
news/2024/11/19 15:33:55/



ACL 2023 | 利用思维链(CoT)推理隐式情感,狂涨50%

©PaperWeekly 原创 作者 | 费豪 单位 | 新加坡国立大学 题目: Reasoning Implicit Sentiment with Chain-of-Thought Prompting 作者: 费豪,李波波,刘乾,邴立东⁴,李霏,Chua Tat-Seng 新加…


Prometheus介绍安装和快速入门 1、Prometheus介绍 1.1 什么是 Prometheus? Prometheus(普罗米修斯)是古希腊的一个神明,名字的意思是「先见之明」。从它的名字可以看出, Prometheus 是做「先见之明」的监控告警用途。维基百科…


新年期间,是不是《恭喜发财》这些新年歌曲都听腻了?下面,我来盘点几首好听的古风歌曲。打代码的时候听,疲劳感会减少很多哦。 《赐我》— 一只白羊《星月落》— 浮生梦《木偶戏》— 玥夏《云水谣》— en《琵琶行》— 奇然&沈…


Sonos的环绕声   想用一个盒子的解决方案内置扬声器和功放再拿到便携的Sonos的ZonePlayer S5,它的简单性和绝佳的音质使它成为理想的单盒网络播放器。但是,如果你想用你自己的音箱和功放再拿到ZP90,将挂接到任何设备,如您的家庭…

sonos 服务器_如何将Sonos用作闹钟或睡眠定时器

sonos 服务器 Sonos is great because you can set up and control speakers from any room in your dwelling. If you like to wake up to or fall asleep to music, then they’re especially well suited to have in your bedroom. Sonos很棒,因为您可以在住宅中…

sonos 服务器_如何将播客流式传输到您的Sonos播放器

sonos 服务器 If you’ve ever wanted to listen to podcasts on your Sonos speakers, then there are actually several ways to stream them, be it from the Internet, your computer, or from a mobile device such as a phone or tablet. 如果您曾经想在Sonos扬声器上收听…

sonos 服务器_如何关闭Sonos播放器上的LED

sonos 服务器 Bright white LEDs have progressively made their way onto all kinds of electronic devices. If you own a Sonos player, you’re already aware that they too come with a bright white LED on top, which can be distracting in dimly-lit rooms. 明亮的白…

sonos 服务器_如何在Sonos上收听有声读物

sonos 服务器 Audible, Amazon’s subscription audiobook service, was conspicuously absent from Sonos for the last few years. Thankfully, it’s now back. Here’s how to use it. 过去几年,Sonos明显缺少Amazon的订阅有声读物服务Audible。 幸运的是&#…