- 一、课程设计内容
- 功能阐述
- 二、开发板原理图与设计流程图
- 三、设计思路和方法
- 1、EEPROM初始化
- 2、LCD1602初始化
- 3、矩阵按键扫描
- 4、输入密码
- 5、密码比对
- 四、源代码附录
- 五、经验总结与体会
- 1、遇到问题及解决方法
将51单片机的头文件和i2c.h的头文件包含进来,对24C02芯片进行读写操作,调用At24c02Write函数将变量、数据写入到对应的地址内,调用 At24c02Read 函数进行读取操作,将从对应地址内读取的值存储在变量中。
① LcdWriteCom():写命令函数,通过此函数向LCD1602写命令。比如:清屏LcdWriteCom(0x01); 设置数据指针起LcdWriteCom(0x80)。
② LcdWriteData():显示函数,在写数据之前需要通过LcdWriteCom()函数告诉要写数据的地址,LCD1602的第一行的16个显示位地址是0x80到0x8f;第二行的地址是0xc0到0xcf。比如在1602的第一行第一位显示数字8:LcdWriteCom(0x80)或LcdWriteData(‘8’)。
③ showString (unsigned char Coordinate,char *ptr):ShowString (首地址,字符串)函数在需要显示字符串时使用。比如在第二行第3位开始显示hello:ShowString (0x13,”hello”)。其中首地址的高四位为0则表示在第一排显示,为“1”则在第二排显示。低四位为0则在第0位显示。
/**************************************************************************************Course application design : Electronic code lock
Function design: download program and input correct password, receive double lights rolling; input wrong password, receive buzzer alarm
Hardware connection:P1 -- > keyboard matrixP20 - > EEPROM module SDAP21 - > EEPROM module SCLMatrix keyboard position corresponding information:S1 S2 S3 S4 0 1 2 3S5 S6 S7 S8 4 5 6 7--->S9 S10 S11 S12 8 9 return OKS13 S14 S15 S16 × × × ×
#include "reg52.h" //This file defines some special function registers of MCU
#include "lcd.h"
#include "key.h"
#include "i2c.h"
#include<intrins.h> //The header file required by the left and right shift function#define u16 unsigned int //Declarative definition of data types
#define u8 unsigned charsbit beep=P2^5; //define beep# define LCD_LINE1 0x00 //Define the first line of the LCD display
# define LCD_LINE2 0xc0 //Define the second line of the LCD display u8 pw_num,Error_Num,PassWord_Length=6; //The password length is 6
u8 PASSWORD[]={'8','8','8','8','8','8'}; //The initial password is 888888
u8 INPUT_PW_Tab[10] = {'-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-'};//Defines an array to hold passwords
u8 key_num,Step,Step5,Load_first_flag;bit result_flag = 0,List1=0,Input_suc_flag;void Step_0(); //Step 0: home page display
void Step_1(); //Step 1: display function: input password or modify password
void Step_2(); //Step 2: Select function: input password or modify password
void Step_3(); //Step 3: display prompt: input password
void Step_4(); //Step 4: input the password void Step_5(); //Step 5: change the password
void Step5_0(); //Modify password function: step 0: display prompt: input the original password
void Step5_1(); //Password modification function: Step 1: enter the password
void Step5_2(); //Password modification function: Step 2: password comparison
void Step5_3(); //Password modification function: Step 3: processing after password comparison
void Step5_4(); //Password modification function: Step 4: enter a new password
void Step5_5(); //Password modification function: Step 5: read the new password and save it in EEPROM void Step_6(); //Step 6: the password comparison result is correct or wrong, feedback the corresponding result void CipherComparison(); //Function of password comparison
void input_password(bit m); //Function to enter password
void init_Password(); //Initialization password: read password from EEPROM
void light_run(); //Water lamp: feedback function after inputting correct password
void beep_run(); //Beep: feedback function after inputting wrong password/*******************************************************************************/
void main()
{ u8 data1,a;beep=1;LcdInit();// At24c02Write(0, 0);
/*Clear the memory, initialize and reset the password to 888888. This statement is used to write illegal characters to EEPROM during debugging. When the password cannot be modified again, this statement can be used to initialize the password.*/delay(1000);Step=0;Step5=0;Error_Num=0x00;init_Password();while(1){ key_num=KeyDown(); //Read input valueswitch(Step){case 0:{Step_0();break;}case 1:{Step_1();break;}case 2:{Step_2();break;}case 3:{Step_3();break;} case 4:{Step_4();break;} case 5:{Step_5();break;} case 6:{Step_6();break;} }}
//Step 0: home page display
void Step_0()
{char dis[16];int i;//For debugging convenience, the current password is displayed on the home page. dis[0] = Load_first_flag + '0';dis[1] = ':';for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)dis[2 + i] = PASSWORD[i] ;dis[8]=0;LcdInit();if(result_flag == 0) //First time login {ShowString(LCD_LINE1, " Need to Log in "); //The first line shows " Need to Log in " ShowString(LCD_LINE2, dis); //The second line shows the current password }else{ShowString(LCD_LINE1, " Welcome! "); //The first line shows " Welcome! " ShowString(LCD_LINE2, dis); //The second line shows the current password}while(KeyDown()==0xff)Step=1; //Press the detection button to enter the next step
//Step 1: display function: input password or modify password
void Step_1()
{LcdWriteCom(0x01); //Clear screenShowString(0x00,"Input Password"); //The first line of LCD1602 displays "Input Password"ShowString(0x0f,"<"); //Display indicator cursor "<" ShowString(0x10,"Change Password"); //The second line of LCD1602 displays change passwordShowString(0x1f," "); Step=2; //Go to step 2
//Step 2: Select function: input password or modify password
void Step_2()
{if(key_num!=0x0b) {if((key_num==0x01) ||( key_num==0x09)) //When 1 key or 9 key is pressed: switch cursor position - > Select function {List1=~List1; //Change Passwordif(List1==0){ ShowString(0x0f,"<"); // Input Password <ShowString(0x1f," "); // Change Password }else{ShowString(0x0f," "); // Input Password ShowString(0x1f,"<"); // Change Password <}}}else //When the OK key is pressed{if(List1==0){Step=3;} //When input password is selected, go to step 3 else {Step=5;List1=0;} //When change password is selected, go to step 5 }
//Step 3: display prompt: input password
void Step_3()
{Step=4;pw_num=0;LcdInit();ShowString(0x00,"Pass Word: ");
//Step 4: input the password
void Step_4()
{input_password(1); //Input the password and display itif(Input_suc_flag==1){Step=6;} //Enter the password and go to the next stepInput_suc_flag=0; //Clear the password input complete flag
//Step 5: change the password
void Step_5()
{switch(Step5){case 0: {Step5_0();} break;case 1: {Step5_1();} break;case 2: {Step5_2();} break;case 3: {Step5_3();} break;case 4: {Step5_4();} break;case 5: {Step5_5();} break;}
//Step 6: the password comparison result is correct or wrong, feedback the corresponding result
void Step_6()
{CipherComparison(); //Password comparisonif(result_flag==1) //If the password is correct{LcdInit();ShowString(0x00," SUCCESS!"); //Display "success!" and trigger the water lamplight_run(); }else //If the password is error{LcdInit();ShowString(0x00,"Error!"); //Display "error!" and trigger buzzer beep_run();}Step=0;
//Modify password function: step 0: display prompt: input the original password
void Step5_0()
{LcdWriteCom(0x01); //Clear screenShowString (0x00,"Input PassWord:");//The first line of LCD1602 displays "Input Password"Step5=1; //Go to the next step pw_num=0;
//Password modification function: Step 1: input the password
void Step5_1()
{input_password(1); //Input the password and display itif(Input_suc_flag==1) //When the password is entered{Step5=2; //Go to the next step Input_suc_flag=0; //Clear password input complete flag}
//Password modification function: Step 2: password comparison
void Step5_2()
{CipherComparison(); //Password comparisonStep5=3; //Go to the next step
//Password modification function: Step 3: processing after password comparison
void Step5_3()
{if(result_flag==0) //Input password error{if(Error_Num<3) //The number of input errors is less than 3{Error_Num++;LcdInit();ShowString (0x00,"Error"); //If the password is wrong, diaplay "Error"delay(20000);Step5=0;}else //The number of input errors is more than 3{Error_Num=0;Step=0;} }else //Input password correctly{LcdInit();ShowString (0x00,"New PassWord:");//If the password is correct, diaplay "New PassWord:" pw_num=0;Step5=4; //Go to the next step}
//Password modification function: Step 4: input the new password
void Step5_4()
{input_password(1); //Input the password and display itif(Input_suc_flag==1) //When the password is entered{ Step5=5; //Go to the next step Input_suc_flag=0;LcdWriteCom(0x01); //clear screenShowString (0x00," OK!");}
//Password modification function: Step 5: read the new password and save it in EEPROM
void Step5_5()
{unsigned char j;Load_first_flag = 1;At24c02Write(0,Load_first_flag); delay(100); for(j=0;j<PassWord_Length;j++) {PASSWORD[j]=INPUT_PW_Tab[j]; //Read passwordAt24c02Write(j+1,INPUT_PW_Tab[j] - '0');//Save password to EEPROMdelay(100);}Step5=0;Step=0;
//Initialization password: read password from EEPROM
void init_Password()
{unsigned char j;Load_first_flag=At24c02Read(0);if(Load_first_flag!=0) {for(j=0;j<PassWord_Length;j++) //Read password{PASSWORD[j]= At24c02Read(j + 1)+'0';}}
}//Function to enter password
void input_password(bit m)
{unsigned char j;if(key_num!=0x0b) //When the OK key is not pressed{if(key_num<0x0a) //Keys 1-9 are pressed{INPUT_PW_Tab[pw_num]=key_num + '0'; //Save to the input password array. Using +'0' because it needs to store ASCII code pw_num=pw_num+1; //Password length + 1LcdWriteCom(LCD_LINE2); //Display the password on line 2 of LCD display for(j=0;j<pw_num;j++){if(m==0) {LcdWriteData('*'); } //The input value m can be modified to change the password display. M = 0, the password is displayed as' * '. M = 1 password direct display else {LcdWriteData(INPUT_PW_Tab[j]);} //display the password}}if(key_num==0x0a) //When the return key is pressed{if(pw_num!=0) {pw_num=pw_num-1;}else {Step=0;}LcdWriteCom(LCD_LINE2); for(j=0;j<pw_num;j++){if(m==0) {LcdWriteData('*'); } //Using '*' to hide the passwordelse {LcdWriteData(INPUT_PW_Tab[j]);}//Display password directly }LcdWriteData(' '); }} else //When the OK key is pressed{if(pw_num==0) //When the password number is wrong, it will be judged as wrong password directly {Step=0;LcdWriteCom(0x01);ShowString (0x00,"Error!");delay(10000);}else{ Input_suc_flag=1; } }
//Function of password comparison
void CipherComparison()
{ u8 i;if(PassWord_Length==pw_num) //Password length comparison{for(i=0;i<PassWord_Length;i++) //Password comparison{if(PASSWORD[i]!=INPUT_PW_Tab[i]){result_flag=0;return; //Password error}}result_flag=1;}elseresult_flag=0;
}//Water lamp: feedback function after inputting correct password
void light_run()
{u8 i;for(i=0;i<8;i++){P2=~(0x03<<i); //Move the i bit to the right, and then assign the result to the P2 port. The first light of ~0x03 is D1 and D2 delay(100000); //delay }
}//Beep: feedback function after inputting wrong password
void beep_run()
{u8 i;for(i=0;i<100;i++){beep=~beep;delay(1000);}
char PASSWORD[]={‘8’,‘8’,‘8’,‘8’,‘8’,‘8’}; //The initial password is 888888
char INPUT_PW_Tab[10] = {’-’, ‘-’, ‘-’, ‘-’, ‘-’, ‘-’}; //Defines an array to hold passwords
At24c02Write(j+1,INPUT_PW_Tab[j] - ‘0’); //Save password to EEPROM
PASSWORD[j]= At24c02Read(j + 1)+‘0’;
At24c02Write(0, 0);