B0-based remote API modus operandi

news/2025/3/14 22:37:03/

B0-based remote API modus operandi


The BØ-based remote API should not be mixed-up with the c remote API (or simply remote API), which is an older version of the remote API that is less flexible, and more difficult to extend.


A B0-based remote API function is called in a similar fashion as a regular API function, however with one major difference:


Most B0-based remote API functions require one additional argument: the topic or communication channel to use for executing the function call. The topic can be the return value of one of following 5 functions:


simxServiceCall: this topic allows to execute the function in a blocking mode, i.e. the command will travel to the server (i.e. CoppeliaSim), execute there, and return a response to the client. Use this topic only when fetching command responses from the server as a one-time operation (e.g. simxGetObjectHandle would typically use a service call to execute).


simxDefaultPublisher: this topic allows to execute the function in a non-blocking mode, i.e. the function is sent to the server (i.e. CoppeliaSim), and control returns immediately to the client (i.e. the client will not wait for a reply from the server). Use this topic only when sending commands to the server, where you do not expect/need a response from it (e.g. simxSetJointPosition would typically use the default publisher to execute).


simxDefaultSubscriber: this topic informs the server to continuously execute the function, and continuously stream the response to the client. The client will be receiving the response inside of a callback function. Use this topic only when you want to receive the response from the same command continuously executed on the server side. (e.g. simxGetJointForce would typically use the default subscriber to execute). Defined callback functions are called via the simxSpinOnce function (when a response is available in the input buffer).


simxCreatePublisher: this is very similar to simxDefaultPublisher, with the difference, that a dedicated publisher topic is created, i.e. a dedicated publishing channel is created. It can be useful to assign specific functions/commands to a dedicated publisher, specially with heavy data (e.g. simxSetVisionSensorImage would typically use a dedicated publisher to execute).


simxCreateSubscriber: this is very similar to simxDefaultSubscriber, with the difference, that a dedicated subscriber topic is created, i.e. a dedicated subscriber channel is created. It can be useful to assign specific functions/commands to a dedicated subscriber, specially with heavy data (e.g. simxGetVisionSensorImage would typically use a dedicated subscriber to execute).




import b0RemoteApi
import timewith b0RemoteApi.RemoteApiClient('b0RemoteApi_pythonClient','b0RemoteApi') as client:    doNextStep=Truedef simulationStepStarted(msg):  #  simxDefaultSubscriber 的回调函数simTime=msg[1][b'simulationTime'];print('Simulation step started. Simulation time: ',simTime)def simulationStepDone(msg):  #  simxDefaultSubscriber 的回调函数simTime=msg[1][b'simulationTime'];print('Simulation step done. Simulation time: ',simTime);global doNextStepdoNextStep=Trueclient.simxSynchronous(True)client.simxGetSimulationStepStarted(client.simxDefaultSubscriber(simulationStepStarted));  # 检查当前模拟步骤是否已完成执行client.simxGetSimulationStepDone(client.simxDefaultSubscriber(simulationStepDone));client.simxStartSimulation(client.simxDefaultPublisher())startTime=time.time()while time.time()<startTime+5: if doNextStep:doNextStep=Falseclient.simxSynchronousTrigger()  # 如果先前启用了CoppeliaSim同步模式,则触发下一个模拟步骤client.simxSpinOnce()  #  调用有消息等待的订阅者的所有回调,然后返回client.simxStopSimulation(client.simxDefaultPublisher())




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