#define Keyboard_a 4 // Keyboard a and A
#define Keyboard_b 5 // Keyboard b and B
#define Keyboard_c 6 // Keyboard c and C
#define Keyboard_d 7 // Keyboard d and D
#define Keyboard_e 8 // Keyboard e and E
#define Keyboard_f 9 // Keyboard f and F
#define Keyboard_g 10 // Keyboard g and G
#define Keyboard_h 11 // Keyboard h and H
#define Keyboard_i 12 // Keyboard i and I
#define Keyboard_j 13 // Keyboard j and J
#define Keyboard_k 14 // Keyboard k and K
#define Keyboard_l 15 // Keyboard l and L
#define Keyboard_m 16 // Keyboard m and M
#define Keyboard_n 17 // Keyboard n and N
#define Keyboard_o 18 // Keyboard o and O
#define Keyboard_p 19 // Keyboard p and P
#define Keyboard_q 20 // Keyboard q and Q
#define Keyboard_r 21 // Keyboard r and R
#define Keyboard_s 22 // Keyboard s and S
#define Keyboard_t 23 // Keyboard t and T
#define Keyboard_u 24 // Keyboard u and U
#define Keyboard_v 25 // Keyboard v and V
#define Keyboard_w 26 // Keyboard w and W
#define Keyboard_x 27 // Keyboard x and X
#define Keyboard_y 28 // Keyboard y and Y
#define Keyboard_z 29 // Keyboard z and Z
#define Keyboard_1 30 // Keyboard 1 and !
#define Keyboard_2 31 // Keyboard 2 and @
#define Keyboard_3 32 // Keyboard 3 and #
#define Keyboard_4 33 // Keyboard 4 and $
#define Keyboard_5 34 // Keyboard 5 and %
#define Keyboard_6 35 // Keyboard 6 and ^
#define Keyboard_7 36 // Keyboard 7 and &
#define Keyboard_8 37 // Keyboard 8 and *
#define Keyboard_9 38 // Keyboard 9 and (
#define Keyboard_0 39 // Keyboard 0 and )
#define Keyboard_ENTER 40 // Keyboard ENTER
#define Keyboard_ESCAPE 41 // Keyboard ESCAPE
#define Keyboard_Backspace 42 // Keyboard Backspace
#define Keyboard_Tab 43 // Keyboard Tab
#define Keyboard_KongGe 44 // Keyboard Spacebar
#define Keyboard_JianHao 45 // Keyboard - and _(underscore)
#define Keyboard_DengHao 46 // Keyboard = and +
#define Keyboard_ZuoZhongKuoHao 47 // Keyboard [ and {
#define Keyboard_YouZhongKuoHao 48 // Keyboard ] and }
#define Keyboard_FanXieGang 49 // Keyboard \ and |
#define Keyboard_FenHao 51 // Keyboard ; and :
#define Keyboard_DanYinHao 52 // Keyboard ‘ and “
#define Keyboard_BoLangXian 53 // Keyboard `(Grave Accent) and ~(Tilde)
#define Keyboard_Douhao 54 // Keyboard, and <
#define Keyboard_JuHao 55 // Keyboard . and >
#define Keyboard_XieGang_WenHao 56 // Keyboard / and ?
#define Keyboard_CapsLock 57 // Keyboard Caps Lock
#define Keyboard_F1 58 // Keyboard F1
#define Keyboard_F2 59 // Keyboard F2
#define Keyboard_F3 60 // Keyboard F3
#define Keyboard_F4 61 // Keyboard F4
#define Keyboard_F5 62 // Keyboard F5
#define Keyboard_F6 63 // Keyboard F6
#define Keyboard_F7 64 // Keyboard F7
#define Keyboard_F8 65 // Keyboard F8
#define Keyboard_F9 66 // Keyboard F9
#define Keyboard_F10 67 // Keyboard F10
#define Keyboard_F11 68 // Keyboard F11
#define Keyboard_F12 69 // Keyboard F12
#define Keyboard_PrintScreen 70 // Keyboard PrintScreen
#define Keyboard_ScrollLock 71 // Keyboard Scroll Lock
#define Keyboard_Pause 72 // Keyboard Pause
#define Keyboard_Insert 73 // Keyboard Insert
#define Keyboard_Home 74 // Keyboard Home
#define Keyboard_PageUp 75 // Keyboard PageUp
#define Keyboard_Delete 76 // Keyboard Delete
#define Keyboard_End 77 // Keyboard End
#define Keyboard_PageDown 78 // Keyboard PageDown
#define Keyboard_RightArrow 79 // Keyboard RightArrow
#define Keyboard_LeftArrow 80 // Keyboard LeftArrow
#define Keyboard_DownArrow 81 // Keyboard DownArrow
#define Keyboard_UpArrow 82 // Keyboard UpArrow
#define Keypad_NumLock 83 // Keypad Num Lock and Clear
#define Keypad_ChuHao 84 // Keypad /
#define Keypad_ChengHao 85 // Keypad *
#define Keypad_JianHao 86 // Keypad -
#define Keypad_JiaHao 87 // Keypad +
#define Keypad_ENTER 88 // Keypad ENTER
#define Keypad_1_and_End 89 // Keypad 1 and End
#define Keypad_2_and_DownArrow 90 // Keypad 2 and Down Arrow
#define Keypad_3_and_PageDn 91 // Keypad 3 and PageDn
#define Keypad_4_and_LeftArrow 92 // Keypad 4 and Left Arrow
#define Keypad_5 93 // Keypad 5
#define Keypad_6_and_RightArrow 94 // Keypad 6 and Right Arrow
#define Keypad_7_and_Home 95 // Keypad 7 and Home
#define Keypad_8_and_UpArrow 96 // Keypad 8 and Up Arrow
#define Keypad_9_and_PageUp 97 // Keypad 9 and PageUp
#define Keypad_0_and_Insert 98 // Keypad 0 and Insert
#define Keypad_Dian_and_Delete 99 // Keypad . and Delete
#define Keyboard_Application 101 // Keyboard Application
#define Keyboard_LeftControl 224
#define Keyboard_LeftShift 225
#define Keyboard_LeftAlt 226
#define Keyboard_LeftWindows 227
#define Keyboard_RightControl 228
#define Keyboard_RightShift 229
#define Keyboard_RightAlt 230
#define Keyboard_RightWindows 231