从蓝牙4.0开始包含两个蓝牙芯片模块:传统/经典蓝牙模块(Classic Bluetooth,简称BT)和低功耗蓝牙(Bluetooth Low Energy,简称BLE)
经典蓝牙是在之前的蓝牙1.0,1.2,2.0 EDR,2.1 EDR,3.0 EDR等基础上发展和完善起来的, 而低功耗蓝牙是Nokia的Wibree标准上发展起来的,是完全不同两个标准。
蓝牙文件:url80.ctfile.com/f/25127180-741945753-c5f62a?p=551685 (访问密码: 551685)
泛指蓝牙4.0或更高的模块,蓝牙低功耗技术是低成本、短距离、可互操作的鲁棒性无线技术,工作在免许可的2.4GHz ISM射频频段。
安装cmake、Miniconda3、Notepad++、PyCharm、VisualStudio 2019
下载OpenVINO并安装:[Download Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/tools/openvino-toolkit/download-previous-versions.html?operatingsystem=window&distributions=webdownload&version=2021 4.2 LTS&options=offline)
inference_engine.dll 推理引擎
依赖支持:inference_engine_transformations.dll, tbb.dll, tbbmalloc.dll, ngraph.dll
一定要把这些dll文件都添加到 C:/Windows/System32 中才可以正常运行OpenVINO程序
InferenceEngine::Blob, InferenceEngine::TBlob, InferenceEngine::NV12Blob
InferenceEngine::InputsDataMap, InferenceEngine::InputInfo
#include <inference_engine.hpp>
using namespace InferenceEngine;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
InferenceEngine::Core ie; //使用推理引擎获取可用的设备及cpu全称
std::vector<std::string> devices = ie.GetAvailableDevices();
for (std::string name : devices) {std::cout << "device name: " << name << std::endl;
std::string cpuName = ie.GetMetric("CPU", METRIC_KEY(FULL_DEVICE_NAME)).as<std::string>();
std::cout << "cpu full name: " << cpuName << std::endl;return 0;
预训练模型介绍 - ResNet18
mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225],图像归一化后再减去均值,除以方差
输入:NCHW = 1 * 3 * 224 * 224 (num,channels,height,width)
输出格式:1 * 1000
初始化Core ie
auto executable_network = ie.LoadNetwork(network, “CPU”);
auto infer_request = executable_network.CreateInferRequest();
设置输入数据 - 图像数据预处理
#include <inference_engine.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include //fstream文件读写操作,iostream为控制台操作
using namespace InferenceEngine;
std::string labels_txt_file = “D:/projects/models/resnet18_ir/imagenet_classes.txt”;
std::vectorstd::string readClassNames();
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
InferenceEngine::Core ie;
std::vector<std::string> devices = ie.GetAvailableDevices();
for (std::string name : devices) {std::cout << "device name: " << name << std::endl;
std::string cpuName = ie.GetMetric("CPU", METRIC_KEY(FULL_DEVICE_NAME)).as<std::string>();
std::cout << "cpu name: " << cpuName << std::endl;std::string xml = "D:/projects/models/resnet18_ir/resnet18.xml";
std::string bin = "D:/projects/models/resnet18_ir/resnet18.bin";
std::vector<std::string> labels = readClassNames(); //读取标签
cv::Mat src = cv::imread("D:/images/messi.jpg"); //读取图像
InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork network = ie.ReadNetwork(xml, bin); //读取resnet18网络InferenceEngine::InputsDataMap inputs = network.getInputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组
InferenceEngine::OutputsDataMap outputs = network.getOutputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组
std::string input_name = "";
for (auto item : inputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型input_name = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto input_data = item.second;input_data->setPrecision(Precision::FP32);input_data->setLayout(Layout::NCHW);input_data->getPreProcess().setColorFormat(ColorFormat::RGB);std::cout << "input name: " << input_name << std::endl;
std::string output_name = "";
for (auto item : outputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型output_name = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto output_data = item.second;output_data->setPrecision(Precision::FP32);//注意:output_data不要设置结构std::cout << "output name: " << output_name << std::endl;
}auto executable_network = ie.LoadNetwork(network, "CPU"); //设置运行的设备
auto infer_request = executable_network.CreateInferRequest(); //设置推理请求//图像预处理
auto input = infer_request.GetBlob(input_name); //获取网络输入图像信息
size_t num_channels = input->getTensorDesc().getDims()[1]; //size_t 类型表示C中任何对象所能达到的最大长度,它是无符号整数
size_t h = input->getTensorDesc().getDims()[2];
size_t w = input->getTensorDesc().getDims()[3];
size_t image_size = h * w;
cv::Mat blob_image;
cv::resize(src, blob_image, cv::Size(w, h)); //将输入图片大小转换为与网络输入大小一致
blob_image.convertTo(blob_image, CV_32F); //将输入图像转换为浮点数
blob_image = blob_image / 255.0;
cv::subtract(blob_image, cv::Scalar(0.485, 0.456, 0.406), blob_image);
cv::divide(blob_image, cv::Scalar(0.229, 0.224, 0.225), blob_image);
// HWC =》NCHW 将输入图像从HWC格式转换为NCHW格式
float* data = static_cast<float*>(input->buffer()); //将图像放到buffer中,放入input中
for (size_t row = 0; row < h; row++) {for (size_t col = 0; col < w; col++) {for (size_t ch = 0; ch < num_channels; ch++) {//将每个通道变成一张图,按照通道顺序data[image_size * ch + row * w + col] = blob_image.at<cv::Vec3f>(row, col)[ch];}}
auto output = infer_request.GetBlob(output_name);
const float* probs = static_cast<PrecisionTrait<Precision::FP32>::value_type*>(output->buffer());
const SizeVector outputDims = output->getTensorDesc().getDims(); //获取输出维度信息 1*1000
std::cout << outputDims[0] << "x" << outputDims[1] << std::endl;
float max = probs[0];
int max_index = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < outputDims[1]; i++) {if (max < probs[i]) { //找到结果probs中的最大值,获取其下标max = probs[i];max_index = i;}
std::cout << "class index: " << max_index << std::endl;
std::cout << "class name: " << labels[max_index] << std::endl;
cv::putText(src, labels[max_index], cv::Point(50, 50), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);
cv::namedWindow("out", cv::WINDOW_FREERATIO);
cv::imshow("out", src);
return 0;
std::vectorstd::string readClassNames() { //读取文件
std::vector<std::string> classNames;
std::ifstream fp(labels_txt_file);
if (!fp.is_open()) {printf("could not open file...\n");exit(-1);
std::string name;
while (!fp.eof()) { //eof()函数判断是否读到文件末尾std::getline(fp, name); //逐行读取文件并保存在变量中if (name.length()) {classNames.push_back(name);}
return classNames;
vehicle - license - plate - detection - varrier - 0106
输入 1 * 3 * 300 * 300 = NCHW
输出格式:[1, 1, N, 7]
七个值:[image_id, label, conf, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\openvino_2021.2.185\deployment_tools\open_model_zoo\tools\downloader #以管理员身份运行cmd,切换到downloader文件夹下
python downloader.py --name vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106 #在该文件夹下执行该脚本,下载模型
#include <inference_engine.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include //fstream文件读写操作,iostream为控制台操作
using namespace InferenceEngine;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
InferenceEngine::Core ie;
std::vector<std::string> devices = ie.GetAvailableDevices();
for (std::string name : devices) {std::cout << "device name: " << name << std::endl;
std::string cpuName = ie.GetMetric("CPU", METRIC_KEY(FULL_DEVICE_NAME)).as<std::string>();
std::cout << "cpu name: " << cpuName << std::endl;std::string xml = "D:/projects/models/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106/FP32/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106.xml";
std::string bin = "D:/projects/models/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106/FP32/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106.bin";
cv::Mat src = cv::imread("D:/images/car_1.bmp"); //读取图像
int im_h = src.rows;
int im_w = src.cols;
InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork network = ie.ReadNetwork(xml, bin); //读取resnet18网络InferenceEngine::InputsDataMap inputs = network.getInputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组
InferenceEngine::OutputsDataMap outputs = network.getOutputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组
std::string input_name = "";
for (auto item : inputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型input_name = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto input_data = item.second;input_data->setPrecision(Precision::U8); //默认为unsigned char对应U8input_data->setLayout(Layout::NCHW);//input_data->getPreProcess().setColorFormat(ColorFormat::BGR); 默认就是BGRstd::cout << "input name: " << input_name << std::endl;
std::string output_name = "";
for (auto item : outputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型output_name = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto output_data = item.second;output_data->setPrecision(Precision::FP32); //输出还是浮点数//注意:output_data不要设置结构std::cout << "output name: " << output_name << std::endl;
}auto executable_network = ie.LoadNetwork(network, "CPU"); //设置运行的设备
auto infer_request = executable_network.CreateInferRequest(); //设置推理请求//图像预处理
auto input = infer_request.GetBlob(input_name); //获取网络输入图像信息
size_t num_channels = input->getTensorDesc().getDims()[1]; //size_t 类型表示C中任何对象所能达到的最大长度,它是无符号整数
size_t h = input->getTensorDesc().getDims()[2];
size_t w = input->getTensorDesc().getDims()[3];
size_t image_size = h * w;
cv::Mat blob_image;
cv::resize(src, blob_image, cv::Size(w, h)); //将输入图片大小转换为与网络输入大小一致
//cv::cvtColor(blob_image, blob_image, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB); //色彩空间转换// HWC =》NCHW 将输入图像从HWC格式转换为NCHW格式
unsigned char* data = static_cast<unsigned char*>(input->buffer()); //将图像放到buffer中,放入input中
for (size_t row = 0; row < h; row++) {for (size_t col = 0; col < w; col++) {for (size_t ch = 0; ch < num_channels; ch++) {//将每个通道变成一张图,按照通道顺序data[image_size * ch + row * w + col] = blob_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(row, col)[ch];}}
auto output = infer_request.GetBlob(output_name);
const float* detection_out = static_cast<PrecisionTrait<Precision::FP32>::value_type*>(output->buffer());
//output:[1, 1, N, 7]
//七个参数为:[image_id, label, conf, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]
const SizeVector outputDims = output->getTensorDesc().getDims(); //获取输出维度信息 1*1000
std::cout << outputDims[2] << "x" << outputDims[3] << std::endl;
const int max_count = outputDims[2]; //识别出的对象个数
const int object_size = outputDims[3]; //获取对象信息的个数,此处为7个
for (int n = 0; n < max_count; n++) {float label = detection_out[n * object_size + 1];float confidence = detection_out[n * object_size + 2];float xmin = detection_out[n * object_size + 3] * im_w;float ymin = detection_out[n * object_size + 4] * im_h;float xmax = detection_out[n * object_size + 5] * im_w;float ymax = detection_out[n * object_size + 6] * im_h;if (confidence > 0.5) {printf("label id: %d \n", static_cast<int>(label));cv::Rect box;box.x = static_cast<int>(xmin);box.y = static_cast<int>(ymin);box.width = static_cast<int>(xmax - xmin);box.height = static_cast<int>(ymax - ymin);cv::rectangle(src, box, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);//box.tl()返回矩形左上角坐标cv::putText(src, cv::format("%.2f", confidence), box.tl(), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);}
}//cv::putText(src, labels[max_index], cv::Point(50, 50), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);
cv::namedWindow("out", cv::WINDOW_FREERATIO);
cv::imshow("out", src);
return 0;
1 * 3 * 24 * 94,88 * 1 = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, … , 1]
输出格式:1 * 88 * 1 * 1
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <inference_engine.hpp>
using namespace InferenceEngine;
static std::vectorstd::string items = {
“< Anhui >”,“< Beijing >”,“< Chongqing >”,“< Fujian >”,
“< Gansu >”,“< Guangdong >”,“< Guangxi >”,“< Guizhou >”,
“< Hainan >”,“< Hebei >”,“< Heilongjiang >”,“< Henan >”,
“< HongKong >”,“< Hubei >”,“< Hunan >”,“< InnerMongolia >”,
“< Jiangsu >”,“< Jiangxi >”,“< Jilin >”,“< Liaoning >”,
“< Macau >”,“< Ningxia >”,“< Qinghai >”,“< Shaanxi >”,
“< Shandong >”,“< Shanghai >”,“< Shanxi >”,“< Sichuan >”,
“< Tianjin >”,“< Tibet >”,“< Xinjiang >”,“< Yunnan >”,
“< Zhejiang >”,“< police >”,
InferenceEngine::InferRequest plate_request;
std::string plate_input_name1;
std::string plate_input_name2;
std::string plate_output_name;
void load_plate_recog_model();
void fetch_plate_text(cv::Mat &image, cv::Mat &plateROI);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
InferenceEngine::Core ie;
load_plate_recog_model(); //调用车牌识别模型,模型信息保存到plate_input_name1/name2/output_name中std::string xml = "D:/projects/models/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106/FP32/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106.xml";
std::string bin = "D:/projects/models/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106/FP32/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106.bin";
cv::Mat src = cv::imread("D:/images/car_1.bmp"); //读取图像
int im_h = src.rows;
int im_w = src.cols;
InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork network = ie.ReadNetwork(xml, bin); //读取resnet18网络InferenceEngine::InputsDataMap inputs = network.getInputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组
InferenceEngine::OutputsDataMap outputs = network.getOutputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组
std::string input_name = "";
for (auto item : inputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型input_name = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto input_data = item.second;input_data->setPrecision(Precision::U8); //默认为unsigned char对应U8input_data->setLayout(Layout::NCHW);//input_data->getPreProcess().setColorFormat(ColorFormat::BGR); 默认就是BGRstd::cout << "input name: " << input_name << std::endl;
std::string output_name = "";
for (auto item : outputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型output_name = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto output_data = item.second;output_data->setPrecision(Precision::FP32); //输出还是浮点数//注意:output_data不要设置结构std::cout << "output name: " << output_name << std::endl;
}auto executable_network = ie.LoadNetwork(network, "CPU"); //设置运行的设备
auto infer_request = executable_network.CreateInferRequest(); //设置推理请求//图像预处理
auto input = infer_request.GetBlob(input_name); //获取网络输入图像信息
size_t num_channels = input->getTensorDesc().getDims()[1]; //size_t 类型表示C中任何对象所能达到的最大长度,它是无符号整数
size_t h = input->getTensorDesc().getDims()[2];
size_t w = input->getTensorDesc().getDims()[3];
size_t image_size = h * w;
cv::Mat blob_image;
cv::resize(src, blob_image, cv::Size(w, h)); //将输入图片大小转换为与网络输入大小一致
//cv::cvtColor(blob_image, blob_image, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB); //色彩空间转换// HWC =》NCHW 将输入图像从HWC格式转换为NCHW格式
unsigned char* data = static_cast<unsigned char*>(input->buffer()); //将图像放到buffer中,放入input中
for (size_t row = 0; row < h; row++) {for (size_t col = 0; col < w; col++) {for (size_t ch = 0; ch < num_channels; ch++) {//将每个通道变成一张图,按照通道顺序data[image_size * ch + row * w + col] = blob_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(row, col)[ch];}}
auto output = infer_request.GetBlob(output_name);
const float* detection_out = static_cast<PrecisionTrait<Precision::FP32>::value_type*>(output->buffer());
//output:[1, 1, N, 7]
//七个参数为:[image_id, label, conf, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]
const SizeVector outputDims = output->getTensorDesc().getDims(); //获取输出维度信息 1*1000
std::cout << outputDims[2] << "x" << outputDims[3] << std::endl;
const int max_count = outputDims[2]; //识别出的对象个数
const int object_size = outputDims[3]; //获取对象信息的个数,此处为7个
for (int n = 0; n < max_count; n++) {float label = detection_out[n * object_size + 1];float confidence = detection_out[n * object_size + 2];float xmin = detection_out[n * object_size + 3] * im_w;float ymin = detection_out[n * object_size + 4] * im_h;float xmax = detection_out[n * object_size + 5] * im_w;float ymax = detection_out[n * object_size + 6] * im_h;if (confidence > 0.5) {printf("label id: %d \n", static_cast<int>(label));cv::Rect box;box.x = static_cast<int>(xmin);box.y = static_cast<int>(ymin);box.width = static_cast<int>(xmax - xmin);box.height = static_cast<int>(ymax - ymin);if (label == 2) { //将车牌用绿色表示cv::rectangle(src, box, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2, 8);//recognize platecv::Rect plate_roi;plate_roi.x = box.x - 5;plate_roi.y = box.y - 5;plate_roi.width = box.width + 10;plate_roi.height = box.height + 10;cv::Mat roi = src(plate_roi); //需要先初始化Mat&,才能使用//调用车牌识别方法fetch_plate_text(src, roi);}else {cv::rectangle(src, box, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);}//box.tl()返回矩形左上角坐标cv::putText(src, cv::format("%.2f", confidence), box.tl(), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);}
}//cv::putText(src, labels[max_index], cv::Point(50, 50), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);
cv::namedWindow("out", cv::WINDOW_FREERATIO);
cv::imshow("out", src);
return 0;
void load_plate_recog_model() {
InferenceEngine::Core ie;
std::string xml = "D:/projects/models/license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001/FP32/license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001.xml";
std::string bin = "D:/projects/models/license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001/FP32/license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001.bin";InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork network = ie.ReadNetwork(xml, bin); //读取网络
InferenceEngine::InputsDataMap inputs = network.getInputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组
InferenceEngine::OutputsDataMap outputs = network.getOutputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组int cnt = 0;
for (auto item : inputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型if (cnt == 0) {plate_input_name1 = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto input_data = item.second;input_data->setPrecision(Precision::U8); //默认为unsigned char对应U8input_data->setLayout(Layout::NCHW);}else if (cnt == 1) {plate_input_name2 = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto input_data = item.second;input_data->setPrecision(Precision::FP32); //默认为unsigned char对应U8}//input_data->getPreProcess().setColorFormat(ColorFormat::BGR); 默认就是BGRstd::cout << "input name: " << (cnt + 1) << ":" << item.first << std::endl;cnt++;
std::string output_name = "";
for (auto item : outputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型plate_output_name = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto output_data = item.second;output_data->setPrecision(Precision::FP32); //输出还是浮点数//注意:output_data不要设置结构std::cout << "output name: " << plate_output_name << std::endl;
}auto executable_network = ie.LoadNetwork(network, "CPU"); //设置运行的设备
plate_request = executable_network.CreateInferRequest(); //设置推理请求
void fetch_plate_text(cv::Mat &image, cv::Mat &plateROI) {
auto input1 = plate_request.GetBlob(plate_input_name1); //获取网络输入图像信息
size_t num_channels = input1->getTensorDesc().getDims()[1]; //size_t 类型表示C中任何对象所能达到的最大长度,它是无符号整数
size_t h = input1->getTensorDesc().getDims()[2];
size_t w = input1->getTensorDesc().getDims()[3];
size_t image_size = h * w;
cv::Mat blob_image;
cv::resize(plateROI, blob_image, cv::Size(94, 24)); //将输入图片大小转换为与网络输入大小一致
//cv::cvtColor(blob_image, blob_image, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB); //色彩空间转换
// HWC =》NCHW 将输入图像从HWC格式转换为NCHW格式
unsigned char* data = static_cast<unsigned char*>(input1->buffer()); //将图像放到buffer中,放入input中
for (size_t row = 0; row < h; row++) {for (size_t col = 0; col < w; col++) {for (size_t ch = 0; ch < num_channels; ch++) {//将每个通道变成一张图,按照通道顺序data[image_size * ch + row * w + col] = blob_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(row, col)[ch];}}
auto input2 = plate_request.GetBlob(plate_input_name2);
int max_sequence = input2->getTensorDesc().getDims()[0]; //输出字符长度
float* blob2 = input2->buffer().as<float*>();
blob2[0] = 0.0;
std::fill(blob2 + 1, blob2 + max_sequence, 1.0f); //填充起止范围与填充值plate_request.Infer(); //执行推理
auto output = plate_request.GetBlob(plate_output_name); //获取推理结果
const float* plate_data = static_cast<PrecisionTrait<Precision::FP32>::value_type*>(output->buffer()); //获取浮点类型输出值plate_data
std::string result;
for (int i = 0; i < max_sequence; i++) {if (plate_data[i] == -1) { //endbreak;}result += items[std::size_t(plate_data[i])]; //类型转换,字符串拼接
std::cout << result << std::endl;
cv::putText(image, result.c_str(), cv::Point(50, 50), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);
SSD MobileNetv1
输入格式:[1 * 3 * 384 * 672]
输出格式:[1, 1, N, 7]
#include <inference_engine.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include //fstream文件读写操作,iostream为控制台操作
using namespace InferenceEngine;
void infer_process(cv::Mat &frame, InferenceEngine::InferRequest &request, std::string &input_name, std::string &output_name);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
InferenceEngine::Core ie;std::string xml = "D:/projects/models/pedestrian-detection-adas-0002/FP32/pedestrian-detection-adas-0002.xml";
std::string bin = "D:/projects/models/pedestrian-detection-adas-0002/FP32/pedestrian-detection-adas-0002.bin";
cv::Mat src = cv::imread("D:/images/pedestrians_test.jpg"); //读取图像
int im_h = src.rows;
int im_w = src.cols;
InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork network = ie.ReadNetwork(xml, bin); //读取车辆检测网络//获取网络输入输出信息
InferenceEngine::InputsDataMap inputs = network.getInputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组
InferenceEngine::OutputsDataMap outputs = network.getOutputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组
std::string input_name = "";
for (auto item : inputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型input_name = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto input_data = item.second;// A->B 表示提取A中的成员Binput_data->setPrecision(Precision::U8); //默认为unsigned char对应U8input_data->setLayout(Layout::NCHW);//input_data->getPreProcess().setColorFormat(ColorFormat::BGR); 默认就是BGRstd::cout << "input name: " << input_name << std::endl;
std::string output_name = "";
for (auto item : outputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型output_name = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto output_data = item.second;output_data->setPrecision(Precision::FP32); //输出还是浮点数//注意:output_data不要设置结构std::cout << "output name: " << output_name << std::endl;
}auto executable_network = ie.LoadNetwork(network, "CPU"); //设置运行的设备
auto infer_request = executable_network.CreateInferRequest(); //设置推理请求//创建视频流/加载视频文件
cv::VideoCapture capture("D:/images/video/pedestrians_test.mp4");
cv::Mat frame;
while (true) {bool ret = capture.read(frame);if (!ret) { //视频帧为空就跳出循环break;}infer_process(frame, infer_request, input_name, output_name);cv::imshow("frame", frame);char c = cv::waitKey(1);if (c == 27) { //ESCbreak;}
}//cv::putText(src, labels[max_index], cv::Point(50, 50), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);
cv::namedWindow("out", cv::WINDOW_FREERATIO);
cv::imshow("out", src);
cv::waitKey(0); //最后的视频画面静止
return 0;
void infer_process(cv::Mat& frame, InferenceEngine::InferRequest& request, std::string& input_name, std::string& output_name) {
auto input = request.GetBlob(input_name); //获取网络输入图像信息
int im_w = frame.cols;
int im_h = frame.rows;
size_t num_channels = input->getTensorDesc().getDims()[1]; //size_t 类型表示C中任何对象所能达到的最大长度,它是无符号整数
size_t h = input->getTensorDesc().getDims()[2];
size_t w = input->getTensorDesc().getDims()[3];
size_t image_size = h * w;
cv::Mat blob_image;
cv::resize(frame, blob_image, cv::Size(w, h)); //将输入图片大小转换为与网络输入大小一致
//cv::cvtColor(blob_image, blob_image, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB); //色彩空间转换
// HWC =》NCHW 将输入图像从HWC格式转换为NCHW格式
unsigned char* data = static_cast<unsigned char*>(input->buffer()); //将图像放到buffer中,放入input中
for (size_t row = 0; row < h; row++) {for (size_t col = 0; col < w; col++) {for (size_t ch = 0; ch < num_channels; ch++) {//将每个通道变成一张图,按照通道顺序data[image_size * ch + row * w + col] = blob_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(row, col)[ch];}}
auto output = request.GetBlob(output_name);
const float* detection_out = static_cast<PrecisionTrait<Precision::FP32>::value_type*>(output->buffer());
//output:[1, 1, N, 7]
//七个参数为:[image_id, label, conf, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]
const SizeVector outputDims = output->getTensorDesc().getDims(); //获取输出维度信息 1*1000
std::cout << outputDims[2] << "x" << outputDims[3] << std::endl;
const int max_count = outputDims[2]; //识别出的对象个数
const int object_size = outputDims[3]; //获取对象信息的个数,此处为7个
for (int n = 0; n < max_count; n++) {float label = detection_out[n * object_size + 1];float confidence = detection_out[n * object_size + 2];float xmin = detection_out[n * object_size + 3] * im_w;float ymin = detection_out[n * object_size + 4] * im_h;float xmax = detection_out[n * object_size + 5] * im_w;float ymax = detection_out[n * object_size + 6] * im_h;if (confidence > 0.9) {printf("label id: %d \n", static_cast<int>(label));cv::Rect box;box.x = static_cast<int>(xmin);box.y = static_cast<int>(ymin);box.width = static_cast<int>(xmax - xmin);box.height = static_cast<int>(ymax - ymin);if (label == 2) { //将车牌与车辆用不同颜色表示cv::rectangle(frame, box, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2, 8);}else {cv::rectangle(frame, box, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);}//cv::rectangle(src, box, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);//box.tl()返回矩形左上角坐标cv::putText(frame, cv::format("%.2f", confidence), box.tl(), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);}
输入格式:1 * 3 * 384 * 384
输出格式:[1, 1, N, 7]
#include <inference_engine.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include //fstream文件读写操作,iostream为控制台操作
using namespace InferenceEngine;
void matU8ToBlob(const cv::Mat& orig_image, InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr& blob, int batchIndex = 0) {
InferenceEngine::SizeVector blobSize = blob->getTensorDesc().getDims();
const size_t width = blobSize[3];
const size_t height = blobSize[2];
const size_t channels = blobSize[1];
InferenceEngine::MemoryBlob::Ptr mblob = InferenceEngine::asInferenceEngine::MemoryBlob(blob);
if (!mblob) {
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "We expect blob to be inherited from MemoryBlob in matU8ToBlob, "
<< “but by fact we were not able to cast inputBlob to MemoryBlob”;
// locked memory holder should be alive all time while access to its buffer happens
auto mblobHolder = mblob->wmap();
T* blob_data = mblobHolder.as<T*>();cv::Mat resized_image(orig_image);
if (static_cast<int>(width) != orig_image.size().width ||static_cast<int>(height) != orig_image.size().height) {cv::resize(orig_image, resized_image, cv::Size(width, height));
}int batchOffset = batchIndex * width * height * channels;for (size_t c = 0; c < channels; c++) {for (size_t h = 0; h < height; h++) {for (size_t w = 0; w < width; w++) {blob_data[batchOffset + c * width * height + h * width + w] =resized_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(h, w)[c];}}
void frameToBlob(std::shared_ptrInferenceEngine::InferRequest& request, cv::Mat& frame, std::string& input_name) {
//图像预处理,输入数据 ->指针获取成员方法
InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr input = request->GetBlob(input_name); //获取网络输入图像信息
matU8ToBlob(frame, input); //使用该函数处理输入数据
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
InferenceEngine::Core ie;
std::vector<std::string> devices = ie.GetAvailableDevices();
for (std::string name : devices) {std::cout << "device name: " << name << std::endl;
std::string cpuName = ie.GetMetric("CPU", METRIC_KEY(FULL_DEVICE_NAME)).as<std::string>();
std::cout << "cpu name: " << cpuName << std::endl;std::string xml = "D:/projects/models/face-detection-0202/FP32/face-detection-0202.xml";
std::string bin = "D:/projects/models/face-detection-0202/FP32/face-detection-0202.bin";//cv::Mat src = cv::imread("D:/images/mmc2.jpg"); //读取图像
//int im_h = src.rows;
//int im_w = src.cols;InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork network = ie.ReadNetwork(xml, bin); //读取车辆检测网络//获取网络输入输出信息并设置
InferenceEngine::InputsDataMap inputs = network.getInputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组
InferenceEngine::OutputsDataMap outputs = network.getOutputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组
std::string input_name = "";
for (auto item : inputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型input_name = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto input_data = item.second;// A->B 表示提取A中的成员Binput_data->setPrecision(Precision::U8); //默认为unsigned char对应U8input_data->setLayout(Layout::NCHW);//input_data->getPreProcess().setColorFormat(ColorFormat::BGR); 默认就是BGRstd::cout << "input name: " << input_name << std::endl;
std::string output_name = "";
for (auto item : outputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型output_name = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto output_data = item.second;output_data->setPrecision(Precision::FP32); //输出还是浮点数//注意:output_data不要设置结构std::cout << "output name: " << output_name << std::endl;
}auto executable_network = ie.LoadNetwork(network, "CPU"); //设置运行的设备
auto curr_infer_request = executable_network.CreateInferRequestPtr(); //设置推理请求
auto next_infer_request = executable_network.CreateInferRequestPtr(); //设置推理请求cv::VideoCapture capture("D:/images/video/pedestrians_test.mp4");
cv::Mat curr_frame;
cv::Mat next_frame;
capture.read(curr_frame); //先读取一帧作为当前帧
int im_h = curr_frame.rows;
int im_w = curr_frame.cols;
frameToBlob(curr_infer_request, curr_frame, input_name);
bool first_frame = true; //设置两个bool变量控制线程开启
bool last_frame = false;
while (true) {int64 start = cv::getTickCount(); //计时bool ret = capture.read(next_frame); //读取一帧作为下一帧if (!ret) {last_frame = true; //如果下一帧为空,则last_frame为true}if (!last_frame) { //如果last_frame为false则预处理下一帧图像frameToBlob(next_infer_request, next_frame, input_name);}if (first_frame) { //如果first_frame为true则开启两个线程,同时修改first_frame为false,避免多次开启线程curr_infer_request->StartAsync(); //开启线程next_infer_request->StartAsync();first_frame = false;}else { //如果first_frame与last_frame同为false表示只有下一帧不为空,则开启一个next线程if (!last_frame) {next_infer_request->StartAsync();}}//判断当前请求是否预处理完毕if (InferenceEngine::OK == curr_infer_request->Wait(InferenceEngine::IInferRequest::WaitMode::RESULT_READY)) {auto output = curr_infer_request->GetBlob(output_name);//转换输出数据const float* detection_out = static_cast<PrecisionTrait<Precision::FP32>::value_type*>(output->buffer());//output:[1, 1, N, 7]//七个参数为:[image_id, label, conf, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]const SizeVector outputDims = output->getTensorDesc().getDims(); //获取输出维度信息 1*1000std::cout << outputDims[2] << "x" << outputDims[3] << std::endl;const int max_count = outputDims[2]; //识别出的对象个数const int object_size = outputDims[3]; //获取对象信息的个数,此处为7个for (int n = 0; n < max_count; n++) {float label = detection_out[n * object_size + 1];float confidence = detection_out[n * object_size + 2];float xmin = detection_out[n * object_size + 3] * im_w;float ymin = detection_out[n * object_size + 4] * im_h;float xmax = detection_out[n * object_size + 5] * im_w;float ymax = detection_out[n * object_size + 6] * im_h;if (confidence > 0.5) {printf("label id: %d \n", static_cast<int>(label));cv::Rect box;box.x = static_cast<int>(xmin);box.y = static_cast<int>(ymin);box.width = static_cast<int>(xmax - xmin);box.height = static_cast<int>(ymax - ymin);cv::rectangle(curr_frame, box, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);//getTickCount()相减得到cpu走过的时钟周期数,getTickFrequency()得到cpu一秒走过的始终周期数float t = (cv::getTickCount() - start) / static_cast<float>(cv::getTickFrequency());std::cout << 1.0 / t << std::endl;//box.tl()返回矩形左上角坐标cv::putText(curr_frame, cv::format("%.2f", confidence), box.tl(), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);}}}//显示结果cv::imshow("人脸检测异步显示", curr_frame);char c = cv::waitKey(1);if (c == 27) { //ESCbreak;}if (last_frame) { //如果last_frame为true表示下一帧为空,则跳出循环break;}//异步交换,下一帧复制到当前帧,当前帧请求与下一帧请求交换next_frame.copyTo(curr_frame);curr_infer_request.swap(next_infer_request); //指针可以使用swap方法,否则不行
return 0;
输入格式:1 * 3 * 384 * 384
输出格式:[1, 1, N, 7]
1 * 3 * 64 * 64
[1, 5, 1, 1] - (‘neutral’, ‘happy’, ‘sad’, ‘suprise’, ‘anger’)
下载模型 emotions-recognition-retail-0003 同前
#include <inference_engine.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include //fstream文件读写操作,iostream为控制台操作
using namespace InferenceEngine;
static const char *const items[] = {
void matU8ToBlob(const cv::Mat& orig_image, InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr& blob, int batchIndex = 0) {
InferenceEngine::SizeVector blobSize = blob->getTensorDesc().getDims();
const size_t width = blobSize[3];
const size_t height = blobSize[2];
const size_t channels = blobSize[1];
InferenceEngine::MemoryBlob::Ptr mblob = InferenceEngine::asInferenceEngine::MemoryBlob(blob);
if (!mblob) {
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "We expect blob to be inherited from MemoryBlob in matU8ToBlob, "
<< “but by fact we were not able to cast inputBlob to MemoryBlob”;
// locked memory holder should be alive all time while access to its buffer happens
auto mblobHolder = mblob->wmap();
T* blob_data = mblobHolder.as<T*>();cv::Mat resized_image(orig_image);
if (static_cast<int>(width) != orig_image.size().width ||static_cast<int>(height) != orig_image.size().height) {cv::resize(orig_image, resized_image, cv::Size(width, height));
}int batchOffset = batchIndex * width * height * channels;for (size_t c = 0; c < channels; c++) {for (size_t h = 0; h < height; h++) {for (size_t w = 0; w < width; w++) {blob_data[batchOffset + c * width * height + h * width + w] =resized_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(h, w)[c];}}
void fetch_emotion(cv::Mat& image, InferenceEngine::InferRequest& request, cv::Rect& face_roi, std::string& e_input, std::string& e_output);
void frameToBlob(std::shared_ptrInferenceEngine::InferRequest& request, cv::Mat& frame, std::string& input_name) {
//图像预处理,输入数据 ->指针获取成员方法
InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr input = request->GetBlob(input_name); //获取网络输入图像信息
matU8ToBlob(frame, input); //使用该函数处理输入数据
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
InferenceEngine::Core ie;//load face model
std::string xml = "D:/projects/models/face-detection-0202/FP32/face-detection-0202.xml";
std::string bin = "D:/projects/models/face-detection-0202/FP32/face-detection-0202.bin";
InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork network = ie.ReadNetwork(xml, bin); //读取车辆检测网络
InferenceEngine::InputsDataMap inputs = network.getInputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组
InferenceEngine::OutputsDataMap outputs = network.getOutputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组std::string input_name = "";
for (auto item : inputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型input_name = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto input_data = item.second;// A->B 表示提取A中的成员Binput_data->setPrecision(Precision::U8); //默认为unsigned char对应U8input_data->setLayout(Layout::NCHW);//input_data->getPreProcess().setColorFormat(ColorFormat::BGR); 默认就是BGRstd::cout << "input name: " << input_name << std::endl;
std::string output_name = "";
for (auto item : outputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型output_name = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto output_data = item.second;output_data->setPrecision(Precision::FP32); //输出还是浮点数//注意:output_data不要设置结构std::cout << "output name: " << output_name << std::endl;
}auto executable_network = ie.LoadNetwork(network, "CPU"); //设置运行的设备
auto curr_infer_request = executable_network.CreateInferRequestPtr(); //设置推理请求
auto next_infer_request = executable_network.CreateInferRequestPtr(); //设置推理请求//load emotion model
std::string em_xml = "D:/projects/models/emotions-recognition-retail-0003/FP32/emotions-recognition-retail-0003.xml";
std::string em_bin = "D:/projects/models/emotions-recognition-retail-0003/FP32/emotions-recognition-retail-0003.bin";
InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork em_network = ie.ReadNetwork(em_xml, em_bin); //读取车辆检测网络
InferenceEngine::InputsDataMap em_inputs = em_network.getInputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组
InferenceEngine::OutputsDataMap em_outputs = em_network.getOutputsInfo(); //DataMap是一个Mat数组std::string em_input_name = "";
for (auto item : em_inputs) {em_input_name = item.first;//循环作用域内的变量可以不重命名,为查看更明确这里重命名auto em_input_data = item.second;em_input_data->setPrecision(Precision::U8);em_input_data->setLayout(Layout::NCHW);
std::string em_output_name = "";
for (auto item : em_outputs) { //auto可以自动推断变量类型em_output_name = item.first; //第一个参数是name,第二个参数是结构,第二个参数设置精度与结构auto em_output_data = item.second;em_output_data->setPrecision(Precision::FP32); //输出还是浮点数
auto executable_em_network = ie.LoadNetwork(em_network, "CPU"); //设置运行的设备
auto em_request = executable_em_network.CreateInferRequest(); //设置推理请求cv::VideoCapture capture("D:/images/video/face_detect.mp4");
cv::Mat curr_frame;
cv::Mat next_frame;
capture.read(curr_frame); //先读取一帧作为当前帧
int im_h = curr_frame.rows;
int im_w = curr_frame.cols;
frameToBlob(curr_infer_request, curr_frame, input_name);
bool first_frame = true; //设置两个bool变量控制线程开启
bool last_frame = false;
while (true) {int64 start = cv::getTickCount(); //计时bool ret = capture.read(next_frame); //读取一帧作为下一帧if (!ret) {last_frame = true; //如果下一帧为空,则last_frame为true}if (!last_frame) { //如果last_frame为false则预处理下一帧图像frameToBlob(next_infer_request, next_frame, input_name);}if (first_frame) { //如果first_frame为true则开启两个线程,同时修改first_frame为false,避免多次开启线程curr_infer_request->StartAsync(); //开启线程next_infer_request->StartAsync();first_frame = false;}else { //如果first_frame与last_frame同为false表示只有下一帧不为空,则开启一个next线程if (!last_frame) {next_infer_request->StartAsync();}}//判断当前请求是否预处理完毕if (InferenceEngine::OK == curr_infer_request->Wait(InferenceEngine::IInferRequest::WaitMode::RESULT_READY)) {auto output = curr_infer_request->GetBlob(output_name);//转换输出数据const float* detection_out = static_cast<PrecisionTrait<Precision::FP32>::value_type*>(output->buffer());//output:[1, 1, N, 7]//七个参数为:[image_id, label, conf, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]const SizeVector outputDims = output->getTensorDesc().getDims(); //获取输出维度信息 1*1000std::cout << outputDims[2] << "x" << outputDims[3] << std::endl;const int max_count = outputDims[2]; //识别出的对象个数const int object_size = outputDims[3]; //获取对象信息的个数,此处为7个for (int n = 0; n < max_count; n++) {float label = detection_out[n * object_size + 1];float confidence = detection_out[n * object_size + 2];float xmin = detection_out[n * object_size + 3] * im_w;float ymin = detection_out[n * object_size + 4] * im_h;float xmax = detection_out[n * object_size + 5] * im_w;float ymax = detection_out[n * object_size + 6] * im_h;if (confidence > 0.5) {printf("label id: %d \n", static_cast<int>(label));cv::Rect box;box.x = static_cast<int>(xmin);box.y = static_cast<int>(ymin);xmax = xmax > im_w ? im_w : xmax; //通过判断避免越界ymax = ymax > im_h ? im_h : ymax;box.width = static_cast<int>(xmax - xmin);box.height = static_cast<int>(ymax - ymin);box.x = box.x < 0 ? 0 : box.x; //通过判断避免越界box.y = box.y < 0 ? 0 : box.y;box.width = box.x < 0 ? 0 : box.width;box.height = box.x < 0 ? 0 : box.height;cv::rectangle(curr_frame, box, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);fetch_emotion(curr_frame, em_request, box, em_input_name, em_output_name); //获取表情//getTickCount()相减得到cpu走过的时钟周期数,getTickFrequency()得到cpu一秒走过的始终周期数float fps = static_cast<float>(cv::getTickFrequency()) / (cv::getTickCount() - start);cv::putText(curr_frame, cv::format("FPS:%.2f", fps), cv::Point(50, 50), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);}}}//显示结果cv::imshow("人脸检测异步显示", curr_frame);char c = cv::waitKey(1);if (c == 27) { //ESCbreak;}if (last_frame) { //如果last_frame为true表示下一帧为空,则跳出循环break;}//异步交换,下一帧复制到当前帧,当前帧请求与下一帧请求交换next_frame.copyTo(curr_frame);curr_infer_request.swap(next_infer_request); //指针可以使用swap方法,否则不行
return 0;
void fetch_emotion(cv::Mat& image, InferenceEngine::InferRequest& request, cv::Rect& face_roi, std::string& e_input, std::string& e_output) {
cv::Mat faceROI = image(face_roi); //获取面部区域
auto blob = request.GetBlob(e_input); //获取网络输入图像信息
matU8ToBlob<uchar>(faceROI, blob);request.Infer(); //执行推理auto output = request.GetBlob(e_output);
const float* probs = static_cast<PrecisionTrait<Precision::FP32>::value_type*>(output->buffer());
const SizeVector outputDims = output->getTensorDesc().getDims(); //获取输出维度信息 1*1000
std::cout << outputDims[0] << "x" << outputDims[1] << std::endl;
float max = probs[0];
int max_index = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < outputDims[1]; i++) {if (max < probs[i]) { //找到结果probs中的最大值,获取其下标max = probs[i];max_index = i;}
std::cout << items[max_index] << std::endl;
cv::putText(image, items[max_index], face_roi.tl(), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8);
face-detection-0202 - 人脸检测
facial-landmarks-35-adas-0002 - landmark提取
输入格式:[1 * 3 * 60 * 60]
输出格式:[1, 70]
#include <inference_engine.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include //fstream文件读写操作,iostream为控制台操作
using namespace InferenceEngine;
void matU8ToBlob(const cv::Mat& orig_image, InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr& blob, int batchIndex = 0) {
InferenceEngine::SizeVector blobSize = blob->getTensorDesc().getDims();
const size_t width = blobSize[3];
const size_t height = blobSize[2];
const size_t channels = blobSize[1];
InferenceEngine::MemoryBlob::Ptr mblob = InferenceEngine::asInferenceEngine::MemoryBlob(blob);
if (!mblob) {
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "We expect blob to be inherited from MemoryBlob in matU8ToBlob, "
<< “but by fact we were not able to cast inputBlob to MemoryBlob”;
// locked memory holder should be alive all time while access to its buffer happens
auto mblobHolder = mblob->wmap();
T* blob_data = mblobHolder.as<T*>();cv::Mat resized_image(orig_image);
if (static_cast<int>(width) != orig_image.size().width ||static_cast<int>(height) != orig_image.size().height) {cv::resize(orig_image, resized_image, cv::Size(width, height));
}int batchOffset = batchIndex * width * height * channels;for (size_t c = 0; c < channels; c++) {for (size_t h = 0; h < height; h++) {for (size_t w = 0; w < width; w++) {blob_data[batchOffset + c * width * height + h * width + w] =resized_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(h, w)[c];}}
void frameToBlob(std::shared_ptrInferenceEngine::InferRequest& request, cv::Mat& frame, std::string& input_name) {
//图像预处理,输入数据 ->指针获取成员方法
InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr input = request->GetBlob(input_name); //获取网络输入图像信息
matU8ToBlob(frame, input); //使用该函数处理输入数据
InferenceEngine::InferRequest landmark_request; //提高推理请求作用域
void loadLandmarksRequest(Core& ie, std::string& land_input_name, std::string& land_output_name);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {