编译脚本参见 官方文档
● error: undefined reference to pthread_once ,undefined reference to uncompress错误
○ pthread并将它链接到程序 加上- pthread ;
● error: undefined reference to uncompress
○ 错误的原因是缺少zlib库或者zlib库未链接到程序中。
● error: undefined reference to `lzma_stream_decoder’
error: undefined reference to ‘inflateEnd’
undefined reference to `BZ2_bzDecompressInit’
○ 加上-lbz2 -llzma
● error: undefined reference to ‘av_adts_header_parse’
○ 静态库链接错误导致 , 推荐的顺序 ① avfilter ② avformat ③ avcodec ④ avutil ⑤ swresample ⑥ swscale
● error: undefined reference to `pp_postprocess’
undefined reference to `pp_postprocess'undefined reference to `pp_get_co