
news/2025/2/22 19:32:18/




云原生|kubernetes|kubeadm部署高可用集群(一)使用外部etcd集群_kubeadm etcd集群_晚风_END的博客-CSDN博客







1,需要开启集群监控服务,也就是metric server


详细部署方法见我的博客:kubesphere安装部署附带Metrics server的安装_晚风_END的博客-CSDN博客 


2,需要一个默认的storage class, 也就是存储插件















[root@centos1 ~]# cp /opt/etcd/ssl/server.pem  /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/healthcheck-client.crt
[root@centos1 ~]# cp /opt/etcd/ssl/server-key.pem  /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/healthcheck-client.key
[root@centos1 ~]# cp /opt/etcd/ssl/ca.pem  /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt[root@centos1 data]# scp -r /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/* slave1:/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/
apiserver-etcd-client-key.pem                                                                                                                                                   100% 1675     1.1MB/s   00:00    
apiserver-etcd-client.pem                                                                                                                                                       100% 1338     1.3MB/s   00:00    
ca.crt                                                                                                                                                                          100% 1265     2.0MB/s   00:00    
ca.pem                                                                                                                                                                          100% 1265     1.6MB/s   00:00    
healthcheck-client.crt                                                                                                                                                          100% 1338     2.6MB/s   00:00    
healthcheck-client.key                                                                                                                                                          100% 1675     2.6MB/s   00:00    
[root@centos1 data]# scp -r /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/* slave2:/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/
apiserver-etcd-client-key.pem                                                                                                                                                   100% 1675     1.0MB/s   00:00    
apiserver-etcd-client.pem                                                                                                                                                       100% 1338     2.0MB/s   00:00    
ca.crt                                                                                                                                                                          100% 1265     2.3MB/s   00:00    
ca.pem                                                                                                                                                                          100% 1265     2.0MB/s   00:00    
healthcheck-client.crt                                                                                                                                                          100% 1338     2.6MB/s   00:00    
healthcheck-client.key     kubectl -n kubesphere-monitoring-system create secret generic kube-etcd-client-certs  --from-file=etcd-client-ca.crt=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt  --from-file=etcd-client.crt=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/healthcheck-client.crt  --from-file=etcd-client.key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/healthcheck-client.key             








[root@centos1 ~]# cat kubesphere-installer.yaml 
apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
metadata:name: clusterconfigurations.installer.kubesphere.io
spec:group: installer.kubesphere.ioversions:- name: v1alpha1served: truestorage: trueschema:openAPIV3Schema:type: objectproperties:spec:type: objectx-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: truestatus:type: objectx-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: truescope: Namespacednames:plural: clusterconfigurationssingular: clusterconfigurationkind: ClusterConfigurationshortNames:- cc---
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
metadata:name: kubesphere-system---
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
metadata:name: ks-installernamespace: kubesphere-system---
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
metadata:name: ks-installer
- apiGroups:- ""resources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- appsresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- extensionsresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- batchresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- rbac.authorization.k8s.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- apiregistration.k8s.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- apiextensions.k8s.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- tenant.kubesphere.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- certificates.k8s.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- devops.kubesphere.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- monitoring.coreos.comresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- logging.kubesphere.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- jaegertracing.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- storage.k8s.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- admissionregistration.k8s.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- policyresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- autoscalingresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- networking.istio.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- config.istio.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- iam.kubesphere.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- notification.kubesphere.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- auditing.kubesphere.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- events.kubesphere.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- core.kubefed.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- installer.kubesphere.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- storage.kubesphere.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- security.istio.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- monitoring.kiali.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- kiali.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- networking.k8s.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- edgeruntime.kubesphere.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- types.kubefed.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- monitoring.kubesphere.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'
- apiGroups:- application.kubesphere.ioresources:- '*'verbs:- '*'---
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
metadata:name: ks-installer
- kind: ServiceAccountname: ks-installernamespace: kubesphere-system
roleRef:kind: ClusterRolename: ks-installerapiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io---
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
metadata:name: ks-installernamespace: kubesphere-systemlabels:app: ks-installer
spec:replicas: 1selector:matchLabels:app: ks-installertemplate:metadata:labels:app: ks-installerspec:serviceAccountName: ks-installercontainers:- name: installerimage: kubesphere/ks-installer:v3.3.2imagePullPolicy: "Always"resources:limits:cpu: "1"memory: 1Girequests:cpu: 20mmemory: 100MivolumeMounts:- mountPath: /etc/localtimename: host-timereadOnly: truevolumes:- hostPath:path: /etc/localtimetype: ""name: host-time
[root@centos1 ~]# cat cluster-configuration.yaml 
apiVersion: installer.kubesphere.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterConfiguration
metadata:name: ks-installernamespace: kubesphere-systemlabels:version: v3.3.2
spec:persistence:storageClass: ""        # If there is no default StorageClass in your cluster, you need to specify an existing StorageClass here.authentication:# adminPassword: ""     # Custom password of the admin user. If the parameter exists but the value is empty, a random password is generated. If the parameter does not exist, P@88w0rd is used.jwtSecret: ""           # Keep the jwtSecret consistent with the Host Cluster. Retrieve the jwtSecret by executing "kubectl -n kubesphere-system get cm kubesphere-config -o yaml | grep -v "apiVersion" | grep jwtSecret" on the Host Cluster.local_registry: ""        # Add your private registry address if it is needed.# dev_tag: ""               # Add your kubesphere image tag you want to install, by default it's same as ks-installer release version.etcd:monitoring: true       # Enable or disable etcd monitoring dashboard installation. You have to create a Secret for etcd before you enable it.endpointIps:  # etcd cluster EndpointIps. It can be a bunch of IPs here.port: 2379              # etcd port.tlsEnable: truecommon:core:console:enableMultiLogin: true  # Enable or disable simultaneous logins. It allows different users to log in with the same account at the same time.port: 30880type: NodePort# apiserver:            # Enlarge the apiserver and controller manager's resource requests and limits for the large cluster#  resources: {}# controllerManager:#  resources: {}redis:enabled: trueenableHA: falsevolumeSize: 2Gi # Redis PVC size.openldap:enabled: truevolumeSize: 2Gi   # openldap PVC size.minio:volumeSize: 20Gi # Minio PVC size.monitoring:# type: external   # Whether to specify the external prometheus stack, and need to modify the endpoint at the next line.endpoint: http://prometheus-operated.kubesphere-monitoring-system.svc:9090 # Prometheus endpoint to get metrics data.GPUMonitoring:     # Enable or disable the GPU-related metrics. If you enable this switch but have no GPU resources, Kubesphere will set it to zero.enabled: falsegpu:                 # Install GPUKinds. The default GPU kind is nvidia.com/gpu. Other GPU kinds can be added here according to your needs.kinds:- resourceName: "nvidia.com/gpu"resourceType: "GPU"default: truees:   # Storage backend for logging, events and auditing.# master:#   volumeSize: 4Gi  # The volume size of Elasticsearch master nodes.#   replicas: 1      # The total number of master nodes. Even numbers are not allowed.#   resources: {}# data:#   volumeSize: 20Gi  # The volume size of Elasticsearch data nodes.#   replicas: 1       # The total number of data nodes.#   resources: {}logMaxAge: 7             # Log retention time in built-in Elasticsearch. It is 7 days by default.elkPrefix: logstash      # The string making up index names. The index name will be formatted as ks-<elk_prefix>-log.basicAuth:enabled: falseusername: ""password: ""externalElasticsearchHost: ""externalElasticsearchPort: ""alerting:                # (CPU: 0.1 Core, Memory: 100 MiB) It enables users to customize alerting policies to send messages to receivers in time with different time intervals and alerting levels to choose from.enabled: true         # Enable or disable the KubeSphere Alerting System.# thanosruler:#   replicas: 1#   resources: {}auditing:                # Provide a security-relevant chronological set of records,recording the sequence of activities happening on the platform, initiated by different tenants.enabled: true         # Enable or disable the KubeSphere Auditing Log System.# operator:#   resources: {}# webhook:#   resources: {}devops:                  # (CPU: 0.47 Core, Memory: 8.6 G) Provide an out-of-the-box CI/CD system based on Jenkins, and automated workflow tools including Source-to-Image & Binary-to-Image.enabled: true             # Enable or disable the KubeSphere DevOps System.# resources: {}jenkinsMemoryLim: 4Gi      # Jenkins memory limit.jenkinsMemoryReq: 2Gi   # Jenkins memory request.jenkinsVolumeSize: 8Gi     # Jenkins volume size.events:                  # Provide a graphical web console for Kubernetes Events exporting, filtering and alerting in multi-tenant Kubernetes clusters.enabled: true         # Enable or disable the KubeSphere Events System.# operator:#   resources: {}# exporter:#   resources: {}# ruler:#   enabled: true#   replicas: 2#   resources: {}logging:                 # (CPU: 57 m, Memory: 2.76 G) Flexible logging functions are provided for log query, collection and management in a unified console. Additional log collectors can be added, such as Elasticsearch, Kafka and Fluentd.enabled: true         # Enable or disable the KubeSphere Logging System.logsidecar:enabled: truereplicas: 2# resources: {}metrics_server:                    # (CPU: 56 m, Memory: 44.35 MiB) It enables HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler).enabled: false                   # Enable or disable metrics-server.monitoring:storageClass: ""                 # If there is an independent StorageClass you need for Prometheus, you can specify it here. The default StorageClass is used by default.node_exporter:port: 9100# resources: {}# kube_rbac_proxy:#   resources: {}# kube_state_metrics:#   resources: {}# prometheus:#   replicas: 1  # Prometheus replicas are responsible for monitoring different segments of data source and providing high availability.#   volumeSize: 20Gi  # Prometheus PVC size.#   resources: {}#   operator:#     resources: {}# alertmanager:#   replicas: 1          # AlertManager Replicas.#   resources: {}# notification_manager:#   resources: {}#   operator:#     resources: {}#   proxy:#     resources: {}gpu:                           # GPU monitoring-related plug-in installation.nvidia_dcgm_exporter:        # Ensure that gpu resources on your hosts can be used normally, otherwise this plug-in will not work properly.enabled: false             # Check whether the labels on the GPU hosts contain "nvidia.com/gpu.present=true" to ensure that the DCGM pod is scheduled to these nodes.# resources: {}multicluster:clusterRole: none  # host | member | none  # You can install a solo cluster, or specify it as the Host or Member Cluster.network:networkpolicy: # Network policies allow network isolation within the same cluster, which means firewalls can be set up between certain instances (Pods).# Make sure that the CNI network plugin used by the cluster supports NetworkPolicy. There are a number of CNI network plugins that support NetworkPolicy, including Calico, Cilium, Kube-router, Romana and Weave Net.enabled: false # Enable or disable network policies.ippool: # Use Pod IP Pools to manage the Pod network address space. Pods to be created can be assigned IP addresses from a Pod IP Pool.type: none # Specify "calico" for this field if Calico is used as your CNI plugin. "none" means that Pod IP Pools are disabled.topology: # Use Service Topology to view Service-to-Service communication based on Weave Scope.type: none # Specify "weave-scope" for this field to enable Service Topology. "none" means that Service Topology is disabled.openpitrix: # An App Store that is accessible to all platform tenants. You can use it to manage apps across their entire lifecycle.store:enabled: true # Enable or disable the KubeSphere App Store.servicemesh:         # (0.3 Core, 300 MiB) Provide fine-grained traffic management, observability and tracing, and visualized traffic topology.enabled: true     # Base component (pilot). Enable or disable KubeSphere Service Mesh (Istio-based).istio:  # Customizing the istio installation configuration, refer to https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/additional-setup/customize-installation/components:ingressGateways:- name: istio-ingressgatewayenabled: truecni:enabled: trueedgeruntime:          # Add edge nodes to your cluster and deploy workloads on edge nodes.enabled: falsekubeedge:        # kubeedge configurationsenabled: falsecloudCore:cloudHub:advertiseAddress: # At least a public IP address or an IP address which can be accessed by edge nodes must be provided.- ""            # Note that once KubeEdge is enabled, CloudCore will malfunction if the address is not provided.service:cloudhubNodePort: "30000"cloudhubQuicNodePort: "30001"cloudhubHttpsNodePort: "30002"cloudstreamNodePort: "30003"tunnelNodePort: "30004"# resources: {}# hostNetWork: falseiptables-manager:enabled: true mode: "external"# resources: {}# edgeService:#   resources: {}gatekeeper:        # Provide admission policy and rule management, A validating (mutating TBA) webhook that enforces CRD-based policies executed by Open Policy Agent.enabled: false   # Enable or disable Gatekeeper.# controller_manager:#   resources: {}# audit:#   resources: {}terminal:# image: 'alpine:3.15' # There must be an nsenter program in the image



[root@centos1 ~]# kubectl get po -A
NAMESPACE           NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
kube-flannel        kube-flannel-ds-679sl                     1/1     Running   0               81m
kube-flannel        kube-flannel-ds-g6xx5                     1/1     Running   0               81m
kube-flannel        kube-flannel-ds-mtq4v                     1/1     Running   0               81m
kube-system         coredns-7f6cbbb7b8-cndqt                  1/1     Running   0               4d14h
kube-system         coredns-7f6cbbb7b8-pk4mv                  1/1     Running   0               4d14h
kube-system         kube-apiserver-master                     1/1     Running   0               82m
kube-system         kube-controller-manager-master            1/1     Running   6 (27m ago)     4d14h
kube-system         kube-proxy-7bqs7                          1/1     Running   3 (4d13h ago)   4d14h
kube-system         kube-proxy-8hkdn                          1/1     Running   3 (4d13h ago)   4d14h
kube-system         kube-proxy-jkghf                          1/1     Running   3 (4d13h ago)   4d14h
kube-system         kube-scheduler-master                     1/1     Running   6 (27m ago)     4d14h
kube-system         metrics-server-55b9b69769-85nf6           1/1     Running   0               6m37s
kube-system         nfs-client-provisioner-686ddd45b9-nx85p   1/1     Running   0               15m
kubesphere-system   ks-installer-846c78ddbf-fvg7p             1/1     Running   0               22s
[root@centos1 ~]# kubectl logs -n kubesphere-system -f  ks-installer-846c78ddbf-fvg7p
2023-06-28T12:44:02+08:00 INFO     : shell-operator latest
2023-06-28T12:44:02+08:00 INFO     : Use temporary dir: /tmp/shell-operator
2023-06-28T12:44:02+08:00 INFO     : Initialize hooks manager ...
2023-06-28T12:44:02+08:00 INFO     : Search and load hooks ...
2023-06-28T12:44:02+08:00 INFO     : HTTP SERVER Listening on
2023-06-28T12:44:02+08:00 INFO     : Load hook config from '/hooks/kubesphere/installRunner.py'
2023-06-28T12:44:02+08:00 INFO     : Load hook config from '/hooks/kubesphere/schedule.sh'
2023-06-28T12:44:02+08:00 INFO     : Initializing schedule manager ...
2023-06-28T12:44:02+08:00 INFO     : KUBE Init Kubernetes client
2023-06-28T12:44:02+08:00 INFO     : KUBE-INIT Kubernetes client is configured successfully


Collecting installation results ...
###              Welcome to KubeSphere!           ###
Account: admin
Password: P@88w0rd
NOTES:1. After you log into the console, please check themonitoring status of service components in"Cluster Management". If any service is notready, please wait patiently until all components are up and running.2. Please change the default password after login.#####################################################
https://kubesphere.io             2023-06-28 13:42:14


[root@centos1 ~]# kubectl get po -A
NAMESPACE                      NAME                                                      READY   STATUS      RESTARTS         AGE
argocd                         devops-argocd-application-controller-0                    1/1     Running     0                49m
argocd                         devops-argocd-applicationset-controller-b88d4b875-6tjjl   1/1     Running     0                49m
argocd                         devops-argocd-dex-server-5f4c69cdb8-9stkk                 1/1     Running     0                49m
argocd                         devops-argocd-notifications-controller-6d86f8974f-dtb9n   1/1     Running     0                49m
argocd                         devops-argocd-redis-655969589d-8f9gt                      1/1     Running     0                49m
argocd                         devops-argocd-repo-server-f77687668-2xvbc                 1/1     Running     0                49m
argocd                         devops-argocd-server-6c55bbb84f-hqt7s                     1/1     Running     0                49m
istio-system                   istio-cni-node-9bfbn                                      1/1     Running     0                45m
istio-system                   istio-cni-node-cpcxg                                      1/1     Running     0                45m
istio-system                   istio-cni-node-fp4g4                                      1/1     Running     0                45m
istio-system                   istio-ingressgateway-68cb85486d-hnlxj                     1/1     Running     0                45m
istio-system                   istiod-1-11-2-6784498b47-bz4fb                            1/1     Running     0                50m
istio-system                   jaeger-collector-7cd595d96d-wcxcn                         1/1     Running     0                11m
istio-system                   jaeger-operator-6f94b6594f-z9wft                          1/1     Running     0                24m
istio-system                   jaeger-query-c9568b97c-7wj4g                              2/2     Running     0                6m32s
istio-system                   kiali-6558c65c47-k9tkw                                    1/1     Running     0                10m
istio-system                   kiali-operator-6648dcb67d-vxvtg                           1/1     Running     0                24m
kube-flannel                   kube-flannel-ds-679sl                                     1/1     Running     0                144m
kube-flannel                   kube-flannel-ds-g6xx5                                     1/1     Running     0                144m
kube-flannel                   kube-flannel-ds-mtq4v                                     1/1     Running     0                144m
kube-system                    coredns-7f6cbbb7b8-cndqt                                  1/1     Running     0                4d15h
kube-system                    coredns-7f6cbbb7b8-pk4mv                                  1/1     Running     0                4d15h
kube-system                    kube-apiserver-master                                     1/1     Running     0                145m
kube-system                    kube-controller-manager-master                            1/1     Running     11 (8m33s ago)   4d15h
kube-system                    kube-proxy-7bqs7                                          1/1     Running     3 (4d14h ago)    4d15h
kube-system                    kube-proxy-8hkdn                                          1/1     Running     3 (4d14h ago)    4d15h
kube-system                    kube-proxy-jkghf                                          1/1     Running     3 (4d14h ago)    4d15h
kube-system                    kube-scheduler-master                                     0/1     Error       10 (8m45s ago)   4d15h
kube-system                    metrics-server-55b9b69769-85nf6                           1/1     Running     0                69m
kube-system                    nfs-client-provisioner-686ddd45b9-nx85p                   0/1     Error       6 (5m56s ago)    78m
kube-system                    snapshot-controller-0                                     1/1     Running     0                52m
kubesphere-controls-system     default-http-backend-5bf68ff9b8-hdqh7                     1/1     Running     0                51m
kubesphere-controls-system     kubectl-admin-6dbcb94855-lgf9q                            1/1     Running     0                20m
kubesphere-devops-system       devops-28132140-r9p22                                     0/1     Completed   0                46m
kubesphere-devops-system       devops-28132170-vqz2p                                     0/1     Completed   0                16m
kubesphere-devops-system       devops-apiserver-54f87654c6-bqf67                         1/1     Running     2 (16m ago)      49m
kubesphere-devops-system       devops-controller-7f765f68d4-8x4kb                        1/1     Running     0                49m
kubesphere-devops-system       devops-jenkins-c8b495c5-8xhzq                             1/1     Running     4 (5m53s ago)    49m
kubesphere-devops-system       s2ioperator-0                                             1/1     Running     0                49m
kubesphere-logging-system      elasticsearch-logging-data-0                              1/1     Running     0                51m
kubesphere-logging-system      elasticsearch-logging-data-1                              1/1     Running     2 (5m55s ago)    48m
kubesphere-logging-system      elasticsearch-logging-discovery-0                         1/1     Running     0                51m
kubesphere-logging-system      fluent-bit-6r2f2                                          1/1     Running     0                46m
kubesphere-logging-system      fluent-bit-lwknk                                          1/1     Running     0                46m
kubesphere-logging-system      fluent-bit-wft6n                                          1/1     Running     0                46m
kubesphere-logging-system      fluentbit-operator-6fdb65899c-cp6xr                       1/1     Running     0                51m
kubesphere-logging-system      ks-events-exporter-f7f75f84d-6cx2t                        2/2     Running     0                45m
kubesphere-logging-system      ks-events-operator-684486db88-62kgt                       1/1     Running     0                50m
kubesphere-logging-system      ks-events-ruler-8596865dcf-9m4tl                          2/2     Running     0                45m
kubesphere-logging-system      ks-events-ruler-8596865dcf-ds5qn                          2/2     Running     0                45m
kubesphere-logging-system      kube-auditing-operator-84857bf967-6lpv7                   1/1     Running     0                50m
kubesphere-logging-system      kube-auditing-webhook-deploy-64cfb8c9f8-s4swb             1/1     Running     0                46m
kubesphere-logging-system      kube-auditing-webhook-deploy-64cfb8c9f8-xgm4k             1/1     Running     0                46m
kubesphere-logging-system      logsidecar-injector-deploy-586fb644fc-h4jsx               2/2     Running     0                5m31s
kubesphere-logging-system      logsidecar-injector-deploy-586fb644fc-qtt52               2/2     Running     0                5m31s
kubesphere-monitoring-system   alertmanager-main-0                                       2/2     Running     0                42m
kubesphere-monitoring-system   alertmanager-main-1                                       2/2     Running     0                42m
kubesphere-monitoring-system   alertmanager-main-2                                       2/2     Running     0                42m
kubesphere-monitoring-system   kube-state-metrics-687d66b747-9c2tg                       3/3     Running     0                49m
kubesphere-monitoring-system   node-exporter-4jkpr                                       2/2     Running     0                49m
kubesphere-monitoring-system   node-exporter-8fzzd                                       2/2     Running     0                49m
kubesphere-monitoring-system   node-exporter-wm27p                                       2/2     Running     0                49m
kubesphere-monitoring-system   notification-manager-deployment-78664576cb-fdgft          2/2     Running     0                11m
kubesphere-monitoring-system   notification-manager-deployment-78664576cb-ztqw4          2/2     Running     0                11m
kubesphere-monitoring-system   notification-manager-operator-7d44854f54-fkzrv            1/2     Error       2 (5m54s ago)    49m
kubesphere-monitoring-system   prometheus-k8s-0                                          2/2     Running     0                42m
kubesphere-monitoring-system   prometheus-k8s-1                                          2/2     Running     0                42m
kubesphere-monitoring-system   prometheus-operator-8955bbd98-7jv9m                       2/2     Running     0                49m
kubesphere-monitoring-system   thanos-ruler-kubesphere-0                                 2/2     Running     1 (8m16s ago)    42m
kubesphere-monitoring-system   thanos-ruler-kubesphere-1                                 2/2     Running     0                42m
kubesphere-system              ks-apiserver-7f4d67c7bc-wjwtg                             1/1     Running     0                51m
kubesphere-system              ks-console-5c9fcbc67b-rfnxp                               1/1     Running     0                51m
kubesphere-system              ks-controller-manager-75ccc66ccf-sl29v                    0/1     Error       3 (8m43s ago)    51m
kubesphere-system              ks-installer-846c78ddbf-fvg7p                             1/1     Running     0                62m
kubesphere-system              minio-859cb4d777-7pzsv                                    1/1     Running     0                52m
kubesphere-system              openldap-0                                                1/1     Running     1 (51m ago)      52m
kubesphere-system              openpitrix-import-job-2t2lp                               0/1     Completed   0                6m12s
kubesphere-system              redis-68d7fd7b96-nhcfx                                    1/1     Running     0                52m




u-boot切到linux 时&#xff0c;卡住了 对比发现板子问题&#xff0c;量到这时候的电平是tf io是3.3v,发现是切不到1.8v,因为跑内核需要切到高速 后来发现是调节IO电平的IO坏了 ad8ef7a3e4a1a93c1f87bd491c12f.png) Rom code(空板&#xff09;从sdcard卡启动必须要供电正常&am…


omapl138-lcdk&#xff0c;Starting kernel …之后就无任何反应了 在msm8909pm8916平台bring up的过程中,出现开机到sbl1就死机,开不了机的情况,发现开机时应要对应的rpm.mbn cp $ROOT_AMSS/rpm_proc/build/ms/bin/8909/pm8916/rpm.mbn $ROOT_ANDROID/out/target/product/msm…


SD_SDIO_specs_v3.0-SDIO.pdf SDIO WiFi Card Driver linux下MMC/SD/SDIO驱动系列之四 ---- SDIO的识别与操作 cmd8 在SDV2.0协议中&#xff0c;CMD8的返回值格式为R7&#xff0c;如下所示


目录 前言 抽象的层次性 软件设计中的分层抽象 容器虚拟化技术&#xff0c;“抽象维纳空” 化繁为简&#xff0c;抽象思维让万物皆可设计 前言 美好的事物大家都喜欢&#xff0c;人是视觉动物&#xff0c;天生都倾向于看得见和摸得着的具象之美。蓝天白云、浩瀚星空、汪洋…

崩坏3九游服务器稳定吗,《崩坏3》卡级真的有必要吗 高级区红莲是什么样子

相信很多小伙伴都听大佬说过游戏内要卡级&#xff0c;本期就给大家带来卡级的一些建议&#xff0c;由于70后深渊战场会进入高级区&#xff0c;难度直接提高到噩梦级别&#xff0c;相信很多小伙伴一开始都被打懵了&#xff0c;下面一起来看看吧。 ◆何时突破70级&#xff1f; 70…

Win10升级后 chrome内核浏览器网页打开卡慢的解决办法

转自&#xff1a;[我是小x] Win10升级后&#xff0c;chrome内核的浏览器&#xff0c;网页打开很慢&#xff0c;或打不开网页&#xff0c;兼容模式无此问题。IE浏览器和Edge都正常。 下面的解决办法仅限于Win10系统&#xff0c;有如上现象。 一、用浏览器医生修复&#xff1a; …


这次是要搭一个CAN、RS422的通讯平台&#xff0c;包括硬件环境和上层协议的控制逻辑。 好久不做这种纯技术的工作了&#xff0c;我走了不少弯路&#xff0c;又一次误入嵌入式的深渊……很惭愧。 硬件方面&#xff0c;买的是ZLG的板子&#xff0c;我没想太多以为走程序就可以了&…


http://finance.qq.com/a/20171114/005362.htm?pgv_refaio2015&ptlang2052 由趣店集团赴美上市引发的舆论争议尚未平息&#xff0c;11月10日&#xff0c;又一网络借贷平台在纽交所敲钟上市&#xff0c;市值达到42.34亿美元。 现金贷江湖波诡云谲&#xff0c;一边是资本狂欢…