In my last post I wrote about some of my achievements of 2016, and the things I feel were successful. In this post I’m going to share my goals, along with some notes as to why these things are important to me. Most of these things are areas in which I feel I failed to some extent in 2016.
在上一篇文章中,我写了一些关于我在2016年取得的成就以及我感到成功的事情。 在这篇文章中,我将分享我的目标,以及关于这些东西为什么对我很重要的一些注释。 这些事情大多数都是我在2016年在某种程度上失败的领域。
简化 (Simplify )
As I do my annual GTD reset I am aware of how many projects I have on the back burner. I’m intending to start to consolidate things, and be strict at closing and archiving old projects in some way. I have a bad habit of leaving things sat there, with actions I think should be done, but never get onto them. They then make me feel overwhelmed when I see them in my “on hold” list. They probably need to go!
当我进行年度GTD重置时,我知道我有多少项目在后面。 我打算开始进行整合,并严格以某种方式关闭和归档旧项目。 我有一个坏习惯,那就是把东西放在那儿,我认为应该采取一些行动,但是永远不要去做。 当我在“保留”列表中看到它们时,它们使我感到不知所措。 他们可能需要走了!
拥有自己的内容 (Owning my own content)
Related to the above, I’m also aware of how much of my output and content isn’t owned by me. In 2016 I began the process of making the main source of truth about my speaking engagements and related assets this site, rather than Lanyrd. I’m still partway through collecting the various slides, videos and photographs for each past engagement but recent ones are all hosted here.
与上述相关,我还知道我不拥有多少输出和内容。 在2016年,我开始在这个网站(而非Lanyrd)上建立有关我的演讲活动和相关资产的主要事实来源。 我仍在收集过去每次参与活动的各种幻灯片,视频和照片的过程,但最近的活动都存储在这里 。
I’m going to pick this up in the New Year and aim to make this site the main repository for everything I do. As this site uses Perch Runway the nice thing about focusing on this means that if it turns out there are ways we can make Perch better for people who want to host their own stuff, that can be opened up to our customers too.
我将在新年期间进行挑选,并致力于使该站点成为我所做工作的主要存储库。 由于该站点使用Perch Runway,因此专注于此是一件很不错的事情,这意味着,如果有事实证明,我们可以为想要托管自己东西的人们提供更好的Perch服务,也可以向我们的客户开放。
健康和健身 (Health and fitness)
I mentioned at the end of my last blog post that I’m recovering from another surgery on my elbow. In mid-January it will be four years since I went running in the snow and ended up with a 6 hour emergency operation to put together what the surgeon described as a complicated 3D jigsaw puzzle. In many ways I am lucky I have any use of my dominant arm at all, however I have spent 2016 becoming increasingly annoyed with my inability to fix it.
我在上一篇博客文章的结尾提到,我正在从肘部的另一种手术中康复。 1月中旬,距离我在雪地上奔跑并进行了6个小时的紧急手术将外科医生描述为一个复杂的3D拼图游戏的时间相隔了四年。 从很多方面来说,我很幸运,我根本没有使用过我的优势手臂,但是由于无法修复它,我在2016年变得越来越恼火。
Some stuff is not fixable. So, while I am cautiously optimistic about the fact that this operation may have improved things to some extent, 2017 needs to be about accepting this disability as being my new normal. The baseline from which I work.
有些东西无法修复 。 因此,尽管我对这项手术可能会有所改善的事实持谨慎乐观的态度,但2017年必须将接受这种残疾作为我的新常态。 我工作的基准。
Having one wonky arm plays havoc with everything else, I’m having significant issues with it causing my spine to twist and I believe this is behind a lot of the hip problems that have been a constant issue when running in the last couple of years.
This is something fixable. However it is obvious that my default approach of powering through despite pain is only making things worse. For 2017 I’m going to commit to a daily yoga practice, with the help of the lovely new yoga studio that has opened 5 minutes walk from my house. I want to see if I can regain some balance in my own body, and that has to be the first goal before any ideas about new crazy running challenges or anything else.
这是可以解决的 。 但是,很明显,尽管痛苦,我的默认通电方式只会使情况变得更糟。 在2017年,我将致力于每天的瑜伽练习,在可爱的新瑜伽工作室的帮助下,该工作室距离我家步行5分钟。 我想看看我是否可以在自己的身体中重新获得一些平衡,这必须是对新的疯狂跑步挑战或其他任何想法的首要目标。
In the last couple of weeks, two people I really admire have written about their own injuries and recovery – Amelia Boone and Garrett Dimon. I’m inspired by both of these to not only be better, but also to work on how I think and feel about this.
在过去的几周中,我非常佩服的两个人写了关于他们自己的伤病和康复的信息: 阿米莉亚·布恩 ( Amelia Boone)和加勒特·迪蒙 ( Garrett Dimon) 。 这两个方面都启发了我,我不仅要变得更好,而且还要努力研究我对此的想法和感受。
庆祝和跟踪成功 (Celebrate and track the successes)
Perch and Runway is Drew and I, a husband and wife team. Running something like Perch becomes all-encompassing in our lives. We get very bogged down in how much there is to do, as we could easily have 5 developers here to work on tasks around the ecosystem.
Perch and Runway是Drew和我,一个夫妻团队。 运行诸如Perch之类的东西在我们的生活中变得无处不在。 我们非常困惑要做的事情,因为我们可以很容易地让5个开发人员在这里从事围绕生态系统的任务。
That is as it is, however we could definitely look at the situation better by being able to see just how much we achieve. So this year I’m putting into place processes to make sure we can see and celebrate our progress.
就是这样,但是我们绝对可以通过看到我们所取得的成就来更好地看待这种情况。 因此,今年我将制定流程,以确保我们能够看到并庆祝我们的进展。
We also want to focus more on small sprints of work that we can complete and ship quickly. Shop and then the new UI of Perch and Runway 3 has been a lot of work, and unavoidably these were chunky projects. With version 3 out of the door we are going to look at shorter, more quickly shippable things. Trying to work in one week sprints. That always feels like we are getting more done and is nice for our customers too as they get new shiny things more quickly.
我们还希望更多地关注可以完成并快速交付的小型工作。 进行购买,然后进行Perch和Runway 3的新UI的工作量很大,不可避免地这些都是庞大的项目。 随着版本3的发布,我们将着眼于更短,更快速的可交付产品。 试图在一周的冲刺中工作。 总是觉得我们正在做更多的事情,并且对我们的客户也很高兴,因为他们可以更快地获得新的闪亮事物。
We also need to be able to go do stuff other than work stuff. It is so easy for every meal out, car journey, even when we go running together to end up becoming a work meeting!
我们还需要能够去做工作以外的事情。 即使我们一起跑步最终成为工作会议,每次外出就餐,乘车旅行都非常容易!
扩大声音 (Amplifying diverse voices)
As a person with products, I’m very aware how helpful it is when my peers share my tweets or otherwise tell their audiences about my stuff. I always try and promote the things my friends and colleagues are working on – whether a product or a blog post or tutorial.
作为一个拥有产品的人,我很清楚当我的同龄人分享我的推文或以其他方式告诉听众我的东西时,这有什么帮助。 我总是尝试推广我的朋友和同事正在做的事情-无论是产品,博客文章还是教程。
My travel this year made me realise how I was mostly doing that with other people like me, because these are my friends, and tend to be a similar demographic to me. To address that I’ve started following people on Twitter from other places in the world, and making sure I actively go check out their tweets when they happen in a time when I’m not awake. By talking to and learning about people who are less like me I hope I can help to amplify the things they are doing, by sharing them with my own audience. I really had my eyes opened to how much Twitter can become an echo chamber in 2016, and I’m going to try my best to make it less so – for me and the people who follow me at least!
今年的旅行使我意识到,与其他像我这样的人在一起时,我主要是怎么做的,因为这些人是我的朋友,并且与我的人口特征相似。 为了解决这个问题,我已经开始关注来自世界其他地方的Twitter上的人,并确保在我不醒的时候,我会积极查看他们的推文。 通过与不像我这样的人交谈和了解,我希望我可以通过与我的听众分享他们来帮助扩大他们正在做的事情。 我真的对2016年Twitter可以成为回声室的程度睁开了眼睛,我将尽我最大的努力减少它-对我和至少跟随我的人!
焦点 (Focus)
I am one of the most goal oriented people I know, I like deadlines and thrive on shipping things. However it is very easy for me to scatter my efforts around on things that are less helpful. In addition to the major themes above, the following are things that are my main focus.
我是我认识的最注重目标的人之一,我喜欢截止日期,并且在运送东西方面一枝独秀。 但是,我很容易将精力分散在那些没有帮助的事情上。 除了上述主要主题外,以下是我的主要重点。
The Perch and Runway 3 Launch, this includes a whole heap of other things such as a relaunch of the websites and properly separating Perch and Runway in terms of how we market them for the first time.
Perch and Runway 3发布会,其中包括很多其他内容,例如重新启动网站,以及就我们第一次进行营销的方式适当地分隔Perch和Runway。
I am focussing my long form writing effort on a new book project, as yet unannounced.
I would like to continue to build on the success of my online CSS Workshop, I launched it with little fanfare or marketing as we were also mid-Perch Shop launch, so I have been thrilled as to how many people have taken it up and the comments I have had.
我想继续以在线CSS Workshop的成功为基础,因为在Perch Shop推出的中期,我几乎没有大张旗鼓地进行营销或推广,所以我对有多少人使用它以及对我的评论。
I would also like to book in some additional CSS Layout Workshops whether public-facing or internal in 2017, plus do a limited amount of consultancy on CSS Layout and in particular Grid Layout. An ideal area for me to be involved would be to work with anyone who is building tools that will rely on Grid Layout – for example visual layout tools. I’ve been interested in that area since my days with WaSP and the Dreamweaver Task Force.
我还想在2017年面向公众或内部其他一些CSS Layout研讨会上预订,再加上有关CSS Layout尤其是Grid Layout的有限咨询。 我参与其中的理想领域是与正在构建依赖于Grid Layout的工具的任何人一起工作-例如视觉布局工具。 自从与WaSP和Dreamweaver Task Force合作以来,我一直对该领域感兴趣。
I want to find my feet in the CSS Working Group and find the places where I can best contribute to activities there.
With CSS Grid landing in browsers I’ll be continuing to educate and help people transition to this new layout method. I’m really excited to see what people do with it and I’ll be watching closely to see what content I can create to help.
随着CSS Grid在浏览器中的登陆,我将继续教育并帮助人们过渡到这种新的布局方法。 看到人们如何使用它,我感到非常兴奋,并且将密切关注我可以创建哪些内容来提供帮助。
In terms of speaking I enjoyed the few keynotes I was asked to do last year – my talks are often more technical, and code-based. I’d like to do more of that type of speaking but also improve my skills. I’m intending to do some improv as my main weakness is in being spontaneous and moving away from a script when presenting. That’s mostly a confidence thing and I think working on that would help a lot. I already have some exciting speaking gigs lined up for 2017, and I’m really looking forward to those.
在发言方面,我享受了去年我被要求做的几项主旨演讲–我的演讲通常更加技术性和基于代码。 我想做更多这样的演讲,但同时也要提高我的技能。 我打算做一些即兴演奏,因为我的主要弱点是在演示时会自发地离开脚本。 那主要是一件自信的事,我认为努力会很有帮助。 我已经为2017年安排了一些激动人心的演讲演出,我真的很期待。
向前! (Onwards!)
I mentioned in my last post that 2016 had left me feeling somewhat downhearted, but I’m excited for the things I want to achieve in 2017. Looking back over my notes I think if I needed to sum things up in one word I’d choose effective. I want my effort to matter. Whether it is in fitness, marketing or working on CSS, I want the time I put in to not not be wasted. I want to look back at 2017 and know that I moved things forward, that things are better.
我在上一篇文章中提到,2016年让我感到有些沮丧,但我为2017年想要实现的目标而感到兴奋。选择有效的 。 我要努力去做。 无论是健身,市场营销还是CSS开发 ,我都希望不要浪费我的时间。 我想回顾一下2017年,我知道自己向前迈进了,情况变得更好。