GIS 功能模块实现

news/2024/12/30 2:56:24/


    • 1. GIS 模块流程图
    • 2. 网页端地图缓存的实现
    • 3. GIS 图形操作功能实现
    • 1 )地图漫游
    • 2 )对象删除
    • 3 )选择复制
    • 属性查看

GIS 基本功能模块主要是在表现层开发的,是在OpenLayers 开发框架提供的接口上,通过Geo Server 提供的GIS 服务在Web 服务器端使用HTML 和J avaScript 语言开发实现的。

1. GIS 模块流程图

GIS 基本模块的主要实现流程图如图所示。

2. 网页端地图缓存的实现


瓦片地图的缓存是通过GeoServer 的瓦片缓存服务器实现的,地图的瓦片以文件的形
有该瓦片, GeoServer 会向服务器端请求该瓦片,并将其加载在地图上。整个过程的流程图

3. GIS 图形操作功能实现

OpenLayers 提供了导航条、比例尺、鹰眼、图层控制控件等,表现层通过配置这些控件
的接口就可以将其加载在GIS 功能中。除了通过操作导航条,还可以使用鼠标拖曳和滚轮
Open Layers 框架实现系统的各个地图图层和操作控件加载的关键代码如下:

/ 骨地图初始化铃/
Global. locus. method. init = function() {
var options = {
resolutions [ ... ],
projection: new OpenLayers. Projection(’ EPSG:4326),
rnaxExtent: new OpenLayers. Bounds ( ... )
Global. locus. map = new OpenLayers. Map (’ map ’, options);
Global. locus. layers. baseLayer = new OpenLayers. Layer.S (”桐乡地图”,... );
Global. locus. layer. electricalLayer = new OpenLayers. Layer. Vector (”电气设备”,…);
Global. locus. layer. buildingLayer = new OpenLayers. Layer. Vector (”土建设备”,... );
Global. locus. map. addLayers( [
Global. locus. layers. baseLayer,
Global. locus. layer. buildingLayer
Global. locus. layer. electricalLayer,
)) ;
var navigation = new OpenLayers. Control. Navigation();
navigation. zoomBoxKeyMask = OpenLayers. Ha卫dler.MOD_ALT;
Global. locus. map. addControl (navigation); /祷平移控件祷/
Global. locus. map. addControl(new OpenLayers. Control. ScaleLine()); /赞比例尺控件秘/
Global. locus. map. addControl(new 句四Layers.ntrol. LayerSwitcher()); /铃图层选择控件祷/
Global. locus. map. addControl(new OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap()); /铃鹰眼控f牛祷/
Global. locus. mousePositionCtl. control = new Openlyers. Control. MousePosition( {
prefix :< a target =”_blank”’+
’ href z ” http:/ /spatialreference .org /ref/epsg/4326/吵’+
’ EPSG: 4326 </a> coordinates :,
separator :|,
numDigits: 10,
emptyString :Mouse is not over map. ’
Global. locus. map. addControl( Global. locus. mousePositionCtl. control);
Global. locus. mousePositionCtl. control. activate();

1 )地图漫游


Global. locus. map. addControl(new OpenLayers. Control. PanZoomBar( {
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 15)
V缸navigation = new OpenI.ayers. Control. Navigation();
navigation. zoomBoxKeyMask = Openl.ayers. Handler. MOD_ ALT;
Global. locus. map. addControl(navigation);
Global. locus. map. addControl (new Openl.ayers. Control. ScaleLine ( ) ) ;
Global. locus. map. addControl( new OpenI.ayers. Control. LayerSwitcher());
Global. locus. map. addControl(new Openl.ayers. Control. OverviewMap());
Global. locus. map. addControl( Global. locus. select. control);
Global. locus. select. control. activate();
Global. locus. map. zoomln();
Global. locus. map. zoomOut();
Global. locus. map. zoomToExtent(Global. locus. constant. fullExtent);

2 )对象删除


public class DeleteObject {
private Static Sessions =且ull;
private Static Transactiontx =null;
public intd eleteObjectG(LongStatic Id) {
s = HibernateSessionFactory. currentSession( ) ;
tx = s. beginTransaction();
intd eleteResult =
s.createQuery(”deletefrom GeoObjectBase whereStatic Id= : Static Id)
setParameter(Static Id, Static Id) . executeUpdate();
tx. commit();
return 1;
e. printStackTrace( ) ;
tx. rollback();
return O;
HibernateSessionFactory. closeSession();

3 )选择复制


Global. locus. copy. dragControl = new Openl.ayers. Control. DragFeature( . layers.electricalLayer,
Global. locus. layers. buildingLayer,
Global. locus. layers. elevationI.ayer. surveyLayer
{ , ]
onStart: Global. locus. meth od. startd rag,
onDrag : Global. locus . meth od. doDrag,
onComplete: Global. locus . meth od. endDrag,Global. locus . map . addControl (Global. locus . copy. dragControl) ;
/ 祷Featurestartingtomove 铃/
Global. locus . meth ad. startd rag = function (feature, pixel) {
lastPixel = pixel;
/ 铃Featuremoving 铸/
Global. loc us. meth od. doDrag = function (feature, pixel) {
var l ayers = this. layers 11 [this . layer];
var l a yer;
for {varl = O; !<layers . length; ++l) {
layer = layers [ l] ;
Global. locus . copy. features [ l] = [ ];
for (iinlayer . selectedFeatures) {
if{layer . selectedFeatures[i]){
if{Global. locus . flag. copy) {
Global. locus . copy. features [ l] . push
{layer . selectedFeatures[i].clone());
var res = this . map . getResolution();
layer. selectedFeatures[i].geometry. move{
res 铃( pixel. x - lastPixel. x),
res 铃( lastPixel. y - pixel. y )
layer.drawFeature(layer . selectedFeatures[i]);
if(Global. locus . flag . copy) {
layer . addFeatures( Global. locus. copy. features[ l]);
for (var j = O; j < Global. locus . copy. features[ l] . length ; j++ ) {
Global . locus.copy. f回tures[ l][ j] . state =句四』yers.State . INS町J
Global. locus . copy . features[ l] = [] ;
lastPixe l = pixel;
if(Gl obal. locus . flag . copy) {
Plugi ns. m四u refresh{);
Plugins.FLAG . MAP( 'Ml] =true;



package org. ldw . action;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
import org. ldw. service. propertyService;
import net. sf. json. JSONObject ;
public class getPropertyAction extends ActionSupport {
private inttype;
private Longisbn;
private LongwellSid;
private String name;
private propertyServ iceproServ ice;
private JSONObject result;
private booleanifByName = false;
private String clName;
private String startint;
private Str; end!nt;
private String startObj;
private String endObj;
private String road;
private String well;
private String well2;
private String ppSeg;
private String startBuilding;
private String endBuilding;
private String building;
private String wirecable;
private String pipeline;
// 工井的静态ID,查询剖面属性时使用
//所属管沟段: ffi.JOO




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