Image detail extraction

news/2024/10/17 6:35:39/



  • Detailed information is extracted from infrared and visible images.Due to practical application requirements, the source images of image fusion can actually be of various types.Different types of source images have their own unique properties, so the scene of image fusion will have a great impact on image fusion.At present, there are four main types of image fusion application scenes:




  • Visible image -- infrared image fusion

    Infrared sensors are usually sensitive to infrared radiation caused by thermal effect. In dark or complex background, they can better detect hot objects. Meanwhile, they often ignore the background information of no heating in the environment.The visible light sensor can effectively perceive environmental information, which is just complementary with infrared. 

    After the image detail information is extracted, image fusion can be carried out according to the requirements.The following is the fusion method I summarized before:










  • Pixel-level fusion

  • Pixel-level fusion, also known as data-level fusion, is the most basic of the three levels. It refers to the process of directly processing the data collected by the sensor to obtain the fused image.

  • There are spatial domain algorithm and transform domain algorithm in pixel-level fusion.

  • In the spatial domain algorithm, there are a variety of fusion rule methods, such as logical filtering method, gray weighted average method, contrast modulation method, etc.

  • In the transform domain, there are also pyramid decomposition and fusion method, wavelet transform method.The wavelet transform is the most important and commonly used method.

  • Advantages:

  • After image fusion at pixel level image with more details information, such as edge, texture extraction, conducive to the further analysis of the image, processing and understanding, can also expose potential targets, good judgment, identify potential target pixel operation, this method also can be as much as possible to save the information in the source image, make the image after fusion both content and details are increased, the advantage is unique, only exist in pixel level fusion.

  • Disadvantages:

  • The limitations of pixel-level image fusion cannot be ignored. As it operates on pixel points, the computer has to process a large amount of data, which will take a long time. Therefore, the fused image cannot be displayed in time and real-time processing cannot be realized.In addition, in the process of data communication, the amount of information is large and is easily affected by noise.In addition, if the image is not registered strictly, it will directly participate in the image fusion, which will lead to the image blur after fusion, and the target and details are unclear and inaccurate.








  • Eigenlevel fusion

  • Feature-level image fusion is the extraction of feature information from the source image, which is the target or area of interest to the observer in the source image, such as edge, person, building or vehicle, etc., and then the analysis, processing and integration of these feature information to obtain the fused image features.

  • In feature-level fusion, different images are guaranteed to contain information features, such as infrared light's representation of heat of the object, visible light's representation of brightness of the object, and so on.

  • Advantages:

  • The accuracy of target recognition after fusion is obviously higher than that of original image.Feature-level fusion compresses the image information, and then analyzes and processes it by computer. The memory and time consumed will be reduced compared with the pixel level, and the real-time performance of the required image will be improved.Feature-level image fusion requires less accuracy of image matching than the first layer, and the calculation speed is also faster than the first layer.

  • Disadvantages:

  • Feature-level fusion extracts image features as fusion information, so many detailed features are lost.








  • Decision level fusion
  • Decision-level image fusion is a cognition-based method, which is not only the highest level of image fusion, but also the highest level of abstraction.Decision-level image fusion is targeted. According to the specific requirements of the question, the feature information obtained from the feature-level image is utilized, and then the optimal decision is directly made according to certain criteria and the credibility of each decision (the probability of the existence of the target).
  • Decision-level integration mainly depends on subjective requirements, and there are also some rules, such as Bayesian method, D-S evidence method and voting method.
  • Advantages:
  • Among the three fusion levels, the calculation amount of the decision-level image fusion is the smallest, and the noise has the least influence on the image transmission.
  • Disadvantages:
  • This method has a strong dependence on the previous level, and the resulting image is not very clear compared with the previous two fusion methods, so it is difficult to realize the decision-level image fusion.

一幅图像可以分解为两层:底层(base layer)和细节层(detail layer)。底层包含图像的低频信息,反映了图像在大尺度上的强度变化;细节层包含图像的高频信息,反映了图像在小尺度上的细节。

1. 加性分解
要获取图像的底层,即图像的低频信息,使用低通滤波(如均值滤波(mean filter),高斯滤波(gaussian filter),导向滤波(guided filter))对图像进行滤波即可:B=f(I)



2. 乘性分解

因为底层乘以细节层即为源图像,所以我称此种分解方法为乘性分解,对应于乘性噪声。在其他文章中,此处得到的细节层也称为商图像(quotient image)或比例图像(ratio image)。

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgcodecs/imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"int main()
{cv::Mat I = cv::imread("lwir1.png");if (I.empty()){return -1;}I.convertTo(I, CV_32FC3);cv::Mat B;cv::boxFilter(I, B, -1, cv::Size(31, 31));// 1. 加性分解cv::Mat D1 = I - B;// 2. 乘性分解const float epsilon = 1.0f;cv::Mat D2 = (I + epsilon) / (B + epsilon);// 显示图像I.convertTo(I, CV_8UC3);//cv::imshow("源图像", I);B.convertTo(B, CV_8UC3);//cv::imshow("Base layer", B);imwrite("B.jpg",B);D1 = cv::abs(D1); // 因为包含负数,所以取绝对值D1.convertTo(D1, CV_8UC3);//cv::imshow("Detail layer 1", D1);imwrite("D1.jpg", D1);cv::normalize(D2, D2, 0.0, 255.0, cv::NORM_MINMAX); // 归一化D2.convertTo(D2, CV_8UC3);//cv::imshow("Detail layer 2", D2);imwrite("D2.jpg", D2);//cv::waitKey();return 0;





  I hope I can help you,If you have any questions, please  comment on this blog or send me a private message. I will reply in my free time.



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