winamp 5.55下载_免费下载:Winamp 5.8 Beta已正式发布,现在对Llama友好

news/2024/10/22 16:27:48/
winamp 5.55下载

winamp 5.55下载

The tech world got really excited the other day with the news that Winamp was supposedly returning with an all-new version that would solve all of our music-listening problems. And now the official Winamp 5.8 is available for download. Great, right?

前几天,有消息称Winamp将返回一个全新版本,该版本将解决我们所有的音乐聆听问题,科技界对此感到非常兴奋。 现在可以下载官方的Winamp 5.8。 太好了吧?

If you want to download it for yourself, just head straight to and grab yourself a copy. It’s even now llama-friendly for some reason.

如果要自己下载,请直接访问winamp.com并获取副本。 由于某种原因,它现在甚至对骆驼友好。

Winamp 5.8发生了什么? (What’s Going On With Winamp 5.8?)

This new version is basically identical to the leaked beta from last month, which added Windows 10 compatibility, removed all the broken stuff, and got rid of all the Pro features, so it’s now freeware again. It’s a lot better than it was before, but it’s a bit buggy still.

这个新版本与上个月泄漏的Beta基本相同,后者增加了Windows 10兼容性,删除了所有损坏的内容,并摆脱了所有Pro功能,因此现在再次免费。 它比以前要好很多,但是仍然有些问题。

If you’ve got a high-resolution / 4K monitor… Winamp is very, very broken. It’s hilariously bad.

如果您有高分辨率/ 4K显示器,则Winamp非常非常坏。 真是太糟糕了。

If you’re using a modern skin, you can fix this by right-clicking on each window and choosing Window Settings -> Scaling -> 200% (or whatever scaling you prefer).

如果您使用的是现代外观,则可以通过在每个窗口上单击鼠标右键,然后选择“窗口设置”->“缩放比例”->“ 200%(或您喜欢的缩放比例)”来修复此问题。

之后会有新的版本吗? (Are There Going to Be New Builds After This?)

As we detailed the other day, the company that owns Winamp now is planning on bringing it back… as a mobile application. There’s no indication that they are going to continue to add new features to the 5.8 branch or fix anything, and the download site even says it in clear language:

正如我们在前一天详细介绍的那样,拥有Winamp的公司现在计划将其作为移动应用程序带回。 没有迹象表明他们将继续为5.8分支添加新功能或修复任何问题,并且下载站点甚至以清晰的语言表示:

This version is not an ongoing project but be sure that we are currently working hard on a future new Winamp.


The version number on the download page actually uses the infinity symbol instead of the number 8.


It’s possible that they will release a few minor changes or security fixes, but the fact remains that the Winamp we loved is not coming back and will be replaced by something else with the Winamp name, most likely only for mobile devices. Will that be great? There’s no way to know.

他们可能会发布一些较小的更改或安全修复程序,但事实是我们喜欢的Winamp并不会再出现,而是会被Winamp名称替换为其他名称,很可能仅用于移动设备。 那会很棒吗? 没有办法知道。


winamp 5.55下载


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