
news/2024/10/22 12:26:36/

Every week we dip into our reader mailbag to answer your pressing tech questions. This week we’re taking a look at how to check your Android version, use the speaker and headphone port simultaneously, and load files on your iPad.

每周我们都会浸入阅读器邮袋中,以回答您紧迫的技术问题。 本周,我们将研究如何检查您的Android版本,同时使用扬声器和耳机端口以及如何在iPad上加载文件。

检查您的Android操作系统版本号 (Checking Your Android OS Version Number)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I feel like I should be sent back to newbie school for even having to ask this, but I can’t (for the life of me!) figure out what version of the Android OS I have. I read all these application reviews that say 1.6+ or such but I have no idea if that includes me. How can I check?

我觉得我什至应该问这个问题也应该送回新手学校,但我(为了我的生命!)无法弄清楚我拥有的Android OS版本。 我读了所有这些说1.6+或以上的应用程序评论,但我不知道是否包括我。 我该如何检查?



Version Curious in Vermont


Dear Version Curious,


Don’t be hard on yourself, everyone is a newbie at some point and increasingly so in microcosmic ways as technology rapidly changes (Android was only released in 2008 after all). In order to check your version number you’ll need to open up you application list (commonly accessibly by pressing the applications icon found on the docks of most home screen applications). Once you’ve pulled up the main application list navigate to Settings –> About Phone. In the About Phone section you’ll find a variety of stats about your phone including, under Android version, the OS version for your phone. In the case of your test phone you can see the current OS version is 2.3.3.

别对自己太苛刻,每个人在某个时候都是新手,并且随着技术的快速变化,从微观的角度来看,新人也越来越多(毕竟Android才在2008年发布)。 为了检查您的版本号,您需要打开您的应用程序列表(通常可以通过在大多数主屏幕应用程序的扩展坞上找到该应用程序图标进行访问)。 拔出主应用程序列表后,导航至“设置”->“关于手机” 。 在“关于手机”部分,您将找到有关手机的各种统计信息,包括Android版本下的手机操作系统版本。 对于您的测试电话,您可以看到当前的操作系统版本是2.3.3。

启用耳机插Kong以同时进行扬声器/耳机输出 (Enable the Headphone Jack for Simultaneous Speaker/Headphone Output)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

Is there anyway to have both the speaker output jack and the headphone jack simultaneously active? Whenever I plug in the headphones on my computer it automatically mutes the external speakers. What if I want to use them both at once (for two sets of speakers)? Help!

无论如何,扬声器输出插Kong和耳机插Kong都同时处于活动状态? 每当我插入计算机上的耳机时,它都会自动使外部扬声器静音。 如果我想同时使用它们(两个扬声器)怎么办? 救命!

All Ports Ahead in Pennsylvania


Dear All Ports,


We’d never attempted to use both audio ports simultaneously before so it took a little tinkering to figure out if it was even possible without some heavy hardware/software hacking. Using the default Windows drivers (we tested everything on a Windows 7 machine) we were unable to force the headphone port and the audio out port on the back of the computer to produce sound simultaneously.

我们之前从未尝试过同时使用两个音频端口,因此花了一点时间才弄清楚,即使没有大量的硬件/软件黑客攻击,这也是可能的。 使用默认的Windows驱动程序(我们在Windows 7计算机上测试了所有东西),我们无法强制计算机背面的耳机端口和音频输出端口同时产生声音。

When we loaded up the drivers for the sound card however (instead of using the default Windows drivers) we were able to access a more detailed control panel. Our computer had a RealTek soundcard built into the motherboard (a rather common setup). After installing the RealTek drivers and opening the RealTek control panel we were able to specify (in this case by clicking on a visual diagram of the available ports) what the headphone jack was supposed to do. We switched it from “Headphone” to “Front Speaker Out”. After that both the second set of speakers we plugged into the headphone jack and the primary speakers pumped out the same sound. A quick Google search showed that many other sound card manufacturers provide a similar enhanced driver control panel.

但是,当我们加载声卡的驱动程序(而不是使用默认的Windows驱动程序)时,我们能够访问更详细的控制面板。 我们的计算机在主板上内置了RealTek声卡(一种相当常见的设置)。 安装RealTek驱动程序并打开RealTek控制面板后,我们可以指定耳机插Kong的功能(在这种情况下,通过单击可用端口的直观图)。 我们将其从“耳机”切换为“前置扬声器输出”。 之后,我们将第二组扬声器都插入耳机插Kong,并且主扬声器发出相同的声音。 Google的快速搜索显示,许多其他声卡制造商都提供了类似的增强驱动程序控制面板。

If you’re unsure what motherboard/soundcard you have, we’d recommend using SIW to find out. Once you have the specific model for the motherboard and/or the soundcard you can then search for the appropriate drivers.

如果不确定自己拥有的主板/声卡,建议使用SIW进行查找 。 一旦有了主板和/或声卡的特定型号,便可以搜索适当的驱动程序。

在iPad上加载文件 (Loading Files on an iPad)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I recently won an iPad at a company picnic. I’m a complete newb when it comes to anything Mac-related and I’ve never owned any iOS device before. I’m finding myself baffled by the simplest task: loading files onto the damn thing! I don’t understand? Why can’t I mount the iPad like a USB drive and just copy over the movies and images I want to put on it?

我最近在一家公司的野餐会上赢得了iPad。 在涉及Mac的任何事情上,我都是新手,而且我以前从未拥有过任何iOS设备。 我发现自己对最简单的任务感到困惑:将文件加载到该死的东西上! 我听不懂 为什么我不能像USB驱动器那样安装iPad,而只是复制要放在其上的电影和图像?

I searched Google but so many of the answers I found were for complex things like copying files between iPads. I guess everyone who has an iPad already knows how to get files onto it!

我搜索了Google,但发现的许多答案都是针对复杂的事情,例如在iPad之间复制文件。 我想每个拥有iPad的人都已经知道如何将文件上传到iPad!

Fileless in Fresno


Dear Fileless,


Don’t feel bad. Getting files onto iOS devices is completely counter intuitive. For other devices, like Android phones and tablets, you can just copy the files you want to use over to the SD card. Apple keeps a pretty tight reign on everything, including how files are loaded onto their devices. Instead of mounting the device you need to load the files through iTunes.

不要难过 将文件获取到iOS设备上完全违反直觉。 对于其他设备(例如Android手机和平板电脑),您只需将要使用的文件复制到SD卡即可。 苹果在所有方面都保持着严格控制,包括如何将文件加载到其设备上。 无需安装设备,您需要通过iTunes加载文件。

Load up iTunes, attach your iPad with the sync cable, and then click on it (you’ll find it under Devices in the left hand navigation column). There you’ll find a navigation bar across the top of the pane with stuff like Summary, Info, Apps, etc. You can drag and drop and/or select a folder to sync under the sections for movies, music, and photos. For other files you’ll need to specify the application itself under the apps menu. Click on Apps then scroll down to the bottom of the pane. Here you’ll find all the apps you have on your iPad that accept external files. In the screenshot above you can see files that have been synced with the document viewer Stanza. You can drag and drop files into the file list or click the Add button to add them using Explorer.

加载iTunes,用同步电缆连接iPad,然后单击它(您会在左侧导航栏中的“设备”下找到它)。 在那里,您会在窗格顶部找到一个导航栏,其中包含诸如摘要,信息,应用程序等内容。您可以拖放和/或选择一个文件夹以在电影,音乐和照片部分下进行同步。 对于其他文件,您需要在apps菜单下指定应用程序本身。 单击应用程序,然后向下滚动到窗格的底部。 在这里,您会找到iPad上所有接受外部文件的应用程序。 在上面的屏幕截图中,您可以看到已与文档查看器Stanza同步的文件。 您可以将文件拖放到文件列表中,或单击“添加”按钮以使用资源管理器添加它们。

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com ,我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/65543/ask-htg-android-versions-simultaneous-headphone-and-speaker-sound-and-ipad-file-loading/



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