
news/2024/12/22 16:20:58/


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;enum v1{jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jly, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec};
enum v2{tam, hel, maa, huh, tou, kes, hei, elo, syy, lok, mer, jou};map<int, string> mp;
map<string ,int> eto;void hanshu(void)
{int a,b;string s1[13]={"tret","jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jly","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec"};string s2[13]={"tret","tam","hel","maa","huh","tou","kes","hei","elo","syy","lok","mer","jou"};//存在0的 for(int i=0;i<13;i++){mp[i]=s1[i];eto[s1[i]]=i;    }for(int i=1;i<13;i++){mp[13*i]=s2[i];eto[s2[i]]=i*13; }//不存在0的for(int i=1;i<13;i++){for(int j=1;j<13;j++){mp[i*13+j]=s2[i]+" "+s1[j];eto[mp[i*13+j]]=i*13+j;}} 
}int main(void)
{hanshu();freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);int n;scanf("%d",&n);char m=getchar();//char m=getchar();for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){string str;getline(cin, str);
//        printf("%s\n",str.c_str());if(str[0] >= '0' && str[0] <= '9'){     //说明是数字 int number=0;for(int j = 0; j < str.size(); j++){number = number * 10 + (str[j] - '0');}printf("%s\n",mp[number].c_str());}else{     //说明是火星字printf("%d\n",eto[str]);}}fclose(stdin);return 0;




PAT 甲级 A1100

1100 Mars Numbers (20分) 题目描述 People on Mars count their numbers with base 13: Zero on Earth is called “tret” on Mars.The numbers 1 to 12 on Earth is called “jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jly, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec” on Mars, respectively.For t…

PAT甲级 A1100

PAT甲级 A1100 题目详情 1100 Mars Numbers (20分) People on Mars count their numbers with base 13: Zero on Earth is called “tret” on Mars. The numbers 1 to 12 on Earth is called “jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jly, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec” on Mars, res…

PAT A1100

实质上没什么难的&#xff0c;体感表达的意思无非是将十进制数字转换为13进制&#xff0c;然后给出将数字替换成相应的字符串&#xff1b; 但是这道题的示例代码给出了所谓打表的新思路&#xff0c;之前没参加过ACM或者OJ比赛&#xff0c;也就没听说过&#xff1b;简单的来说就…

A1100 Mars Numbers [map映射]


PAT A1100 解题思路 及 测试点 1 解决方法

首先注意容易错的地方&#xff0c;即 13 的整数倍转换为火星文时不要带最后的 tret 。 还要注意输入的字母有没有打错&#xff01;最好直接复制粘贴&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01; 测试点1涉及到 0 的转化&#xff0c;有这个错误的同学可以试一下。 第一种方法是自己…


文章目录 专栏导读1. 基础饼图add函数简单案例改变颜色 2. 百分比饼图3. 环形饼图4. 玫瑰饼图5. 内嵌环图6. 多个饼图 专栏导读 &#x1f525;&#x1f525;本文已收录于《100天精通Python从入门到就业》&#xff1a;本专栏专门针对零基础和需要进阶提升的同学所准备的一套完整…


早上醒来&#xff0c;一看手机&#xff0c;满屏的EDG&#xff0c;我懵了&#xff01; EDG? 这到底是啥&#xff1f; 难道比我昨晚看的曼城对曼联还重要 ? 我赶紧打开浏览器&#xff0c;颤抖着双手在搜索框敲入了&#xff1a;EDG 百度给我的搜索提示一下子就平复了我的心情&am…


一、产品是什么&#xff1f; 产品是指被人们使用和消费&#xff0c;并能满足人们某种需求的任何东西&#xff0c;包括有形的物品、无形的服务、组织、观念或它们的组合。 产品本质是什么&#xff0c;产品的本质就是解决⽤户的痛点/满⾜⽤户的需求&#xff0c;这种满⾜的需求&…