
news/2024/11/28 5:50:45/




# 书上的代码
url_base = ""fixes[1044] = url_base + "1/0/4/1044/1044-0.txt"
fixes[5148] = url_base + "5/1/4/5148/5148-0.txt"


url_base = ''
url_format = '{url_base}{id}/{id}-0.txt'# 修复URL
url_fix_format = '{id}/pg{id}.txt'


from collections import defaultdict
fiexes = defaultdict(list)
# 这样就可以直接保存每个作者需要重新请求作品的URL
# 比如


import requests
import os
import time
from collections import defaultdicttitles = {}titles['burton'] = [4657, 2400, 5760, 6036, 7111, 8821,18506, 4658, 5761, 6886, 7113]
titles['dickens'] = [24022, 1392, 1414, 1467, 2324, 580,786, 888, 963, 27924, 1394, 1415, 15618,25985, 588, 807, 914, 967, 30127, 1400,1421, 16023, 28198, 644, 809, 917, 968, 1023,1406, 1422, 17879, 30368, 675, 810, 924, 98,1289, 1413, 1423, 17880, 32241, 699, 821, 927]
titles['doyle'] = [2349, 11656, 1644, 22357, 2347, 290, 34627, 5148,8394, 26153, 12555, 1661, 23059, 2348, 294, 355,5260, 8727, 10446, 126, 17398, 2343, 2350, 3070,356, 5317, 903, 10581, 13152, 2038, 2344, 244, 32536,423, 537, 108, 139, 2097, 2345, 24951, 32777, 4295,7964, 11413, 1638, 21768, 2346, 2845, 3289, 439, 834]
titles['gaboriau'] = [1748, 1651, 2736, 3336, 4604, 4002, 2451,305, 3802, 547]
titles['nesbit'] = [34219, 23661, 28804, 4378, 778, 20404, 28725,33028, 4513, 794]
titles['tarkington'] = [1098, 15855, 1983, 297, 402, 5798,8740, 980, 1158, 1611, 2326, 30092,483, 5949, 8867, 13275, 18259, 2595,3428, 5756, 6401, 9659]
titles['twain'] = [1044, 1213, 245, 30092, 3176, 3179, 3183, 3189, 74,86, 1086, 142, 2572, 3173, 3177, 3180, 3186, 3192,76, 91, 119, 1837, 2895, 3174, 3178, 3181, 3187, 3432,8525]assert len(titles) == 7assert len(titles['tarkington']) == 22
assert len(titles['dickens']) == 44
assert len(titles['nesbit']) == 10
assert len(titles['doyle']) == 51
assert len(titles['twain']) == 29
assert len(titles['burton']) == 11
assert len(titles['gaboriau']) == 10url_base = ''
url_format = '{url_base}{id}/{id}-0.txt'# 修复URL
url_fix_format = '{id}/pg{id}.txt'fiexes = defaultdict(list)
# fixes = {}
# fixes[4657] = ''# make parent folder if not exists
# data_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'Data','books') # 这是在用户user目录中存储
data_folder = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), 'Data\\books') # 这样就可以在当前目录存储数据了
if not os.path.exists(data_folder):os.makedirs(data_folder)
print(data_folder)for author in titles:print('Downloading titles from', author)# make author's folder if not existsauthor_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, author)if not os.path.exists(author_folder):os.makedirs(author_folder)# download each title to this folderfor bookid in titles[author]:# if bookid in fixes:#     print(' - Applying fix to book with id', bookid)#     url = fixes[bookid]# else:#     print(' - Getting book with id', bookid)#     url = url_format.format(url_base=url_base, id=bookid)url = url_format.format(url_base=url_base, id=bookid)print(' - ', url)filename = os.path.join(author_folder, '%s.txt' % bookid)if os.path.exists(filename):print(' - File already exists, skipping')else:r = requests.get(url)if r.status_code == 404:print('url 404:', author, bookid, 'add to fixes list')fiexes[author].append(bookid)else:txt = r.textwith open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:f.write(txt)time.sleep(1)
print('Download complete')print('开始下载修复列表')
for author in fiexes:print('开始下载<%s>的作品' % author)author_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, author)if not os.path.exists(author_folder):os.makedirs(author_folder)for bookid in fiexes[author]:filename = os.path.join(author_folder, '%s.txt' % bookid)if os.path.exists(filename):print('文件已经下载,跳过')else:url_fix = url_fix_format.format(id=bookid)print(' - ', url_fix)r = requests.get(url_fix)if r.status_code == 404:print('又出错了!', author, bookid)else:with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:f.write(r.text)time.sleep(1)


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