live2d怎么移动_使用Live Mesh在计算机和移动设备之间同步文件

news/2024/10/23 11:24:52/


Would you like to be able to access your files instantly from anywhere?  With Live Mesh you can sync files between computers, mobile devices, and even Macs which is both free and easy. 

您想随时随地访问文件吗? 使用Live Mesh,您可以在计算机,移动设备甚至Mac之间同步文件,这既免费又简单。

Live Mesh is a free service from Microsoft that lets you sync files between PCs, Macs, Windows Phones, and an online desktop with 5Gb of storage.  You can sync any file or folder from any and all of these locations. Live Mesh gives you full control over your files, so they can be synced with 2 computers, one computer and the cloud, or 30 computers – your choice!  You can also remotely access any connected computer’s full desktop from any internet connected computer worldwide via the web interface.

Live Mesh是Microsoft的一项免费服务,可让您在PC,Mac,Windows Phone和具有5Gb存储空间的在线桌面之间同步文件。 您可以从所有这些位置中的任何文件或文件夹同步。 Live Mesh使您可以完全控制文件,因此可以将它们与2台计算机,一台计算机和云或30台计算机同步-您可以选择! 您还可以通过Web界面从全球任何联网的计算机上远程访问任何已连接计算机的完整桌面。

So let’s get started.


Head over to Live Mesh and click the Sign in button.

转到Live Mesh,然后单击“登录”按钮。

Sign in

Sign in with your Windows Live ID (including your Hotmail, Messenger, or Xbox login), or create a new account if you don’t already have one.

使用Windows Live ID(包括Hotmail,Messenger或Xbox登录名)登录,或者如果您还没有一个新帐户,则创建一个新帐户。

mesh - sign in

Welcome to Mesh!  You’re immediately welcomed with a link to your Live Desktop.  This is your online desktop for Mesh where you can save your files online and sync them from your computers.  Click connect to see it.

欢迎来到Mesh! 立即欢迎您到Live Desktop的链接。 这是您用于Mesh的在线桌面,您可以在其中在线保存文件并从计算机同步文件。 单击连接以查看它。

mesh main screen

The online Desktop works very similar to your Windows desktop, including the Aero look and feel.  Mesh helps you quickly get setup with helpful tutorials the first time you login.

联机桌面的工作原理与Windows桌面非常相似,包括Aero外观。 首次登录时,Mesh可通过有用的教程帮助您快速进行设置。


Now you can add a folder.  Simply click the “Create New Folder” and enter the name you want for your folder.

现在您可以添加一个文件夹。 只需单击“创建新文件夹”,然后输入所需的文件夹名称。


Click the down arrow on the dialog box to choose where to sync your files.  Remember, files and folders in Mesh can be synced between any 2 locations, so if you wish to only have the file on 2 computers and not online, or on one computer and online, it’s up to you.

单击对话框上的向下箭头以选择文件同步的位置。 请记住,Mesh中的文件和文件夹可以在任意两个位置之间同步,因此,如果您只希望文件在两台计算机上而不在线,或者在一台计算机和在线上,则由您自己决定。

mesh - folder sync options

You can easily upload files directly from the “Explorer” window in Mesh, and can also rename and move files.


mesh - online explorer

Or, you can even view a Silverlight-powered slideshow of your pictures by clicking on the Media View button.


mesh - media viewer

But Live Mesh’s best feature is that you can directly connect with your computers and Windows Mobile devices.  Click on the Devices button to return to the main screen.

但是Live Mesh的最佳功能是您可以直接连接计算机和Windows Mobile设备。 单击设备按钮以返回主屏幕。

mesh - devices link

Now click the “Add a device” link, and select the appropriate download.  Mesh supports Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7, including 64 bit versions. It also works with Windows Mobile and a tech preview for Mac OS X.

现在,单击“添加设备”链接,然后选择适当的下载。 Mesh支持Windows XP,Vista和Windows 7,包括64位版本。 它还可以与Windows Mobile和Mac OS X的技术预览一起使用。


Installing Mesh is very simple.  It runs quietly from the tray and lets you know its progress with a small indicator.

安装网格非常简单。 它从托盘安静地运行,并通过一个小指示器让您知道其进度。


Once it is installed, simply sign in with your Windows Live ID (the same one you used to sign in online).

安装完成后,只需使用Windows Live ID(与您在线登录相同的身份)登录即可。


Now add a name for your computer so you’ll know which computer it is from the Live Desktop.

现在为您的计算机添加一个名称,以便从Live Desktop知道它是哪台计算机。


Now you can easily add files and folders to your Mesh so they can sync with other computers or the Live Desktop.  Simply right-click on any folder, and select “Add folder to Live Mesh” and you will be presented with all of the sharing options you had on the Live Desktop.

现在,您可以轻松地将文件和文件夹添加到Mesh中,以便它们可以与其他计算机或Live Desktop同步。 只需右键单击任何文件夹,然后选择“将文件夹添加到Live Mesh”,您将看到在Live Desktop上拥有的所有共享选项。

mesh - add folder in Windows

All synced folders will have a Mesh sidebar which shows recent activity in that folder.  You can also view this bar by clicking on the Mesh icon in your taskbar.

所有已同步的文件夹都将具有一个“网格”侧边栏,以显示该文件夹中的最近活动。 您也可以通过单击任务栏中的“网格”图标来查看此栏。

9 mesh

And now, when you sign into your Live Desktop, your computer will be listed with your devices.  You can even choose to remotely login to your computer if you wish directly from the Live Desktop online.

现在,当您登录Live Desktop时,您的计算机将随设备一起列出。 如果您希望直接从Live Desktop在线,甚至可以选择远程登录计算机。


Mesh also works on Windows Mobile devices.  Simply visit the Live Mesh site from your phone’s browser, sign in with your Live ID, and download and install Mesh from there.

Mesh也可以在Windows Mobile设备上使用。 只需从手机的浏览器访问Live Mesh网站,使用Live ID登录,然后从那里下载并安装Mesh。


Once installed, you can sync any folder from your phone, or access other folders in your Mesh.  This is a great way to keep your Windows Phone in sync with your computer!

安装后,您可以同步手机中的任何文件夹,或访问网格中的其他文件夹。 这是使Windows Phone与计算机保持同步的好方法!


In Closing:


Mesh is a great way to keep files synced across your computers and mobile devices, and even on the cloud.  Whether you need to keep all your documents on your desktop and laptop, or make sure that crucial file is available from anywhere with an internet connection. Check it out, and let us know what you think!

网格是一种使文件在计算机和移动设备上甚至在云上保持同步的好方法。 您是否需要将所有文档都保留在台式机和笔记本电脑上,还是要确保关键文件在任何可以连接互联网的地方都可用。 检查一下,让我们知道您的想法!



Sign up for Live Mesh

注册Live Mesh




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