
news/2024/10/21 9:30:32/


原始论文(An efficient heuristic procedure for partitioning graphs)









import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from networkx.algorithms.community import kernighan_lin_bisectiondef draw_spring(G, com):"""G:图com:划分好的社区node_size表示节点大小node_color表示节点颜色node_shape表示节点形状with_labels=True表示节点是否带标签"""pos = nx.spring_layout(G)  # 节点的布局为spring型NodeId = list(G.nodes())node_size = [G.degree(i) ** 1.2 * 90 for i in NodeId]  # 节点大小plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))  # 图片大小nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, node_size=node_size, node_color='w', node_shape='.')color_list = ['pink', 'orange', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'y', 'm', 'gray', 'black', 'c', 'brown']# node_shape = ['s','o','H','D']for i in range(len(com)):nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=com[i], node_color=color_list[i])plt.show()if __name__ == "__main__":G = nx.karate_club_graph()  # 空手道俱乐部# KL算法com = list(kernighan_lin_bisection(G))print('社区数量', len(com))print(com)draw_spring(G, com)

这里直接使用了networkx库中的kl算法,数据集Zachary karate club网络是通过对一个美国大学空手道俱乐部进行观测而构建出的一个社会网络.网络包含 34 个节点和 78 条边,其中个体表示俱乐部中的成员,而边表示成员之间存在的友谊关系.空手道俱乐部网络已经成为复杂网络社区结构探测中的一个经典问题。




"""Functions for computing the Kernighan–Lin bipartition algorithm."""import networkx as nx
from itertools import count
from networkx.utils import not_implemented_for, py_random_state, BinaryHeap
from networkx.algorithms.community.community_utils import is_partition__all__ = ["kernighan_lin_bisection"]def _kernighan_lin_sweep(edges, side):"""This is a modified form of Kernighan-Lin, which moves single nodes at atime, alternating between sides to keep the bisection balanced.  We keeptwo min-heaps of swap costs to make optimal-next-move selection fast."""costs0, costs1 = costs = BinaryHeap(), BinaryHeap()for u, side_u, edges_u in zip(count(), side, edges):cost_u = sum(w if side[v] else -w for v, w in edges_u)costs[side_u].insert(u, cost_u if side_u else -cost_u)def _update_costs(costs_x, x):for y, w in edges[x]:costs_y = costs[side[y]]cost_y = costs_y.get(y)if cost_y is not None:cost_y += 2 * (-w if costs_x is costs_y else w)costs_y.insert(y, cost_y, True)i = totcost = 0while costs0 and costs1:u, cost_u = costs0.pop()_update_costs(costs0, u)v, cost_v = costs1.pop()_update_costs(costs1, v)totcost += cost_u + cost_vyield totcost, i, (u, v)@py_random_state(4)
def kernighan_lin_bisection(G, partition=None, max_iter=10, weight="weight", seed=None):"""Partition a graph into two blocks using the Kernighan–Linalgorithm.This algorithm partitions a network into two sets by iterativelyswapping pairs of nodes to reduce the edge cut between the two sets.  Thepairs are chosen according to a modified form of Kernighan-Lin, whichmoves node individually, alternating between sides to keep the bisectionbalanced.Parameters----------G : graphpartition : tuplePair of iterables containing an initial partition. If notspecified, a random balanced partition is used.max_iter : intMaximum number of times to attempt swaps to find animprovemement before giving up.weight : keyEdge data key to use as weight. If None, the weights are allset to one.seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)Indicator of random number generation state.See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.Only used if partition is NoneReturns-------partition : tupleA pair of sets of nodes representing the bipartition.Raises-------NetworkXErrorIf partition is not a valid partition of the nodes of the graph.References----------.. [1] Kernighan, B. W.; Lin, Shen (1970)."An efficient heuristic procedure for partitioning graphs."*Bell Systems Technical Journal* 49: 291--307.Oxford University Press 2011."""n = len(G)labels = list(G)seed.shuffle(labels)index = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(labels)}if partition is None:side = [0] * (n // 2) + [1] * ((n + 1) // 2)else:try:A, B = partitionexcept (TypeError, ValueError) as e:raise nx.NetworkXError("partition must be two sets") from eif not is_partition(G, (A, B)):raise nx.NetworkXError("partition invalid")side = [0] * nfor a in A:side[a] = 1if G.is_multigraph():edges = [[(index[u], sum(e.get(weight, 1) for e in d.values()))for u, d in G[v].items()]for v in labels]else:edges = [[(index[u], e.get(weight, 1)) for u, e in G[v].items()] for v in labels]for i in range(max_iter):costs = list(_kernighan_lin_sweep(edges, side))min_cost, min_i, _ = min(costs)if min_cost >= 0:breakfor _, _, (u, v) in costs[: min_i + 1]:side[u] = 1side[v] = 0A = {u for u, s in zip(labels, side) if s == 0}B = {u for u, s in zip(labels, side) if s == 1}return A, B




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KL Divergence(KL 散度)

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