
news/2024/10/23 7:23:13/


Recently, we have been talking a lot about user engagement and building loyalty on this blog. Whether it is by adding a point system, adding gamification, or by just asking your user’s input on important aspects by using polls/surveys. Yesterday, we attended a very cool session at New Media Expo by Dino Dogan who dropped a lot of theoretical principles that go behind building insane loyalty and getting users to be fanatically addicted to you. In this article, we will summarize the concepts he shared in his session, so you an use them on your WordPress site and business to build insane user loyalty.

最近,我们在此博客上谈论了很多有关用户参与和建立忠诚度的内容。 无论是通过添加点数系统 , 添加游戏化还是通过使用民意测验/调查来询问用户在重要方面的输入。 昨天,我们参加了Dino Dogan在New Media Expo上举办的一个非常酷的会议,他抛弃了许多理论原则,这些原则背后是建立疯狂的忠诚度并使用户疯狂地沉迷于您。 在本文中,我们将总结他在会议中分享的概念,以便您在WordPress网站和企业上使用它们来建立疯狂的用户忠诚度。

Dino’s views are fairly similar to what our founder Syed Balkhi believes. Dino started out his talk by saying that the best way to learn how to build insane user loyalty is by studying cults. You can use the same principles and use them in a way that it doesn’t hurt a single life. Syed got his college degree in Anthropology and Religion for this very reason. There are a lot of concepts that you can use, but Dino mentioned three of the following.

Dino的观点与我们的创始人Syed Balkhi的观点相当相似。 Dino在开始他的演讲时说,学习如何建立疯狂的用户忠诚度的最佳方法是学习邪教。 您可以使用相同的原则,并且以不会伤害单身生活的方式使用它们。 Syed正是出于这个原因而获得了人类学和宗教专业的大学学位。 您可以使用很多概念,但是Dino提到了以下三个概念。

极性 (Polarity)


You have to take a stand. You have to tap into an existing polarity and run with it. Taking a stand requires a lot of guts, and it is not a social norm. Most folks try to cater toward all type of audiences which is why they often fail to build a fanatically addicted loyal fan base. Polarity can be as simple as Good vs Evil. By choosing a side, you are declaring “war” on the other side. Take Pepsi for an example. They came out with the Pepsi challenge which essentially declared war on Coke.

你必须站起来。 您必须利用现有的极性并运行它。 站出来要有很多胆量,这不是社会规范。 大多数人都试图迎合所有类型的受众,这就是为什么他们常常无法建立狂热上瘾的忠实粉丝群的原因。 极性可以像善与恶一样简单。 选择一侧,就是在另一侧宣战。 以百事可乐为例。 他们提出了百事可乐的挑战,从根本上向可口可乐宣战。

Dino gave an example of the clothing brand GAP. They tapped into an existing generation gap that said this is not your father’s jeans. This is the jeans for the younger hipper generation. There was a huge generation gap between the World War II generation and the hippie generation. By them taking a stance, they eliminated the entire older generation from their customer base. However, they gained a very loyal user base among the younger hippie generation. They took a stance, and it worked out for them.

Dino举例说明了服装品牌GAP。 他们利用现有的代沟说这不是你父亲的牛仔裤。 这是年轻的嘻哈一代的牛仔裤。 第二次世界大战和嬉皮世代之间存在巨大的世代差距。 通过他们的立场,他们从客户群中淘汰了整个老一辈。 但是,他们在年轻的嬉皮一代中赢得了非常忠诚的用户群。 他们采取了立场,并为他们解决了问题。

One of the most important thing Dino pointed out was that you cannot create polarity. Polarity already exist within your audience. You just have to find it and tap it for your advantage.

迪诺指出的最重要的事情之一是,您不能创造极性。 听众中已经存在极性。 您只需要找到并点按即可。

Another big example would be the American two-party system (Democrats vs. Republicans). They appeal to their user base. Whether it is the liberal folks or rather conservative folks.

另一个大例子是美国的两党制(民主与共和党)。 他们吸引了他们的用户群。 无论是自由派还是保守派。

By tapping into the existing polarity, you often create a lot of controversy. But you know what? Controversy sells. Christopher Hitchens tapped an existing polarity. Religion vs non religion in his book GOD is Not Great. He did not create the concept of Atheism. Many other folks had that thought before, but he tapped into that polarity. This also allowed bunch of religious folks to come out with counter products to sell.

通过利用现有的极性,您经常会引起很多争议。 但是你知道吗? 争议出售。 克里斯托弗·希钦斯(Christopher Hitchens)利用了现有的极性。 宗教与非宗教在他的“ 神”里并不伟大 。 他没有创造无神论的概念。 许多其他人以前曾有过这种想法,但他利用了这种极性。 这也使一群宗教信徒拿出柜台产品出售。

Apple, which we geeks so dearly love, is all about polarity. You probably saw those, I m Mac and I am a PC commercial. They force u to pick a side, and it works. People often recommend Mac even when they don’t even own one themselves. It is rather hilarious when you see that happen. Even in the ad, it seems that the Apple guy is younger and cooler vs the PC guy looks boring. It creates strong brand loyalty.

我们非常喜欢的苹果,就是极性。 您可能看到过这些,我是Mac,我是PC广告商。 他们强迫您选择一侧,并且它起作用。 人们经常推荐Mac,即使他们自己甚至不拥有Mac。 当您看到这种情况发生时,这很有趣。 即使在广告中,似乎Apple的家伙比PC的家伙年轻且酷。 它建立了强大的品牌忠诚度。

Mac vs PC

头像 (Avatar)


In order to build insane user loyalty, you have to know your customer. You have to understand the mindset of your customers. You need to know their age, gender, socioeconomic background etc. In marketing terms this is called creating a customer avatar. You create few different type of users you want on your website. It is even better to name your ideal customer type.

为了建立疯狂的用户忠诚度,您必须了解您的客户。 您必须了解客户的心态。 您需要了解他们的年龄,性别,社会经济背景等。在营销术语中,这称为创建客户头像。 您可以在网站上创建几种不同类型的用户。 更好地命名您的理想客户类型。

The best way to know about your customer is being your own customer. This is exactly how we launched WPBeginner. We needed it for our clients. So one type of users for WPBeginner would be developers who recommend their clients here for how-to documentations. We were beginners at once, so we provided things that we wished we had when starting out.

了解您的客户的最好方法是成为自己的客户。 这正是我们启动WPBeginner的方式。 我们需要我们的客户。 因此,WPBeginner的一种用户类型是开发人员,他们在此处推荐其客户以获取操作说明文档。 我们是初学者,所以我们提供了刚开始时希望的东西。

The second best way to understand your customer is by having firsthand experience. This is why Syed travels to a lot of WordCamps every year to meet new users, and see how we can improve WPBeginner. Dino hits the nail when he said that the person behind the vision of the company needs to do have this understanding, not the marketing department.

了解客户的第二种最佳方法是拥有第一手经验。 这就是Syed每年都要前往许多WordCamp以满足新用户的原因,并了解如何改进WPBeginner。 当Dino说公司愿景背后的人需要有这种了解,而不是市场部门时,Dino感到非常震惊。

状态 (Status)

VIP Line

Another great way to build insane user loyalty is offering status. We as humans are status seeking animals. We are programmed to make snap judgement based on status using cars, clothes etc. If you want people to be loyal to you, then give them a status.

建立疯狂的用户忠诚度的另一种好方法是提供身份。 我们作为人类是寻求地位的动物。 我们计划使用汽车,衣服等根据状态做出快速判断。如果您希望人们忠于您,请给他们一个状态。

The best industry you can learn this from is the Airlines industry. Airlines are a sucky industry, but they give you status. This inclines folks to keeping on picking the same one. Although a lot of them suck equally. So how do airlines like Delta and others convert you into loyal customers? They give you a status through their Sky miles system. You get Priority boarding, priority upgrades, etc.

您可以从中学习的最佳行业是航空业。 航空业是一个烂货行业,但它们给您带来地位。 这使人们倾向于继续选择同一个人。 尽管它们很多都同样吸吮。 那么,达美航空等航空公司如何将您转变为忠实客户? 他们通过其Sky Miles系统为您提供状态。 您将获得优先登机,优先升级等。

Ever thought about what is the cost? Some ropes. But we are suck status seeking animals that we love being on the other side of the rope. Look at the faces of People who board first, and you can tell. How much does it cost to board first? Nothing. You have to board everyone on the plane at one point or another. Airlines created value out of nothing.

有没有想过要花多少钱? 一些绳子。 但是,我们在寻找地位的动物很烂,我们喜欢在绳索的另一侧。 看看最先登机的人的面Kong,您就能看出来。 首先登机要多少钱? 没有。 您必须在一个或另一个地点登机。 航空公司从无到有创造价值。

We have been conditioned to this rewards and status system since our kindergarten days in school. Some folks get a gold star. Some get a purple star etc. This reward that costs almost nothing gives the kid a status in their own mind. This is a great example that you can use stats instead of stuff and still build user loyalty.

自从我们在学校上幼儿园以来,我们就已经适应了这种奖励和身份系统。 有些人会得到一颗金星。 有些人会得到紫星等。这种几乎不花钱的奖励使孩子有自己的地位。 这是一个很好的示例,您可以使用统计信息来代替统计数据,并仍然建立用户忠诚度。

Another example of status would be Mercedes. People buy Mercedes not for its utility rather for it’s status. Would you buy a Mercedes if it didn’t have the Mercedes badge? Probably not. Without the badge, it is just a glorified Hyundai. The utility of the car is the same. They both get you from Point A to Point B.

地位的另一个例子是梅赛德斯。 人们购买梅赛德斯不是为了效用,而是因为它的地位。 如果没有梅赛德斯徽章,您会购买吗? 可能不是。 没有徽章,它只是荣耀的现代。 汽车的效用是相同的。 他们俩都将您从A点带到了B点。

Now if you an use this status as a catalyst for connection, then you are in for a long haul. An example of a company that does this best would be Harley Davidson. There are riders rally where people meet with like minded folks. Harley Davidson allows you to do that if that is your interest. Be the catalyst for connection between your users.

现在,如果您将此状态用作连接的催化剂,那么您将需要花费很长时间。 哈雷戴维森(Harley Davidson)是一家做到最好的公司。 在一些车手集会上,人们与志同道合的人会面。 如果您对此感兴趣,那么Harley Davidson可以允许您这样做。 成为用户之间联系的催化剂 。

What are your thoughts on building loyalty using these methods? How will you be implementing these on your site? Are you already doing this? Let us know in the comments below. If you found this summary interesting, you can purchase the virtual ticket for New Media Expo which comes with online access for ALL sessions at NMX.

您对使用这些方法建立忠诚度有何想法? 您将如何在您的网站上实施这些? 你已经在做这个了吗? 在下面的评论中让我们知道。 如果您发现此摘要有趣,则可以购买NMed​​ia的所有会话的在线访问的New Media Expo虚拟门票。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/events/how-to-build-insane-user-loyalty-and-get-people-fanatically-addicted/




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