xv6 6.S081 Lab7: Lock

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xv6 6.S081 Lab7: Lock

    • 写在前面
    • 实验介绍
    • 开始!
      • Memory Allocator
      • Buffer Cache



老样子,在我的博客OS实验xv6 6.S081 开坑中给出了一些有用的参考资料,大家也可以一并参考。





  • 基于多CPU的内存分配器(Memory Allocator),主要修改kalloc.c
  • 基于多CPU的磁盘缓冲器(Buffer Cache),主要修改bio.c


Memory Allocator

The program user/kalloctest stresses xv6’s memory allocator: three processes grow and shrink their address spaces, resulting in many calls to kalloc and kfree. kalloc and kfree obtain kmem.lock. kalloctest prints the number of test-and-sets that did not succeed in acquiring the kmem lock (and some other locks), which is a rough measure of contention:
我们来解释这句话:lock: kmem: #test-and-set 161724 #acquire() 433008kmem.lock共被请求了433008次,仅成功了161724次,这就导致了lock contention(意为争吵,很形象了),故本次实验的任务就是解决多锁contention问题。

如何解决lock contention呢?官方给出了一种解决方案:

The root cause of lock contention in kalloctest is that kalloc() has a single free list, protected by a single lock. To remove lock contention, you will have to redesign the memory allocator to avoid a single lock and list. The basic idea is to maintain a free list per CPU, each list with its own lock. Allocations and frees on different CPUs can run in parallel, because each CPU will operate on a different list. The main challenge will be to deal with the case in which one CPU’s free list is empty, but another CPU’s list has free memory; in that case, the one CPU must “steal” part of the other CPU’s free list. Stealing may introduce lock contention, but that will hopefully be infrequent.


出现lock contention的根本原因是kalloc()中只有一个free list,该free list只被一个lock保护。为了消除lock contention,我们必须想办法避免单free list、单lock问题。最基本的思想就是为每一个CPU都维护一个free list,并且每一个free list都有一个独自的lock。这样一来,不同的CPU就能并行地利用kalloc()kfree()分配或释放内存了,因为每个CPU都只会操作不同的free list。在实现这个方案的过程中,最具挑战的就是: 当一个CPU的free list为空,但是另一个CPU的free list还有空闲块时,我们就应该从有空闲free list的CPU处“”一个空闲内存块。

下面的代码就是出现lock contention的根本原因

struct kmem {struct spinlock lock;struct run *freelist;
} kmem;


  1. You can use the constant NCPU from kernel/param.h
  2. The function cpuid returns the current core number, but it’s only safe to call it and use its result when interrupts are turned off. You should use push_off() and pop_off() to turn interrupts off and on.
  3. Let freerange give all free memory to the CPU running freerange.


  1. kernel/param.h中有一个NCPU宏,它定义了可用CPU数量;
  2. 可以通过函数cpuid()来获取当前运行的CPU号,为了安全起见,最好的调用方式如下:
    int cpuid = cpuid();
  3. 一定要调用freerange()来初始化free list

那么,首先我们需要实现一个多free list的初始化,相关代码如下:

struct kmem {struct spinlock lock;struct run *freelist;
} kmem;struct kmem kmems[NCPU];......void
{/*** 为每个CPU分配Kmem*/push_off();int currentid = cpuid();pop_off();/*** 仅0号CPU调用*/printf("# cpuId:%d \n",currentid);/* 初始化NCPU个🔒 */for (int i = 0; i < NCPU; i++){initlock(&kmems[i].lock, "kmem");}  //initlock(&kmem.lock, "kmem");freerange(end, (void*)PHYSTOP);printf("# kinit end:%d \n",currentid);

接下来,通过阅读源码,我们可以知道kalloc.c中对free list的操作是头插法,原理见下图:
那么,为了方便,我们可以将free list的插入push()和弹出pop()操作先封装为函数,方便调用。注意,由于这里我们有多个kmem,因此要用kmems[id].freelist获取相应的free list

struct run* trypopr(int id){struct run *r;r = kmems[id].freelist;if(r)kmems[id].freelist = r->next;return r;
}void trypushr(int id, struct run* r){if(r){r->next = kmems[id].freelist;kmems[id].freelist = r;}else{panic("cannot push null run");}

接下俩,我们先完成最简单的kfree(),调用cpuid()获取相应的id,然后将被释放的块插入相应的free list就好:

kfree(void *pa)
{struct run *r;if(((uint64)pa % PGSIZE) != 0 || (char*)pa < end || (uint64)pa >= PHYSTOP)panic("kfree");// Fill with junk to catch dangling refs.memset(pa, 1, PGSIZE);r = (struct run*)pa;push_off();int currentid = cpuid();pop_off();acquire(&kmems[currentid].lock);trypushr(currentid, r);release(&kmems[currentid].lock); 

最后,完成具有挑战性的kalloc()。首先,如果当前CPU的free list不为空,那就直接pop一个run出来,将之初始化后,返回给调用者;如果当前CPU对应的free list为空,就需要去查询其它CPU对应的free list,找到空闲的块r后,按照如下步骤操作:

  1. r插入自己的free list中;
  2. r从自己的free list中弹出,将之初始化,返回给调用者;

这就完成了“”的过程。当然在操作free list的过程中要注意lock的使用,代码实现如下:

void *
{struct run *r;int issteal = 0;/** 标识是否为偷盗 */push_off();int currentid = cpuid();pop_off();acquire(&kmems[currentid].lock);r = trypopr(currentid);/*** 将id的一块free page卸下,然后给currentid* 这个过程中经历了:* * 1.卸下id的free page* 2.为current id的freelist添加该page* 3.将current id的freelist中的该page卸载掉* 4.返回该page* * 整个过程完成了current id偷盗id的free page的行为*/if(!r){//printf("oops out of memory\n");for (int id = 0; id < NCPU; id++){/* steal first run */if(id != currentid){/** 锁住id的freelist,此时不让其他cpu访问  */if(kmems[id].freelist){acquire(&kmems[id].lock);/** 卸下id的free page */r = trypopr(id);/** 为currentid的freelist添加一个run */trypushr(currentid, r);issteal = 1;release(&kmems[id].lock);break;}} //printf("\n");}}/** 如果是偷盗的,则把currentid的freelist释放出来  */if(issteal)r = trypopr(currentid);release(&kmems[currentid].lock);if(r){//printf("currentid: %d, r: %p\n", currentid, r);memset((char*)r, 5, PGSIZE); // fill with junk}/** 返回该page  *///printf("issteal: %d \n", issteal);return (void*)r;

至此,我们就完成了Memory Allocator

Buffer Cache

Buffer Cache出现的问题和Memory Allocator中的问题其实类似,只不过这里是管理磁盘缓存。试想这样一个情况:三个进程大量读写磁盘,而磁盘缓存只有一个lock,这就导致三个进程的竞争异常激烈。本任务就是要解决这个问题。




struct {struct spinlock lock;struct buf buf[NBUF];             // block[30]/** 实则循环双向链表  */// Linked list of all buffers, through prev/next. // head.next is most recently used.//struct buf head;struct buf buckets[NBUKETS];struct spinlock bucketslock[NBUKETS];} bcache;


{struct buf *b;/** 在head头插入b  */initlock(&bcache.lock, "bcache");for (int i = 0; i < NBUKETS; i++){initlock(&bcache.bucketslock[i], "bcache.bucket");bcache.buckets[i].prev = &bcache.buckets[i];bcache.buckets[i].next = &bcache.buckets[i];}for (b = bcache.buf; b < bcache.buf + NBUF; b++){int hash = getHb(b);b->time_stamp = ticks;b->next = bcache.buckets[hash].next;b->prev = &bcache.buckets[hash];initsleeplock(&b->lock, "buffer");bcache.buckets[hash].next->prev = b;bcache.buckets[hash].next = b;}


If there is no cached buffer for the given sector, bget must make one, possibly reusing a buffer that held a different sector. It scans the buffer list a second time, looking for a buffer that is not in use

这里的意思当在自己的哈希桶中没有找到相应的扇区时,应该从别的哈希桶处“”,这就和Memroy Allocator做的事情一样了。另外,在Hints中我们看到了一个关于时间戳的Hint:

Remove the list of all buffers (bcache.head etc.) and instead time-stamp buffers using the time of their last use (i.e., using ticks in kernel/trap.c). With this change brelse doesn’t need to acquire the bcache lock, and bget can select the least-recently used block based on the time-stamps.


static struct buf*
bget(uint dev, uint blockno)
{int hash = getH(blockno);struct buf *b;/*** * My modification*/acquire(&bcache.bucketslock[hash]);for(b = bcache.buckets[hash].next; b != &bcache.buckets[hash]; b = b->next){if(b->dev == dev && b->blockno == blockno){b->time_stamp = ticks;b->refcnt++;//printf("## end has \n");release(&bcache.bucketslock[hash]);acquiresleep(&b->lock);return b;}}// If there is no cached buffer for the given sector, bget must make one, possibly reusing a buffer// that held a different sector. It scans the buffer list a second time, looking for a buffer that // is not in use// (b->refcnt = 0); any such buffer can be used. Bget edits the buffer metadata to record the new// device and sector number and acquires its sleep-lock. Note that the assignment b->valid = 0// ensures that bread will read the block data from disk rather than incorrectly using the buffer’s// previous contents.// Not cached; recycle an unused buffer./*** * My modification*/for (int i = 0; i < NBUKETS; i++){if(i != hash){acquire(&bcache.bucketslock[i]);for(b = bcache.buckets[i].prev; b != &bcache.buckets[i]; b = b->prev){if(b->refcnt == 0){b->time_stamp = ticks;b->dev = dev;b->blockno = blockno;b->valid = 0;     //important  b->refcnt = 1;/** 将b脱出  */b->next->prev = b->prev;b->prev->next = b->next;/** 将b接入  */b->next = bcache.buckets[hash].next;b->prev = &bcache.buckets[hash];bcache.buckets[hash].next->prev = b;bcache.buckets[hash].next = b;//printf("## end alloc: hash: %d, has: %d\n", hash,i);release(&bcache.bucketslock[i]);release(&bcache.bucketslock[hash]);acquiresleep(&b->lock);return b;}}release(&bcache.bucketslock[i]);}}panic("bget: no buffers");


我们仅叙述极限情况:设想两个进程在一个微小的时间节点先后来到第二行,他们都想要release同一个b。若进程一到达时的tickst,则进程二到达时的tickst+δ,那么此时b->time_stamp=max(t,t+δ)。我们假设进程一、进程二同时来到if(b->time_stamp == ticks)那么,忽略b->time_stamp = ticks;if(b->time_stamp == ticks)的执行时间,则此时ticks也一定为max(t,t+δ)。也就是说,当两个进程竞争b时,必定只有一个进程能够获得b的控制权,此进程为max(t,t+δ)时刻到达的进程。

brelse(struct buf *b)
{//printf("#---------------------------------------- brelse! ----------------------------------------\n");if(!holdingsleep(&b->lock))panic("brelse");releasesleep(&b->lock);int blockno = getHb(b);b->time_stamp = ticks;if(b->time_stamp == ticks){b->refcnt--;if(b->refcnt == 0){/** 将b脱出  */b->next->prev = b->prev;b->prev->next = b->next;/** 将b接入  */b->next = bcache.buckets[blockno].next;b->prev = &bcache.buckets[blockno];bcache.buckets[blockno].next->prev = b;bcache.buckets[blockno].next = b;}}








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