
news/2025/2/23 5:05:05/




import {useState} from "react"function App() {const [list,setList] = useState([0,1,2])const handleClick = ()=>{list.push(list.length)setList(list)}return (<div className="App"><button onClick={handleClick}>click me--conventionality</button>{list.map(item=><div key={item}>{item}</div>)}</div>);
}export default App; 

然后当我们点击按钮的时候会发生什么呢?答案是从我们的视觉感官来讲什么也没有发生!列表数据一直是012; 关于这个结果我相信百分之99的react开发者都是可以预料的!也肯定有百分之80以上的人会说因为你的新数据和老数据是同一个(newState===oldState)===true在这个问题上答案也确实是这个一个。那么newState与oldState是在哪里做的比较,又是在哪里做的拦截呢?我之前想的是会在render阶段update时的reconcileChildFibers中打上effectTag标记判断前做的判断,然而当我今天在给beginWork后我发现以上这个代码压根走不到beginWork (mount阶段),带着好奇我决定从源码出发去探索一下(答案可能会有点无聊);


const [list,setList] = useState([0,1,2]) 




function mountState(initialState) {var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();if (typeof initialState === 'function') {// $FlowFixMe: Flow doesn't like mixed typesinitialState = initialState();}hook.memoizedState = hook.baseState = initialState;var queue = {pending: null,interleaved: null,lanes: NoLanes,dispatch: null,lastRenderedReducer: basicStateReducer,lastRenderedState: initialState};hook.queue = queue;//创建dispatch方法并保存到链式当中//dispatch是通过dispatchSetState这个方法创建的var dispatch = queue.dispatch = dispatchSetState.bind(null, currentlyRenderingFiber$1, queue);//这一步return出链式当中的list与setListreturn [hook.memoizedState, dispatch];


function dispatchSetState(fiber, queue, action) {//此处打上console,可以正常输出,程序可以进行到此步console.log('dispatchSetState',fiber,queue,action){if (typeof arguments[3] === 'function') {error("State updates from the useState() and useReducer() Hooks don't support the " + 'second callback argument. To execute a side effect after ' + 'rendering, declare it in the component body with useEffect().');}}var lane = requestUpdateLane(fiber);var update = {lane: lane,action: action,hasEagerState: false,eagerState: null,next: null};//首屏更新走这里console.log(currentlyRenderingFiber$1===null)console.log(fiber.alternate===null)//trueif (isRenderPhaseUpdate(fiber)) {enqueueRenderPhaseUpdate(queue, update);} else {enqueueUpdate$1(fiber, queue, update);var alternate = fiber.alternate;//是否是首次更新判断(mount之后还未进入update)if (fiber.lanes === NoLanes && (alternate === null || alternate.lanes === NoLanes)) {// The queue is currently empty, which means we can eagerly compute the// next state before entering the render phase. If the new state is the// same as the current state, we may be able to bail out entirely.var lastRenderedReducer = queue.lastRenderedReducer;if (lastRenderedReducer !== null) {var prevDispatcher;{prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV;}try {//在这一步我们可以看到传入的值是已经改变的的//当前传入state(保存在链中)var currentState = queue.lastRenderedState;//第一次 [0,1,2,3]//state计算数据var eagerState = lastRenderedReducer(currentState, action); //第一次 [0,1,2,3]// Stash the eagerly computed state, and the reducer used to compute// it, on the update object. If the reducer hasn't changed by the// time we enter the render phase, then the eager state can be used// without calling the reducer again.update.hasEagerState = true;update.eagerState = eagerState;//判断newState与oldState做比较,第一次点击在这里终止if (objectIs(eagerState, currentState)) {// Fast path. We can bail out without scheduling React to re-render.// It's still possible that we'll need to rebase this update later,// if the component re-renders for a different reason and by that// time the reducer has changed.// console.log(222222,queue)return;}} catch (error) {// Suppress the error. It will throw again in the render phase.} finally {{ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;}}}}var eventTime = requestEventTime();var root = scheduleUpdateOnFiber(fiber, lane, eventTime);console.log('root',root)if (root !== null) {entangleTransitionUpdate(root, queue, lane);}}markUpdateInDevTools(fiber, lane);


if (objectIs(eagerState, currentState)) {// Fast path. We can bail out without scheduling React to re-render.// It's still possible that we'll need to rebase this update later,// if the component re-renders for a different reason and by that// time the reducer has changed.// console.log(222222,queue)return;


function is(x, y) {return x === y && (x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y) || x !== x && y !== y // eslint-disable-line no-self-compare;
}var objectIs = typeof Object.is === 'function' ? Object.is : is; 



function App() {const [list,setList] = useState([0,1,2])//const handleClick = ()=>{list.push(3)setList(list)}const handleClick2 = ()=>{setList([...list,list.length])}return (<div className="App"><button onClick={handleClick}>click 1</button><button onClick={handleClick2}>click 2</button>{list.map(item=><div key={item}>{item}</div>)}</div>);

我们先点击click2使其进入update状态,然后再点击click1,你会发现它进入了beginWork方法因为是Function组件,所以会在updateFunctionComponent 中执行,但是这这一步它停止了;原因是它在这里判断进入了bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork

//bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork 判断节点是否可复用
if (current !== null && !didReceiveUpdate) {bailoutHooks(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);console.log('bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork')return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);

然后再让我们看看bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork 方法

function bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {if (current !== null) {// Reuse previous dependenciesworkInProgress.dependencies = current.dependencies;}{// Don't update "base" render times for bailouts.stopProfilerTimerIfRunning();}markSkippedUpdateLanes(workInProgress.lanes); // Check if the children have any pending work.console.log(renderLanes, workInProgress.childLanes)if (!includesSomeLane(renderLanes, workInProgress.childLanes)) {console.log("stop")// The children don't have any work either. We can skip them.// TODO: Once we add back resuming, we should check if the children are// a work-in-progress set. If so, we need to transfer their effects.{return null;}} // This fiber doesn't have work, but its subtree does. Clone the child// fibers and continue. 


if (!includesSomeLane(renderLanes, workInProgress.childLanes)) {console.log("stop")// The children don't have any work either. We can skip them.// TODO: Once we add back resuming, we should check if the children are// a work-in-progress set. If so, we need to transfer their effects.{return null;}
} // This fiber doesn't have work, but its subtree does. Clone the child
// fibers and continue. 








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