From ChatGPT
GPT: 除了缓存区(Staging Area),Git 还有两个重要的区域:工作区(Working Directory)和版本库(Repository)。
缓存区:一般存放在 Git 目录中的一个文件,称为暂存区(Stage 或 Index)。它像一个缓存区域,临时保存你的改动,等到提交的时候再一次性提交到版本库中。
版本库:工作区有一个隐藏目录 .git,这个不算工作区,而是 Git 的版本库。其中 Git 保存着每次提交(或者说每次执行 git commit 命令)时所有文件的状态变化,包括文件的增删改以及文件内容的变化。
这些不同的区域在 Git 中起到了不同的作用,通过理解它们的概念和使用方法,可以更好地掌握 Git 的操作。
USER: 也就是说,通过 git add 提交的文件会被保存到缓冲区,而通过 git commit 提交的文件会保存到版本库吗?
Git reset
git reset [--soft | --mixed | --hard] [<commit>]
选项会将 head 移到特定的 commit,修改的内容可以直接被 commit--mixed
,但是修改的内容需要先 add 才能 commit。因此如果git reset
之后再修改文件,之前修改的文件的 commit 会丢失。--hard
重置文件内容和 index。
git reset --soft HEAD^
可以用来重新编辑 commit message,虽然 git commit --amend
git reset is a command used in Git version control system to move the current branch head to a specified commit or undo changes made to the branch.
By default, git reset moves the branch head to the specified commit and sets the index and working directory to match the state of that commit. This means that any changes made after the specified commit will be discarded and cannot be recovered.
The syntax for using git reset is as follows:
git reset [--soft | --mixed | --hard] [<commit>]
The --soft option moves the branch head to the specified commit, but does not modify the index or working directory. The changes made after the specified commit are still staged for commit.
The --mixed option is the default behavior of git reset. It moves the branch head to the specified commit and resets the index, but does not modify the working directory. The changes made after the specified commit are unstaged but not deleted.
The --hard option moves the branch head to the specified commit and resets both the index and working directory to match the state of that commit. Any changes made after the specified commit are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
If no commit is specified, git reset defaults to HEAD, which moves the branch head to the most recent commit on the current branch.