- 硬件: 罗技F710游戏手柄、一台笔记本电脑
- 软件: USBlyzer分析仪(下载地址)
- 先看8个字节的通讯协议:
- 以下是抓包内容,各种描述符分类清晰,在stm32的usb驱动程序中可以按照命名轻易找到对应的接口来修改。
Connection Status | Device connected |
Current Configuration | 1 |
Speed | Full (12 Mbit/s) |
Device Address | 14 |
Number Of Open Pipes | 2 |
Device Descriptor Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2
Offset | Field | Size | Value | Description |
0 | bLength | 1 | 12h | |
1 | bDescriptorType | 1 | 01h | Device |
2 | bcdUSB | 2 | 0200h | USB Spec 2.0 |
4 | bDeviceClass | 1 | 00h | Class info in Ifc Descriptors |
5 | bDeviceSubClass | 1 | 00h | |
6 | bDeviceProtocol | 1 | 00h | |
7 | bMaxPacketSize0 | 1 | 08h | 8 bytes |
8 | idVendor | 2 | 046Dh | Logitech, Inc. |
10 | idProduct | 2 | C219h | |
12 | bcdDevice | 2 | 0305h | 3.05 |
14 | iManufacturer | 1 | 01h | “Logitech” |
15 | iProduct | 1 | 02h | “Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2” |
16 | iSerialNumber | 1 | 00h | |
17 | bNumConfigurations | 1 | 01h |
Configuration Descriptor 1 Bus Powered, 98 mA
Offset | Field | Size | Value | Description |
0 | bLength | 1 | 09h | |
1 | bDescriptorType | 1 | 02h | Configuration |
2 | wTotalLength | 2 | 0029h | |
4 | bNumInterfaces | 1 | 01h | |
5 | bConfigurationValue | 1 | 01h | |
6 | iConfiguration | 1 | 04h | “PACER-X03.05_A” |
7 | bmAttributes | 1 | 80h | Bus Powered |
4…0: Reserved | …00000 | |||
5: Remote Wakeup | …0… | No | ||
6: Self Powered | .0… | No, Bus Powered | ||
7: Reserved (set to one)(bus-powered for 1.0) | 1… | |||
8 | bMaxPower | 1 | 31h | 98 mA |
Interface Descriptor 0/0 HID, 2 Endpoints
Offset | Field | Size | Value | Description |
0 | bLength | 1 | 09h | |
1 | bDescriptorType | 1 | 04h | Interface |
2 | bInterfaceNumber | 1 | 00h | |
3 | bAlternateSetting | 1 | 00h | |
4 | bNumEndpoints | 1 | 02h | |
5 | bInterfaceClass | 1 | 03h | HID |
6 | bInterfaceSubClass | 1 | 00h | |
7 | bInterfaceProtocol | 1 | 00h | |
8 | iInterface | 1 | 00h |
HID Descriptor
Offset | Field | Size | Value | Description |
0 | bLength | 1 | 09h | |
1 | bDescriptorType | 1 | 21h | HID |
2 | bcdHID | 2 | 0111h | 1.11 |
4 | bCountryCode | 1 | 00h | |
5 | bNumDescriptors | 1 | 01h | |
6 | bDescriptorType | 1 | 22h | Report |
7 | wDescriptorLength | 2 | 0077h | 119 bytes |
Endpoint Descriptor 81 1 In, Interrupt, 4 ms
Offset | Field | Size | Value | Description |
0 | bLength | 1 | 07h | |
1 | bDescriptorType | 1 | 05h | Endpoint |
2 | bEndpointAddress | 1 | 81h | 1 In |
3 | bmAttributes | 1 | 03h | Interrupt |
1…0: Transfer Type | …11 | Interrupt | ||
7…2: Reserved | 000000… | |||
4 | wMaxPacketSize | 2 | 0020h | 32 bytes |
6 | bInterval | 1 | 04h | 4 ms |
Endpoint Descriptor 01 1 Out, Interrupt, 8 ms
Offset | Field | Size | Value | Description |
0 | bLength | 1 | 07h | |
1 | bDescriptorType | 1 | 05h | Endpoint |
2 | bEndpointAddress | 1 | 01h | 1 Out |
3 | bmAttributes | 1 | 03h | Interrupt |
1…0: Transfer Type | …11 | Interrupt | ||
7…2: Reserved | 000000… | |||
4 | wMaxPacketSize | 2 | 0020h | 32 bytes |
6 | bInterval | 1 | 08h | 8 ms |
Interface 0 HID Report Descriptor Game Pad
Item Tag (Value) | Raw Data |
Usage Page (Generic Desktop) | 05 01 |
Usage (Game Pad) | 09 05 |
Collection (Application) | A1 01 |
Collection (Logical) | A1 02 |
Report ID (1) | 85 01 |
Report Size (8) | 75 08 |
Report Count (4) | 95 04 |
Logical Minimum (0) | 15 00 |
Logical Maximum (255) | 26 FF 00 |
Physical Minimum (0) | 35 00 |
Physical Maximum (255) | 46 FF 00 |
Usage (X) | 09 30 |
Usage (Y) | 09 31 |
Usage (Z) | 09 32 |
Usage (Rz) | 09 35 |
Input (Data,Var,Abs,NWrp,Lin,Pref,NNul,Bit) | 81 02 |
Report Size (4) | 75 04 |
Report Count (1) | 95 01 |
Logical Maximum (7) | 25 07 |
Physical Maximum (315) | 46 3B 01 |
Unit (Eng Rot: Degree) | 66 14 00 |
Usage (Hat Switch) | 09 39 |
Input (Data,Var,Abs,NWrp,Lin,Pref,Null,Bit) | 81 42 |
Unit (None) | 66 00 00 |
Report Size (1) | 75 01 |
Report Count (12) | 95 0C |
Logical Maximum (1) | 25 01 |
Physical Maximum (1) | 45 01 |
Usage Page (Button) | 05 09 |
Usage Minimum (Button 1) | 19 01 |
Usage Maximum (Button 12) | 29 0C |
Input (Data,Var,Abs,NWrp,Lin,Pref,NNul,Bit) | 81 02 |
Report Count (1) | 95 01 |
Report Size (8) | 75 08 |
Usage Page (Vendor-Defined 1) | 06 00 FF |
Logical Maximum (255) | 26 FF 00 |
Physical Maximum (255) | 46 FF 00 |
Usage (Undefined) | 09 00 |
Input (Data,Var,Abs,NWrp,Lin,Pref,NNul,Bit) | 81 02 |
End Collection | C0 |
Collection (Logical) | A1 02 |
Report ID (2) | 85 02 |
Report Count (7) | 95 07 |
Report Size (8) | 75 08 |
Logical Maximum (255) | 26 FF 00 |
Physical Maximum (255) | 46 FF 00 |
Usage Page (Vendor-Defined 1) | 06 00 FF |
Usage (Vendor-Defined 3) | 09 03 |
Input (Data,Var,Abs,NWrp,Lin,Pref,NNul,Bit) | 81 02 |
End Collection | C0 |
Collection (Logical) | A1 02 |
Report ID (3) | 85 03 |
Usage (Vendor-Defined 4) | 09 04 |
Output (Data,Var,Abs,NWrp,Lin,Pref,NNul,NVol,Bit) | 91 02 |
End Collection | C0 |
End Collection | C0 |
- 协议解析:
字节 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6,7 | 8,9 | 10,11 | 12,13 | 14 |
定义 | ID | 0x14 | Buttons | Buttons | LT | RT | Left X Axis | Left Y Axis | Right X Axis | Right Y Axis | Mode |
Connection Status | Device connected |
Current Configuration | 1 |
Speed | Full (12 Mbit/s) |
Device Address | 15 |
Number Of Open Pipes | 2 |
Device Descriptor Wireless Gamepad F710
Offset | Field | Size | Value | Description |
0 | bLength | 1 | 12h | |
1 | bDescriptorType | 1 | 01h | Device |
2 | bcdUSB | 2 | 0200h | USB Spec 2.0 |
4 | bDeviceClass | 1 | FFh | Vendor-Specific |
5 | bDeviceSubClass | 1 | FFh | |
6 | bDeviceProtocol | 1 | FFh | |
7 | bMaxPacketSize0 | 1 | 08h | 8 bytes |
8 | idVendor | 2 | 046Dh | Logitech, Inc. |
10 | idProduct | 2 | C21Fh | |
12 | bcdDevice | 2 | 0305h | 3.05 |
14 | iManufacturer | 1 | 01h | “Logitech” |
15 | iProduct | 1 | 02h | “Wireless Gamepad F710” |
16 | iSerialNumber | 1 | 03h | “8F699F3C” |
17 | bNumConfigurations | 1 | 01h |
Configuration Descriptor 1 Bus Powered, 98 mA
Offset | Field | Size | Value | Description |
0 | bLength | 1 | 09h | |
1 | bDescriptorType | 1 | 02h | Configuration |
2 | wTotalLength | 2 | 0030h | |
4 | bNumInterfaces | 1 | 01h | |
5 | bConfigurationValue | 1 | 01h | |
6 | iConfiguration | 1 | 00h | |
7 | bmAttributes | 1 | 80h | Bus Powered |
4…0: Reserved | …00000 | |||
5: Remote Wakeup | …0… | No | ||
6: Self Powered | .0… | No, Bus Powered | ||
7: Reserved (set to one)(bus-powered for 1.0) | 1… | |||
8 | bMaxPower | 1 | 31h | 98 mA |
Interface Descriptor 0/0 Vendor-Specific, 2 Endpoints
Offset | Field | Size | Value | Description |
0 | bLength | 1 | 09h | |
1 | bDescriptorType | 1 | 04h | Interface |
2 | bInterfaceNumber | 1 | 00h | |
3 | bAlternateSetting | 1 | 00h | |
4 | bNumEndpoints | 1 | 02h | |
5 | bInterfaceClass | 1 | FFh | Vendor-Specific |
6 | bInterfaceSubClass | 1 | 5Dh | |
7 | bInterfaceProtocol | 1 | 01h | |
8 | iInterface | 1 | 00h |
Unrecognized Class-Specific Descriptor
Offset | Field | Size | Value | Description |
0 | bLength | 1 | 10h | |
1 | bDescriptorType | 1 | 21h | |
2 | 14 | 10 01 01 24 81 14 03 00 03 13 02 00 03 00 |
Endpoint Descriptor 81 1 In, Interrupt, 4 ms
Offset | Field | Size | Value | Description |
0 | bLength | 1 | 07h | |
1 | bDescriptorType | 1 | 05h | Endpoint |
2 | bEndpointAddress | 1 | 81h | 1 In |
3 | bmAttributes | 1 | 03h | Interrupt |
1…0: Transfer Type | …11 | Interrupt | ||
7…2: Reserved | 000000… | |||
4 | wMaxPacketSize | 2 | 0020h | 32 bytes |
6 | bInterval | 1 | 04h | 4 ms |
Endpoint Descriptor 02 2 Out, Interrupt, 8 ms
Offset | Field | Size | Value | Description |
0 | bLength | 1 | 07h | |
1 | bDescriptorType | 1 | 05h | Endpoint |
2 | bEndpointAddress | 1 | 02h | 2 Out |
3 | bmAttributes | 1 | 03h | Interrupt |
1…0: Transfer Type | …11 | Interrupt | ||
7…2: Reserved | 000000… | |||
4 | wMaxPacketSize | 2 | 0020h | 32 bytes |
6 | bInterval | 1 | 08h | 8 ms |
PS: 后续有时间更新一下生成和修改的过程,并移植到freertos中(官方ide直接生成的freertos + usb-host代码有bug,会直接内存泄露)。