
news/2024/11/15 6:42:56/
This is the game named Classic Tetris. Create horizontal lines using the falling blocks. When you make a line, it is cleared from the screen. The game is over when the blocks pile up and reach the top line. Finger slide on the screen to move the blocks, touch screen to rotate and quick-falling button to drop blocks faster (also you can use the left, right and down arrow keys to move blocks, up arrow to rotate and spacebar to drop pieces faster). You get more points for completing multiple lines at once, and get additional points when you use the quick-falling button.

本程序完美的支持Android 1.5版本及以上手机。游戏过程中使用动画、音乐、声效,整体搭配良好。另本程序不访问网络,不占用流量。
The application is supporting Android 1.5 version and above. The music and sound are mixed well during the game animation. This procedure is neither access the network, nor occupy flow rate.

以下为程序截图 Below are the screenshots for the procedure:

◆ 初始界面如下 Main Screen:

◆ 点击“设置”按钮,出现如下界面Click "Setup", it is:

◆ 点击“开始”按钮,即游戏开始,游戏过程中的画面如下 Click "Start", a new game is starting:

◆ 点击“排行榜”按钮,出现如下界面 Click "History", it is:

◆ 点击“帮助”按钮,出现如下界面 Click "Help", it is:

最后游戏的设定和排行榜数据自动存档 The informations of "Setup" and "History" will be save automatically.




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