ssh -qTfnN -D 7070 x.x.x.x

news/2024/12/29 5:26:40/

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ssh -qTfnN -D 7070 x.x.x.x

     -q      Quiet mode.  Causes most warning and diagnostic messages to be


     -T      Disable pseudo-tty allocation.

     -f      Requests ssh to go to background just before command execution.

             This is useful if ssh is going to ask for passwords or

             passphrases, but the user wants it in the background.  This

             implies -n.  The recommended way to start X11 programs at a

             remote site is with something like ssh -f host xterm.

             If the ExitOnForwardFailure configuration option is set to “yes”,

             then a client started with -f will wait for all remote port for‐

             wards to be successfully established before placing itself in the


     -n      Redirects stdin from /dev/null (actually, prevents reading from

             stdin).  This must be used when ssh is run in the background.  A

             common trick is to use this to run X11 programs on a remote

             machine.  For example, ssh -n emacs & will

             start an emacs on, and the X11 connection will

             be automatically forwarded over an encrypted channel.  The ssh

             program will be put in the background.  (This does not work if

             ssh needs to ask for a password or passphrase; see also the -f


     -N      Do not execute a remote command.  This is useful for just for‐

             warding ports (protocol version 2 only).

   -D [bind_address:]port

             Specifies a local “dynamic” application-level port forwarding.

             This works by allocating a socket to listen to port on the local

             side, optionally bound to the specified bind_address.  Whenever a

             connection is made to this port, the connection is forwarded over

             the secure channel, and the application protocol is then used to

             determine where to connect to from the remote machine.  Currently

             the SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 protocols are supported, and ssh will act

             as a SOCKS server.  Only root can forward privileged ports.

             Dynamic port forwardings can also be specified in the configura‐

             tion file.

             IPv6 addresses can be specified by enclosing the address in

             square brackets.  Only the superuser can forward privileged

             ports.  By default, the local port is bound in accordance with

             the GatewayPorts setting.  However, an explicit bind_address may

             be used to bind the connection to a specific address.  The

             bind_address of “localhost” indicates that the listening port be

             bound for local use only, while an empty address or ‘*’ indicates

             that the port should be available from all interfaces.



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SSH -N -p port -D 7070 username@server

SSH -N -p port -D 7070 usernameserver

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