40 个超棒的免费 Bootstrap HTML5 网站模板

news/2025/1/8 18:08:07/



Bootstrap 是快速开发Web应用程序的前端工具包。它是一个CSS和HTML的集合,它使用了最新的浏览器技术,给你的Web开发提供了时尚的版式,表单,buttons,表格,网格系统等等。

目前 team.oschina.net 团队协作开发平台正在使用 Bootstrap 框架。

本文收集了 40 个精美的使用 Bootstrap 构建的网站模板供大家参考。

Landing Page

Landing Page - free bootstrap templates

A simple, elegant, and beautifully responsive landing page theme for Bootstrap 3 websites.

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Agency - free bootstrap templates

Agency is a stylish, one page Bootstrap theme for agencies and small businesses.

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Shield - free bootstrap templates

This bootstrap theme is a single page, agency template. It contains Team information, as well as expandable project information.

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Design Agency

Design Agency - free bootstrap templates

Design agency template with video background and parallax scrolling.

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Worthy - free html5 templates

Worthy is a free Multipurpose One Page Template based on Bootstrap 3 Framework. You can use it for corporate, business and agency webpages as well as portfolio and personal webpages.

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Corlate - free html5 templates

Corlate is a clean, one page responsive template that includes Font Awesome, css3 animations, it’s own bootstrap carousel slider and shortcodes which allows you to easily create tabs, accordion slides, pricing table or gallery.

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Nine Stars

Nine Stars - free html5 templates

A single page Bootstrap theme ideal for a startup template. It is comprised of various sections such as expandable product and personal information, a gallery and a contact form.

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Cyprass - free html5 templates

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Spirit8 - website templates

Check out this new freebie for the week. Spirit8 is bootstrap based HTML template suitable for digital and agency website. It is responsive, and user friendly theme. Coded by Jenn Pereira and Designed by Robert Berki. Use this for any use – personal or commercial.

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My Charity

My Charity - website templates

My Charity is a clean, flat and professional charity category template for foundations and orphans website. It can be customized easily to suit your wishes.It comes with a free Flat Responsive web design template. You can use this template for any type of websites. This web template is built in a Fancy style however it can be used as per the user requirements.

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United Comms

United Comms - website templates

United Comms is a clean, Flat and Professional Corporate Category Bootstrap Template for agencies and creative studios. It can be customized easily like any corporate website. It comes with free Flat Responsive web design template. You can use this template for any type of Corporate websites. United Comms web template is built in a Fancy style however it can be used as per the user requirements.

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Timber - website templates

If you want to catch the visitors’ eyes on your website and get them interested, you should concentrate your attention on choosing the stylish and original design which will help your web project to stand out from the rest.

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SinglePro - free website templates

SinglePro is a free bootstrap onepage business corporate html5 template which is designed by WpFreeware team. In this template you will find all of those features that a business portfolio website need.

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DevAid - free website templates

Here is a great looking template for developers. It comes with 4 colour schemes, and social links for GitHub, Twitter and Facebook to promote your project. The source LESS files are included. It is 100% responsive and easy to customize.

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Payroll - free website templates

Payroll is a clean, Flat and Professional Corporate Category Bootstrap Template for agencies and creative studios. It can be customized easily like any corporate website. It comes with free Flat Responsive web design template.

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App Zone

App Zone - free website templates

Nice template for Landing Page. Main feature here – you can navigate through template by the menu on the right. Sure you can scroll using your touchpad. Flat design and blue color scheme nice solution for this Landing page template. And shure we build it on Bootstrap 3.

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Grayscale - bootstrap templates 2015

Grayscale is a multipurpose, one page website theme featuring a dark layout along with smooth scrolling page animations.

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SB Admin 2

SB Admin 2 - bootstrap templates 2015

SB Admin 2 Bootstrap admin theme, dashboard template, or webapp UI starter. The theme features a variety of custom jQuery plugins to add extended functionality past the built in Bootstrap UI features.

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Landing Page

Landing Page - bootstrap templates 2015

Landing Page is a responsive landing page theme for Bootstrap 3.

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Fashion Spring

Fashion Spring  - bootstrap templates 2015

Fashion Spring free bootstrap 3 template that can easily be used as your new personal portfolio. It provides a modern, flat,responsive design.

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Flask Landing

Flask Landing - html5

Bootstrap Flask Landing Template is free to use template for personal an commercial usage. This template is built with twitter bootstrap 3 and has very clean code which will make you easy to customize this template. Use It in your next project and save your time.

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Maxop - html5

Maxop is an awesome, multi-page Bootstrap Theme from binary themes. Its clean, and responsive and could be a great way to show your company to the world!

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Moderna - html5

Moderna Bootstrap 3 WordPress theme for corporate business. This theme is WordPress version of existing freebie ‘Moderna HTML template‘.

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Ninestars - html5

Ninestars is one page Bootstrap HTML template for creative or portfolio. I added something different in menu, use slide out sidebar menu like Google nexus website from Codrops site instead of standard Bootstrap navigation.

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We+ Coming

We+ Coming - templates

Plus Coming Landing Page Template is a responsive theme built with bootstrap 3; it can be used for any kind website. It has very clean code and made with love. It is simple to customize for your own needs.Use it for personal and commercial work in exchange just give us credits and we will be happy.

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Shuffle - templates

Shuffle clean and sleek one page site template built with Bootstrap 3.1.1. This template designed for creative people or designer to represent profile & portfolio online.

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Bocor - templates

Bocor has simple sleek layout design with nice light weight scrolling animation. You can use this template for personal or commercial project.

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The Firm

 The Firm - templates

A long scrolling Bootstrap template with centered navbar and multiple vertical sections. The header contains a full screen image carousel with dot navigation. The center navbar attaches once the user scrolls beyond the carousel / slider. This template also includes a modal lightbox thumbnail viewer that is ideal for a portfolio or image gallery. The contact form address drives the integrated Google maps location.

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Slider - bootstrap

A Bootstrap carousel example with full width images, overlay navbar and dot navigation. The page content has 3 feature content blocks, and long scrolling alternating left and right aligned content sections.

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Corlate - bootstrap

Corlate is a free responsive business html template. Are you starting a new company website, new start-up project or may be you’re talented person who wants to introduce your work to whole World. Corlate template is for you. You can download it for free, customize it and use it as long you want.

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Brushed - bootstrap

Brushed is Free One Page Responsive HTML Template based on Twitter Bootstrap Framework. It is optimized for Retina Displays ( iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and MacBook Pro Retina).

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Flat - bootstrap

Best free responsive WordPress Theme based on twitter bootstrap 3.0. Advanced theme option with shortcodes generator is the key feature of this theme. There are tons of custom post type for Accordion, Tab, Alert, Slider, Columns, Icons, Services and many more.

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Media - bootstrap template

Media is a clean bootstrap 3 built landing page. We highly suggest you check it out.

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Admin LTE

Admin LTE - bootstrap template

Admin LTE is an absolutely stunning free Bootstrap dashboard theme from almsaeedstudio. It is fully responsive and built on top of Bootstrap 3.

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Progressus - bootstrap template

Progressus is a free, responsive, nice-looking business template based on Bootstrap HTML/CSS framework. 7 ready-made templates for most common tasks, trendy, responsive design and exceptional overall quality – everything will work for you and your business.

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Mobileapp - bootstrap template

Mobileapp a Flat Style Mobile App based template that comes with a free Flat Responsive web design template. You can use this template for any type of product based websites. This web template is built in a Fancy style however it can be used as per the user requirements. Mobileapp designed with a good color scheme and good grid style of elements.

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Kataklimt - bootstrap templates

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Apparel - bootstrap templates

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Kebrum - bootstrap templates

Kebrumis a Flat Style Product-based responsive template that comes free at W3layouts. You can customize this best website template to suit any type of product-based websites.

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Starter - bootstrap templates

Free WordPress One Page Theme is ready for you with all functionality. It has some awesome post type such as team, slider, projects and client. We wish Starter theme will be perfect for you.

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via idesignpixel




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