设计模式之 Factory Mode 工厂模式:Swift 实现

news/2024/10/18 9:21:54/

Factory Mode 工厂模式

Provide the method for creating an instance in the superclass, and allow the subclass to choose the type of the instance.




具体的生产者比如 MongoCakeCreator 的存在是为了实现与产品相关的核心业务逻辑,而不仅仅是创建 MongoCake 实例。工厂方法将核心业务逻辑从具体产品类中分离出来。

// Creator
protocol CakeCreator {func createCake() -> Cakefunc doSomethingForCake(cake: Cake) -> Cake
}// Product
protocol Cake {func doWork()
}// ConcreteCreator
class MongoCakeCreator: CakeCreator {var cake: MongoCake?func createCake() -> Cake {var cake = MongoCake()doSomethingForCake(cake: cake)return cake}func doSomethingForCake(cake: Cake) -> Cake{cake.doWork()cake.doWork()return cake}}// ConcreteCreator
class ChocolateCakeCreator: CakeCreator {func createCake() -> Cake {var cake = ChocolateCake()doSomethingForCake(cake: cake)return cake}func doSomethingForCake(cake: Cake) -> Cake{cake.doWork()return cake}
}class MongoCake: Cake {func doWork() {print("Add some mongo")}
}class ChocolateCake: Cake {func doWork() {print("Add some chocolate")}
}// If we want to add a type of cake call "PinapleCake", just need to 
// make it conform to Cake and add a creator that conform to the CakeCreator for the "PinapleCake"let cakeOne = MongoCakeCreator().createCake()



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