
news/2025/2/7 20:06:20/

先介绍下redis的作者Salvatore Sanfilippo(Antirez),意大利人,就是下图这位。


Antirez现在已经40多岁了,依然奋斗在代码一线,为开源社区做贡献。Antirez出生在非英语系国家,所以英语一直是他的短板。他曾经写过一篇博文,《英语伤痛 15 年》,以自己的实际经历鼓励非英语系国家的程序员突破英语障碍。或说回来,在他的另一篇博文《Redis as an LRU cache 》中,写到了为什么选用6379端口:

Appendix: how to remember the Redis port number

Today on Twitter I saw a tweet related to the ability to remember the Redis port number. There is a trick, the Redis port number, 6379, is MERZ at the phone keyboard.

Is it a coincidence that it sounds not random enough? Actually not ;) I selected 6379 because of MERZ, and not the other way around.

Everything started with Alessia Merz, an Italian Showgirl (make sure to check some (not safe for work) photo as well).

I and my friends are used to create our own slang, that is evolving since... 20 or 25 years. Well one adjective that we use consistently since 10 years is "merz", but the meaning of the word changed so much in the course of the time.

Initially it started because we were really delighted by the stupidity of the sentences that the showgirl was able to state in the italian TV. So we started using "MERZ" when something was... stupid. "Hey, that's merz!". And so forth. But then with some time the meaning shifted in something stupid as pointless, but with very technical value, or with an impressive amount of skills and patience and work involved, but still... stupid.


用一张图片来翻译一下,6379 就是这个意思:


而Merz全名Alessia Merz,是意大利的一位广告女郎,就是下面这位:




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