使命召唤 高级战争 闪退_使命召唤:现代战争进入第5季

news/2024/10/29 0:26:26/

使命召唤 高级战争 闪退

Note: If you want to learn more about the battle royale genre in general, check out my earlier article on the topic.

注意:如果您想大致了解更多关于大逃杀类型的信息,请查看我 之前关于该主题的文章

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare entered Season 5 on August 5th. The new season provided fans with Warzone map changes, new guns, and multiplayer maps. If you haven’t played Warzone before, you can access it for free on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, or PC.

C 所有职责:现代战争于8月5日进入第5季。 新赛季为球迷提供了Warzone地图更改,新枪支和多人游戏地图。 如果您以前从未玩过Warzone ,则可以在Xbox One,PlayStation 4或PC上免费使用。

Something I have noticed in Season 5 of Warzone is that Activision has borrowed from their rival Fortnite when it comes to map changes. Attracting players to a location was something Fortnite excelled in. For example, the center of the map contained a POI that was once called “Dusty Depot” in 2017. However, the name was changed to “Dusty Divot” at a later season. While maintaining the same atmosphere of the original Dusty Depot, it had a certain freshness. In Warzone, the stadium was fully enclosed for the first four seasons. However, for the first time — the stadium is now open and can be fully explored. The change to a POI causes many people to land at that location for at least a few weeks. If you want to be fighting continuously, the stadium is the go-to drop location.

我在《 战地 风云 ( Warzone )》第5季中注意到的一点是,在进行地图更改时,动视从他们的竞争对手Fortnite借来了。 Fortnite擅长将玩家吸引到某个位置。例如,地图的中心包含一个POI,该POI在2017年曾被称为“ Dusty Depot”。但是,在后来的一个赛季中,名称被更改为“ Dusty Divot”。 在保持原始Dusty Depot气氛不变的同时,还具有一定的新鲜度。 在Warzone中 ,前四个赛季体育场完全封闭。 但是,这是体育场第一次开放,可以进行全面探索。 POI的更改导致许多人在该位置降落至少几周。 如果您想持续战斗,那么体育场就是前往的地点。

On the Warzone map, there is now a moving train that travels throughout Verdansk. Games that I have played with moving trains are Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate and Uncharted 3. Fighting other players on the train is a fun experience particularly when the gas (storm) is pushing you into the safe zone. Some of the ground loot has also changed due to the addition of two new guns, and this can provide players with different early game experiences.

Warzone地图上,现在有一列行驶在Verdansk上的动车 。 我在动车上玩过的游戏是刺客信条:辛迪加神秘海域3 。 与火车上的其他玩家进行战斗是一种有趣的体验,尤其是在天然气(暴风雨)将您逼入安全区域时。 由于增加了两门新枪,一些地面战利品也发生了变化,这可以为玩家提供不同的早期游戏体验

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Many of the changes in Season Five of Warzone and Modern Warfare.

Depending on how far you get in a Warzone match, games can last anywhere between 30 to 45 minutes. If you are looking for a shorter battle royale experience with fewer players — Mini Royale has released with the Season 5 update. Similar to the Quick Match option on PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, Mini Royale offers a more fast-paced game. Instead of the 5 to 10 minutes of early game looting, you will likely be forced to fight players right off the bat.

根据您在Warzone比赛中获得的距离,游戏可以持续30至45分钟。 如果您希望以更少的玩家来获得更短的皇家战斗体验,那么Mini Royale将在第5季更新中发布。 与PlayerUnknown的Battlegrounds中的Quick Match选项相似,Mini Royale提供了更加快节奏的游戏。 而不是抢劫前的5至10分钟,您可能会被迫立即与玩家战斗。

The Mastery Challenges in Warzone reminded me of the “Prestige” system of old CoDs such as the Black Ops and World at War series. It is no surprise to me that they want players who are dedicated to the game to keep on grinding for medals and rewards. If you don’t own Modern Warfare, there is currently (as of 08/6/20) a free multiplayer weekend where you can play maps such as Oil Rig and Harbor. I would highly recommend utilizing this to unlock the Grau 5.56 and the Bruen MK9 weapons.

战区精通挑战使我想起了旧式CoD 的“威望”系统 ,例如《 黑色行动》和《 战争世界》系列。 对我来说,他们希望专注于游戏的玩家继续为获得奖牌和奖励而努力并不奇怪。 如果您不拥有Modern Warfare ,那么当前(截至20/6/8)将有一个免费的多人周末 ,您可以在其中玩石油钻机和港口等地图。 我强烈建议您使用此工具来解锁Grau 5.56和Bruen MK9武器。

Thanks for reading my article. With the many game improvements and additions, playing season five of Warzone is a no-brainer.

感谢您阅读我的文章。 通过对游戏的许多改进和补充,《 战地风云》第5季的播放变得轻而易举。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-enters-season-5-1131f866a941

使命召唤 高级战争 闪退




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