xlnx 官方 镜像升级代码

news/2025/2/22 10:56:11/

组合 固件分析 yyds

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
/** Xilinx Zynq MPSoC Firmware layer**  Copyright (C) 2021 Xilinx, Inc.**  Vikram Sreenivasa Batchali <bvikram@xilinx.com>*/#include <fcntl.h>
#include <mtd/mtd-user.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>/* Error Codes */
#define XST_SUCCESS (0x0)
#define XST_FAILURE (0x1)/* Macros */
#define XBIU_IDEN_STR_OFFSET (0x24U)
#define XBIU_IDEN_STR_LEN (0x4U)
#define XBIU_QSPI_MFG_INFO_SIZE (0x100U)
#define XBIU_IMG_REVISON_SIZE (0x24U)/* The below enums denote persistent registers in Qspi Flash */
struct sys_persistent_state {char last_booted_img;char requested_boot_img;char img_b_bootable;char img_a_bootable;
};struct sys_boot_img_info {char idstr[4U];unsigned int ver;unsigned int len;unsigned int checksum;struct sys_persistent_state persistent_state;unsigned int boot_img_a_offset;unsigned int boot_img_b_offset;unsigned int recovery_img_offset;
} __packed;enum sys_boot_img_id {SYS_BOOT_IMG_A_ID = 0,SYS_BOOT_IMG_B_ID = 1,
};/* Function Declarations */
static unsigned int calculate_checksum(void);
static int update_image(char *qspi_mtd_file);
static int read_image_file(char *input_file);
static int validate_board_string(void);
static int update_persistent_registers(char *qspi_mtd_pers_reg_file);
static void calculate_image_checksum(char *srcaddr, unsigned int len,unsigned int *calc_crc);
static int verify_current_running_image(char *qspi_mtd_file);
static int validate_boot_img_info(void);
static int print_persistent_state(char *qspi_mtd_file);
static int print_qspi_mfg_info(void);
static void print_usage(void);
static int print_image_rev_info(char *qspi_mtd_file, char *image_name);/* Variable definitions */
static char *srcaddr = NULL;
static unsigned int image_size;
static struct sys_boot_img_info boot_img_info __attribute__((aligned(4U)));static const unsigned int crc_table[] = {0x00000000U, 0x77073096U, 0xEE0E612CU, 0x990951BAU, 0x076DC419U,0x706AF48FU, 0xE963A535U, 0x9E6495A3U, 0x0EDB8832U, 0x79DCB8A4U,0xE0D5E91EU, 0x97D2D988U, 0x09B64C2BU, 0x7EB17CBDU, 0xE7B82D07U,0x90BF1D91U, 0x1DB71064U, 0x6AB020F2U, 0xF3B97148U, 0x84BE41DEU,0x1ADAD47DU, 0x6DDDE4EBU, 0xF4D4B551U, 0x83D385C7U, 0x136C9856U,0x646BA8C0U, 0xFD62F97AU, 0x8A65C9ECU, 0x14015C4FU, 0x63066CD9U,0xFA0F3D63U, 0x8D080DF5U, 0x3B6E20C8U, 0x4C69105EU, 0xD56041E4U,0xA2677172U, 0x3C03E4D1U, 0x4B04D447U, 0xD20D85FDU, 0xA50AB56BU,0x35B5A8FAU, 0x42B2986CU, 0xDBBBC9D6U, 0xACBCF940U, 0x32D86CE3U,0x45DF5C75U, 0xDCD60DCFU, 0xABD13D59U, 0x26D930ACU, 0x51DE003AU,0xC8D75180U, 0xBFD06116U, 0x21B4F4B5U, 0x56B3C423U, 0xCFBA9599U,0xB8BDA50FU, 0x2802B89EU, 0x5F058808U, 0xC60CD9B2U, 0xB10BE924U,0x2F6F7C87U, 0x58684C11U, 0xC1611DABU, 0xB6662D3DU, 0x76DC4190U,0x01DB7106U, 0x98D220BCU, 0xEFD5102AU, 0x71B18589U, 0x06B6B51FU,0x9FBFE4A5U, 0xE8B8D433U, 0x7807C9A2U, 0x0F00F934U, 0x9609A88EU,0xE10E9818U, 0x7F6A0DBBU, 0x086D3D2DU, 0x91646C97U, 0xE6635C01U,0x6B6B51F4U, 0x1C6C6162U, 0x856530D8U, 0xF262004EU, 0x6C0695EDU,0x1B01A57BU, 0x8208F4C1U, 0xF50FC457U, 0x65B0D9C6U, 0x12B7E950U,0x8BBEB8EAU, 0xFCB9887CU, 0x62DD1DDFU, 0x15DA2D49U, 0x8CD37CF3U,0xFBD44C65U, 0x4DB26158U, 0x3AB551CEU, 0xA3BC0074U, 0xD4BB30E2U,0x4ADFA541U, 0x3DD895D7U, 0xA4D1C46DU, 0xD3D6F4FBU, 0x4369E96AU,0x346ED9FCU, 0xAD678846U, 0xDA60B8D0U, 0x44042D73U, 0x33031DE5U,0xAA0A4C5FU, 0xDD0D7CC9U, 0x5005713CU, 0x270241AAU, 0xBE0B1010U,0xC90C2086U, 0x5768B525U, 0x206F85B3U, 0xB966D409U, 0xCE61E49FU,0x5EDEF90EU, 0x29D9C998U, 0xB0D09822U, 0xC7D7A8B4U, 0x59B33D17U,0x2EB40D81U, 0xB7BD5C3BU, 0xC0BA6CADU, 0xEDB88320U, 0x9ABFB3B6U,0x03B6E20CU, 0x74B1D29AU, 0xEAD54739U, 0x9DD277AFU, 0x04DB2615U,0x73DC1683U, 0xE3630B12U, 0x94643B84U, 0x0D6D6A3EU, 0x7A6A5AA8U,0xE40ECF0BU, 0x9309FF9DU, 0x0A00AE27U, 0x7D079EB1U, 0xF00F9344U,0x8708A3D2U, 0x1E01F268U, 0x6906C2FEU, 0xF762575DU, 0x806567CBU,0x196C3671U, 0x6E6B06E7U, 0xFED41B76U, 0x89D32BE0U, 0x10DA7A5AU,0x67DD4ACCU, 0xF9B9DF6FU, 0x8EBEEFF9U, 0x17B7BE43U, 0x60B08ED5U,0xD6D6A3E8U, 0xA1D1937EU, 0x38D8C2C4U, 0x4FDFF252U, 0xD1BB67F1U,0xA6BC5767U, 0x3FB506DDU, 0x48B2364BU, 0xD80D2BDAU, 0xAF0A1B4CU,0x36034AF6U, 0x41047A60U, 0xDF60EFC3U, 0xA867DF55U, 0x316E8EEFU,0x4669BE79U, 0xCB61B38CU, 0xBC66831AU, 0x256FD2A0U, 0x5268E236U,0xCC0C7795U, 0xBB0B4703U, 0x220216B9U, 0x5505262FU, 0xC5BA3BBEU,0xB2BD0B28U, 0x2BB45A92U, 0x5CB36A04U, 0xC2D7FFA7U, 0xB5D0CF31U,0x2CD99E8BU, 0x5BDEAE1DU, 0x9B64C2B0U, 0xEC63F226U, 0x756AA39CU,0x026D930AU, 0x9C0906A9U, 0xEB0E363FU, 0x72076785U, 0x05005713U,0x95BF4A82U, 0xE2B87A14U, 0x7BB12BAEU, 0x0CB61B38U, 0x92D28E9BU,0xE5D5BE0DU, 0x7CDCEFB7U, 0x0BDBDF21U, 0x86D3D2D4U, 0xF1D4E242U,0x68DDB3F8U, 0x1FDA836EU, 0x81BE16CDU, 0xF6B9265BU, 0x6FB077E1U,0x18B74777U, 0x88085AE6U, 0xFF0F6A70U, 0x66063BCAU, 0x11010B5CU,0x8F659EFFU, 0xF862AE69U, 0x616BFFD3U, 0x166CCF45U, 0xA00AE278U,0xD70DD2EEU, 0x4E048354U, 0x3903B3C2U, 0xA7672661U, 0xD06016F7U,0x4969474DU, 0x3E6E77DBU, 0xAED16A4AU, 0xD9D65ADCU, 0x40DF0B66U,0x37D83BF0U, 0xA9BCAE53U, 0xDEBB9EC5U, 0x47B2CF7FU, 0x30B5FFE9U,0xBDBDF21CU, 0xCABAC28AU, 0x53B39330U, 0x24B4A3A6U, 0xBAD03605U,0xCDD70693U, 0x54DE5729U, 0x23D967BFU, 0xB3667A2EU, 0xC4614AB8U,0x5D681B02U, 0x2A6F2B94U, 0xB40BBE37U, 0xC30C8EA1U, 0x5A05DF1BU,0x2D02EF8DU,
};/* Function definitions *//*****************************************************************************/
/*** @brief* This function is the main function. It takes the input file as parameter* and calls APIs to read it, validate it and write to Qspi, and read back* from Qspi for checksum validation. Upon successful validation, main* function calls APIs to mark the newly written image as requested image* to ensure the newly updated image boots.** @param       argc is the number of arguments to main* @param       argv is expected to point to the name of the app followed by*              input image file** @return      XST_SUCCESS on success and error code on failure******************************************************************************/
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {int ret = XST_FAILURE;char qspi_mtd_file[20U] = {0U};char image_file_name[100U] = {0U};int opt;int update_flag = 0;int verify_flag = 0;int help_flag = 0;int print_flag = 0;while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hpvi")) != -1) {switch (opt) {case 'h': {help_flag = 1;} break;case 'p': {print_flag = 1;} break;case 'v': {verify_flag = 1;} break;case 'i': {update_flag = 1;if (strlen(argv[optind]) < sizeof(image_file_name)) {strcpy(image_file_name, argv[optind]);}} break;default: {printf("Invalid option!\n");print_usage();return ret;}}}if (help_flag == 1) {print_usage();return XST_SUCCESS;}if ((print_flag | verify_flag | update_flag) == 0) {printf("Invalid command format!\n");print_usage();return ret;}if (print_flag == 1) {ret = print_persistent_state("/dev/mtd2");if (ret != XST_SUCCESS) {printf("Reading persistent registers ");printf("backup\n");ret = print_persistent_state("/dev/mtd3");}if (ret == XST_SUCCESS) {ret = print_qspi_mfg_info();}if (ret != XST_SUCCESS) {return ret;}}if ((verify_flag == 0) && (update_flag == 0)) {/* image_update has been called with -p option only* and the command has been processed.*/return XST_SUCCESS;}/* Validate board string to ensure the app does not run on* unsupported boards*/ret = validate_board_string();if (ret != XST_SUCCESS)return XST_FAILURE;ret = verify_current_running_image("/dev/mtd2");if (ret != XST_SUCCESS) {printf("Reading persistent registers backup\n");ret = verify_current_running_image("/dev/mtd3");if (ret != XST_SUCCESS) {printf("Unable to retrieve persistent registers\n");return XST_FAILURE;}}printf("Marking last booted image as bootable\n");ret = update_persistent_registers("/dev/mtd2");if (ret < 0)return XST_FAILURE;ret = update_persistent_registers("/dev/mtd3");if (ret < 0)return XST_FAILURE;if (update_flag == 0) {return ret;}printf("Reading Image..\n");ret = read_image_file(image_file_name);if (ret != XST_SUCCESS)goto END;/* Input image would be written to a Qspi partition that does not* contain the current running image*/if (boot_img_info.persistent_state.last_booted_img ==(char)SYS_BOOT_IMG_A_ID) {boot_img_info.persistent_state.img_b_bootable = 0U;strcpy(qspi_mtd_file, "/dev/mtd7");} else {boot_img_info.persistent_state.img_a_bootable = 0U;strcpy(qspi_mtd_file, "/dev/mtd5");}printf("Marking target image non bootable\n");ret = update_persistent_registers("/dev/mtd2");if (ret < 0)goto END;ret = update_persistent_registers("/dev/mtd3");if (ret < 0)goto END;printf("Writing Image..\n");ret = update_image(qspi_mtd_file);if (ret != XST_SUCCESS)goto END;printf("Marking target image as non bootable and requested image\n");if (boot_img_info.persistent_state.last_booted_img ==(char)SYS_BOOT_IMG_A_ID) {boot_img_info.persistent_state.requested_boot_img = (char)SYS_BOOT_IMG_B_ID;} else {boot_img_info.persistent_state.requested_boot_img = (char)SYS_BOOT_IMG_A_ID;}/* Update persistent register partition */ret = update_persistent_registers("/dev/mtd2");if (ret < 0)goto END;/* Update persistent register backup partition */ret = update_persistent_registers("/dev/mtd3");if (ret < 0)goto END;printf("%s updated successfully\n", image_file_name);END:if (srcaddr)free(srcaddr);return ret;
/*** @brief* This function calculates the checksum of boot_img_info which reflects the* persistent registers in Qspi.** @return      Checksum of boot_img_info variable******************************************************************************/
static unsigned int calculate_checksum(void) {unsigned int idx;unsigned int checksum = 0U;unsigned int *data = (unsigned int *)&boot_img_info;unsigned int boot_img_info_size = sizeof(boot_img_info) / 4U;for (idx = 0U; idx < SYS_CHECKSUM_OFFSET; idx++)checksum += data[idx];for (idx = SYS_CHECKSUM_OFFSET + 1U; idx < boot_img_info_size; idx++)checksum += data[idx];return (0xFFFFFFFFU - checksum);
/*** @brief* This function writes boot_img_info variable to persistent registers* indicated by qspi_mtd_file.** @param       qspi_mtd_file denotes the mtd partition to be updated** @return      XST_SUCCESS on SUCCESS and error code on failure******************************************************************************/
static int update_persistent_registers(char *qspi_mtd_pers_reg_file) {int fd_pers_reg, ret = XST_FAILURE;erase_info_t ei = {0U};mtd_info_t qspi_mtd_info;fd_pers_reg = open(qspi_mtd_pers_reg_file, O_WRONLY);if (fd_pers_reg < 0) {printf("Open Qspi MTD partition failed\n");return ret;}ret = ioctl(fd_pers_reg, MEMGETINFO, &qspi_mtd_info);if (ret != XST_SUCCESS) {printf("retrieving MTD paartition info failed\n");goto END;}/* Update persistent registers in Qspi */ei.start = 0;ei.length = qspi_mtd_info.size;ret = ioctl(fd_pers_reg, MEMERASE, &ei);if (ret < 0) {printf("Erase Qspi MTD partition failed\n");goto END;}ret = lseek(fd_pers_reg, 0, SEEK_SET);if (ret != 0) {printf("Seek Qspi MTD partition failed\n");goto END;}boot_img_info.checksum = calculate_checksum();ret = write(fd_pers_reg, (char *)&boot_img_info, sizeof(boot_img_info));if (ret != sizeof(boot_img_info)) {printf("Write Qspi MTD partition failed\n");ret = XST_FAILURE;goto END;}ret = XST_SUCCESS;END:close(fd_pers_reg);return ret;
/*** @brief* This function reads the persistent registers indicated by qspi_mtd_file* to marked the recently updated image as bootable and target image as* non bootable.** @param       qspi_mtd_file denotes the mtd partition to be updated** @return      XST_SUCCESS on SUCCESS and error code on failure******************************************************************************/
static int verify_current_running_image(char *qspi_mtd_file) {int fd_pers_reg, ret = XST_FAILURE;fd_pers_reg = open(qspi_mtd_file, O_RDONLY);if (fd_pers_reg < 0) {printf("Open Qspi MTD partition failed\n");return ret;}ret = read(fd_pers_reg, (char *)&boot_img_info, sizeof(boot_img_info));if (ret != sizeof(boot_img_info)) {printf("Read Qspi MTD partition failed\n");ret = XST_FAILURE;goto END;}ret = validate_boot_img_info();if (ret != XST_SUCCESS) {printf("Persistent registers are corrupted\n");goto END;}if (boot_img_info.persistent_state.last_booted_img ==(char)SYS_BOOT_IMG_A_ID) {if (boot_img_info.persistent_state.img_a_bootable == 0U)boot_img_info.persistent_state.img_a_bootable = 1U;} else {if (boot_img_info.persistent_state.img_b_bootable == 0U)boot_img_info.persistent_state.img_b_bootable = 1U;}END:close(fd_pers_reg);return ret;
/*** @brief* This function copies the contents of input image file to local memory.* It validates the image by checking for "XLNX" identification string.** @param       input_file is the input image file** @return      XST_SUCCESS on SUCCESS and error code on failure******************************************************************************/
static int read_image_file(char *input_file) {int fp, ret = XST_FAILURE;struct stat image_details;const char *iden_str = "XNLX";char *iden_str_ptr = NULL;/* Open Image file and read contents */fp = open(input_file, O_RDONLY);if (fp < 0) {printf("Input image file open failed\n");return ret;}ret = fstat(fp, &image_details);if (ret != XST_SUCCESS) {printf("Input image file stat read failed\n");goto END;}image_size = image_details.st_size;srcaddr = (char *)calloc(image_size, 1);if (!srcaddr) {printf("Allocation of memory for input image failed\n");ret = XST_FAILURE;goto END;}ret = read(fp, srcaddr, image_size);if (ret != image_size) {printf("Input image file read failed\n");ret = XST_FAILURE;goto END;}/* Validate Identification String of Image */iden_str_ptr = &srcaddr[XBIU_IDEN_STR_OFFSET];if (strncmp(iden_str_ptr, iden_str, XBIU_IDEN_STR_LEN) != 0) {printf("Identification String Validation of image Failed!!\n");ret = XST_FAILURE;goto END;}ret = XST_SUCCESS;END:close(fp);return ret;
/*** @brief* This function checks if the input image fits in Qspi partition. If yes, it* erases Qspi partition and writes the image to Qspi. The function then* compares checksums of input image file and data written in Qspi to validates* image write operation.** @param       qspi_mtd_file denotes the mtd partition to be updated** @return      XST_SUCCESS on SUCCESS and error code on failure******************************************************************************/
static int update_image(char *qspi_mtd_file) {int fd, ret = XST_FAILURE;erase_info_t ei = {0U};mtd_info_t qspi_mtd_info;unsigned int input_image_checksum = 0xFFFFFFFFU;unsigned int qspi_image_checksum = 0xFFFFFFFFU;char read_buffer[1024U];unsigned int idx, len;/* Qspi operations */fd = open(qspi_mtd_file, O_RDWR);if (fd < 0) {printf("Open Qspi MTD partition failed\n");return ret;}ret = ioctl(fd, MEMGETINFO, &qspi_mtd_info);if (ret != XST_SUCCESS) {printf("retrieving MTD paartition info failed\n");goto END;}/* Validate Image Size */if (image_size > qspi_mtd_info.size) {printf("Image file too big to update. Update aborted\n");ret = XST_FAILURE;goto END;}ei.start = 0;ei.length = qspi_mtd_info.size;ret = ioctl(fd, MEMERASE, &ei);if (ret < 0) {printf("Erase Qspi MTD partition failed\n");goto END;}ret = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);if (ret != 0) {printf("Seek Qspi MTD partition failed\n");goto END;}ret = write(fd, (char *)srcaddr, image_size);if (ret != image_size) {printf("Write to Qspi MTD partition failed\n");ret = XST_FAILURE;goto END;}ret = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);if (ret != 0) {printf("Seek Qspi MTD partition failed\n");goto END;}/* Calculate and Validate checksum */calculate_image_checksum(srcaddr, image_size, &input_image_checksum);while (image_size > 0U) {if (image_size > 1024U)len = 1024U;elselen = image_size;ret = read(fd, read_buffer, len);if (ret != len) {printf("Qspi checksum calculation failed\n");ret = XST_FAILURE;goto END;}calculate_image_checksum(read_buffer, len, &qspi_image_checksum);image_size -= len;}if (input_image_checksum != qspi_image_checksum) {printf("checksum mismatch!! Image update failed.\n");goto END;}ret = XST_SUCCESS;END:close(fd);return ret;
/*** @brief* This function reads the Board revision from eeprom and checks if* the application is running on one of the supported boards.** @return      XST_SUCCESS if board revision is supported, else XST_FAILURE******************************************************************************/
static int validate_board_string(void) {int ret = XST_FAILURE;FILE *cmd;char revision[10U] = {0U};cmd = popen("fru-print.py -b som -f revision", "r");if (!cmd) {printf("Unable to read Board revision from EEprom\n");return ret;}fscanf(cmd, "%9s", revision);if ((strcmp(revision, "A") == 0) || (strcmp(revision, "B") == 0) ||(strcmp(revision, "Y") == 0) || (strcmp(revision, "Z") == 0) ||(strcmp(revision, "1") == 0)) {ret = XST_SUCCESS;} else {printf("Unable to read Board revision from EEprom via ");printf("fru-print.py utility\n");}pclose(cmd);return ret;
/*** @brief* This function calculates checksum of len bytes of data starting from srcaddr* and stores it in calc_crc.** @param       srcaddr points to the start of data* @param       len denotes number of bytes of data* @param       calc_crc is a place holder for the calculated checksum** @return      None******************************************************************************/
static void calculate_image_checksum(char *srcaddr, unsigned int len,unsigned int *calc_crc) {unsigned int idx;for (idx = 0U; idx < len; idx++) {*calc_crc =((*calc_crc) >> 8U) ^ crc_table[((*calc_crc) ^ srcaddr[idx]) & 0xFFU];}
/*** @brief* This function checks for identification string and validates checksum of* boot_img_info, which at the point of calling this function is populated with* values of persistent registers.** @return      XST_SUCCESS on success and error code on failure******************************************************************************/
static int validate_boot_img_info(void) {int ret = XST_FAILURE;unsigned int checksum = boot_img_info.checksum;if ((boot_img_info.idstr[0U] == 'A') && (boot_img_info.idstr[1U] == 'B') &&(boot_img_info.idstr[2U] == 'U') && (boot_img_info.idstr[3U] == 'M')) {boot_img_info.checksum = calculate_checksum();if (checksum == boot_img_info.checksum)ret = XST_SUCCESS;}return ret;
/*** @brief* This function reads the persistent registers and displays the state of* images A and B in a readable format.** @param       qspi_mtd_file denotes the mtd partition to be read** @return      XST_SUCCESS on SUCCESS and error code on failure******************************************************************************/
static int print_persistent_state(char *qspi_mtd_file) {int fd_pers_reg, ret = XST_FAILURE;fd_pers_reg = open(qspi_mtd_file, O_RDONLY);if (fd_pers_reg < 0) {printf("Open Qspi MTD partition failed\n");return ret;}ret = read(fd_pers_reg, (char *)&boot_img_info, sizeof(boot_img_info));if (ret != sizeof(boot_img_info)) {printf("Read Qspi MTD partition failed\n");ret = XST_FAILURE;goto END;}ret = validate_boot_img_info();if (ret != XST_SUCCESS) {printf("Persistent registers are corrupted\n");goto END;}printf("Image A: ");if (boot_img_info.persistent_state.img_a_bootable == 0U)printf("Non Bootable\n");elseprintf("Bootable\n");printf("Image B: ");if (boot_img_info.persistent_state.img_b_bootable == 0U)printf("Non Bootable\n");elseprintf("Bootable\n");printf("Requested Boot Image: ");if (boot_img_info.persistent_state.requested_boot_img ==(char)SYS_BOOT_IMG_A_ID)printf("Image A\n");elseprintf("Image B\n");printf("Last Booted Image: ");if (boot_img_info.persistent_state.last_booted_img == (char)SYS_BOOT_IMG_A_ID)printf("Image A\n");elseprintf("Image B\n");END:close(fd_pers_reg);return ret;
/*** @brief* This function reads qspi mtd partition and prints Qspi MFG info.** @param       qspi_mtd_file denotes the mtd partition to be read* @param       image_name is the string denoting ImageA or ImageB** @return      XST_SUCCESS on SUCCESS and error code on failure******************************************************************************/
static int print_image_rev_info(char *qspi_mtd_file, char *image_name) {int fd, ret = XST_FAILURE;char image_rev_info[XBIU_IMG_REVISON_SIZE + 1U] = {0};fd = open(qspi_mtd_file, O_RDONLY);if (fd < 0) {printf("Open Qspi MTD partition failed\n");return ret;}ret = lseek(fd, XBIU_IMG_REVISON_OFFSET, SEEK_SET);if (ret != XBIU_IMG_REVISON_OFFSET) {printf("Seek Qspi MTD partition failed\n");goto END;}ret = read(fd, image_rev_info, XBIU_IMG_REVISON_SIZE);if (ret != XBIU_IMG_REVISON_SIZE) {printf("Read Qspi MTD partition failed\n");ret = XST_FAILURE;goto END;}if (image_rev_info[0U] == 0) {strncpy(image_rev_info, "Not defined", XBIU_IMG_REVISON_SIZE);}printf("%s Revision Info: %s\n", image_name, image_rev_info);ret = XST_SUCCESS;END:close(fd);return ret;
/*** @brief* This function reads qspi mtd partition and prints Qspi MFG info.** @return      XST_SUCCESS on SUCCESS and error code on failure******************************************************************************/
static int print_qspi_mfg_info(void) {int fd_pers_reg, ret = XST_FAILURE;char qspi_mfg_info[XBIU_QSPI_MFG_INFO_SIZE + 1U] = {0};fd_pers_reg = open("/dev/mtd14", O_RDONLY);if (fd_pers_reg < 0) {printf("Open Qspi MTD partition failed\n");return ret;}ret = read(fd_pers_reg, qspi_mfg_info, XBIU_QSPI_MFG_INFO_SIZE);if (ret != XBIU_QSPI_MFG_INFO_SIZE) {printf("Read Qspi MTD partition failed\n");ret = XST_FAILURE;goto END;}printf("%s\n", qspi_mfg_info);ret = print_image_rev_info("/dev/mtd5", "ImageA");if (ret == XST_SUCCESS) {ret = print_image_rev_info("/dev/mtd7", "ImageB");}END:close(fd_pers_reg);return ret;
/*** @brief* This function prints information regarding usage of image_update utility.** @return      None******************************************************************************/
static void print_usage(void) {printf("Usage: sudo image_update -i <path of image file>\n");printf("image_update -i updates qspi image with the image file ");printf("passed as argument.\n");printf("image_update -p prints persistent state registers.\n");printf("image_update -v marks the current running image as ");printf("bootable.\n");printf("image_update -h prints this menu.\n");printf("Can use xmutil bootfw_update instead of image_update in ");printf("any of the above commands.\n");




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