
news/2024/10/18 2:31:54/


    • 套路说明
    • 鼠标点击出现爱心特效
    • 鼠标点击显示文字--需要引入jQuery
    • 鼠标点击烟花爆炸效果
    • 动态线条背景
    • 雪花特效2.大雪花(有齿轮)
    • 雪花特效3.小雪花(无齿轮)
    • 彩带1.鼠标点击自动替换彩带
    • 彩带2.自动飘动
    • 代码雨

添加多种页面背景特效,参考:Hexo 博客优化之博客美化系列(持续更新),需要注意的是:添加背景特效是很消耗浏览器内容的,建议只选择其中的一两个。



  1. 新建生成动画的JS文件,或者引入现成的JS文件的CDN文件(我这里为了备份,基本是新建文件;比较有名的特效一般都会上传到GitHub,而且有引入CDN的相关介绍)。我的文件放再H:\Hexo\themes\yilia\source\js\目录下。
  2. 因为背景特效属于陪衬类,也就是说不是很重要的,所以一般都是在加载完页面之后再引入的。因此我们在页面的</body>标签前引入即可。yilia主题是在H:\Hexo\themes\yilia\layout\layout.ejs中,其他主题类似。
  3. 在2中引入需要设置成配置时,即当配置文件中开启设置时,才会开启这个特效。因此最后一步是在主题的配置文件中开启配置。yilia主题是在H:\Hexo\themes\yilia\_config.yml中,其他主题类似。



(function (window, document, undefined) {var hearts = [];window.requestAnimationFrame = (function () {return window.requestAnimationFrame ||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||function (callback) {setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);}})();init();function init() {css(".heart{width: 10px;height: 10px;position: fixed;background: #f00;transform: rotate(45deg);-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);-moz-transform: rotate(45deg);}.heart:after,.heart:before{content: '';width: inherit;height: inherit;background: inherit;border-radius: 50%;-webkit-border-radius: 50%;-moz-border-radius: 50%;position: absolute;}.heart:after{top: -5px;}.heart:before{left: -5px;}");attachEvent();gameloop();}function gameloop() {for (var i = 0; i < hearts.length; i++) {if (hearts[i].alpha <= 0) {document.body.removeChild(hearts[i].el);hearts.splice(i, 1);continue;}hearts[i].y--;hearts[i].scale += 0.004;hearts[i].alpha -= 0.013;hearts[i].el.style.cssText = "left:" + hearts[i].x + "px;top:" + hearts[i].y + "px;opacity:" + hearts[i].alpha + ";transform:scale(" + hearts[i].scale + "," + hearts[i].scale +") rotate(45deg);background:" + hearts[i].color;}requestAnimationFrame(gameloop);}function attachEvent() {var old = typeof window.onclick === "function" && window.onclick;window.onclick = function (event) {old && old();createHeart(event);}}function createHeart(event) {var d = document.createElement("div");d.className = "heart";hearts.push({el: d,x: event.clientX - 5,y: event.clientY - 5,scale: 1,alpha: 1,color: randomColor()});document.body.appendChild(d);}function css(css) {var style = document.createElement("style");style.type = "text/css";try {style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css));} catch (ex) {style.styleSheet.cssText = css;}document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style);}function randomColor() {return "rgb(" + (~~(Math.random() * 255)) + "," + (~~(Math.random() * 255)) + "," + (~~(Math.random() * 255)) +")";}
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<!-- 《页面点击小红心 -->
<% if (theme.love){ %><script type="text/javascript" src="/js/love.js"></script>
<% } %>
<!-- 页面点击小红心》 -->


# 页面点击小红心
love: true




var a_idx = 0;
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {$("body").click(function(e) {var a = new Array("富强", "民主", "文明", "和谐", "自由", "平等", "公正", "法治", "爱国", "敬业", "诚信", "友善");var $i = $("<span/>").text(a[a_idx]);a_idx = (a_idx + 1) % a.length;var x = e.pageX,y = e.pageY;$i.css({"z-index": 5,"top": y - 20,"left": x,"position": "absolute","font-weight": "bold","color": "#FF0000"});$("body").append($i);$i.animate({"top": y - 180,"opacity": 0},3000,function() {$i.remove();});});setTimeout('delay()', 2000);
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<% if (theme.click_show_text){ %><script type="text/javascript" src="/js/click_show_text.js"></script>
<% } %>


# 鼠标点击显示文字
click_show_text: true




"use strict";function updateCoords(e) {pointerX = (e.clientX || e.touches[0].clientX) - canvasEl.getBoundingClientRect().left, pointerY = e.clientY || e.touches[0].clientY - canvasEl.getBoundingClientRect().top
}function setParticuleDirection(e) {var t = anime.random(0, 360) * Math.PI / 180,a = anime.random(50, 180),n = [-1, 1][anime.random(0, 1)] * a;return {x: e.x + n * Math.cos(t),y: e.y + n * Math.sin(t)}
}function createParticule(e, t) {var a = {};return a.x = e, a.y = t, a.color = colors[anime.random(0, colors.length - 1)], a.radius = anime.random(16, 32), a.endPos =setParticuleDirection(a), a.draw = function () {ctx.beginPath(), ctx.arc(a.x, a.y, a.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), ctx.fillStyle = a.color, ctx.fill()}, a
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}function renderParticule(e) {for (var t = 0; t < e.animatables.length; t++) {e.animatables[t].target.draw()}
}function animateParticules(e, t) {for (var a = createCircle(e, t), n = [], i = 0; i < numberOfParticules; i++) {n.push(createParticule(e, t))}anime.timeline().add({targets: n,x: function (e) {return e.endPos.x},y: function (e) {return e.endPos.y},radius: 0.1,duration: anime.random(1200, 1800),easing: "easeOutExpo",update: renderParticule}).add({targets: a,radius: anime.random(80, 160),lineWidth: 0,alpha: {value: 0,easing: "linear",duration: anime.random(600, 800)},duration: anime.random(1200, 1800),easing: "easeOutExpo",update: renderParticule,offset: 0})
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"use strict";function updateCoords(e) {pointerX = (e.clientX || e.touches[0].clientX) - canvasEl.getBoundingClientRect().left, pointerY = e.clientY || e.touches[0].clientY - canvasEl.getBoundingClientRect().top
}function setParticuleDirection(e) {var t = anime.random(0, 360) * Math.PI / 180,a = anime.random(50, 180),n = [-1, 1][anime.random(0, 1)] * a;return {x: e.x + n * Math.cos(t),y: e.y + n * Math.sin(t)}
}function createParticule(e, t) {var a = {};return a.x = e, a.y = t, a.color = colors[anime.random(0, colors.length - 1)], a.radius = anime.random(16, 32), a.endPos =setParticuleDirection(a), a.draw = function () {ctx.beginPath(), ctx.arc(a.x, a.y, a.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), ctx.fillStyle = a.color, ctx.fill()}, a
}function createCircle(e, t) {var a = {};return a.x = e, a.y = t, a.color = "#F00", a.radius = 0.1, a.alpha = 0.5, a.lineWidth = 6, a.draw = function () {ctx.globalAlpha = a.alpha, ctx.beginPath(), ctx.arc(a.x, a.y, a.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), ctx.lineWidth =a.lineWidth, ctx.strokeStyle = a.color, ctx.stroke(), ctx.globalAlpha = 1}, a
}function renderParticule(e) {for (var t = 0; t < e.animatables.length; t++) {e.animatables[t].target.draw()}
}function animateParticules(e, t) {for (var a = createCircle(e, t), n = [], i = 0; i < numberOfParticules; i++) {n.push(createParticule(e, t))}anime.timeline().add({targets: n,x: function (e) {return e.endPos.x},y: function (e) {return e.endPos.y},radius: 0.1,duration: anime.random(1200, 1800),easing: "easeOutExpo",update: renderParticule}).add({targets: a,radius: anime.random(80, 160),lineWidth: 0,alpha: {value: 0,easing: "linear",duration: anime.random(600, 800)},duration: anime.random(1200, 1800),easing: "easeOutExpo",update: renderParticule,offset: 0})
}function debounce(e, t) {var a;return function () {var n = this,i = arguments;clearTimeout(a), a = setTimeout(function () {e.apply(n, i)}, t)}
var canvasEl = document.querySelector(".fireworks");
if (canvasEl) {var ctx = canvasEl.getContext("2d"),numberOfParticules = 30,pointerX = 0,pointerY = 0,tap = "mousedown",colors = ["#FF1461", "#18FF92", "#5A87FF", "#FBF38C"],setCanvasSize = debounce(function () {canvasEl.width = 2 * window.innerWidth, canvasEl.height = 2 * window.innerHeight, canvasEl.style.width =window.innerWidth + "px", canvasEl.style.height = window.innerHeight + "px", canvasEl.getContext("2d").scale(2, 2)}, 500),render = anime({duration: 1 / 0,update: function () {ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasEl.width, canvasEl.height)}});document.addEventListener(tap, function (e) {"sidebar" !== e.target.id && "toggle-sidebar" !== e.target.id && "A" !== e.target.nodeName && "IMG" !==e.target.nodeName && (render.play(), updateCoords(e), animateParticules(pointerX, pointerY))}, !1), setCanvasSize(), window.addEventListener("resize", setCanvasSize, !1)


<% if (theme.fireworks){ %><canvas class="fireworks" style="position: fixed;left: 0;top: 0;z-index: 1; pointer-events: none;" ></canvas> <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.bootcss.com/animejs/2.2.0/anime.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/fireworks.js"></script>
<% } %>


# 鼠标点击烟花爆炸效果
fireworks: true






<script type="text/javascript"
color="220,220,220" opacity='0.7' zIndex="-2" count="200" src="//cdn.bootcss.com/canvas-nest.js/1.0.0/canvas-nest.min.js">


<% if (theme.canvas_nest.enable){ %><script type="text/javascript" color="<%=theme.canvas_nest.color %>" opacity="<%=theme.canvas_nest.opacity %>" zIndex="<%=theme.canvas_nest.zIndex %>" count="<%=theme.canvas_nest.count %>" src="//cdn.bootcss.com/canvas-nest.js/1.0.0/canvas-nest.min.js"></script>
<% } %>


# https://github.com/hustcc/canvas-nest.js
# 配置详见: https://github.com/hustcc/canvas-nest.js#configuration
# 动态线条效果,会向鼠标集中
canvas_nest:enable: truecolor: '255, 235, 59'        # color of lines, default: '0,0,0'; RGB values: (R,G,B).(note: use ',' to separate.)pointColor: '156,39,176'     # color of points, default: '0,0,0'; RGB values: (R,G,B).(note: use ',' to separate.)opacity: '0.8'               # the opacity of line (0~1), default: 0.5.count: '99'                  # the number of lines, default: 99.zIndex: '-1'                 # z-index property of the background, default: -1.




(function ($) {$.fn.snow = function (options) {var $flake = $('<div id="snowbox" />').css({'position': 'absolute','z-index': '9999','top': '-50px'}).html('❄'),documentHeight = $(document).height(),documentWidth = $(document).width(),defaults = {minSize: 10,maxSize: 20,newOn: 1000,flakeColor: "#AFDAEF" /* 此处可以定义雪花颜色,若要白色可以改为#FFFFFF */},options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);var interval = setInterval(function () {var startPositionLeft = Math.random() * documentWidth - 100,startOpacity = 0.5 + Math.random(),sizeFlake = options.minSize + Math.random() * options.maxSize,endPositionTop = documentHeight - 200,endPositionLeft = startPositionLeft - 500 + Math.random() * 500,durationFall = documentHeight * 10 + Math.random() * 5000;$flake.clone().appendTo('body').css({left: startPositionLeft,opacity: startOpacity,'font-size': sizeFlake,color: options.flakeColor}).animate({top: endPositionTop,left: endPositionLeft,opacity: 0.2}, durationFall, 'linear', function () {$(this).remove()});}, options.newOn);};
$(function () {$.fn.snow({minSize: 5,/* 定义雪花最小尺寸 */maxSize: 50,/* 定义雪花最大尺寸 */newOn: 300 /* 定义密集程度,数字越小越密集 */});


<!-- 雪花特效2 -->
<% if (theme.snow2){ %><script type="text/javascript" src="/js/snow2.js"></script>
<% } %>


# 雪花特效2
snow2: true




/* 控制下雪 */
function snowFall(snow) {/* 可配置属性 */snow = snow || {};this.maxFlake = snow.maxFlake || 200; /* 最多片数 */this.flakeSize = snow.flakeSize || 10; /* 雪花形状 */this.fallSpeed = snow.fallSpeed || 1; /* 坠落速度 */
/* 兼容写法 */
requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||function (callback) {setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);};cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame ||window.mozCancelAnimationFrame ||window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame ||window.msCancelAnimationFrame ||window.oCancelAnimationFrame;
/* 开始下雪 */
snowFall.prototype.start = function () {/* 创建画布 */snowCanvas.apply(this);/* 创建雪花形状 */createFlakes.apply(this);/* 画雪 */drawSnow.apply(this)
/* 创建画布 */
function snowCanvas() {/* 添加Dom结点 */var snowcanvas = document.createElement("canvas");snowcanvas.id = "snowfall";snowcanvas.width = window.innerWidth;snowcanvas.height = document.body.clientHeight;snowcanvas.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 1; pointer-events: none;");document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(snowcanvas);this.canvas = snowcanvas;this.ctx = snowcanvas.getContext("2d");/* 窗口大小改变的处理 */window.onresize = function () {snowcanvas.width = window.innerWidth;/* snowcanvas.height = window.innerHeight */}
/* 雪运动对象 */
function flakeMove(canvasWidth, canvasHeight, flakeSize, fallSpeed) {this.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * canvasWidth); /* x坐标 */this.y = Math.floor(Math.random() * canvasHeight); /* y坐标 */this.size = Math.random() * flakeSize + 2; /* 形状 */this.maxSize = flakeSize; /* 最大形状 */this.speed = Math.random() * 1 + fallSpeed; /* 坠落速度 */this.fallSpeed = fallSpeed; /* 坠落速度 */this.velY = this.speed; /* Y方向速度 */this.velX = 0; /* X方向速度 */this.stepSize = Math.random() / 30; /* 步长 */this.step = 0 /* 步数 */
flakeMove.prototype.update = function () {var x = this.x,y = this.y;/* 左右摆动(余弦) */this.velX *= 0.98;if (this.velY <= this.speed) {this.velY = this.speed}this.velX += Math.cos(this.step += .05) * this.stepSize;this.y += this.velY;this.x += this.velX;/* 飞出边界的处理 */if (this.x >= canvas.width || this.x <= 0 || this.y >= canvas.height || this.y <= 0) {this.reset(canvas.width, canvas.height)}
/* 飞出边界-放置最顶端继续坠落 */
flakeMove.prototype.reset = function (width, height) {this.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * width);this.y = 0;this.size = Math.random() * this.maxSize + 2;this.speed = Math.random() * 1 + this.fallSpeed;this.velY = this.speed;this.velX = 0;
// 渲染雪花-随机形状(此处可修改雪花颜色!!!)
flakeMove.prototype.render = function (ctx) {var snowFlake = ctx.createRadialGradient(this.x, this.y, 0, this.x, this.y, this.size);snowFlake.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)"); /* 此处是雪花颜色,默认是白色 */snowFlake.addColorStop(.5, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)"); /* 若要改为其他颜色,请自行查 */snowFlake.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"); /* 找16进制的RGB 颜色代码。 */ctx.save();ctx.fillStyle = snowFlake;ctx.beginPath();ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.size, 0, Math.PI * 2);ctx.fill();ctx.restore();
/* 创建雪花-定义形状 */
function createFlakes() {var maxFlake = this.maxFlake,flakes = this.flakes = [],canvas = this.canvas;for (var i = 0; i < maxFlake; i++) {flakes.push(new flakeMove(canvas.width, canvas.height, this.flakeSize, this.fallSpeed))}
/* 画雪 */
function drawSnow() {var maxFlake = this.maxFlake,flakes = this.flakes;ctx = this.ctx, canvas = this.canvas, that = this;/* 清空雪花 */ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);for (var e = 0; e < maxFlake; e++) {flakes[e].update();flakes[e].render(ctx);}/*  一帧一帧的画 */this.loop = requestAnimationFrame(function () {drawSnow.apply(that);});
/* 调用及控制方法 */
var snow = new snowFall({maxFlake: 60


<!-- 雪花特效3 -->
<% if (theme.snow3){ %><script type="text/javascript" src="/js/snow3.js"></script>
<% } %>


# 雪花特效3
snow3: false




/*** Copyright (c) 2016 hustcc* License: MIT* Version: v1.0.1* GitHub: https://github.com/hustcc/ribbon.js
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<% if (theme.ribbon){ %><!-- <script src="https://g.joyinshare.com/hc/ribbon.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> --><script type="text/javascript" src="/js/ribbon.js"></script>
<% } %>


# https://github.com/hustcc/ribbon.js
# 彩带1.点击自动替换彩带
ribbon: false




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Math.max(0, e.pageY || e.clientY || 0) : 0;return {mousex: mousex,mousey: mousey,centerx: mousex - screen.width / 2,centery: mousey - screen.height / 2}};var Point = function (x, y) {this.x = 0;this.y = 0;this.set(x, y)};Point.prototype = {constructor: Point,set: function (x, y) {this.x = x || 0;this.y = y || 0},copy: function (point) {this.x = point.x || 0;this.y = point.y || 0;return this},multiply: function (x, y) {this.x *= x || 1;this.y *= y || 1;return this},divide: function (x, y) {this.x /= x || 1;this.y /= y || 1;return this},add: function (x, y) {this.x += x || 0;this.y += y || 0;return this},subtract: function (x, y) {this.x -= x || 0;this.y -= y || 0;return this},clampX: function (min, max) {this.x = Math.max(min, Math.min(this.x, max));return this},clampY: function (min, max) {this.y = Math.max(min, Math.min(this.y, max));return this},flipX: function () {this.x *= -1;return this},flipY: function () {this.y *= -1;return this}};var Factory = function (options) {this._canvas = null;this._context = null;this._sto = null;this._width = 0;this._height = 0;this._scroll = 0;this._ribbons = [];this._options = {colorSaturation: "80%",colorBrightness: "60%",colorAlpha: 0.65,colorCycleSpeed: 6,verticalPosition: "center",horizontalSpeed: 150,ribbonCount: 5,strokeSize: 5,parallaxAmount: -0.5,animateSections: true};this._onDraw = this._onDraw.bind(this);this._onResize = this._onResize.bind(this);this._onScroll = this._onScroll.bind(this);this.setOptions(options);this.init()};Factory.prototype = {constructor: Factory,setOptions: function (options) {if (typeof options === "object") {for (var key in options) {if (options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {this._options[key] = options[key]}}}},init: function () {try {this._canvas = document.createElement("canvas");this._canvas.style["display"] = "block";this._canvas.style["position"] = "fixed";this._canvas.style["margin"] = "0";this._canvas.style["padding"] = "0";this._canvas.style["border"] = "0";this._canvas.style["outline"] = "0";this._canvas.style["left"] = "0";this._canvas.style["top"] = "0";this._canvas.style["width"] = "100%";this._canvas.style["height"] = "100%";this._canvas.style["z-index"] = "-1";this._onResize();this._context = this._canvas.getContext("2d");this._context.clearRect(0, 0, this._width, this._height);this._context.globalAlpha = this._options.colorAlpha;window.addEventListener("resize", this._onResize);window.addEventListener("scroll", this._onScroll);document.body.appendChild(this._canvas)} catch (e) {console.warn("Canvas Context Error: " + e.toString());return}this._onDraw()},addRibbon: function () {var dir = Math.round(random(1, 9)) > 5 ? "right" : "left",stop = 1000,hide = 200,min = 0 - hide,max = this._width + hide,movex = 0,movey = 0,startx = dir === "right" ? min : max,starty = Math.round(random(0, this._height));if (/^(top|min)$/i.test(this._options.verticalPosition)) {starty = 0 + hide} else if (/^(middle|center)$/i.test(this._options.verticalPosition)) {starty = this._height / 2} else if (/^(bottom|max)$/i.test(this._options.verticalPosition)) {starty = this._height - hide}var ribbon = [],point1 = new Point(startx, starty),point2 = new Point(startx, starty),point3 = null,color = Math.round(random(0, 360)),delay = 0;while (true) {if (stop <= 0) break;stop--;movex = Math.round((Math.random() * 1 - 0.2) * this._options.horizontalSpeed);movey = Math.round((Math.random() * 1 - 0.5) * (this._height * 0.25));point3 = new Point();point3.copy(point2);if (dir === "right") {point3.add(movex, movey);if (point2.x >= max) break} else if (dir === "left") {point3.subtract(movex, movey);if (point2.x <= min) break}ribbon.push({point1: new Point(point1.x, point1.y),point2: new Point(point2.x, point2.y),point3: point3,color: color,delay: delay,dir: dir,alpha: 0,phase: 0});point1.copy(point2);point2.copy(point3);delay += 4;color += this._options.colorCycleSpeed}this._ribbons.push(ribbon)},_drawRibbonSection: function (section) {if (section) {if (section.phase >= 1 && section.alpha <= 0) {return true}if (section.delay <= 0) {section.phase += 0.02;section.alpha = Math.sin(section.phase) * 1;section.alpha = section.alpha <= 0 ? 0 : section.alpha;section.alpha = section.alpha >= 1 ? 1 : section.alpha;if (this._options.animateSections) {var mod = Math.sin(1 + section.phase * Math.PI / 2) * 0.1;if (section.dir === "right") {section.point1.add(mod, 0);section.point2.add(mod, 0);section.point3.add(mod, 0)} else {section.point1.subtract(mod, 0);section.point2.subtract(mod, 0);section.point3.subtract(mod, 0)}section.point1.add(0, mod);section.point2.add(0, mod);section.point3.add(0, mod)}} else {section.delay -= 0.5}var s = this._options.colorSaturation,l = this._options.colorBrightness,c = "hsla(" + section.color + ", " + s + ", " + l + ", " + section.alpha + " )";this._context.save();if (this._options.parallaxAmount !== 0) {this._context.translate(0, this._scroll * this._options.parallaxAmount)}this._context.beginPath();this._context.moveTo(section.point1.x, section.point1.y);this._context.lineTo(section.point2.x, section.point2.y);this._context.lineTo(section.point3.x, section.point3.y);this._context.fillStyle = c;this._context.fill();if (this._options.strokeSize > 0) {this._context.lineWidth = this._options.strokeSize;this._context.strokeStyle = c;this._context.lineCap = "round";this._context.stroke()}this._context.restore()}return false},_onDraw: function () {for (var i = 0, t = this._ribbons.length; i < t; ++i) {if (!this._ribbons[i]) {this._ribbons.splice(i, 1)}}this._context.clearRect(0, 0, this._width, this._height);for (var a = 0; a < this._ribbons.length; ++a) {var ribbon = this._ribbons[a],numSections = ribbon.length,numDone = 0;for (var b = 0; b < numSections; ++b) {if (this._drawRibbonSection(ribbon[b])) {numDone++}}if (numDone >= numSections) {this._ribbons[a] = null}}if (this._ribbons.length < this._options.ribbonCount) {this.addRibbon()}requestAnimationFrame(this._onDraw)},_onResize: function (e) {var screen = screenInfo(e);this._width = screen.width;this._height = screen.height;if (this._canvas) {this._canvas.width = this._width;this._canvas.height = this._height;if (this._context) {this._context.globalAlpha = this._options.colorAlpha}}},_onScroll: function (e) {var screen = screenInfo(e);this._scroll = screen.scrolly}};return Factory
new Ribbons({colorSaturation: "60%",colorBrightness: "50%",colorAlpha: 0.5,colorCycleSpeed: 5,verticalPosition: "random",horizontalSpeed: 200,ribbonCount: 3,strokeSize: 0,parallaxAmount: -0.2,animateSections: true


<% if (theme.ribbon_flow){ %><!-- <script src="https://g.joyinshare.com/hc/piao.js" type="text/javascript"></script> --><script type="text/javascript" src="/js/ribbon_flow.js"></script>
<% } %>


# 彩带2.自动飘动
ribbon_flow: false




window.onload = function(){//获取画布对象var canvas = document.getElementById("code_rain_canvas");//获取画布的上下文var context =canvas.getContext("2d");var s = window.screen;var W = canvas.width = s.width;var H = canvas.height;//获取浏览器屏幕的宽度和高度//var W = window.innerWidth;//var H = window.innerHeight;//设置canvas的宽度和高度canvas.width = W;canvas.height = H;//每个文字的字体大小var fontSize = 12;//计算列var colunms = Math.floor(W /fontSize);	//记录每列文字的y轴坐标var drops = [];//给每一个文字初始化一个起始点的位置for(var i=0;i<colunms;i++){drops.push(0);}//运动的文字var str ="WELCOME TO WWW.ITRHX.COM";//4:fillText(str,x,y);原理就是去更改y的坐标位置//绘画的函数function draw(){context.fillStyle = "rgba(238,238,238,.08)";//遮盖层context.fillRect(0,0,W,H);//给字体设置样式context.font = "600 "+fontSize+"px  Georgia";//给字体添加颜色context.fillStyle = ["#33B5E5", "#0099CC", "#AA66CC", "#9933CC", "#99CC00", "#669900", "#FFBB33", "#FF8800", "#FF4444", "#CC0000"][parseInt(Math.random() * 10)];//randColor();可以rgb,hsl, 标准色,十六进制颜色//写入画布中for(var i=0;i<colunms;i++){var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * str.length);var x = i*fontSize;var y = drops[i] *fontSize;context.fillText(str[index],x,y);//如果要改变时间,肯定就是改变每次他的起点if(y >= canvas.height && Math.random() > 0.99){drops[i] = 0;}drops[i]++;}};function randColor(){//随机颜色var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);var g = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);var b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);return "rgb("+r+","+g+","+b+")";}draw();setInterval(draw,35);


<% if (theme.code_rain){ %><!-- 数字雨 --><canvas id="code_rain_canvas" width="1440" height="900"></canvas><script type="text/javascript" src="/js/code_rain.js"><style>#code_rain_canvas {position: fixed;right: 0px;bottom: 0px;min-width: 100%;min-height: 100%;height: auto;width: auto;z-index: 4;}</style></script>
<% } %>


# 代码雨
code_rain: true






Down.51cto.com 【点评4月壁纸 送下载豆】 规则&#xff1a;2010年3月25日—4月25日&#xff0c;4月壁纸点评活动结束&#xff0c;管理员将抽选若干优质评论&#xff0c;优质评论发布者将奖励30-50颗下载豆。 优质评论衡定标准&#xff1a;表达壁纸使用的真实感受、针对壁纸给…


写在开头的感谢: 感谢 @Destiny_1853 的灵感和获取时间的代码提供。 感谢 @扰扰 的页面点击出现小心心的代码提供。 本次,我们准备写一个有关倒计时的小例子,正好最近在进行前端实训,学习了HTML和CSS,因此就在这里先实操一下 1、本次倒计时我们准备采用,天 时 分 秒 四个…


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清华博士接亲被要求现场写代码,5 分钟做出一颗爱心

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