CAD Exchanger 3.20 SDK 新亮点,-Crack

news/2024/10/21 11:29:19/

实验室中的新 BIM 查看器模式、主要的 Web 工具包增强功能以及 CAD Exchanger 3.20.0 中数据模型的更新持久性格式阵容

使用具有 BIM 特定结构和属性树的特殊查看器模式在实验室中探索 BIM 模型,使用我们的本机格式在桌面或 Web 上进行数据交换,并在 Web 工具包中发现三个新查看器示例的优势。

我们很高兴地宣布 CAD Exchanger 3.20.0 的发布。这一次,我们将引入广泛的新功能和改进,以帮助您更有效地使用 BIM 数据和 Web 工具包。让我们深入了解这个新版本所提供的一切!

以下是 CAD Exchanger 3.20.0 的亮点:

  • 实验室中的BIM查看器模式;
  • 更新了数据模型的持久性格式阵容;
  • 网络工具包中的 2D 图纸可视化;
  • 在 macOS 上支持 arm64 架构;
  • BIM格式改进;
  • 改进了渲染性能(3.19.0 中的功能)。



我们的团队在CAD交换器实验室中设计了特殊的BIM查看器模式,以帮助用户可视化和分析模型,使他们的探索更加方便。此模式允许用户查看侧重于 BIM 实体的修改后的产品结构,并访问有关图元(如墙、楼板、屋顶、门和窗)的其他信息。

反过来,BIM 实体具有一个 BIM 库,用于存储具有不同排序属性的表,Lab 使用其名称分别显示每个表。除了已经存在的外观部分外,我们还添加了一个包含材料的部分。它致力于物体的结构特性:混凝土、木材、石灰石等。

CAD 交换器本机格式

CAD 交换器本机格式

3.19版本中我们专注于BIM特定的更新,并向您展示了用于存储模型的新CDXBIM格式。这一次,我们决定更进一步,修改CAD交换器数据模型的持久性格式阵容。现在,有四种格式:CDX,CDXBIM,CDXWEB和CDXBIMWEB。前两个可用于在桌面上工作时存储通用模型数据和 BIM 数据模型,其余两个用于 Web 工具包,用于相同目的。

Web 工具包中的新复杂查看器示例

Web 工具包中的新复杂查看器示例

在 3.20 中,我们添加了图纸、BIM 和 MCAD 查看器示例,演示了相应数据类型的可视化。每个工具都代表显示特定类型数据的某些功能,可以根据需要单独使用它们。我们将进一步开发它们中的每一个并添加一个新功能,例如,BIM查看器中的虚拟游览。



改进了 B-rep 表示的渲染性能

改进了 B-rep 表示的渲染性能

从版本 3.19.0 开始,用户可以在可视化工具包和实验室中享受更快、更灵敏的 B-Rep 模型渲染,即使对于具有大量实体的大型复杂模型也是如此。结果是工作流程更顺畅、更无缝,可以帮助用户提高工作效率并在更短的时间内获得更好的结果。下一步是增强多边形表示的渲染性能,敬请期待!

在 macOS 上支持 arm64 架构

在 macOS 上支持 arm64 架构

我们一直在努力使每个人都可以使用我们的工具,因此此版本包括对 macOS 上的 arm64 架构的支持。这意味着SDK允许客户端应用程序面向Apple M1和M2系列CPU,并且实验室和Batch用户可以在新的Apple硬件上运行。




  • IFC:支持具有BIM语义的几何导出;
  • Revit:支持 Revit 2020,并可以导入结构框架和结构基础属性;
  • NX:隐含的装配体零部件现在在导入过程中被忽略;
  • 步骤:添加了对TRIANGULATED_FACE实体的支持;
  • glTF:为用户定义的属性添加了导出并保留网格名称。


CAD Exchanger 3.20.0, June 2023Highlights:- Lab now opens models of BIM formats in a special "BIM viewer" mode, featuring BIM-specificstructure and properties trees, making exploration of BIM models more convenient.- The persistence format lineup for CAD Exchanger data models has been overhauled. There are nowfour formats: for general persistence and Web Toolkit, and for two data models - generalModelData_Model and BIM model ModelData_BIMModel. The formats are CDX, CDXBIM, CDXWEB andCDXBIMWEB.- Web Toolkit can now visualize 2D drawings; its API now provides access to drawing data andBIM-specific entity designations and properties, enabling a more diverse range of applications.- SDK, Lab and Batch are now available for arm64 architecture on macOS. Thus, the SDK allows clientapplications to target Apple M1 and M2 series CPUs, and the Lab and the Batch can run on freshApple hardware natively.SDK:- Made Subprocess Mode (running conversions in a separate process) the default behavior.- Added small improvements to Subprocess Mode.- Added a limit of 100 exports for evaluation licenses.SDK/API:- Older persistence based on XML was deprecated, CDXFB is superseded with CDXWEB.SDK/Web Toolkit:- Introduced ModelData_ModelReader class allowing to read both CDXWEB and CDXBIMWEB with the same API.- Improved rendering performance for B-Rep representations with a lot of bodies.- Added `load` and `read` methods to ModelData_Model. `loadFile` and `loadSceneGraph` methods were deprecated.- Added VoidVisitor, CombinedVisitor and UniqueVisitor visitors support.- Added API for layers.- Added PMIMachiningAllowance and PMISurfaceTextureRequirement attributes support.- Added new methods to scene node factory that allow one to create the nodes from drawing and BIM entities.- Fixed line set bounding box calculation.- Fixed rendering of edges and vertices with custom appearances.- Fixed crash in "fitBox" method when the box is very small.- Examples:- Introduced BaseViewer and BaseExample classes included base logic used by all examples.- Added PropertiesPanel, StructurePanel and ViewerTools components implementingtypical WEB viewers functionality.- Added complex `drawingviewer` example demonstrating drawing data visualization.- Added complex `bimviewer` example demonstrating BIM data visualization.- Added complex `mcadviewer` example demonstrating mechanical CAD data visualization.- Added dark theme support.SDK/Visualization toolkit:- Added new methods to scene node factory that allow one to create the nodes from BIM data modelor its entities.CATIA:- Added an option to CAT_ReaderParameter to load hidden scene graph elements.- Fixed an error during parsing product structure data.Creo:- Fixed an issue with external references being lost due to the confusion of Creo files with filesof other formats.DWG:- Improved import of BlockReference entity in drawings.- Improved import of drawing units.FBX:- Improved textures export.glTF:- Added export for user-defined properties.- Added support for reading and writing mesh names.- Fixed issue with embedded textures not being imported.- Fixed a bug with name recognition in the case of a single root element.IFC:- Overhauled the export to be based on the BIM data model and thus better preserve themodel contents in BIM formats -> IFC scenarios.NX:- Suppressed assembly components are now ignored during import.- Fixed a crash during export of models imported from NX when Delayed Conversion is enabled.Revit:- Added support for 2020 version.- Added import of properties of Structural Framing and Structural Foundations.STEP:- Improved import of transformations.- Added support for the TRIANGULATED_FACE entity.SolidWorks:- Added import of polygonal representation for 2004 version.- Fixed a crash during import of some 2004 version models.- Fixed a data race in import.CAD Exchanger 3.19.0, May 2023Highlights:- Significantly improved rendering performance for B-Rep representations in CAD Exchanger Lab andVisualization Toolkit SDK add-on.- Added import of a new format - Autodesk Revit (versions 2021, 2022). Currently available only in SDK,support in Lab will appear in a future version.- Introduced a BIM-specific data model - ModelData_BIMModel. IFC and Revit models can be importedto it to retain and expose for querying more domain-specific data.Lab:- Added "Write textures" export option for GLTF, OBJ, Rhino, VRML, and X3D formats.- Fixed "Manipulator" tool issue.- Fixed an import issue on macOS Ventura 13.3.- Fixed a memory leak on B-Rep representations.- Fixed a window unavailability issue on multiple monitors environment.SDK:- Added a new CAD Exchanger native format CDXBIM, intended for persistent storage of BIM models.- Minor fixes to improve stability of Subprocess mode.- Minor fixes to improve stability of the general-purpose mesher.- Removed cadex_license.cs from dependencies in C# examples.- Added post build event to generate runtime key in C# examples.SDK/API:- Added a new exporter to image formats - Image_Writer. It does not require licensing VisualizationToolkit.- Expanded drawing API with text properties and hatch pattern scale.SDK/C3D integration:- Added support of configurations.SDK/Web Toolkit:- Breaking changes:- B-Rep representation `subshapes()` method is now async and flushes providers on call.- B-Rep body presentation now can include multiple poly vertex sets and can bereceived via B-Rep representation API only.- Poly vertex sets now can include multiple ranges with different assigned appearances.Removed previously used classes with same functionality.- Added API to retrieve/change B-Rep subshapes metadata (name, appearance, properties)- Added method to `ModelData_BRepRepresentation` for receiving actual B-Rep body presentation.- Extended API for calculating bounding box and surface area of arbitrary B-Rep shape.- Extended PolyVertexSet class to support multiple ranges with different appearances.- Fixed scene node appearance combining.- Fixed scene node removing on scene update.- Fixes selection handler behavior for multiple selection mode.- Examples:- Added B-Rep subshapes properties displaying in `modelexplorer` example.- Ported `threejsviewer` example to the new B-Rep representation API.SDK/Visualization toolkit:- Fixed "Manipulator" tool issue.- Fixed a memory leak on B-Rep representations.SDK/Documentation:- Added Python documentation.- Added information about new licensing mechanism to Unity and UNIGINE pages.- Changed description of building SDK with GNU Makefiles.- Refactored the main page. Web Toolkit tutorial and examples was moved to SDK sections.- Updated SDK supported configurations.DWG:- Added support for hatch pattern scale and text position and rotation to the import.- Improved import of diametric and radial dimensions.- Fixed a crash caused by the incorrect conversion of spline curves.FBX:- Improved import of textures.glTF:- Improved export of scene graph element names.Rhino:- Improved conversion of B-spline curves.SolidWorks:- Fixed a crash caused by incorrect parsing of configuration data.- Fixed a crash during the import of graphical PMI data.



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