iphone xr xs
Apple just announced a trio of new phones with pretty silly names. On top of being kind of…not good names, they’re also confusing to type: is it iPhone XS or Xs? Xr or XR? So how do you actually capitalize these confusing names? We decided to take a closer look.
苹果公司刚刚宣布了三款新手机,它们的名字很傻 。 除了是……不好的名字之外,他们还难以输入:是iPhone XS还是Xs? Xr或XR? 那么,您如何实际将这些混乱的名称大写呢? 我们决定仔细看看。
It’s worth noting that these names are some of the most awful Apple product names in years. They remind you of early-era Android phone names like “Galaxy SII Epic 4G Touch” or something that Microsoft would put out. Saying them out loud is even more ridiculous.
值得注意的是,这些名称是几年来最糟糕的Apple产品名称。 它们使您想起了早期的Android手机名称,例如“ Galaxy SII Epic 4G Touch”或Microsoft推出的名称。 大声说出来更荒谬。
那么它们是大写还是小写? (So Are They Uppercase or Lowercase?)
To figure out the proper answer, we started digging through the Apple website. At first blush, I assumed it was “Xs” and “Xr,” because of the casing used on the phone’s landing page, which deceptively looks like lowercase.
为了找出正确的答案,我们开始浏览Apple网站。 乍一看,我认为它是“ Xs”和“ Xr”,因为手机登录页面上使用的外壳看起来像是小写字母。
However! upon further inspection, Apple was using uppercase in places like its store. The plot thickens.
然而! 经过进一步检查,Apple在商店等地方使用了大写字母。 情节变厚。
So which is it? At this point, it seems like Apple is just as confused as everyone else. But that’s not the case (I got letter jokes, y’all)—the proper casing was truly revealed on the page for the iPhone XR:
那是什么呢? 在这一点上,苹果似乎和其他所有人一样困惑。 但这不是事实(我得到了很多笑话)—正确的外壳确实在iPhone XR的页面上显示了 :
The “R” is smallcaps—it just so happens that S is a terrible reference letter to tell the difference between smallcaps, uppercase, and lowercase, because…S always looks the same.
“ R”是小写字母-碰巧S是一个糟糕的参考字母,用来区分小写字母,大写字母和小写字母,因为…S总是一样。
R, on the other hand, makes it pretty clear. All instances of either name on the phones’ respective landing pages clearly use smallcaps. In the store or similar places where it makes significantly less sense to try and stick with that format, it’s all caps all the time.
另一方面,R使它很清楚。 电话各自登录页面上任何名称的所有实例都明显使用小写字母。 在商店或类似地方,尝试使用该格式的意义明显降低,因此始终无所不用其极。
Just to confirm, we checked the actual code on these pages. And sure enough, the “S” and “R” are, in fact, smallcaps. Seriously—the official Apple website actually wraps each instance of the S or R in separate code in order to render it smaller. That’s such an Apple thing to do.
只是为了确认,我们检查了这些页面上的实际代码。 可以肯定的是,“ S”和“ R”实际上是小写字母。 认真地说-Apple官方网站实际上将S或R的每个实例包装在单独的代码中,以使其更小。 这是这样一个苹果的事情。
Of course, it’s absolutely not practical to use small-caps every time you want to type the name of a phone—hell, it’s not even possible in many instances (like on phones).
当然,每次要键入电话名称时都使用小写字母绝对不切实际-地狱,在许多情况下(例如在电话上)甚至不可能 。
是的,iPhone XS和XR使用大写字母 (Yes, the iPhone XS and XR Use Uppercase Letters)
So, the proper way to format the new phone names is:
iPhone XS
iPhone XS
iPhone XS Max
iPhone XS最大
iPhone XR
iPhone XR
All caps!
And you know what? Let’s talk about how to actually say these names while we’re at it. It’s not “iPhone Ex Es” or “Ex Are,” which is how the brain seems to want to read these names—nope, it’s “iPhone Ten Ess” and “Ten Are.” Or, iPhone Tennis and Tenner, if you’d prefer.
你知道吗? 让我们讨论一下在我们说话时如何实际说出这些名字。 不是“ iPhone Ex Es”或“ Ex Are”,而是大脑似乎想要读取这些名称的方式,不是,是“ iPhone 10 Ess”和“ Ten Are”。 或者,如果您愿意,可以使用iPhone Tennis和Tenner。
As a long-time Android writer, this takes me back to the early days of Android phones, when manufacturers gave devices the worst names possible. All sorts of mostly meaningless numbers and letters just thrown about, full device names in ALL CAPS…it really was the wild west of phone name.
作为一位长期的Android作家,这使我回到了Android手机的早期,那时制造商给设备起了最坏的名字。 各种各样的几乎毫无意义的数字和字母,全大写的完整设备名称……这确实是电话名称的狂野西部。
Still, I don’t think anything will ever be worse than the Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch, so at least there’s that.
不过,我认为没有什么会比三星Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch差劲了,所以至少有这样的表现。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/366193/wait-is-it-iphone-xs-or-iphone-xs/
iphone xr xs