
news/2024/12/2 18:59:09/


On an iPhone or iPad, you can use the “Display Accommodations” accessibility feature to invert the colors on your screen, reduce the brightness of white and bright colors on your screen, and enable color filters designed to aid people with color blindness.


This is different from the Night Shift feature, which blocks blue light for easier reading at night. It works in a similar way, however, adjusting the colors of everything on your iPhone or iPad’s screen.

这与“夜班”功能不同,后者具有阻挡蓝光的功能 ,便于夜间阅读。 它的工作方式类似,但是可以调整iPhone或iPad屏幕上所有内容的颜色。

如何调整展示房 (How to Adjust Display Accommodations)

To adjust these features, navigate to Settings > General > Accessibility > Display Accommodations. All the color-related settings are found on this screen, although the shortcut to quickly toggle them on or off is controlled elsewhere.

要调整这些功能,请导航至“设置”>“常规”>“辅助功能”>“显示住宿”。 在此屏幕上可以找到所有与颜色相关的设置,尽管可以在其他位置控制快速打开或关闭它们的快捷方式。

Once you’re there, here are some of the options you’ll see.


反转颜色 (Invert Colors)

The “Invert Colors” feature can make the iPhone’s display easier to read in certain situations (like at night). Enable this slider and white will become black, black will become white, green will become purple, and blue will become orange.

“反转颜色”功能可以使iPhone的显示屏在某些情况下(例如晚上)更易于阅读。 启用此滑块,白色将变为黑色,黑色将变为白色,绿色将变为紫色,蓝色将变为橙色。

With this feature enabled, you’ll notice that the elements on the screen become darker as white is replaced with black, and there just seems to be more contrast. This can make the screen easier to read, especially if you’d rather look at a dark screen than a bright one.

启用此功能后,您会注意到,当白色替换为黑色时,屏幕上的元素会变得更暗,并且似乎对比度更高。 这可以使屏幕更易于阅读,特别是如果您宁愿看黑屏而不看亮屏。

彩色滤光片 (Color Filters)

The “Color Filters” category allows you to enable different color filters designed to people with color blindness. Tap this option and you’ll be able to choose between different color filters you might want to use.

“滤色器”类别使您可以启用针对色盲人群设计的不同滤色器。 点击此选项,您将可以在可能要使用的不同滤色器之间进行选择。

When you tap “Color Filters”, you’ll be taken to a different screen. Enable the “Color Filters” slider here and select an option to see how it looks.

当您点击“彩色滤光片”时,您将被带到另一个屏幕。 在此处启用“滤色器”滑块,然后选择一个选项以查看其外观。

The Grayscale option simple removes colors from the screen, making everything appear in black, white, and different shades of gray. The Red/Green filter is intended for people who have Protanopia, the Green/Red filter for people with Deuteranopia, and the Blue/Yellow Filter for people with Tritanopia.

灰度选项可以简单地从屏幕上删除颜色,从而使所有内容都以黑色,白色和不同的灰色阴影显示。 红色/绿色滤镜适用于患有普光盲的人,绿色/红色滤镜适用于患有盲眼的人,蓝色/黄色滤镜则适用于Tritanopia的人。

There’s also a “Color Tint” option, which allows you to set a custom color hue and intensity. You can use this to tint the screen with any shade of color you like.

还有一个“色彩色调”选项,可让您设置自定义的色调和强度。 您可以使用此功能以所需的任何色调来着色屏幕。

Swipe between the colored images at the top of the screen to see how your changes look.


减少白点 (Reduce White Point)

The “Reduce White Point” option makes white elements and bright colors appear dimmer. Activate this feature and you’ll get a slider which can “reduce the intensity of bright colors”, and you can adjust it to your liking.

“减少白点”选项使白色元素和明亮的颜色显得暗淡。 激活此功能,您将获得一个可以“降低明亮色彩的强度”的滑块,并且可以根据自己的喜好对其进行调整。

With this feature enabled, whites and other bright colors will appear dimmer. You’re telling your device to display darker shades of these colors. This can make it easier for people who have trouble viewing bright colors on the screen.

启用此功能后,白色和其他明亮的颜色将显得暗淡。 您要告诉设备显示这些颜色的较深阴影。 对于在屏幕上查看鲜艳颜色有困难的人来说,这可以使工作变得更容易。

This is similar to, but different from, from simply reducing your iPhone or iPad’s brightness. In fact, you can adjust both the Reduce White Point slider and the screen brightness slider separately.

这与简单地降低iPhone或iPad的亮度类似,但不同。 实际上,您可以分别调整“减少白点”滑块和“屏幕亮度”滑块。

The below screenshot is just an approximation of what this looks like on the screen, but it isn’t far off.


如何快速切换这些选项 (How to Quickly Toggle These Options)

If you only want to use one of these features sometimes, it can be tedious heading back to the Settings app and toggling the slider off and off. Your iPhone or iPad contains an option that allows you to toggle your preferred color setting on or off by triple-clicking the Home button. This triple-click shortcut can also be used for Guided Access and other accessibility features.

如果您有时只想使用这些功能之一,可能会很麻烦,回到“设置”应用程序,然后一次又一次地切换滑块。 您的iPhone或iPad包含一个选项,该选项使您可以通过双击“主页”按钮来打开或关闭所需的颜色设置。 此三次单击快捷方式也可以用于“ 引导访问”和其他辅助功能。

To find this option, head to Settings > General > Accessibility > Accessibility Shortcut. Select one or more of the “Invert Colors”, “Color Filters”, or “Reduce White Point” options here.

要找到此选项,请转到设置>常规>可访问性>可访问性快捷方式。 在此处选择“反转颜色”,“滤色器”或“减少白点”选项中的一项或多项。

When you triple-click the Home button, you’ll either see a menu of options (if you check multiple options here) or the action you selected will immediately take effect (if you only select one option here).


If the “Guided Access” option appears grayed out in the list here and you want to remove it from the menu, head to Settings > General > Accessibility > Guided Access and disable the Guided Access feature.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/319437/how-to-enable-color-filters-on-your-iphone-or-ipad-for-easy-on-the-eyes-reading/




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