Developers of PC games, you’re getting kind of sloppy. Game installations have ballooned into drive-filling behemoths. Maybe 10 gigabytes for Far Cry 3 doesn’t sound like too much…until you add 67 gigabytes for the new DOOM, and 80 freakin’ gigabytes for Shadow of War. Pretty soon, even the most capacious drives start to feel a little snug.
PC游戏开发商,您变得有些草率。 游戏装置激增成为充满驱动器的庞然大物。 也许《孤岛惊魂3》的10 GB听起来并不过分……直到您为新的《毁灭战士》增加67 GB,为《战争之影》增加80 freakin'GB。 很快,即使是最宽敞的驱动器也开始显得有些舒适。
If you’re tired of watching your free space shrink down to slivers, there’s a neat little tool called CompactGUI that can help. It gives an easy-to-use interface to the CompactOS function, a highly efficient compression tool that Microsoft introduced in Windows 10 (so, needless to say, CompactGUI will only work on Windows 10 systems). Normally, CompactOS only compresses certain files, but with CompactGUI, you can point it to whatever folder you want and compress the files within. It’s like the shrink ray from Honey I Shrunk the Kids…but perfect for your space-hogging video games. Here’s how to use it.
如果您厌倦了观看自由空间缩小成碎片的情况,可以使用一个名为CompactGUI的简洁小工具来提供帮助。 它为CompactOS功能提供了易于使用的界面, CompactOS功能是Microsoft在Windows 10中引入的高效压缩工具(因此,不用说,CompactGUI仅在Windows 10系统上可以使用)。 通常,CompactOS仅压缩某些文件,但是使用CompactGUI,您可以将其指向所需的任何文件夹并压缩其中的文件。 就像《我的孩子们亲爱的孩子》中的收缩线一样,但是它非常适合喜欢太空的视频游戏。 这是使用方法。
第一步:备份游戏文件 (Step One: Back Up Your Game Files)
Before you start this process, it’s a good idea to copy the core files of the game you intend to compress to a backup. The CompactOS functions works fine on most programs, but there’s a small chance that your game might take a performance hit due to the decompression function, or simply stop working altogether.
在开始此过程之前,最好将要压缩的游戏核心文件复制到备份中。 CompactOS功能在大多数程序上都能正常工作,但是由于解压缩功能,您的游戏可能会降低性能,或者完全停止工作,这是很小的机会。
If you don’t have enough space for a full backup, then just make sure your game save files aren’t in the same folder as the installation files (they usually aren’t). You can delete a non-functioning game from your storage drive and re-download it if the compression doesn’t work.
如果您没有足够的空间进行完整备份,则只需确保您的游戏保存文件与安装文件不在同一文件夹中(通常不是)。 您可以从存储驱动器中删除无法正常运行的游戏,如果压缩不起作用,请重新下载。
第二步:下载CompactGUI (Step Two: Download CompactGUI)
An easy-to-use download for CompactGUI is available on GitHub. Click the link marked “CompactGUI.exe” to download the executable file. It’s a self-contained program; you don’t even have to install anything. Just double-click the EXE file to start the program.
可以在GitHub上找到CompactGUI的易于使用的下载。 单击标记为“ CompactGUI.exe”的链接以下载可执行文件。 这是一个独立的程序; 您甚至不需要安装任何东西。 只需双击EXE文件即可启动程序。
第三步:运行压缩工具 (Step Three: Run The Compression Tool)
In the minimalist program window, click “Select Target Folder.” Now navigate to the installation folder for the game you want to compress. For example, almost all games downloaded by Steam are placed in a default folder, C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common
. For the sake of this demonstration, I’ll be compressing the massive installation folder for DOOM 2016, which is 67GB on my PC. Click the game installation folder, then “Select Folder.”
在极简程序窗口中,单击“选择目标文件夹”。 现在,导航至您要压缩的游戏的安装文件夹。 例如,Steam下载的几乎所有游戏都放在默认文件夹C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common
。 为了便于演示,我将压缩DOOM 2016的大型安装文件夹,该文件夹在我的PC上为67GB。 单击游戏安装文件夹,然后单击“选择文件夹”。
The program will give you a few options at this point. The four different compression algorithms are as follows:
该程序此时将为您提供一些选择。 四种不同的压缩算法如下:
XPRESS 4K: Fast compression with less space saved.
XPRESS 4K :快速压缩,节省的空间少。
XPRESS 8K: Medium speed compression with more space saved.
XPRESS 8K :中速压缩,节省更多空间。
XPRESS 16K: Slow speed compression with even more space saved.
XPRESS 16K :慢速压缩,节省更多空间。
LZX: Slowest compression with maximum space saved.
LZX :最慢的压缩,节省了最大空间。
This is a bit of a balancing act; the more compression you use on the game files, the more your CPU will be taxed in selectively decompressing them as they’re accessed (read: while you play the game). In general, use a lighter compression method for newer, more complex games, and a more aggressive algorithm for older games that your computer can run easily, and thus spare the CPU cycles.
这有点平衡。 您对游戏文件使用的压缩越多,访问它们时有选择地对它们进行解压缩的CPU负担就越大(请参阅:在玩游戏时)。 通常,对于较新的,更复杂的游戏,请使用较轻的压缩方法;对于较旧的游戏,请使用较激进的算法,以便计算机可以轻松运行,从而节省了CPU周期。
The other options are pretty self-explanatory. You’ll want to enable “Compress Subfolders,” since some games keep all of their relevant files in sub-folders anyway. You might also want “Action on Hidden and System Files”—there aren’t any critical Windows OS files in your game folders, after all. “Force Action on Files” might be necessary if the program hangs or crashes. There’s also a “Shutdown on Finish” option, but that’s only practical if you’re applying the compression program to a massive directory and you’ll be leaving your PC for hours directly after.
其他选项很不言自明。 您将要启用“压缩子文件夹”,因为某些游戏无论如何都将所有相关文件保留在子文件夹中。 您可能还需要“对隐藏文件和系统文件采取的措施”-毕竟,游戏文件夹中没有任何重要的Windows OS文件。 如果程序挂起或崩溃,则可能需要“对文件强制执行操作”。 还有一个“ Shutdown on Finish”选项,但这仅在将压缩程序应用到庞大的目录并且此后将直接离开PC数小时时才有用。
Click the “Compress Folder” button, and you’ll see the progress bar begin. Depending on the size of the folder and the power of your computer, the compression time could be anywhere from a couple of minutes to an hour or so.
单击“压缩文件夹”按钮,您将看到进度条开始。 根据文件夹的大小和计算机的功能,压缩时间可能在几分钟到一小时左右不等。
Once you’re finished, right-click the installation folder in Windows and click “Properties” to see the new size. Using the most aggressive compression setting for DOOM, I saved 18.2GB of drive space—enough for my entire Overwatch folder to fit into.
完成后,右键单击Windows中的安装文件夹,然后单击“属性”以查看新大小。 使用针对DOOM的最积极的压缩设置,我节省了18.2GB的驱动器空间,足以容纳我的整个《守望先锋》文件夹。
Some games will compress better, some worse, but users on various forums have reported space savings of up to 75% using this method. It’s definitely worth a try if you’re desperate for more storage space without paying for a new drive.
某些游戏的压缩效果会更好,而某些游戏的压缩效果会更差,但是各种论坛上的用户报告说,使用这种方法可以节省多达75%的空间。 如果您迫切需要更多的存储空间而不用购买新的驱动器,那么绝对值得一试。
第四步:测试游戏 (Step Four: Test Your Game)
Now open up your game in the usual way and play it. Technically, it should be running slower, because your CPU needs to decompress the files as they’re being accessed. But the CompactOS system is surprisingly efficient, and since most modern games rely on the GPU to do the heavy lifting (and thus will be more limited by the GPU than your CPU), you probably won’t even notice the difference.
现在,以通常的方式打开游戏并玩。 从技术上讲,它应该运行得更慢,因为在访问文件时,CPU需要解压缩文件。 但是CompactOS系统效率出乎意料,并且由于大多数现代游戏都依靠GPU来完成繁重的工作(因此,GPU的限制要大于CPU的限制),您甚至可能不会注意到其中的区别。
But this is a general process being applied to specific programs. A few games simply won’t run after being compressed, and a few more will take performance hits that aren’t acceptable to players, especially for fast-paced shooters and fighting games. If you’re noticing slowdowns or errors that you just can’t deal with, delete the compressed files and restore your backup, or just re-download the game.
但这是应用于特定程序的一般过程。 压缩后,有些游戏根本无法运行,而另一些游戏的性能下降将是玩家所无法接受的,特别是对于快节奏的射击游戏和格斗游戏。 如果您注意到无法解决的速度减慢或错误,请删除压缩文件并恢复备份,或者重新下载游戏。
Also, keep in mind that any new game files downloaded by updates won’t be automatically compressed. If you receive a major update, you may need to repeat this process.
另外,请记住,更新下载的任何新游戏文件都不会自动压缩。 如果收到重大更新,则可能需要重复此过程。
Image credit: Bethesda, Disney-Buena Vista/Blu-ray.com
图片来源:贝塞斯达(Bethesda) ,迪斯尼布埃纳(Buena)Vista / Blu-ray.com
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/342016/how-to-shrink-your-pc-game-files-with-compactgui-and-save-drive-space/