news/2025/2/13 22:42:41/

演唱 MELL 作词 MELL 作曲 高濑一矢

I have a big gun        我有一把火爆的枪
I took it from my lord        得自我家的上苍
Sick with justice        厌倦了所谓正义
I just wanna feel you        我只想要你的恐惧

I’m your angel            我是你的天使
Only a ring away        近在咫尺
You make me violate you        亵渎你是你自找
No matter who you are        管你是何方神圣

It’s all up to you        做不做由你自己
No one lives forever        没人能够永生
Been burn in the hell        否则就要在地狱
By all those pigs out there    被那帮猪猡欺凌

It’s always been hell        这里一直就是地狱
From when i was born        从我出生那天起
They make me violate them    被亵渎是他们自找
No matter who they are        管他是何方神圣

Get down on your knees        给我跪在地上
Get a good head on your shoulders    把脑袋放聪明一点
If it’s for your guys        想要个忠告的话
Go to the end of the earth    就滚到天边去
Do what you think        做你认为该做的事
Give it with dedication        好好地干
I’ll put out your misery    我会为你祛除痛苦

Have no prayer            没人为我祈祷
So, i keep the gun with me    所以我时刻带着枪
For my safety            为了我的安全
I’ll do it with no sweat    我会毫不犹豫地开枪

They mean business        他们是玩真的
No time for sissy pig        没功夫扭捏
Queen of ocean            海之女王
Sing "the volga" to you        为你唱伏尔加河之歌

No need to think about it    无需多想
You do it or you die        要么做鬼要么开枪
Those aren’t tears        那不是眼泪
Don’t let it trick on you    不要被它骗得了心肠

I am hard as steel        我象钢铁般坚强
Get out of my way        所以别挡我的路
Pay back all at once        否则立刻悉数奉还
Suck away the tender part    让懦弱的嘴脸见鬼去吧

You made a mess            你弄得一团糟
For christ sake, this rotten world    拖耶稣的福,这个腐败的世界
Shit out of luck        很不走狗屎运地
Go with my vision        与我的视线同逝
Light up the fire        燃起战火
Right on the power        凭借力量
Weapon… i have it all        武器...就是我的一切

Get down on your knees
Get a good head on your shoulders
If it’s for your guys
Go to the end of the earth
Do what you think
Give it with dedication
I’ll put out your misery

You made a mess
For christ sake, this rotten world
Shit out of luck
Go with my vision
Light up the fire
Right on the power
Weapon… i have it all


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