=3



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