leetcode890 Java实现

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leetcode890 Java实现

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class Solution {public List<String> findAndReplacePattern(String[] words, String pattern) {HashMap<Character, Integer> set1 = new HashMap<>();HashMap<Character, Integer> set2 = new HashMap<>();List<String> l = new ArrayList<>();for(int i=0;i<pattern.length();i++) {set1.put(pattern.charAt(i), i);}for(int i=0;i<words.length;i++) {for(int j=0;j<pattern.length();j++) {set2.put(words[i].charAt(j), j);}if(dui(set2,set1,words[i],pattern)) {l.add(words[i]);}}return l;}public static boolean dui(HashMap<Character, Integer> m,HashMap<Character, Integer> n,String s1,String s2) {boolean flag =true;for(int z=0;z<s2.length();z++) {if(m.get(s1.charAt(z))!=n.get(s2.charAt(z))) {flag = false;break;}}return flag;}



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890. Find and Replace Pattern

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