CS61A Homework 8

news/2024/11/18 4:18:51/


Homework 8 Solutions hw08.zip

Solution Files

You can find the solutions in the [hw08.py hw08.lark](https://cs61a.org/hw/sol-hw08/hw08.py hw08.lark) file.



Q1: CS Classes

On reddit.com, there is an /r/berkeley subreddit for discussions about everything UC Berkeley. However, there is such a large amount of EE and CS-related posts that those posts are auto-tagged so that readers can choose to ignore them or read only them.

Write a regular expression that finds strings that resemble a CS or EE class- starting with “CS” or “EE”, followed by a number, and then optionally followed by “A”, “B”, or “C”. Your search should be case insensitive, so both “CS61A” and “cs61a” would match.

import redef cs_classes(post):"""Returns strings that look like a Berkeley CS or EE class,starting with "CS" or "EE", followed by a number, optionally ending with A, B, or Cand potentially with a space between "CS" or "EE" and the number.Case insensitive.>>> cs_classes("Is it unreasonable to take CS61A, CS61B, CS70, and EE16A in the summer?")True>>> cs_classes("how do I become a TA for cs61a? that job sounds so fun")True>>> cs_classes("Can I take ECON101 as a CS major?")False>>> cs_classes("Should I do the lab lites or regular labs in EE16A?")True>>> cs_classes("thoughts on ee127?")True>>> cs_classes("Is 70 considered an EECS class?")False>>> cs_classes("What are some good CS upper division courses? I was thinking about CS 161 or CS 169a")True"""return bool(re.search(r"(ee|EE|cs|CS)\s?\d+[a-cA-C]?", post))

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q cs_classes✂️

Q2: Time for Times

You’re given a body of text and told that within it are some times. Times can be written in two different ways:

  • 12-hour AM/PM clock: 07:23AM, 05:24PM
  • 24-hour clock: 23:59, 12:22, 00:00

Write a regular expression which, for a few examples, would match the following:

['07:23AM', '05:24PM', '23:59', '12:22', '00:00']

but would not match these invalid “times”

['05:64', '70:23']
import redef match_time(text):""">>> match_time("At 07:23AM, I woke up and had some coffee.")True>>> match_time("I looked at my phone at 12:22 to check the weather.")True>>> match_time("At 05:24PM, I had sesame bagels with cream cheese.")True>>> match_time("At 23:59 I was sound asleep.")True>>> match_time("After, the clocked turned to 00:00.")True>>> match_time("Mix water in a 1:2 ratio with chicken stock.")False>>> match_time("At work, I pinged")False>>> match_time("The tennis score was 40:30.")False"""return bool(re.search(r"\b(([01]?\d)|(2[0123])):[012345]\d([AaPp][Mm])?\b", text))

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q match_time✂️


Q3: Linked List BNF

For the next two problems, you can test your code on code.cs61a.org by adding the following line at the beginning before the problem’s skeleton code:

?start: link
-- replace link with tree_node for the next question

In this problem, we’re going to define a BNF that parses integer Linked Lists created in Python. We won’t be handling Link.empty.

For reference, here are some examples of Linked Lists:

Your implementation should be able to handle nested Linked Lists, such as the third example below.

  • Link(2)
  • Link(12, Link(2))
  • Link(5, Link(7, Link(Link(8, Link(9)))))
link: "Link(" link_first link_rest? ")"?link_first: link|NUMBER?link_rest: ", " link
%ignore /\s+/
%import common.NUMBER

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q linked_list✂️

Q4: Tree BNF

Now, we will define a BNF to parse Trees with integer leaves created in Python.

Here are some examples of Trees:

Your implementation should be able to handle Trees with no branches and one or more branches.

  • Tree(2)
  • Tree(6, [Tree(1), Tree(3, [Tree(1), Tree(2)])])
tree_node: "Tree(" label branches? ")"?label: NUMBERbranches:", [" (tree_node ",")* tree_node "]"
%ignore /\s+/
%import common.NUMBER

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q tree✂️

Regex Parser

Previously in CS61A you studied regular expressions (regex), a grammar for pattern matching in strings. In this question you will create a BNF grammar for parsing through regular expression patterns, which we will denote as an rstring. Below, we’ve defined the following skeleton for rstring grammar:

rstring: "r\"" regex* "\""?regex: group | pipe | character | word | classgroup: "(" regex ")"
pipe: regex "|" regexclass: "["(range | character)+"]"
range: (LETTER "-" LETTER) | (NUMBER "-" NUMBER)
character: LETTER | NUMBER
word: WORD%ignore /\s+/
%import common.LETTER
%import common.NUMBER
%import common.WORD

The current implementation is very limited, and can only support alphanumeric patterns which directly match the input. In the following questions, you will implement support for a limited subset of regular expression features.

NOTE: for the purposes of testing, we require that your syntax trees match the doctests’. Be sure to define all expressions as noted in the question, and prefix all extra expressions not mentioned in the question with a ? (such as ?rstring).

Q5: Grouping and Pipes

In this question, you will add support for grouping and piping.

Recall that grouping allows for an entire regular expression to be treated as a single unit, and piping allows for a pattern to match an expression on either side. Combined, these will let us create patterns which match multiple strings!

Define the group and pipe expressions in your grammar.

  1. A group consists of any regex expression surrounded by parentheses (()).
  2. A pipe operator consists of a regex expression, followed by a pipe (|) character, and lastly followed by another regex expression.

For example, r"apples" would match exactly the phrase “apples” in an input. If we wanted our pattern from before to match “oranges” as well, we could expand our rstring to do so using groupings and pipes: r"(apples)|(oranges)".

Hint: note that groups and pipes are valid regex expressions on their own! You may need to update a previously defined expression.

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q regex_grouping✂️

Q6: Classes

Now, we will add support for character classes.

Recall that character classes allow for the pattern to match any singular character defined within the class. The class itself consists either of individual characters, or ranges of characters.

Specifically, we define the following:

  1. A range consists of either NUMBERs or LETTERs separated by a hyphen (-).
  2. A class expression consists of any number of characters or character ranges surrounded by square brackets ([]).

Note that for this question, a range may only consist of either NUMBERs or LETTERs; this means that while [0-9] and [A-Z] are valid ranges, [0-Z] would not be a valid range. In addition, the characters and ranges in a class may appear in any order and any number of times. For example, [ad-fc0-9], [ad-f0-9c], [a0-9d-fc], and [0-9ad-fc] are all valid classes.

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q regex_classes✂️


Make sure to submit this assignment by running:

python3 ok --submit




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