Eyeshot 2023 Added NuGet packages.

news/2025/1/17 23:05:12/
  • Added Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Extensions menu item.
  • Microsoft .NET 6 Windows Toolbox items.
  • Added NuGet packages.
  • Planar curve projection on Sketch plane.
  • Improved fillet surfaces quality and speed.
  • Added 'ICurve.ConverToLinearPath()' family of methods.
  •   Eyeshot is a CAD control for the .NET Framework. It includes four different Visual Studio toolbox items: “Design” for 2D & 3D geometry creation, “Drawing” for automatic 2D orthogonal view generation, “Simulation” (Fem edition only) for geometry validation using linear static analysis and “Manufacture” for CNC toolpath generation and simulation. A number of translators for standard CAD exchange file formats are also part of the library. The installer includes 70 code samples for both WinForms and WPF and C# and VB.NET that cover most recurrent CAD/CAM/CAE topics.

      FEM (Polygonal modeling, drafting and point cloud, plus NURBS and BRep modeling, IGES/STEP, CAM, 2D/3D meshing and Finite Element Analysis)

  •   Modules

      Region Booleans - Trim and Union/Subtraction/Intersection operations for planar regions.

      BRep Booleans - Trim and Union/Subtraction/Intersection operations for manifold 3D solids.

      Meshing - Subdivision of a continuous geometric space into discrete geometric and topological cells.

      Collision Detection - Determining if when and where two objects come into contact.

      Geometric Constraint Solver - Find the positions of geometric elements that satisfy the given constraints.

  •   Hidden Lines - 2D vector views generation of complex 3D models.

      FEM Solver - Partial differential equations solution in two or three space variables.

      Surface Reconstruction - Compute a triangle mesh interpolating a given point cloud.

      Geometry Tessellation - Subdivision of analytical curves and surfaces into polygonal chains and meshes.

      Surface Trim - Find the intersection of two surfaces.

      Surface Fillet - Create a surface that smoothly connects two primary surfaces.

      Machining - Generate 3D toolpaths for a given setup, geometry and tool definition.

      Marching Cubes - Generate surfaces for a 3D scalar field.

      Mesh Booleans - Union/Subtraction/Intersection operations for mesh objects.

      Measure - Minimum distance computation between objects.



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