用工具分析了一下附近WIFI的信道,以1、6、11居多,于是想把家里刷了OpenWrt的路由器(型号是NETGEAR WNDRMAC)的WIFI信道改成13以减少干扰(13信道和11信道的频率有重叠部分,理论上改成14信道更好,但是不符合法律规定)。
于是进到OpenWrt的LuCI界面,发现无论将地区设置成哪个国家,信道都只能选择1-11,也就是美国标准;而另一台刷了OpenWrt的路由器(型号是华为HG255D)却不存在这个问题,设置成中国就能选择13信道。难道是NETGEAR做了手脚强制使用美国标准?通过一番搜索,在OpenWrt的文档中关于NETGEAR WNDR3700的页面上找到这样一段话:
- Netgear ships the WNDR3700 with EEPROM chip stating that the router should restrict to US settings. Outside America, they ship software that ignores this chip. This is a bad thing as it means that your OpenWrt can’t work properly for the next two reasons.
- In the USA, it is illegal to ship router firmware that can (through incorrect settings) bypass radio regulations.
- Atheros (the wireless chip maker in the WNDR3700) asks open source folks not to ship compiled builds that bypass radio restrictions, even though their hardware vendors do this. This means if you bought hardware from one of the manufacturers (and you’re one of the 95% of the world’s population that doesn’t live in the USA) that doesn’t set the value in the EEPROM correctly, you’re kinda screwed if you want to use OpenWrt…
NETGEAR WNDRMAC的芯片是ar71xx系列的,所以只需要运行下面的命令:
cd /tmp/ wget http://luci.subsignal.org/~jow/reghack/reghack.mips.elf chmod +x reghack.mips.elf ./reghack.mips.elf /lib/modules/*/ath.ko ./reghack.mips.elf /lib/modules/*/cfg80211.ko reboot