revit 所有内部命令对照表 中-英

news/2025/1/12 10:55:08/

revit内部命令对照表 - 2020版


  • 使用方式
//获取uiAppUIApplication uiApp = commandData.Application;//查找要实现的命令Looks up and retrieves the Revit command id with the given id string.RevitCommandId cmdId = RevitCommandId.LookupPostableCommandId(PostableCommand.Move);// 移动命令为例//判断命令是否能够执行Identifies if the given command can be postedif (uiApp.CanPostCommand(cmdId)){//执行命令,不用开启事务Posts the command to the Revit message queue to be invoked when control returns from the current API context. uiApp.PostCommand(cmdId);}//如果不想判断直接使用可以用以下代码(以删除为例)//uiApp.PostCommand(RevitCommandId.LookupPostableCommandId(PostableCommand.Delete));return Result.Succeeded;
Member nameDescription描述
RoofByFaceCreates a roof using a non-vertical face of a mass.使用质量的非垂直面创建屋顶。
SoffitCreates a roof soffit in the building model.在建筑模型中创建屋顶拱腹。
RepeatComponentRepeats the selected applied component along a divide path or surface.沿分割路径或曲面重复选定的应用零部件。
ViewListCreates a schedule of the views in the project.创建项目中视图的时间表。
LinearDimensionTypesDefines attributes for linear (horizontal and vertical) dimensions.定义线性(水平和垂直)尺寸的属性。
AngularDimensionTypesDefines attributes for angular dimensions.定义角度尺寸的属性。
SplitElementCuts an element (such as a wall or line) at a selected point, or removes a segment between 2 points.在选定点处切割元素(例如墙或线),或删除2个点之间的线段。
SpotElevationDisplays the elevation of a selected point.显示选定点的高程。
SpotCoordinateDisplays the North/South and East/West coordinates of points in a project.显示项目中点的北/南和东/西坐标。
RoofByFootprintCreates a roof using the building footprint to define its boundaries.使用建筑物占地面积创建屋顶以定义其边界。
RoofByExtrusionCreates a roof by extruding a profile that you sketch.通过拉伸草图绘制的轮廓来创建屋顶。
RadialDimensionTypesDefines attributes for radial dimensions.定义径向尺寸的属性。
ReloadLatestLoads updates from the central model to your local copy of the project.将更新从中央模型加载到项目的本地副本。
RenderCreates a photorealistic image of a building model.创建建筑模型的真实感图像。
ShowHistoryDisplays a list of all the times a workshared file (the central model or a local copy of the central model) was saved and who saved it.显示工作共享文件(中央模型或中央模型的本地副本)保存的所有时间以及保存者的列表。
SplitSurfaceSplits a toposurface into 2 distinct surfaces, so that each can be edited independently.将一个地形表面拆分为2个不同的表面,以便可以独立地对其进行编辑
DrawOnFaceDraws lines on existing surfaces.在现有曲面上绘制线。
DrawOnWorkPlaneDraws lines on the active work plane.在活动工作平面上绘制线。
GrayInactiveWorksetsDisplays elements in inactive worksets as gray to visually distinguish them from elements in active worksets.将非活动工作集中的元素显示为灰色,以在视觉上将它们与活动工作集中的元素区分开。
ImportGBXMLImports analysis data from a gbXML file.从gbXML文件导入分析数据。
ExportReportsRoomOrAreaReportSaves a schedule or Room/Area report.保存时间表或房间/面积报告。
SheetIssuesOrRevisionsSpecifies revision information for the project.指定项目的修订信息。
RevisionScheduleAdds a revision schedule to a custom title block.将修订计划添加到自定义标题栏。
CalloutTagsSpecifies the callout head for callout tags, and the radius of the callout bubble.指定标注标签的标注头和标注气泡的半径。
ElevationTagsDefines properties for elevation tags.定义海拔标签的属性。
SectionTagsSpecifies the shape of heads and tails for section tags.指定节标记的头和尾的形状。
FloorByFaceFloorConverts a mass floor into a floor of the building model.将质量层转换为建筑模型的层。
HideCategoryHides all elements that belong to a selected category in the current view.隐藏当前视图中属于选定类别的所有元素。
RunInterferenceCheckLocates invalid intersections between elements in a project.在项目中的元素之间找到无效的交集。
SpecifyCoordinatesAtPointRelocates a project and rotates the project to True North by specifying coordinates for North/South, East/West, and Elevation.通过指定北/南,东/西和高程的坐标,重新定位项目并将项目旋转到“真北”。
ExportIFCSaves an IFC file.保存IFC文件。
PublishDWGToAutodeskBuzzsawSaves selected views and sheets as DWG files and posts them to a Autodesk Buzzsaw site.将选定的视图和图纸另存为DWG文件,并将其发布到Autodesk Buzzsaw站点。
PublishDWFToAutodeskBuzzsawSaves selected views and sheets as DWF files and posts them to a Autodesk Buzzsaw site.将选定的视图和图纸另存为DWF文件,并将其发布到Autodesk Buzzsaw站点。
PublishDXFToAutodeskBuzzsawSaves selected views and sheets as DXF files and posts them to a Autodesk Buzzsaw site.将选定的视图和图纸另存为DXF文件,并将其发布到Autodesk Buzzsaw站点。
PublishDGNToAutodeskBuzzsawSaves selected views and sheets as DGN files and posts them to a Autodesk Buzzsaw site.将选定的视图和图纸另存为DGN文件,并将其发布到Autodesk Buzzsaw站点。
ResetAnalyticalModelResets the analytical model alignment methods to Auto-detect.将分析模型对齐方式重置为“自动检测”。
PublishSATToAutodeskBuzzsawSaves selected views and sheets as SAT files and posts them to a Autodesk Buzzsaw site.将选定的视图和图纸另存为SAT文件,并将其发布到Autodesk Buzzsaw站点。
ExportOptionsIFCOptionsSets export options for CAD and IFC.设置CAD和IFC的导出选项。
TypePropertiesDisplays properties for the family type to which the selected element belongs.显示所选元素所属的族类型的属性。
ExportDWFOrDWFxCreates DWF or DWFx files.创建DWF或DWFx文件。
ExportCADFormatsDWGCreates DWG, DXF, DGN, or SAT files.创建DWG,DXF,DGN或SAT文件。
ExportCADFormatsDXFCreates DWG, DXF, DGN, or SAT files.创建DWG,DXF,DGN或SAT文件。
ExportCADFormatsDGNCreates DWG, DXF, DGN, or SAT files.创建DWG,DXF,DGN或SAT文件。
ExportCADFormatsACIS_SATCreates DWG, DXF, DGN, or SAT files.创建DWG,DXF,DGN或SAT文件。
RelinquishAllMineReleases ownership of worksets and borrowed elements that have not been changed.释放工作集的所有权并借用未更改的元素。
MaterialTakeoffCreates a list of the sub-components or materials of any Revit family category.创建任何Revit族类别的子组件或材料的列表。
DWFMarkupLinks marked-up DWF files into a Revit project so you can see the markups on corresponding sheets.将标记的DWF文件链接到Revit项目中,以便您可以在相应的图纸上看到标记。
ImportTypesImports family types from a text (.txt) file into the current family.从文本(.txt)文件将族类型导入当前族。
ExportExportTypesExports family types from the current family to a text (.txt) file.将家庭类型从当前家庭导出到文本(.txt)文件。
CheckMemberSupportsVerifies that structural elements such as beams, columns, walls, and slabs, are joined to supporting elements.验证是否将诸如梁,柱,墙和楼板等结构元件连接到支撑元件。
AnalyticalConsistencyChecksVerifies the analytical and physical model for consistency.验证分析模型和物理模型的一致性。
KeynoteLegendCreates a list of the keynotes used in a project, and their definitions.创建项目中使用的主题演讲及其定义的列表。
KeynotingSettingsSpecifies the location of the keynote table and the numbering method for keynotes.指定基调表的位置和基调的编号方法。
OpenBuildingComponentOpens a building component Autodesk Exchange (ADSK) file.打开建筑组件Autodesk Exchange(ADSK)文件。
WebDraws the web elements between the chords.在和弦之间绘制Web元素。
TopChordDraws the top chord of the truss family.绘制桁架族的上弦。
BottomChordDraws the bottom chord of the truss family.绘制桁架族的下弦。
TogglePropertiesPaletteDisplays or hides a palette where you can view and edit instance properties.显示或隐藏调色板,您可以在其中查看和编辑实例属性。
StatusBarWorksetsFor a workshared project, displays the active workset and the number of Others’ pending Editing Requests in the status bar.对于工作共享项目,在状态栏中显示活动的工作集和“其他”的未决编辑请求数。
StatusBarDesignOptionsDisplays the active design option in the status bar.在状态栏中显示活动的设计选项。
ReinforcementNumbersDefines or edits numbering sequences by partition for rebar and fabric sheets.按分区为钢筋和织物板定义或编辑编号顺序。
FamilyCategoryAndParametersAssigns the properties of a predefined family category to the component you are creating.将预定义族类别的属性分配给您正在创建的组件。
ExportImagesandAnimationsWalkthroughSaves animations or image files.保存动画或图像文件。
ExportImagesandAnimationsSolarStudySaves animations or image files.保存动画或图像文件。
SunSettingsSpecifies the location of the sun in the sun path, solar studies, walkthroughs, and rendered images.指定太阳在太阳路径中的位置,日光检查,演练和渲染的图像。
GridPlaces column grid lines in the building design.在建筑设计中放置列网格线。
ArchitecturalWallCreates a non-structural wall in the building model.在建筑模型中创建非结构墙。
DoorAdds doors to the building model.为建筑模型添加门。
WindowAdds windows to the building model.将窗口添加到建筑模型。
DeleteRemoves selected elements from the building model.从建筑模型中删除选定的元素。
SpacePlaces analytical spaces to account for the entire volume within the model. This includes rooms, plenums and chases.放置分析空间以说明模型中的整个体积。这包括房间,增压室和追逐室。
SpaceTagLabels spaces in a project.标记项目中的空格。
SpaceSeparatorDraws a space separation line to divide space.绘制空格分隔线以划分空间。
LevelPlaces a level in a view.在视图中放置一个关卡。
FramingElevationCreates a framing elevation to show vertical bracing.创建框架立面以显示垂直支撑。
ArchitecturalFloorCreates a floor for the current level of the building model.为建筑模型的当前层创建地板。
StairAdds a stair to the building model by creating common run, landing, and support components.通过创建通用的运行,着陆和支撑组件,将楼梯添加到建筑模型中。
ArchitecturalColumnAdds architectural columns to the building model.将建筑列添加到建筑模型。
MirrorProjectFlips the position of a project around a selected axis.围绕所选轴翻转项目的位置。
RotateProjectNorthChanges the relationship of all elements relative to Project North (the top of the drawing area) in plan views.在平面视图中更改所有元素相对于Project North(工程图顶部)的关系。
RotateRotates selected elements around an axis.围绕轴旋转选定的元素。
MirrorPickAxisReverses the position of selected elements, using an existing line or edge as the mirror axis.使用现有的线或边作为镜像轴,反转选定元素的位置。
LineWeightsCreates or modifies line weights.创建或修改线宽。
ObjectStylesSpecifies line weights, colors, and patterns, and materials for model objects, annotation objects, and imported objects.指定线宽,颜色和图案以及模型对象,注释对象和导入对象的材料。
AnalysisDisplayStylesSpecifies a presentation format for visualizing analysis results.指定用于可视化分析结果的演示格式。
SnapsSpecifies snap increments, and enables or disables snap points.指定捕捉增量,并启用或禁用捕捉点。
ProjectUnitsSpecifies the display format for units of measure.指定度量单位的显示格式。
StructuralPlanCreates a structural plan view.创建结构平面图。
FloorPlanCreates a floor plan view.创建平面图视图。
SectionCreates a section view.创建剖面图。
CameraCreates a 3D view from the perspective of a camera placed in the view.从放置在视图中的相机的角度创建3D视图。
ProjectBrowserDisplays the Project Browser.显示项目浏览器。
NewSheetCreates a page for a document set.为文档集创建页面。
ImportCADImports vector data from other CAD programs to the Revit project.将矢量数据从其他CAD程序导入Revit项目。
LinkCADLinks a CAD file to the current Revit project.将CAD文件链接到当前的Revit项目。
PointCloudLinks a Point Cloud file (*.rcp or *.rcs) into the current project.将点云文件(* .rcp或* .rcs)链接到当前项目。
NewFamilyFileCreate a new family建立一个新家庭
LoadShapesLoads a Revit family into the current file.将Revit系列加载到当前文件中。
NewConceptualMassOpens a template for creating a conceptual massing model.打开用于创建概念性体量模型的模板。
PinLocks a model element in place.将模型元素锁定到位。
UnpinUnlocks a model element so it can move.解锁模型元素,使其可以移动。
SolidExtrusionCreates a 3D solid by extruding a 2D shape (profile).通过拉伸2D形状(轮廓)来创建3D实体。
PlaceAComponentPlaces an element in the building model, based on a selected element type.根据选定的元素类型将元素放置在建筑模型中。
ModelLineCreates a line that exists in 3D space and is visible in all views of a project.创建一条在3D空间中存在并在项目的所有视图中可见的线。
StairPathAnnotates the slope direction and walk line of a stair.注释楼梯的倾斜方向和步行线。
ReferencePlaneCreates a reference plane using drawing tools.使用绘图工具创建参考平面。
RedoRedo last undone action重做上次撤消的操作
UndoUndo last action撤消上一个动作
ControlAdds a flip arrow to the view.向视图添加翻转箭头。
FiltersCreates a filter to modify the visibility and graphics of elements in views based on element parameters.创建一个过滤器,以基于元素参数修改视图中元素的可见性和图形。
TemporaryDimensionsSpecifies the placement and component references for temporary dimensions.指定临时尺寸的放置和零部件参考。
LinePatternsCreates or modifies line patterns.创建或修改线条图案。
ArrayCreates a linear or radial array of selected elements.创建所选元素的线性或径向数组。
MoveMoves selected elements to the specified location in the current view.将所选元素移动到当前视图中的指定位置。
CopyCopies selected elements and places them in the specified location in the current view.复制所选元素并将其放置在当前视图中的指定位置。
PlaceViewAdds a view to a sheet.将视图添加到工作表。
TextAdds text annotations (notes) to the current view.将文本注释(注释)添加到当前视图。
NewTitleBlockOpens a template for creating a Title Block family.打开用于创建标题栏族的模板。
AutomaticCeilingCreates a ceiling at a specified distance above the level in which it resides.在其所在位置上方指定距离处创建一个天花板。
FillPatternsCreates or modifies drafting patterns and model patterns.创建或修改绘图模式和模型模式。
Default3DViewOpens the default orthographic 3D view.打开默认的正交3D视图。
LabelCreates a label for the annotation symbol.为注释符号创建标签。
VisibilityOrGraphicsControls the visibility and graphic display of model elements, annotations, imported and linked elements, and workset elements in a view.控制视图中模型元素,注释,导入和链接的元素以及工作集元素的可见性和图形显示。
ViewRangeControls the view range of a plan.控制计划的视图范围。
OpeningCreates an opening in a host, such as a wall or ceiling.在主机(例如墙壁或天花板)中创建开口。
NewRevitFileCreate a new project创建一个新项目
ActivateViewEnables you to modify the selected view without leaving the sheet.使您可以在不离开图纸的情况下修改选定的视图。
MaterialsSpecifies the materials and associated properties to apply to elements in the building model.指定要应用于建筑模型中元素的材料和相关属性。
DeactivateViewDeactivates the view, so you can no longer change the view from the sheet.停用视图,因此您不再可以从图纸上更改视图。
MaterialAssetsModifies the assets that define a material.修改定义物料的资产。
DecalTypesCreates a decal that you can use to place images on surfaces of a building model for rendering.创建可用于将图像放置在建筑模型的表面上以进行渲染的贴花。
RoomCreates a room bounded by model elements (such as walls, floors, and ceilings) and separation lines.创建一个以模型元素为边界的房间(例如,墙壁,地板和 天花板)和分隔线。
CurtainGridCreates a grid line in a curtain wall or curtain system.在幕墙或幕帘系统中创建网格线。
CurtainWallMullionCreates a horizontal or vertical mullion on a curtain grid.在窗帘网格上创建水平或垂直竖框。
FamilyTypesAllows you to enter parameter values for existing family types, add parameters to the family, or create new types within the family.允许您输入现有族类型的参数值,向族添加参数或在族中创建新类型。
FilledRegionCreates a 2D, view-specific graphic with a fill pattern and a boundary line.创建具有填充图案和边界线的2D,特定于视图的图形。
RoomTagTags the selected room.标记所选房间。
AlignAligns one or more elements with a selected element.将一个或多个元素与所选元素对齐。
SymbolPlaces a 2D annotation drawing symbol in the current view.在当前视图中放置2D注释工程图符号。
DuplicateViewCreates a view that contains only the model geometry from the current view.创建一个仅包含当前视图中的模型几何的视图。
ExportOptionsExportSetupsDGNSets export options for CAD and IFC.设置CAD和IFC的导出选项。
ExportOptionsExportSetupsDWGOrDXFSets export options for CAD and IFC.设置CAD和IFC的导出选项。
ColorFillLegendPlaces a legend in a view to indicate the meanings of color fills for rooms or areas.在视图中放置图例以指示房间或区域的颜色填充的含义。
BuildingElevationCreates an elevation view.创建立面图。
JoinOrUnjoinRoofConnects roofs to other roofs or walls, or reverses a previous join.将屋顶连接到其他屋顶或墙壁,或反转先前的连接。
SolidBlendCreates a solid 3D shape that changes along its length, blending from a starting shape to an ending shape.创建沿其长度变化的实体3D形状,从开始形状到结束形状混合。
ManageLinksProvides options for managing links to building models, CAD files, DWF markup files, and point clouds.提供用于管理到建筑模型,CAD文件,DWF标记文件和点云的链接的选项。
SolidRevolveCreates a 3D shape by sweeping a 2D profile around an axis.通过围绕轴扫掠2D轮廓来创建3D形状。
ScheduleOrQuantitiesCreates a key schedule or a schedule of building components.创建关键时间表或建筑组件时间表。
CalloutCreates a rectangular callout in the view.在视图中创建一个矩形标注。
SolidSweepCreates a 3D shape by sweeping a 2D profile along a path.通过沿路径扫掠2D轮廓来创建3D形状。
CreateGroupCreates a group of elements for easy reuse.创建一组元素以方便重用。
RampAdds a ramp to the building model.向建筑模型添加坡道。
RoomSeparatorCreates a separation line to bound rooms where no walls or other room-bounding elements exist.在没有墙壁或其他房间边界元素的绑定房间创建分隔线。
AlignedToCurrentViewPastes elements that were cut or copied from another view into the current view.将从另一个视图剪切或复制的元素粘贴到当前视图中。
AlignedToPickedLevelPastes the selected elements into a elevation view or a section view.将所选元素粘贴到立面视图或剖视图中。
WallJoinsChanges how walls join together (butt, miter, square off).更改墙壁连接在一起的方式(对接,斜接,方形)。
StartingViewSpecifies the view that first displays when you open the model.指定打开模型时首先显示的视图。
AlignedToSelectedLevelsPastes multiple elements from one level to specified levels.将多个元素从一个级别粘贴到指定级别。
TagByCategoryAttaches a tag to an element based on the element category.根据元素类别将标签附加到元素。
AlignedToSelectedViewsPastes selected elements, including view- specific elements such as dimensions, into specified views.将选定的元素(包括特定于视图的元素,例如尺寸)粘贴到指定的视图中。
LoadedTagsAndSymbolsLists the tags and symbols that will be used for each element category.列出将用于每个元素类别的标签和符号。
NewAnnotationSymbolCreates a tag or symbol to identify elements in the project.创建标签或符号以标识项目中的元素。
AlignedToSamePlacePastes the elements to the same place from which they were cut or copied.将元素粘贴到剪切或复制它们的相同位置。
SpotSlopeTypesDefines attributes for spot slopes.定义点坡度的属性。
ArrowheadsSpecifies line weights, fills, and styles for annotation arrowheads.指定注释箭头的线宽,填充和样式。
SpotElevationTypesDefines attributes for spot elevations.定义点高程的属性。
SpotCoordinateTypesDefines attributes for spot coordinates.定义点坐标的属性。
ReviewWarningsDisplays a list of messages that you can ignore or resolve.显示您可以忽略或解决的消息列表。
LineStylesCreates or modifies line styles.创建或修改线型。
ReflectedCeilingPlanCreates a reflected ceiling plan view.创建反射的天花板平面图。
DetailLevelSpecifies the detail level (coarse, medium, or fine) that applies to each view scale by default.指定默认情况下适用于每个视图比例的详细程度(粗略,中等或精细)。
VoidExtrusionCreates a 3D shape that is then used to remove part of a solid 3D shape.创建3D形状,然后将其用于移除实体3D形状的一部分。
VoidBlendCreates a 3D blend, which is then used to remove part of a solid 3D shape.创建3D混合,然后将其用于移除实体3D形状的一部分。
VoidRevolveCreates a 3D shape by sweeping a 2D profile around an axis, and uses the 3D shape to remove part of a solid 3D shape.通过围绕轴扫掠2D轮廓来创建3D形状,并使用3D形状删除实体3D形状的一部分。
VoidSweepCreates a 3D shape by sweeping a 2D profile along a path, and uses the resulting 3D shape to remove part of a solid 3D shape.通过沿路径扫掠2D轮廓来创建3D形状,并使用生成的3D形状删除实体3D形状的一部分。
CutGeometrySelects the geometry to cut.选择要切割的几何。
UncutGeometrySelects which geometry does not get cut when you join geometry.选择在加入几何图形时不被切割的几何图形。
PlaceDetailGroupPlaces an instance of a detail group in the view.在视图中放置详细信息组的实例。
OverrideByCategoryChanges the graphic display settings for all elements that belong to the same category as the selected element in the current view.更改与当前视图中的所选元素属于同一类别的所有元素的图形显示设置。
DetailComponentAdds a view-specific detail component to a view.将特定于视图的详细信息组件添加到视图。
DetailLineCreates view-specific lines.创建特定于视图的线。
InsulationPlaces a batt insulation graphic in a detail view.将棉絮绝缘图形放置在详细视图中。
CreateSimilarPlaces an element of the same type as the selected element放置与所选元素相同类型的元素
WorksetsCreates worksets and adds elements to them.创建工作集并向其中添加元素。
PhasesSpecifies project phases, phase filters, and graphic overrides for phases.指定项目阶段,阶段过滤器和阶段的图形替代。
PropertyLineCreates a property line in a plan view.在平面视图中创建属性线。
BuildingPadAdds a building pad from a closed loop that you sketch on a toposurface.从在地形表面上绘制的闭环中添加建筑板。
MatchTypePropertiesConverts one or more elements to match the type of another element in the same view.转换一个或多个元素以匹配同一视图中另一个元素的类型
ScopeBoxControls the visibility of datum elements (grids, levels, and reference lines) in specific views.控制特定视图中基准元素(网格,标高和参考线)的可见性。
LineworkOverrides the line style for a selected line in the active view only.仅在活动视图中覆盖选定线的线型。
SetWorkPlaneSpecifies the work plane for the current view or for a selected work-plane†“based element.为当前视图或选定的基于工作平面的元素指定工作平面。
DraftingViewCreates a view showing details that are not directly associated with the building model.创建一个视图,显示不直接与建筑模型相关联的详细信息。
LegendCreates a list of building components and annotations used in a project.创建项目中使用的建筑组件和注释的列表。
DemolishMarks elements as demolished in the current phase.将元素标记为在当前阶段已拆除。
RevisionCloudAdds a revision cloud to the current view or sheet to indicate design areas that have changed.向当前视图或图纸添加修订云,以指示已更改的设计区域。
SynchronizeAndModifySettingsAllows you to specify options for the synchronization operation.允许您指定同步操作的选项。
ProjectInformationSpecifies energy data, project status, and client information.指定能源数据,项目状态和客户信息。
ModelInPlaceCreates a component that is unique to the project.创建一个项目唯一的组件。
SheetListCreates a schedule that lists the drawings in the project.创建一个列出项目中工程图的明细表。
AreaPlanCreates an area plan view.创建一个平面图视图。
GradedRegionModifies a toposurface to indicate changes during the construction process.修改地形表面以指示构造过程中的变化。
ToposurfaceDefines a topographical surface in a site plan or a 3D view.在站点平面图或3D视图中定义地形图表面。
ManageImagesLists all raster images used in the project.列出项目中使用的所有光栅图像。
ApplyTemplatePropertiesToCurrentViewApplies properties stored in a view template to the current view.将存储在视图模板中的属性应用于当前视图。
RevealWallExtrudes a profile along a path to create a cutout in a wall.沿路径拉伸轮廓以在墙上创建切口。
SweepWallCreates a wall sweep by extruding a profile along a path.通过沿路径拉伸轮廓来创建扫墙。
PaintApplies a material to the face of an element.将材料应用于元素的表面。
RemovePaintRemoves paint from selected faces.从选定的面去除油漆。
NoteBlockCreates a schedule of annotations added using the Symbol tool.创建使用“符号”工具添加的注释的时间表。
ModelTextAdds 3D text to the building model.将3D文本添加到建筑模型。
ShowHiddenLinesByElementDisplays hidden lines for individual model elements and detail elements that are obscured by other elements in the current view.显示单个模型元素和明细元素的隐藏线,这些隐藏线被当前视图中的其他元素遮盖。
RemoveHiddenLinesByElementRemoves hidden lines for model elements and detail elements that are obscured by other elements in the active view only.删除仅被活动视图中的其他元素遮盖的模型元素和明细元素的隐藏线。
ManageViewTemplatesDisplays parameters for view templates in the project.显示项目中视图模板的参数。
CreateTemplateFromCurrentViewCreates a view template using the properties of the current view as the basis for the new template.以当前视图的属性为基础创建视图模板用于新模板。
RestoreBackupRolls back changes made to a workshared project, or saves a specific backup version as a new file.回滚对工作共享项目所做的更改,或将特定的备份版本另存为新文件。
ExportODBCDatabaseSaves model data to an ODBC database.将模型数据保存到ODBC数据库。
LoadAsGroupLoads a Revit file as a group.将Revit文件作为一个组加载。
SaveAsLibraryGroupSaves a copy of all loaded families, the selected family, group, or view to your library.将所有装入的族,所选族,组或视图的副本保存到库中。
ParkingComponentAdds parking spaces to a toposurface.在地形表面添加停车位。
TransferProjectStandardsCopies selected project settings from another open project to the current project.将选定的项目设置从另一个打开的项目复制到当前项目。
SymbolicLineCreates lines that are meant for symbolic purposes only, and are not part of the actual geometry of the component or building model.创建仅用于符号目的的线,这些线不属于组件或建筑模型的实际几何形状。
CutProfileChanges the shape of elements that are cut in a view, such as roofs, walls, floors, and the layers of compound structures.更改在视图中切割的元素的形状,例如屋顶,墙壁,地板和复合结构的图层。
ExportReportsScheduleSaves a schedule or Room/Area report.保存时间表或房间/面积报告。
CloseInactiveViewsCloses views that are not active.关闭不活动的视图。
AreaTagTags the selected area.标记所选区域。
AreaBoundaryDefines boundaries for areas.定义区域的边界。
AreaCreates an area defined by walls and boundary lines.创建一个由墙和边界线定义的区域。
JoinGeometryCreates clean joins between 2 or more host elements that share a common face, such as walls and floors.在2个或多个共享同一面的主机元素(例如墙和地板)之间创建干净的连接。
UnjoinGeometryRemoves a join between 2 or more elements.删除2个或更多元素之间的连接。
SwitchJoinOrderChanges the order in which elements join with one another.更改元素相互连接的顺序。
TagAllNotTaggedAdds tags to multiple elements in one step.一步将标签添加到多个元素。
MergeSurfacesCombines 2 toposurfaces to create one toposurface.组合2个表面,以创建一个表面。
SharedParametersSpecifies parameters that can be used in multiple families and projects.指定可以在多个系列和项目中使用的参数。
LegendComponentAdds a graphic representation of a selected model element to a legend view.将所选模型元素的图形表示添加到图例视图。
OffsetCopies or moves a selected element (such as a line, wall, or beam) a specified distance perpendicular to its length.将所选元素(例如线,墙或梁)复制或移动垂直于其长度的指定距离。
PurgeUnusedRemoves unused families and types from a project.从项目中删除未使用的族和类型。
PlaceDecalPlaces an image on surfaces of a building model for rendering.将图像放置在建筑模型的表面上以进行渲染。
RebarLineDefines lines and geometry of the rebar shape.定义钢筋形状的线条和几何形状。
LabelContoursDisplays the elevations of contour lines.显示轮廓线的高程。
SplitWithGapSplits a wall into 2 separate walls with a defined gap between them.将一堵墙分成2个单独的墙,并在它们之间定义一定的间隙。
ThinLinesDisplays all lines on screen as a single width, regardless of zoom level.与缩放级别无关,将屏幕上的所有行显示为单个宽度。
LinkRevitLinks another model to the current model.将另一个模型链接到当前模型。
ExportImagesandAnimationsImageSaves animations or image files.保存动画或图像文件。
ProjectParametersSpecifies parameters that can be added to categories of elements in a project, and used in schedules.指定可以添加到项目中元素类别并在计划中使用的参数。
RelocateProjectMoves the model relative to the shared coordinate system.相对于共享坐标系移动模型。
RotateTrueNorthChanges the angle for a project relative to True North.更改项目相对于True North的角度。
DuplicateWithDetailingCreates a view that includes model geometry and view-specific elements from the current view.创建一个包含当前视图中的模型几何图形和特定于视图的元素的视图。
LocationSpecifies the geographic location for the project.指定项目的地理位置。
AcquireCoordinatesDetermines the coordinates used in a linked project, and uses them for the current project.确定在链接项目中使用的坐标,并将其用于当前项目。
ReportSharedCoordinatesDisplays shared coordinates of a linked model within a host model.显示宿主模型中链接模型的共享坐标。
IdsOfSelectionDisplays unique identifiers for the selected elements.显示所选元素的唯一标识符。
SelectByIdUses an element’s unique identifier to locate and select the element in the current view.使用元素的唯一标识符在当前视图中定位和选择元素。
PublishCoordinatesDetermines the coordinates used in the current project, and uses them for a linked project.确定当前项目中使用的坐标,并将其用于链接的项目。
PlanRegionCreates a plan region within a view.在视图中创建一个计划区域。
BrowserOrganizationChanges the way that views are listed in the Project Browser.更改视图在项目浏览器中列出的方式。
MatchlineAdds matchlines to indicate where a view is split.添加匹配线以指示在何处拆分视图。
ViewReferenceAdds an annotation indicating the sheet number and detail number for a selected view.添加指示所选视图的图纸编号和详细信息编号的注释。
DesignOptionsCreates and manages design option sets and individual design options for the project.为项目创建和管理设计选项集和单个设计选项。
AddToSetMoves selected elements from the main model to one or more design options in a set.将所选元素从主模型移动到一组中的一个或多个设计选项。
PickToEditOpens a design option for editing by selecting an element contained in the option.通过选择选项中包含的元素来打开设计选项以进行编辑。
EditingRequestsDisplays a list of other users’ requests to borrow elements in your worksets, and your pending requests.显示其他用户请求借用您工作集中的元素的列表以及您的待处理请求。
SaveAsLibraryFamilySaves a copy of all loaded families, the selected family, group, or view to your library.将所有装入的族,所选族,组或视图的副本保存到库中。
SubregionDefines an area within a toposurface.定义地形表面内的区域。
RailingCreates a railing by sketching the railing path.通过草绘栏杆路径来创建栏杆。
BeamAdds individual beams, a chain of beams, or beams along grid lines.添加单独的梁,梁链或沿网格线的梁。
BraceAdds diagonal structural members connected to beams and columns.添加连接到梁和柱的对角结构构件。
StructuralColumnAdds a vertical load-bearing element to the building model.在建筑模型中添加垂直承载元素。
StructuralWallCreates a load-bearing or shear wall in the building model.在建筑模型中创建承重墙或剪力墙。
SpanDirectionSymbolPlaces a span direction symbol on a structural floor.将跨度方向符号放置在结构地板上。
StructuralFloorCreates a structural floor (slab) for the current level of the building model.为建筑模型的当前级别创建结构地板(楼板)。
ScaleResizes the selected item.调整所选项目的大小。
LoadsApplies point, line, and area loads to a model.将点,线和面载荷应用到模型。
StructuralSettingsDefines settings for analytical elements and the display of structural framing.定义分析元素的设置和结构框架的显示。
ReferenceLineCreates a reference line that you can use when creating a new mass, or to create constraints for the mass.创建一个参考线,该参考线可在创建新质量或创建质量约束时使用。
RebarCoverSettingsAdds, removes, or modifies the default rebar cover settings.添加,删除或修改默认的钢筋保护层设置。
ShowMassFormAndFloorsDisplays mass forms and any mass floors you have specified in all views.显示质量形式和在所有视图中指定的任何质量层。
CurtainSystemByFaceCreates a curtain system on the face of a mass or generic model.在整体模型或通用模型的表面上创建窗帘系统。
WallByFaceWallCreates walls using faces of a mass or generic model.使用质量或通用模型的面创建墙。
ShowMassByViewSettingsDisplays masses based on the settings for the current view. By default, masses are turned off.根据当前视图的设置显示质量。默认情况下,质量是关闭的。
ShowMassSurfaceTypesDisplays mass faces, including any glazing and shades that have been specified.显示质量面,包括已指定的任何玻璃和阴影。
ShowMassZonesAndShadesDisplays mass zones, glazing, and shades if they have been specified.显示质量区域,玻璃和阴影(如果已指定)。
StructuralRebarPlaces planar or multi-planar rebar.放置平面或多平面钢筋。
UseCurrentProjectDisplays warnings for monitored elements in the current project.显示当前项目中受监视元素的警告。
SelectLinkDisplays warnings for monitored elements between linked projects and the host project.显示链接项目和宿主项目之间受监视元素的警告。
WallCreates foundations hosted by walls.创建由墙托管的基础。
IsolatedAdds footings or pile caps to the building model.在建筑模型中添加基础或桩帽。
MaterialTagTags a selected element using the description specified for its material.使用为其材料指定的描述来标记所选元素。
CoordinationSettingsSpecifies mapping behavior when copying MEP fixtures from a linked model into the current project.将MEP固定装置从链接的模型复制到当前项目时,指定映射行为。
SlabAdds a foundation slab to the building model.将基础平板添加到建筑模型中。
ElementKeynoteTags a selected element using the keynote specified for the element type.使用为元素类型指定的基调标记选定的元素。
MaterialKeynoteTags a selected element using the keynote specified for its material.使用为其材料指定的主旨标记选定的元素。
UserKeynoteTags an element with a keynote that you select.用您选择的主题标签标记元素。
LoadSelectionLoads a previously saved selection set.加载以前保存的选择集。
SaveSelectionSaves the currently selected elements as a set.将当前选定的元素保存为一组。
EditSelectionEdits a previously saved selection set.编辑以前保存的选择集。
MultiCategoryTagAttaches tags to elements of multiple categories, based on a shared parameter.将标签附加到多个元素 类别,基于共享参数。
BoundaryConditionsDefines point, line, and area boundary conditions in an analytical model.在分析模型中定义点,线和面边界条件。
StructuralPathReinforcementSketches the path of evenly placed reinforcing bars that are created perpendicular to the sketch.绘制垂直于草图创建的均匀放置的钢筋的路径。
PathReinforcementSymbolPlaces a symbol that shows extents and hook types for the selected path reinforcement.放置一个符号,该符号显示所选路径钢筋的范围和吊钩类型。
OpeningByFaceCreates an opening that is perpendicular to the selected face of a roof, floor, or ceiling.创建一个垂直于屋顶,地板或天花板的选定面的开口。
VerticalOpeningCuts a vertical opening through a roof, floor, or ceiling.在屋顶,地板或天花板上切出垂直开口。
DormerOpeningCuts a roof to create an opening for a dormer.切开屋顶以为天窗创造一个开口。
WallOpeningCuts a rectangular opening in a straight or curved wall.在直的或弯曲的墙上切割矩形开口。
ShaftOpeningCreates a vertical opening that spans multiple levels, cutting through intervening roofs, floors, and ceilings.创建一个跨越多个级别的垂直开口,切穿中间的屋顶,地板和天花板。
SpotSlopeDisplays the slope at a specific point on a face or an edge of a model element.显示模型元素的面或边缘上特定点的斜率。
HideElementsHides selected elements in the current view.隐藏当前视图中的选定元素。
OverrideByElementChanges the graphic display settings for selected elements in the current view.更改当前视图中选定元素的图形显示设置。
OverrideByFilterChanges the graphic display settings for all elements in the view that meet the criteria specified in a filter.更改视图中满足过滤器中指定条件的所有元素的图形显示设置。
DuplicateAsDependentCreates a view that is dependent on the original view.创建一个依赖于原始视图的视图。
MaskingRegionCreates a graphic that obscures elements in a project or family.创建隐藏项目或族中元素的图形。
MajorSegmentIdentifies one segment of the rebar shape that maintains its general position in rotation and auto-expansion behaviors.标识钢筋形状的一部分,该部分在旋转和自动扩展行为中保持其一般位置。
ReinforcementSettingsCustomizes reinforcement settings such as rounding parameters, rebar hosting and abbreviations of area/path reinforcement tagging.自定义钢筋设置,例如四舍五入参数,钢筋托管以及区域/路径钢筋标记的缩写。
ExportFBXSaves a 3D view as an FBX file.将3D视图另存为FBX文件。
RecentFilesDisplays a list of recently opened files, and provides access to important resources and links.显示最近打开的文件列表,并提供对重要资源和链接的访问。
OpenFamilyFileOpen an existing family打开一个现有的家庭
CreatePartsCreates parts from the layers or subcomponents of a selected element.根据选定元素的层或子组件创建零件。
ViewCubeShows or hides the ViewCube, which allows you to change the orientation of a 3D view.显示或隐藏ViewCube,它使您可以更改3D视图的方向。
BeamAnnotationsPlaces multiple beam tags, annotations, and spot elevations.放置多个梁标签,注释和点高程。
AllowableBarTypesDefines the allowable rebar types (diameters) of the shape type.定义形状类型的允许钢筋类型(直径)。
MacroManagerOpens the Macro Manager to run, create, or delete a macro.打开宏管理器以运行,创建或删除宏。
MacroSecuritySpecifies the default security settings for macros in the Revit application or a document.指定默认的安全设置 Revit应用程序或文档中的宏。
NavigationBarShows or hides the navigation bar, which provides access to the ViewCube, SteeringWheels, and zoom/pan functions.显示或隐藏导航栏,该导航栏提供对ViewCube,SteeringWheels和缩放/平移功能的访问。
ExportBuildingSiteExports an ADSK exchange file.导出ADSK交换文件。
FormWorkPlaneViewEnables the Workplane Viewer.启用工作平面查看器。
ReconcileHostingLists tags and elements hosted by the linked model that require review, due to changes in the linked model.列出由于链接模型的更改而需要查看的,由链接模型托管的标签和元素。
SplitFaceDivides the face of an element (such as a wall or column) into regions for the application of different materials.将元素的表面(例如墙或圆柱)划分为多个区域,以使用不同的材料。
AdjustAnalyticalModelAdjusts the analytical model of the structural member in relation to those of the elements to which it joins.调整结构构件的分析模型,使其与所连接的元素有关。
DiameterDimensionPlaces a dimension that measures the diameter of an arc or circle.放置一个尺寸来测量圆弧或圆的直径。
DiameterDimensionTypesDefines attributes for diameter dimensions.定义直径尺寸的属性。
StructuralFabricAreaSketches the boundary of a fabric area to populate with fabric sheets.绘制织物区域的边界以填充织物表。
FabricReinforcementSymbolPlaces a symbol that represents the fabric sheet.放置一个代表布料的符号。
PlaceOnHostPlaces a railing on a stair or ramp.将栏杆放在楼梯或坡道上。
DuctPressureLossReportGenerates a pressure loss report for one or more duct systems.生成一个或多个管道系统的压力损失报告。
PipePressureLossReportGenerates a pressure loss report for one or more pipe systems.生成一个或多个管道系统的压力损失报告。
OpenSampleFilesOpens a Revit sample file.打开一个Revit示例文件。
SingleFabricSheetPlacementPlaces a single fabric sheet on floors, walls, and foundation slabs.在地板,墙壁和地基板上放置一块织物。
AlignedMultiRebarAnnotationTags multiple elements with a single annotation that displays aligned dimensions between references as well as parameters from the referenced elements. For example, all rebar in a rebar set can be referenced with a single tag.用单个注释标记多个元素,该注释显示参考之间的对齐尺寸以及参考元素中的参数。例如,钢筋集 中的所有钢筋都可以用单个标签引用。
LinearMultiRebarAnnotationTags multiple elements with a single annotation that displays linear dimensions between references as well as parameters from the referenced elements. For example, all rebar in a rebar set can be referenced with a single tag.用单个注释标记多个元素,该注释显示参考之间的线性尺寸以及参考元素中的参数。例如,钢筋集 中的所有钢筋都可以用单个标签引用。
FabricationSettingsOpens the Fabrication Settings dialog.打开“制造设置”对话框。
LinkIFCLinks an IFC file to the current project to reference its information for additional design work.将IFC文件链接到当前项目,以引用其信息以进行其他设计工作。
DuctAccessoryPlaces a duct accessory. These accessories include dampers, filters and smoke detectors.放置风管配件。这些配件包括风门,过滤器和烟雾探测器。
AirTerminalPlaces a register, grille, or diffuser.放置通风器,格栅或扩散器。
DuctDraws rigid round, rectangular, or oval ductwork.绘制刚性的圆形,矩形或椭圆形管道。
MechanicalEquipmentPlaces mechanical equipment such as boilers, furnaces, or fans.放置机械设备,例如锅炉,熔炉或风扇。
DuctFittingPlaces a duct fitting. These fittings include elbows, tees, wyes, crosses, and other types of fittings.放置风管配件。这些配件包括肘部,T形,Y型,十字形和其他类型的配件。
FlexDuctDraws round and rectangular flexible ductwork.绘制圆形和矩形的柔性风管。
ConvertToFlexDuctChanges a length of ductwork connected to an air terminal from rigid duct to flexible duct.将连接到空气终端的管道系统的长度从刚性管道更改为柔性管道。
DuctLegendPlaces a legend to indicate the color fills associated with ductwork in duct systems.放置图例以指示与风管系统中的风管相关的颜色填充。
PanelSchedulesGenerates a panel schedule for a specified panel.为指定的面板生成面板时间表。
ElectricalSettingsOpens the Electrical Settings dialog to define distribution systems, wire types, cable tray and conduit sizes, and demand factors.打开“电气设置”对话框,以定义配电系统,电线类型,电缆桥架和导线管尺寸以及需求因素。
LoadClassificationsAssigns and specifies demand factors to a load classification.为负载分类分配和指定需求因子。
LightingFixturePlaces lighting fixtures such as ceiling, wall, and recessed lights.放置照明设备,如天花板,墙壁和嵌入式灯。
ElectricalEquipmentPlaces electrical equipment such as panels and switch gear.放置电气设备,例如面板和开关设备。
ElectricalFixturePlaces electrical devices such as receptacles, junction boxes, and other power devices.放置电气设备,例如插座,接线盒和其他电源设备。
CheckCircuitsVerifies all circuits for proper connections to panels and valid system assignments. Errors are reported in a warning dialog.验证所有电路是否与面板正确连接以及有效的系统分配。错误将在警告对话框中报告。
DemandFactorsApplies demand factors to a panel.将需求因子应用于面板。
PipeDraws rigid piping.绘制刚性管道。
FlexPipeDraws flexible piping.绘制挠性管道。
PipeFittingPlaces a pipe fitting. These fittings include elbows, tees, wyes, crosses, unions, and other types of fittings.放置管道配件。这些配件包括弯头,T形,Y型,十字形,活接和其他类型的配件。
PipeAccessoryPlaces a pipe accessory. These accessories include connectors, valves, and inline water heaters.放置管道附件。这些配件包括连接器,阀门和嵌入式热水器。
ArcWireDraws arced wire runs.绘制弧形导线。
PipeLegendPlaces a legend to indicate the color fills associated with piping systems.放置图例以指示与管道系统关联的颜色填充。
CheckPipeSystemsVerifies all pipe systems for properly connected pipes and valid system assignments.验证所有管道系统是否已正确连接管道和有效的系统分配。
CheckDuctSystemsVerifies all duct systems for properly connected ductwork and valid system assignments.验证所有风管系统,以正确连接风管系统并进行有效的系统分配。
MechanicalSettingsOpens the Mechanical Settings dialog.打开“机械设置”对话框。
PlumbingFixturePlaces plumbing fixtures. These fixtures include sinks, water closets, tubs, drains, and various appliances.放置卫生设备。这些固定装置包括水槽,抽水马桶,浴缸,排水管和各种设备。
HeatingAndCoolingLoadsPrepares a heating and cooling loads analysis report based on the existing building model.根据现有建筑模型准备加热和冷却负荷分析报告。
SprinklerPlaces a sprinkler.放置洒水器。
ElectricalConnectorAdds an electrical connector to a component.将电连接器添加到组件。
DuctConnectorAdds a duct connector to a component.将风管连接器添加到组件。
PipeConnectorAdds a pipe connector to a component.将管道连接器添加到组件。
ZoneDefines HVAC zones within a project.定义项目内的HVAC区域。
BuildingOrSpaceTypeSettingsOpens the Building and Space Type Settings dialog to manage building and space parameters and schedules.打开“建筑物和空间类型设置”对话框,以管理建筑物和空间参数以及时间表。
ChamferedWireDraws chamfered wire runs.绘制倒角的导线。
SplineWireDraws splined wire runs.绘制花键导线。
CommunicationPlaces communication devices such as intercom system components.放置通信设备,例如对讲系统组件。
DataPlaces data devices such as ethernet and other network connections.放置数据设备,例如以太网和其他网络连接。
FireAlarmPlaces fire alarm devices such as smoke detectors, manual pull stations, and annunciators.放置火灾报警设备,例如烟雾探测器,手动拉站和报警器。
LightingPlaces lighting switches such as daylight sensors, occupancy sensors, and manual switches.放置照明开关,例如日光传感器,占用传感器和手动开关。
NurseCallPlaces nurse call devices such as call stations, code blue stations, and door lights.放置护士呼叫设备,例如呼叫站,蓝色代码站和门灯。
SecurityPlaces security devices such as door locks, motion sensors, and surveillance cameras.放置安全设备,例如门锁,运动传感器和监视摄像机。
TelephonePlaces a telephone jack.放置电话插孔。
CableTrayConnectorAdds a cable tray connector to a component.将电缆桥架连接器添加到组件。
ConduitConnectorAdds a conduit connector to a component.将管道连接器添加到组件。
CableTrayFittingPlaces a cable tray fitting. These fittings include elbows, tees, wyes, crosses, and other unions.放置电缆桥架配件。这些配件包括弯头,T形,Y型,十字形和其他接头。
ConduitFittingPlaces a conduit fitting. These fittings include elbows, tees, wyes, crosses, and other unions.放置导管配件。这些配件包括弯头,T形,Y型,十字形和其他接头。
CableTrayDraws cable tray runs such as rigid ladder or channel cable tray.绘制电缆桥架走线,例如刚性梯子或通道电缆桥架。
ConduitDraws rigid conduit runs.绘制刚性导管。
ManageTemplatesManages and applies panel schedule templates to existing schedules in the project.管理面板时间表模板并将其应用于项目中的现有时间表。
EditATemplateModifies a specific panel schedule template.修改特定的面板计划模板。
ParallelConduitsCreates parallel runs of conduit based on an initial conduit run.根据初始导管路线创建平行的导管路线。
DuctPlaceholderDraws placeholder duct without elbow or tee fittings.绘制不带弯头或三通接头的占位管。
PipePlaceholderDraws placeholder pipe without elbow or tee fittings.绘制不带弯头或三通接头的占位管。
ParallelPipesCreates parallel runs of pipe based on an initial pipe run.根据初始管道运行创建管道的并行运行。
ShowDisconnectsControls the display of graphical disconnect warnings for duct, pipe, conduit, cable tray, and electrical circuits.控制导管,管道,导管,电缆桥架和电路的图形断开警告的显示。
SiteComponentAdds site-specific elements, such as trees, parking islands, and fire hydrants.添加特定于站点的元素,例如树木,停车岛和消火栓。
AreaAndVolumeComputationsSpecifies how areas and volumes are calculated, and creates area schemes.指定如何计算面积和体积,并创建面积方案。
ShowWorkPlaneDisplays or hides the active work plane in the view.在视图中显示或隐藏活动的工作平面。
FasciaAdds fascia to the edge of a roof, soffit, or other fascia, or to model lines.将面板添加到屋顶,拱腹或其他面板的边缘,或添加到模型线。
GutterAdds a gutter to the edge of a roof, soffit, or fascia, or to model lines.在屋顶,拱腹或装饰板的边缘或模型线中添加装订线。
SlabEdgeFloorShapes the horizontal edge of a floor slab.塑造楼板的水平边缘。
CheckSpellingChecks the spelling of text notes in a selection or in the current view or sheet.检查所选内容或当前视图或图纸中文本注释的拼写。
RepeatingDetailComponentRepeats a detail component along a path.沿路径重复一个局部零件。
InsertViewsFromFileCopies specified views (sheets, schedules, or drafting views) from a project file and saves them in the current project.从项目文件中复制指定的视图(图纸,明细表或工程图视图)并将其保存在当前项目中。
Insert2DElementsFromFileCopies 2D elements from a detail view (saved in another project) into a detail view in the current project.将2D元素从局部视图(保存在另一个项目中)复制到当前项目的局部视图中。
SaveAsLibraryViewSaves a copy of all loaded families, the selected family, group, or view to your library.将所有装入的族,所选族,组或视图的副本保存到库中。
AutomaticBeamSystemCreates a layout that is used to control the number and spacing of a series of parallel beams.创建一个布局,该布局用于控制一系列平行梁的数量和间距。
PlaceMassPlaces an instance of a mass family in the project.在项目中放置一个大众家庭的实例。
InPlaceMassCreates a mass that is unique to the project.创建项目唯一的质量。
SynchronizeNowUpdates a local copy of a workshared project using settings from the Synchronize with Central dialog.使用“与中心同步”对话框中的设置更新工作共享项目的本地副本。
ExportGBXMLSaves the project as a gbXML file.将项目另存为gbXML文件。
StructuralTrussesAdds a truss to the structure model.将桁架添加到结构模型。
ShowLastReportDisplays the most recent interference check report.显示最新的干扰检查报告。
GraphicalColumnScheduleCreates a graphical column schedule for the project.为项目创建图形列计划。
ApplyCopingAdds coping to steel beams and columns.为钢梁和钢柱增加应对措施。
RemoveCopingRemoves coping from steel beams and columns.消除钢梁和钢柱的顶盖。
BeamSystemSymbolPlaces a beam system span tag.放置梁系统跨度标签。
StructuralAreaReinforcementSketches the boundary of an area to populate with rebar.绘制区域的边界以填充钢筋。
AreaReinforcementSymbolPlaces a symbol that shows extents and hook types for the selected area reinforcement.放置一个符号,该符号显示所选区域钢筋的范围和吊钩类型。
SolidSweptBlendCreates a blend that sweeps along a defined path.创建沿定义路径扫掠的混合。
VoidSweptBlendCreates a blend that sweeps along a defined path, and uses the resulting 3D shape to remove part of a solid 3D shape.创建沿定义的路径扫掠的混合,并使用生成的3D形状删除实体3D形状的一部分。
EditRebarCoverEdits the rebar cover references of an entire rebar host or an individual face.编辑整个钢筋主机或单个面的钢筋保护层参考。
ColorSchemesCreates or modifies a color fill scheme for rooms and areas.为房间和区域创建或修改颜色填充方案。
TrimOrExtendToCornerTrims or extends elements (such as walls or beams) to form a corner.修剪或扩展元素(例如墙或梁)以形成角。
TrimOrExtendSingleElementTrims or extends one element (such as a wall, line, or beam) to a boundary defined by another element.将一个元素(例如墙,线或梁)修剪或延伸到另一个元素定义的边界。
TrimOrExtendMultipleElementsTrims or extends multiple elements (such as walls, lines, and beams) to a boundary将多个元素(例如墙,线和梁)修剪或延伸到边界 由另一个元素定义。
AlignedDimensionPlaces dimensions between parallel references, or between multiple points.将尺寸放置在平行参照之间或多个点之间。
LinearDimensionPlaces horizontal or vertical dimensions that measure the distance between reference points.放置用于测量参考点之间距离的水平或垂直尺寸。
AngularDimensionPlaces a dimension that measures the angle between reference points sharing a common intersection.放置一个尺寸来测量共享公共相交的参考点之间的角度。
RadialDimensionPlaces a dimension that measures the radius of an inner curve or fillet.放置一个尺寸以测量内部曲线或圆角的半径。
ArcLengthDimensionPlaces a dimension that measures the length of a curved wall or other element.放置一个尺寸来测量弯曲的墙或其他元素的长度。
MeasureBetweenTwoReferencesMeasures the distance between 2 elements or other references.测量2个元素或其他参考之间的距离。
MeasureAlongAnElementMeasures the length of an element.测量元素的长度。
MirrorDrawAxisDraws a temporary line to use as an axis for mirroring.画一条临时线用作镜像轴。
KeyboardShortcutsAssigns key sequences to tools.将键序列分配给工具。
BeamOrColumnJoinsAdjusts how beams and columns frame into one another.调整横梁和纵梁如何相互框架。
SaveAsTemplateSaves the current Revit project file as a template.将当前的Revit项目文件另存为模板。
HalftoneOrUnderlayCustomizes halftone and underlay elements in view.在视图中自定义半色调和参考底图元素。
StairBySketchAdds a stair to the building model by sketching runs.通过草绘运行为建筑模型添加楼梯。
LoadCasesAdds and edits load cases for the analytical model.添加和编辑分析模型的工况。
LoadCombinationsAdds and edits load combinations for the analytical model.添加和编辑分析模型的荷载组合。
FindOrReplaceFinds and replaces text in an open project file.在打开的项目文件中查找并替换文本。
EnergySettingsSpecifies parameters used to create the energy analytical model plus energy related data used in the energy simulation.指定用于创建能量分析模型的参数以及在能量模拟中使用的与能量相关的数据。
RunEnergySimulationSubscription only feature. Sends energy analytical model and parameters to Autodesk Green Building Studio for simulation.仅订阅功能。将能量分析模型和参数发送到Autodesk Green Building Studio进行仿真。
ResultsAndCompareDisplays graphical results of energy simulation, and provides tools for comparing, emailing, and exporting analysis results.显示能源模拟的图形结果,并提供用于比较,通过电子邮件发送和导出分析结果的工具。
ExportMassModelGBXMLSaves the conceptual energy model as a gbXML file.将概念能量模型另存为gbXML文件。
GuideGridCreates a new guide element in the active sheet to help align elements within and between sheets.在活动图纸中创建一个新的引导元素,以帮助在图纸之内和之间对齐元素。
CreateAssemblyCreates an assembly from elements you select in the drawing area.根据您在图形区域中选择的元素创建装配。
StairTreadOrRiserNumberCreates a sequence of tread or riser numbers for a run in plan, elevation, or section views.为平面图,立面图或剖面图中的运行创建一系列胎面或立管编号。
RenderInCloudRenders 3D views online to create still images or interactive panoramas.在线渲染3D视图以创建静态图像或交互式全景图。
RenderGalleryOpens your online gallery of completed and in-progress renderings in a web browser.在网络浏览器中打开已完成和正在进行的渲染的在线画廊。
ShowEnergyModelDisplays or hides the energy analytical model.显示或隐藏能量分析模型。
DisplaceElementsCreates a view-specific representation of model elements that can be displaced in the view.创建可以在视图中移动的模型元素的特定于视图的表示形式。
AssemblyCodeSpecifies the location of the assembly code file or reloads the assembly code table from the current file.指定汇编代码文件的位置,或从当前文件重新加载汇编代码表。
FabricationPartDisplays the Fabrication Part Browser pane.显示“制造零件浏览器”窗格。
PlaylistProvides an easy way to use Dynamo content.提供使用Dynamo内容的简便方法。
OpenRevitFileOpens any Revit file type.打开任何Revit文件类型。
CloseClose Revit.关闭Revit。
SaveSaves the currently open project file.保存当前打开的项目文件。
SaveAsProjectSaves the current Revit project file.保存当前的Revit项目文件。
PrintSends the current drawing area or selected views and sheets to a printer or a printable file.将当前绘图区域或选定的视图和图纸发送到打印机或可打印文件。
PrintSetupSpecifies print options.指定打印选项。
PrintPreviewDisplays a preview version of the current view or sheet to print.显示要打印的当前视图或图纸的预览版本。
ModelBrowserContainerShow or hide model browser container显示或隐藏模型浏览器容器
CopyToClipboardCopies selected elements to the clipboard.将选定的元素复制到剪贴板。
CutToClipboardRemoves selected elements, and places them on the clipboard.删除选定的元素,并将其放置在剪贴板上。
PasteFromClipboardPastes elements from the clipboard into the current view.将剪贴板中的元素粘贴到当前视图中。
TabViewsArranges all open views in drawing area into one tab group.将图形区域中的所有打开的视图排列到一个选项卡组中。
TileViewsTiles all tabbed views in drawing area into seperate tab groups.将绘图区域中的所有选项卡式视图平铺到单独的选项卡组中。
ExitRevitExit Revit.退出Revit。
StatusBarDisplays the status bar at the bottom of the Revit window.在Revit窗口底部显示状态栏。





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