【哈佛积极心理学笔记】第2讲 为什么要学习积极心理学

news/2024/9/23 0:26:27/

第2讲 为什么要学习积极心理学

The first reason is that it is important to focus on what works. Because what works or what we focus on rather creates reality.

Second reason is that being happy is not just the negation of the unhappiness. It doesn’t mean that if I just get rid of depression or anxiety that I’m experiencing, I simultaneously become happy.

And finally, prevention is very important toady. The most effective way of preventing hardship is actually by focusing on cultivating the positive.

The aim of positive psychology is to catalyze the change in psychology from a preoccupation only with repairing the worst things in life to also building the best qualities in life - Martin Seligman

Resilience: a class of phenomena characterized by patterns of positive adaptation in the context of significant adversity or risk.

We talk a lot about optimism as an interpretation style, relying on the work of Matin Seligman and Karen Reivich.
They were optimistic in the sense of thinking, “Well it may not work out this time, it will work out later, I have learned from what had just happened.”
They had faith and sense of meaning in life.

To be idealistic is to be realistic, because we have real internal need, innate need for idealism.

They did not say, “Well, I’m tough enough to do it myself”, rather they said “I’m tough enough to reach out for help.”
The strength to admit weakness as well. The strength to admit a need.

Antonovsky - move us from the pathogenic model to salutogenic model

Questions make difference.

Questions create reality: the question that we ask very often determine the quest that we will pursue, the path that we will take, the life that we will lead, whether it’s individually, whether it’s interpersonally, whether it’s organizationally.

One of the most important things in cultivating resilience is having a role model

She believes in them. She respects them. And she’s tough and demanding. The important combination for leadership

Passive victim or Active agent

Hope and optimism become a self-fulling prophecy

Nathaniel Branden talks about six pillars, six important pillars of self-esteem, one of those pillars is self-responsibility

The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology, 3rd Edition

deficiency: 缺点




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