【哈佛积极心理学笔记】第3讲 幸福是随机现象吗

news/2024/11/20 23:24:10/

第3讲 幸福是随机现象吗

Happiness does not spontaneously rise when we take unhappiness away.

A gourmet meal. 美味佳肴

Getting rid of the negative does not guarantee us the positive, which is why already in 1940s, Davidd Henry Thoreau (梭罗) wroted that, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.”

Pink Floyd (弗洛伊德), “people are comfortably numb”.

Positive psychology essentially focuses on the health model, “saluto-genesis”.

Deficiencies / Competencies

comfortable zone -> stretch zone -> panic zone

One, the positive psychological approach is, that the illness is the absence of health, as opposed to health is the absence of illness

Here is Abraham Maslow (马斯洛) talking about neurosis.
Neurosis is a falling short of what one could have been, and even, one could say, of one should have been, biologically speaking, that is, if one had grown and developed in an unimpeded way, human and personal possibilities have been lost. The world has been narrowed, and so has consciounness. Capacities have been inhibited.
“failure of personal growth”

Martin Seligman:
Indeed, the major strides in prevention have largely come from a perspective focused on systematically building competency, not correcting weakness.

What the health model does, this is a theme that we’ll go through all the course, is cultivate capacity.
It cultivates the capacity to deal with the negaatives when these arise.
Cultivating capacities is about creating a strong psychological immune system. These are the words of Nathaniel Branden.

Happniess is and ought to be the ultimate and the aim we pursue, and that is also a moral claim.

sacred vs profane (神圣对应世俗)

Pygmalion Effect: teacher’s expectations are self-fulfilling prophecies.

Doing medication actually literally transforms our brain, making us more susceptible to positive emotions and more resilient in the face of more painful emotions.

To be a practical idealist:
Premise one: Go with heart and mind, respect reality.
Premise two: The belief that change is possible.

Hedonist (及时行乐者)

nature vs nurtune (先天对应后天)

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD vs Post-traumatic growth

People change up or down in their levels of happiness is a result of experiences

change is possible -> How change is possible

inclination (倾向) rumination (沉默寡言)

taking my title from the face 字面上理解

subjugated (受压抑的、受压迫的)

Human potential has been sold short when we only study the average.
When we study our average, we are describing our lives. When we are studying the best within ourselves, we are potentiallly prescribing.
Abraham Maslow (马斯洛), …

Significant ideas within research in positive pyschology:

  1. let’s study what works
  2. let’s study what works best





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