植物大战僵尸音乐计算机简谱,植物大战僵尸主题曲简谱|植物大战僵尸主题曲:Zombies on Your Lawn...

news/2025/3/15 8:01:32/


沪江英乐讯   热门游戏植物大战僵尸的设计师Geroge Fan的女友Laura Shigihara是一个职业游戏音乐制作人,她负责制作并演唱了植物大战僵尸这款游戏的主题音乐Zombies on Your Lawn

Artist:Laura Shigihara

Song:Zombies on Your Lawn

There"s a zombie on your law-awn

There"s a zombie on your lawnnn...

There"s a zombie on your law-awn

We don"t want zombies on the lawn...

I know your type: tall, dark, and dead

You want to bite all the petals off of my head

And then eat the brains off

the one who planted me here (SFX: Noooo!)

I"m just a sunflower but see

me power an entire infantry

You like the taste of brains

we don"t like zombies

I used to play football (Footbaw-all)

Road cones protect my head (Cone on his head)

I have a screen door shield (Door Shield)

All zombies: We are the undead!

Repeat Chorus, in Night and Fog stages

Maybe it"s time to reevaluate

I know you have a lot of food on your plate

Brains are quite rich in cholesterol

You"re dead so it doesn"t matter,

so Instead we"ll use this solar power

to make a lawn defense at any hour

I like your tricycle (cy-cle)

There"s butter on my head (oh on his head)

(dolphin sound) I"m gonna eat your brains (oh no no no)

We are the undead!




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