火狐强制刷新_强制Firefox 3在Windows XP中使用Vista默认主题

news/2024/11/15 6:45:45/


This article was written by Leon Steadman, the same helpful reader that showed us how to Use a Custom Theme for the XP Classic Logon Screen.

本文由Leon Steadman撰写,Leon Steadman是向我们展示如何对 XP Classic Logon Screen使用自定义主题的 有用读者

Do you use Firefox 3 on Windows XP (or Windows 2000) and wish you could have the sleek blue style of the Windows Vista theme instead of the multi-coloured playschool XP one?

您是否在Windows XP(或Windows 2000)上使用了Firefox 3,并希望您拥有Windows Vista主题的圆滑的蓝色风格,而不是多色的playschool XP?

Instead of this…



…you can have this:



Normally, the only way to do so is to download a Vista-style theme from the Mozilla Add-ons site. However, they are often big, resource-hungry and can slow down your Firefox. Plus they can break when Mozilla updates Firefox, or have ugly missing parts where the theme author has not been as comprehensive as they should have.

通常,唯一的方法是从Mozilla附加组件网站下载Vista风格的主题。 但是,它们通常很大,需要大量资源,并且会降低Firefox的速度。 另外,当Mozilla更新Firefox时,它们可能会中断,或者在主题作者未达到应有的全面程度的情况下,缺少难看的部分。

Well, the good news is that Firefox for Windows-only has both the Vista and XP themes built in and there’s a simple trick to tell it which style to use. If you’re on a Mac or Linux (or on Windows and want to use the Mac/Linux themes), I’m afraid you’re out of luck and will have to continue to use the themes that have been created on the Mozilla Add-ons site.

好消息是,仅用于Windows的Firefox内置了Vista和XP主题,并且有一个简单的技巧可以告诉它使用哪种样式。 如果您使用的是Mac或Linux(或Windows,并且想使用Mac / Linux主题),恐怕您不走运,您将不得不继续使用Mozilla上创建的主题附加站点 。

Easy steps


First of all, make sure you completely exit all Firefox windows, and download and extract the Firefox3WindowsThemes.zip file (link at bottom of page).


Once you’ve extracted the files, go into the Strata folder then the Aero folder.



There will be a file there called classic.manifest. We will replace the default Firefox version with this one.

那里将有一个文件称为classic.manifest。 我们将用此版本替换默认的Firefox版本。


Next you’ll need to open up the Firefox application chrome directory by going to Start \ Run and pasting in the following path, or just manually browsing down through windows explorer.

接下来,您需要打开Firefox应用程序chrome目录,方法是转到“开始” \“运行”并在以下路径中粘贴,或者仅手动浏览Windows资源管理器。

%programfiles%\Mozilla Firefox\chrome

%programfiles%\ Mozilla Firefox \ chrome


Inside this folder, you should see the classic.manifest file that we will replace with the one from the downloaded zip file.


Important Note: Before we proceed, we need to backup our original classic.manifest file. Right-click classic.manifest and select rename. Now rename it to classic.manifest.bak.

重要说明 :在继续之前,我们需要备份原始的classic.manifest文件。 右键单击classic.manifest,然后选择重命名。 现在将其重命名为classic.manifest.bak。


Next copy and paste, or drag the classic.manifest file from the Aero folder you just extracted to the Chrome folder.


Open Firefox and enjoy the Vista-like goodness!


Vista to XP


If, for some strange reason, you are using Vista and would like to use the XP Firefox 3 theme, we’ve got you covered too.

如果出于某种奇怪的原因,您正在使用Vista,并且希望使用XP Firefox 3主题,那么我们也可以满足您的要求。

Follow the same steps as above, but instead of replacing the classic.manifest file from the Strata > Aero folder, use the one from the Strata > XP folder instead.

遵循与上述相同的步骤,但是不要替换Strata> Aero文件夹中的classic.manifest文件,而应使用Strata> XP文件夹中的文件。






If you ever want to go back to the original Firefox theme (or if your Firefox starts acting up because of it), all you have to do is delete the classic.manifest file in the Chrome folder and rename the backup copy from classic.manifest.bak back to classic.manifest.

如果您想返回到原始的Firefox主题(或Firefox因此而开始运行),只需删除Chrome文件夹中的classic.manifest文件,然后从classic.manifest重命名备份副本。 .bak返回classic.manifest。

Download Firefox3WindowsThemes Hack

下载Firefox3WindowsThemes Hack

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/force-firefox-3-to-use-the-vista-theme-in-windows-xp/





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