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<title>CodePen - Tuggable Light Bulb! 💡(GSAP Draggable && MorphSVG)</title>
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<path d="M-752.914 823.875l-8.858-33.06"></path>
<path d="M-737.772 823.875l8.858-33.06"></path>
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<!-- partial -->
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<script src='https://assets.codepen.io/16327/MorphSVGPlugin3.min.js'></script>
<script src='https://unpkg.com/gsap@3/dist/Draggable.min.js'></script><script src="./script.js"></script>
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stroke: var(--filament);
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stroke: var(--shine);
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stroke: #f5e0a3;
display: none;
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stroke: var(--stroke);
fill: hsla(calc(180 - (95 * var(--on))), 80%, 80%, calc(0.1 + (0.4 * var(--on))));
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fill: var(--shine);
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stroke: var(--stroke);
const {
gsap: { registerPlugin, set, to, timeline },
Draggable } =
// Used to calculate distance of "tug"
let startX;
let startY;
const AUDIO = {
CLICK: new Audio('C:\Users\123\Desktop\webdayornight') };
const STATE = {
ON: false };
const CORD_DURATION = 0.1;
const CORDS = document.querySelectorAll('.toggle-scene__cord');
const HIT = document.querySelector('.toggle-scene__hit-spot');
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const DUMMY_CORD = document.querySelector('.toggle-scene__dummy-cord line');
const PROXY = document.createElement('div');
// set init position
const ENDX = DUMMY_CORD.getAttribute('x2');
const ENDY = DUMMY_CORD.getAttribute('y2');
const RESET = () => {
set(PROXY, {
x: ENDX,
y: ENDY });
const CORD_TL = timeline({
paused: true,
onStart: () => {
set(document.documentElement, { '--on': STATE.ON ? 1 : 0 });
set([DUMMY, HIT], { display: 'none' });
set(CORDS[0], { display: 'block' });
onComplete: () => {
set([DUMMY, HIT], { display: 'block' });
set(CORDS[0], { display: 'none' });
} });
for (let i = 1; i < CORDS.length; i++) {
to(CORDS[0], {
morphSVG: CORDS[i],
duration: CORD_DURATION,
repeat: 1,
yoyo: true }));
Draggable.create(PROXY, {
trigger: HIT,
type: 'x,y',
onPress: e => {
startX = e.x;
startY = e.y;
onDrag: function () {
attr: {
x2: this.x,
y2: this.y } });
onRelease: function (e) {
const DISTX = Math.abs(e.x - startX);
const DISTY = Math.abs(e.y - startY);
attr: { x2: ENDX, y2: ENDY },
duration: CORD_DURATION,
onComplete: () => {
if (TRAVELLED > 50) {
} else {
} });
} });
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g.toggle-scene__bulb.bulb(transform='translate(844.069 -645.213)')
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path.bulb__cap-shine(d='M-778.379 802.873h25.512v118.409h-25.512z' clip-path='url(#g)' transform='matrix(.52452 0 0 .90177 -368.282 82.976)')
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path(d='M-752.914 823.875l-8.858-33.06')
path(d='M-737.772 823.875l8.858-33.06')
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circle.bulb__flash(cx='-745.343' cy='743.939' r='83.725' fill='none' stroke-dasharray='10,30' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='10')
path.bulb__shine(fill='none' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='12' d='M-789.19 757.501a45.897 45.897 0 013.915-36.189 45.897 45.897 0 0129.031-21.957')
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const {
gsap: { registerPlugin, set, to, timeline },
} = window
// Used to calculate distance of "tug"
let startX
let startY
const AUDIO = {
CLICK: new Audio('C:\Users\123\Desktop\webdayornight'),
const STATE = {
ON: false,
const CORD_DURATION = 0.1
const CORDS = document.querySelectorAll('.toggle-scene__cord')
const HIT = document.querySelector('.toggle-scene__hit-spot')
const DUMMY = document.querySelector('.toggle-scene__dummy-cord')
const DUMMY_CORD = document.querySelector('.toggle-scene__dummy-cord line')
const PROXY = document.createElement('div')
// set init position
const ENDX = DUMMY_CORD.getAttribute('x2')
const ENDY = DUMMY_CORD.getAttribute('y2')
const RESET = () => {
set(PROXY, {
x: ENDX,
y: ENDY,
const CORD_TL = timeline({
paused: true,
onStart: () => {
set(document.documentElement, { '--on': STATE.ON ? 1 : 0 })
set([DUMMY, HIT], { display: 'none' })
set(CORDS[0], { display: 'block' })
onComplete: () => {
set([DUMMY, HIT], { display: 'block' })
set(CORDS[0], { display: 'none' })
for (let i = 1; i < CORDS.length; i++) {
to(CORDS[0], {
morphSVG: CORDS[i],
duration: CORD_DURATION,
repeat: 1,
yoyo: true,
Draggable.create(PROXY, {
trigger: HIT,
type: 'x,y',
onPress: e => {
startX = e.x
startY = e.y
onDrag: function() {
attr: {
x2: this.x,
y2: this.y,
onRelease: function(e) {
const DISTX = Math.abs(e.x - startX)
const DISTY = Math.abs(e.y - startY)
attr: { x2: ENDX, y2: ENDY },
duration: CORD_DURATION,
onComplete: () => {
if (TRAVELLED > 50) {
} else {